public function exec() { if ($this->ci->ion_auth->logged_in()) { $user = $this->ci->ion_auth->user()->row(); setUser('username', $user->username); setUser('id', $user->id); setUser('email', $user->email); setUser('admin', $this->ci->ion_auth->is_admin()); setUser('logged', true); $groupUser = $this->ci->ion_auth->get_users_groups(getUser('id'))->result(); $group = array(); foreach ($groupUser as $tmp) { $group[] = $tmp->id; } setUser('groups', $group); } else { setUser('logged', false); } if ($this->ci->uri->segment(1) != "auth") { if (!$this->ci->acl->isAllow()) { $this->ci->session->set_flashdata('message', "Vous n'avez pas acces à cette page"); redirect("auth/login/redirect"); } } }
function cheak($code, $password, $id) { // cheak user by code $ud = new userdao(); $un = $ud->selectbyid($id); $user = new user(); if (count($un) == 1) { $user = (object) $un[0]; $u = setUser($user); if ($u->getCode() == $code) { $u->setPassword($password); $u->setUpdatedate(time()); $res = $ud->update($u); if ($res > 0) { remsg(1, "success"); } else { remsg(0, "1验证失败!"); } } else { remsg(0, "2验证失败!"); } } else { remsg(0, "3验证失败!"); } }
function registerUser($row, $pw) { $email = $row[3]; list($default_location_id, $company_id) = getDefaultLocationAndCompanyFromEmail($email); $sql = "update user_registration set status=0 where id=" . $row[0]; $result = query($sql); $pw_secured = md5('abc123' . $pw); $lang = $_COOKIE['language']; $sql = "insert into users (id, name, is_active, email, password, company_id, default_location_id, group_id, language) values (nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass), '" . $row[1] . "', true, '" . $row[3] . "', '{$pw_secured}', {$company_id}, {$default_location_id}, 1, '{$lang}')"; $result = query($sql); $sql = "SELECT Currval('users_id_seq') LIMIT 1"; $result = query($sql); if ($row_id = pg_fetch_row($result)) { $userid = $row_id[0]; } $sql = "insert into user_number (id, user_id, number, is_default, is_active) values (nextval('user_numbers_id_seq'), {$userid}, '" . $row[2] . "', TRUE, TRUE)"; $result = query($sql); sendRoutes($row[2], $row[3], $pw); sendVCARD($row[2]); setUser($userid); }
public function UserListeningToAudio() { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $ulta = new UserListenToAudio(); $ulta = setUser('1'); $ulta = setAudio('2'); $ulta = setStopTime('429'); $em->persist($ulta); $em->flush(); }
$result = $dbr->query( "select user_id from user where user_name = '$userName'" ); if ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $result ) ) { return $row->user_id; } else { return - 1; } } $userId = getUserId( 'Root' ); if ( $userId == - 1 ) { echo "root user undefined\n"; die; } setUser( $userId ); $datasets = getDatasets(); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); foreach ( $datasets as $dataset ) { foreach ( $datasets as $otherdataset ) { if ( $dataset != $otherdataset ) { echo "mapping between $otherdataset and $dataset\n"; setDefaultDC( $otherdataset ); startNewTransaction( $userId, wfGetIP(), 'Add collection ', $dataset ); bootstrapCollection( $dataset, '85', 'MAPP' ); } } } ?>
function trackPage($page, $passedQuiz) { // Track current page $pageArray = explode("___", $page); if ($_SESSION['userID']) { $userLogin = $_SESSION['userID']; $userFullName = $_SESSION['userFullName']; if ($pageArray[0]) { if ($pageArray[1] == "results") { setUser('assessment' . $pageArray[0], $passedQuiz, $userLogin, $userFullName); setUser('currentAssessment', false, $userLogin, $userFullName); } else { if ($pageArray[1]) { setUser('currentSection', $pageArray[1], $userLogin, $userFullName); setUser('currentPage', $pageArray[0], $userLogin, $userFullName); } else { setUser('currentSection', $pageArray[1], $userLogin, $userFullName); setUser('currentPage', '', $userLogin, $userFullName); } } } } }
printHeader(); ?> <section class="text"> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST["login"])) { if ($_SESSION["database"]->checkUser($_REQUEST["username"], $_REQUEST["password"])) { setUser($_REQUEST["username"]); /* så sjekker controller.php: * Sjekker om bruker er admin i classCustomer-konstruktøren. **/ } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["addNewUser"])) { $_SESSION['database']->addUserData($_POST['email'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['first'], $_POST['surname'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['postalcode'], $_POST['city'], $_POST['country']); setUser($_REQUEST["email"]); } } if (!isset($_SESSION["user"])) { ?> <h1>Login</h1> <form id="login" action="index.php" method="post"> <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type = "text" name = "username" size = 40></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password:</td>
$content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_MESSAGE_LOGGED_IN", "H_MESSAGE_LOGGED_IN"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_MESSAGE", "H_MESSAGE"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_WARNING_LOGIN_FAILED", "H_WARNING_LOGIN_FAILED"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_WARNING_USERNAME", "H_WARNING_USERNAME"); $content_tpl->set_block("F_CONTENT", "B_WARNING", "H_WARNING"); $username = dbEscape($_REQUEST['username']); $users_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}users` " . "WHERE `username` = '{$username}'"); if ($users_row = dbFetch($users_ref)) { $password = crypt($_REQUEST['password'], substr($users_row['password'], 0, 2)); if ($password == $users_row['password']) { // Set cookie if (isset($_REQUEST['remember'])) { // Expiration in 1 year $expire = time() + 3600 * 24 * 365; } else { // Session cookie expiration $expire = null; } $user_id_md5 = serialize(array($users_row['id'], md5($password))); setcookie("user_id", $user_id_md5, $expire, $cfg['path']); setUser($user_id_md5); $content_tpl->parse("H_MESSAGE_LOGGED_IN", "B_MESSAGE_LOGGED_IN"); $content_tpl->parse("H_MESSAGE", "B_MESSAGE"); } else { $content_tpl->parse("H_WARNING_LOGIN_FAILED", "B_WARNING_LOGIN_FAILED"); $content_tpl->parse("H_WARNING", "B_WARNING"); } } else { $content_tpl->parse("H_WARNING_LOGIN_FAILED", "B_WARNING_LOGIN_FAILED"); $content_tpl->parse("H_WARNING", "B_WARNING"); }
function bootStrappedDefinedMeanings( $dc ) { global $definedMeaningMeaningName, $definitionMeaningName, $relationMeaningName, $synTransMeaningName, $annotationMeaningName, $wgCommandLineMode; $wgCommandLineMode = true; $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbr->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$dc}_bootstrapped_defined_meanings`;" ); $dbr->query( "CREATE TABLE `{$dc}_bootstrapped_defined_meanings` ( `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `defined_meaning_id` INT NOT NULL);" ); $userId = getUserId( 'Root' ); if ( $userId == - 1 ) { echo "root user undefined\n"; return; } setUser( $userId ); setDefaultDC( $dc ); $rdc = wdGetDataSetContext(); startNewTransaction( $userId, 0, "Script bootstrap class attribute meanings", $dc ); $languageId = 85; $collectionId = bootstrapCollection( "Class attribute levels", $languageId, "LEVL" ); $meanings = array(); $meanings[$definedMeaningMeaningName] = bootstrapDefinedMeaning( $definedMeaningMeaningName, $languageId, "The combination of an expression and definition in one language defining a concept." ); $meanings[$definitionMeaningName] = bootstrapDefinedMeaning( $definitionMeaningName, $languageId, "A paraphrase describing a concept." ); $meanings[$synTransMeaningName] = bootstrapDefinedMeaning( $synTransMeaningName, $languageId, "A translation or a synonym that is equal or near equal to the concept defined by the defined meaning." ); $meanings[$relationMeaningName] = bootstrapDefinedMeaning( $relationMeaningName, $languageId, "The association of two defined meanings through a specific relation type." ); $meanings[$annotationMeaningName] = bootstrapDefinedMeaning( $annotationMeaningName, $languageId, "Characteristic information of a concept." ); foreach ( $meanings as $internalName => $meaningId ) { addDefinedMeaningToCollection( $meaningId, $collectionId, $internalName ); $dbr->query( "INSERT INTO `{$dc}_bootstrapped_defined_meanings` (name, defined_meaning_id) " . "VALUES (" . $dbr->addQuotes( $internalName ) . ", " . $meaningId . ")" ); } $timestamp = wfTimestampNow(); $dbr->query( "INSERT INTO {$dc}_script_log (time, script_name, comment) " . "VALUES (" . $timestamp . "," . $dbr->addQuotes( '23 - Bootstrap class attribute meanings.php' ) . "," . $dbr->addQuotes( 'create bootstrap class attribute meanings' ) . ")" ); }
<?php include_once $root . "/templates/stylesheetsIE9.php"; ?> </style> <?php include_once "../templates/headerB.php"; include_once "../templates/bodyA.php"; ?> <h3><?php echo getUebersetzung("Einen neuen Benutzer anlegen", $sprache, $link); ?> </h3> <?php //passwortprüfung: if (checkPass($benutzername, $passwort, $unterkunft_id, $link)) { setUser($name, $pass, $rechte); ?> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="./index.php"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> <?php echo getUebersetzung("zurück", $sprache, $link); ?> </a> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"> <?php
<?php unsetUser(); // Check user if (isset($_COOKIE["user_id"])) { setUser($_COOKIE["user_id"]); } function setUser($user_id_md5) { global $user; global $cfg; global $season; unsetUser($user); $user_id_md5 = stripslashes($user_id_md5); list($id_user, $md5_password) = unserialize($user_id_md5); if ($id_user != "") { $users_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}users` WHERE `id` = {$id_user}"); if ($users_row = dbFetch($users_ref) and $md5_password == md5($users_row['password'])) { $user['uid'] = $users_row['id']; $user['username'] = $users_row['username']; if (!isset($season)) { $season_users_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}season_users` " . "WHERE `id_user` = {$users_row['id']} AND `id_season` = 0"); } else { $season_users_ref = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `{$cfg['db_table_prefix']}season_users` " . "WHERE `id_user` = {$users_row['id']} AND (`id_season` = 0 OR `id_season` = {$season['id']})"); } while ($season_users_row = dbFetch($season_users_ref)) { if ($season_users_row['usertype_root'] == 1) { $user['usertype_root'] = $season_users_row['usertype_root']; } if ($season_users_row['usertype_headadmin'] == 1) { $user['usertype_headadmin'] = $season_users_row['usertype_headadmin'];
$_ShowUserLastTime = FALSE; // letzte Stempelzeit von heute anzeigen $_ShowUserAllTime = FALSE; // alle Stempelzeiten von heute anzeigen $_ShowUserPic = FALSE; // Bid des users anzeigen if (file_exists("./include/Settings/multilogin.xml")) { $multilogin = simplexml_load_file("./include/Settings/multilogin.xml"); } else { create_mulitsettings(); $multilogin = simplexml_load_file("./include/Settings/multilogin.xml"); } setGuest(); // falls eingeloogt, dann User - Einstellungen laden if (isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { setUser(); } // admin-Pannel? (admin.php), dann Admin - Einstellungen laden if ($_logcheck->_admins && isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { setAdmin(); } function setGuest() { global $multilogin; global $_ShowUsername; global $_ShowUserOnline; global $_ShowUserLastTime; global $_ShowUserAllTime; global $_ShowUserPic; if ($multilogin->guest->ShowUsername == "true") { $_ShowUsername = TRUE;
/** *Starts Orongo! :) * @param String $paramCurrentPage the current page */ function startOrongo($paramCurrentPage = 'anonymous') { session_start(); define("ROOT", dirname(__FILE__)); define("LIB", ROOT . "/lib"); define("ADMIN", ROOT . "/orongo-admin"); define("CONFIG", ROOT . "/config.php"); define('RANK_ADMIN', 3); define('RANK_WRITER', 2); define('RANK_USER', 1); define('ARTICLE_NOT_EXIST', 2100); define('PAGE_NOT_EXIST', 3100); define('USER_NOT_EXIST', 4100); define('COMMENT_NOT_EXIST', 5100); error_reporting(E_ALL); if (file_exists("orongo-install.php")) { die("If you didn't install OrongoCMS yet, proceed to the <a href='orongo-install.php'>installer</a><br/>If you installed it, please delete orongo-install.php"); } if (!file_exists(CONFIG)) { die("config.php (" . CONFIG . ") was missing!"); } require_once CONFIG; require LIB . '/function_load.php'; try { load(LIB); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } setDatabase(new Database(CONFIG)); try { setLanguage(new Language(ADMIN . '/lang/' . Settings::getLanguageName())); } catch (Exception $e) { $msgbox = new MessageBox(); $msgbox->bindException($e); die($msgbox->getImports() . $msgbox->toHTML()); } setCurrentPage($paramCurrentPage); $style = null; try { $style = Settings::getStyle(); } catch (Exception $e) { $msgbox = new MessageBox(); $msgbox->bindException($e); die($msgbox->getImports() . $msgbox->toHTML()); } setMenu(new Menu()); setStyle($style); setDisplay(new Display($style->getStylePath())); setUser(handleSessions()); if (defined('HACK_PLUGINS') && HACK_PLUGINS == true) { Plugin::hackKeys(); } try { setPlugins(Plugin::getActivatedPlugins('orongo-admin/')); } catch (Exception $e) { $msgbox = new MessageBox(); $msgbox->bindException($e); getDisplay()->addObject($msgbox); } //getLanguage()->setTempLanguage(ADMIN . '/lang/en_US'); OrongoDefaultEventHandlers::init(); }
$where1 .= " and isfirst = 'T' "; $where2 .= " and isfirst = 'T' "; if (hasCondition($sex, $state, $country)) { $where1 = setFirstCondition($where1, $sex, $state, $country); } if (hasUser($user)) { $where1 = setUser($where1, $user); } if (setInsertTime1($fromTime, $toTime)) { $where1 = getInsertTime1($where1, $fromTime, $toTime); } if (hasCondition($dump_sex, $dump_state, $dump_country)) { $where2 = setFirstCondition($where2, $dump_sex, $dump_state, $dump_country); } if (hasUser($dump_user)) { $where2 = setUser($where2, $dump_user); } if (setInsertTime1($fromTime, $toTime)) { $where2 = getInsertTime1($where2, $fromTime, $toTime); } } } } } else { echo "something wrong happens"; exit; } $sql1 = $sql . $where1; $sql2 = $sql . $where2; $sum[0] = countNum($sql1); $sum[1] = countNum($sql2);
if (hasTime($startMonth, $endMonth, $beforeMonth, $afterMonth, $onMonth)) { $where = setconfirmedTime($where, $startMonth, $endMonth, $beforeMonth, $afterMonth, $onMonth); } $where .= " GROUP BY left(confirmtime,7)"; } else { if ($question == "firsttimeuser") { $sql = "select insertmonth, COUNT(insertmonth) from action "; $where .= " and isfirst = 'T' "; if (hasCondition($sex, $state, $country)) { $where = setFirstCondition($where, $sex, $state, $country); } if (hasTime($startMonth, $endMonth, $beforeMonth, $afterMonth, $onMonth)) { $where = setInsertTime($where, $startMonth, $endMonth, $beforeMonth, $afterMonth, $onMonth); } if (hasUser($user)) { $where = setUser($where, $user); } $where .= " GROUP BY insertmonth"; } } } } else { echo "something wrong happens"; exit; } $sql = $sql . $where; //echo $sql; $result = creatTrend($sql); print_r(json_encode($result)); function creatTrend($sql) {