public function collectCates() { setTimeLimit(3600); $ccate = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('goods_cate_collect') . ' LIMIT 0,1'); if (!$ccate) { return false; } FDB::query('DELETE FROM ' . FDB::table('goods_cate_collect') . " WHERE id = '{$ccate['id']}'"); global $_FANWE; Cache::getInstance()->loadCache('business'); //QQ号 define('PAIPAI_API_UIN', trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['paipai']['uin'])); //令牌 define('PAIPAI_API_APPOAUTHID', trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['paipai']['appoauthid'])); //APP_KEY define('PAIPAI_API_APPOAUTHKEY', trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['paipai']['appoauthkey'])); define('PAIPAI_API_ACCESSTOKEN', trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['paipai']['accesstoken'])); define('PAIPAI_API_USERID', trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['paipai']['userid'])); $sdk = new PaiPaiOpenApiOauth(PAIPAI_API_APPOAUTHID, PAIPAI_API_APPOAUTHKEY, PAIPAI_API_ACCESSTOKEN, PAIPAI_API_UIN); $sdk->setApiPath("/attr/getNavigationChildList.xhtml"); $sdk->setMethod("get"); $sdk->setCharset("utf-8"); $sdk->setFormat("json"); $params =& $sdk->getParams(); $params["navigationId"] = $ccate['cid']; //请求数据 $json = $sdk->invoke(); $json = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $json); preg_match("/getNavigationChildListSuccess\\((.+?)\\);\\}catch\\(/", $json, $list); $list = json_decode($list[1], true); $sort_file = FANWE_ROOT . '/public/records/cate.sort.php'; $sort = (int) @file_get_contents($sort_file); if (isset($list['childList'])) { foreach ($list['childList'] as $item) { $cate = array(); $cate['type'] = 'paipai'; $cate['id'] = (int) $item['navigationId']; if ($cate['id'] > 0) { $cate['pid'] = $ccate['cid'] == 0 ? '' : $ccate['cid']; $cate['name'] = (string) $item['navigationName']; $cate['pids'] = empty($ccate['pids']) ? $cate['pid'] : $ccate['pids'] . ',' . $cate['pid']; $cate['sort'] = ++$sort; FDB::insert('goods_cates', $cate, false, true); if ((int) $item['isClass'] == 0) { FDB::insert('goods_cate_collect', array('id' => 'NULL', 'cid' => $cate['id'], 'pids' => $cate['pids'])); } } } @file_put_contents($sort_file, $sort); } return true; }
public function collectCates() { setTimeLimit(3600); $ccate = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('goods_cate_collect') . ' LIMIT 0,1'); if (!$ccate) { return false; } FDB::query('DELETE FROM ' . FDB::table('goods_cate_collect') . " WHERE id = '{$ccate['id']}'"); global $_FANWE; Cache::getInstance()->loadCache('business'); $yiqifa = new YiqifaOpen(trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['yiqifa']['app_key']), trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['yiqifa']['app_secret'])); if ($ccate['cid'] == '0') { $list = $yiqifa->getCategoryList(); } else { $list = $yiqifa->getSubCategory($ccate['cid'], 1, 10000); } $sort_file = FANWE_ROOT . '/public/records/cate.sort.php'; $sort = (int) @file_get_contents($sort_file); if (isset($list['categorys'])) { foreach ($list['categorys'] as $item) { $cate = array(); $cate['type'] = 'yiqifa'; if ($ccate['cid'] == '0') { $cate['id'] = $item['catName']; $cate['name'] = $item['catName']; } else { $cate['id'] = $item['subCatName']; $cate['name'] = $item['subCatName']; } $cate['pid'] = $ccate['cid'] == '0' ? '' : $ccate['cid']; $cate['pids'] = empty($ccate['pids']) ? $cate['pid'] : $ccate['pids'] . ',' . $cate['pid']; $cate['sort'] = ++$sort; FDB::insert('goods_cates', $cate, false, true); if ($ccate['cid'] == '0') { FDB::insert('goods_cate_collect', array('id' => 'NULL', 'cid' => $item['catName'], 'pids' => $cate['pids'])); } } @file_put_contents($sort_file, $sort); } return true; }
function SaveVisitorListToFile() { setTimeLimit(300); if ($this->CreateVisitorList) { createFile($this->GetFilename(true, true), $this->GetUsersHTML(), true, false); } }
public function collectReport($time, $page) { setTimeLimit(3600); global $_FANWE; if ($page <= 1) { FDB::query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . FDB::table('taobaoke_report_temp')); } include_once FANWE_ROOT . 'sdks/taobao/TopClient.php'; include_once FANWE_ROOT . 'sdks/taobao/request/TaobaokeReportGetRequest.php'; Cache::getInstance()->loadCache('business'); $client = new TopClient(); $client->appkey = trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['taobao']['app_key']); $client->secretKey = trim($_FANWE['cache']['business']['taobao']['app_secret']); $req = new TaobaokeReportGetRequest(); $req->setFields("num_iid,outer_code,commission_rate,real_pay_fee,app_key,outer_code,pay_time,pay_price,commission,item_title,item_num,trade_id"); $page_size = 100; $time = fToDate($time, 'Ymd'); $req->setDate($time); $req->setPageNo($page); $req->setPageSize($page_size); $resp = (array) $client->execute($req, trim($_FANWE["cache"]["business"]["taobao"]["session_key"])); $is_complete = false; $total_results = 0; if (isset($resp['taobaoke_report'])) { $count = 0; $taobaoke_report = (array) $resp['taobaoke_report']; $total_results = (int) $taobaoke_report['total_results']; if ($total_results > 0) { $taobaoke_report_members = $taobaoke_report['taobaoke_report_members']; foreach ($taobaoke_report_members->taobaoke_report_member as $item) { $item = (array) $item; $item['pay_time'] = str2Time($item['pay_time']); $item['outer_code'] = isset($item['outer_code']) ? $item['outer_code'] : ''; $pay_day = fToDate($item['pay_time'], 'Y-m-d 00:00:00'); $item['pay_day'] = str2Time($pay_day); $item['commission_rate'] = $item['commission_rate'] * 100; $item['item_title'] = addslashes($item['item_title']); if (!empty($item['outer_code']) && preg_match("/^o\\d+\$/", $item['outer_code'])) { $order_id = (double) substr($item['outer_code'], 1); if ($order_id == 0) { continue; } $bln = (int) FDB::resultFirst('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ' . FDB::table('taobaoke_report') . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE outer_code = '" . addslashes($item['outer_code']) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND num_iid = '" . addslashes($item['num_iid']) . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND pay_time = '" . addslashes($item['pay_time']) . "'"); if ($bln > 0) { continue; } $is_insert = false; $res = FDB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('goods_order') . ' WHERE order_id = ' . $order_id . ' AND keyid = \'taobao_' . $item['num_iid'] . '\' AND status = 0'); while ($order = FDB::fetch($res)) { $commission = (double) $item['commission'] * ((double) $order['commission_rate'] / 100); if ($_FANWE['setting']['goods_buy_score_type'] > 0 && $_FANWE['setting']['goods_buy_score_rate'] > 0) { $score = 0; $rate = (double) $_FANWE['setting']['goods_buy_score_rate']; if ($_FANWE['setting']['goods_buy_score_type'] == 1) { $score = (double) $item['real_pay_fee'] * $rate; } else { $score = (double) $item['commission'] * $rate; } $score = round($score); if ($score > 0) { FS('User')->updateUserScore((int) $order['uid'], 'goods', 'commission', '成功购买商品 ' . $item['item_title'] . ' 获得积分', $order_id, $score); } } FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('goods_order') . ' SET status = 1,settlement_time = ' . TIME_UTC . ',commission = ' . $commission . ' WHERE order_id = ' . $order_id . ' AND uid = ' . (int) $order['uid']); $is_insert = true; } if ($is_insert) { FDB::insert('taobaoke_report_temp', $item); } } } if ($page * $page_size >= $total_results) { FDB::query('INSERT INTO ' . FDB::table('taobaoke_report') . '(id,trade_id,num_iid,item_title,item_num,pay_price,real_pay_fee,commission_rate,commission,outer_code,app_key,pay_time,pay_day) SELECT NULL AS id,trade_id,num_iid,item_title,item_num,pay_price,real_pay_fee,commission_rate,commission,outer_code,app_key,pay_time,pay_day FROM ' . FDB::table('taobaoke_report_temp') . ' ORDER BY pay_time ASC,trade_id ASC'); return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 1; } } return -1; }
function downloadFromMailbox(&$_reload, $_type, $_server, $_port, $_password, $_account, $_secure, $_delete, $_test = false) { global $CONFIG; $starttime = time(); $executiontime = setTimeLimit(CALLER_TIMEOUT - 10); loadLibrary("ZEND", "Zend_Mail"); $list = array(); $config = array('host' => $_server, 'auth' => 'login', 'user' => $_account, 'password' => $_password, 'port' => $_port); if (!empty($_secure)) { $config['ssl'] = $_secure == 1 ? 'SSL' : 'TLS'; } try { if ($_type == "IMAP") { loadLibrary("ZEND", "Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap"); $mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap($config); } else { loadLibrary("ZEND", "Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3"); $mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Pop3($config); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($_test) { throw $e; } else { handleError("111", $_server . " " . $_type . " mailbox connection error: " . $e->getMessage(), "", 0); } return $list; } $message = null; $delete = array(); $subject = ""; try { $counter = 0; foreach ($mail as $mnum => $message) { if ($_test) { return count($mail); } try { $temail = new TicketEmail(); if ($message->headerExists("subject")) { $subject = $temail->Subject = mimeHeaderDecode($message->Subject); } if ($message->headerExists("message-id")) { $temail->Id = str_replace(array("<", ">"), "", $message->MessageId); } if (empty($temail->Id)) { $temail->Id = getId(32); } if ($_delete) { $delete[$mnum] = $temail->Id; } if (strpos($message->From, "<") !== false) { $fromparts = explode("<", str_replace(">", "", $message->From)); if (!empty($fromparts[0])) { $temail->Name = str_replace(array("\""), "", mimeHeaderDecode(trim($fromparts[0]))); } $temail->Email = trim($fromparts[1]); } else { $temail->Email = trim($message->From); } if (strpos($message->To, "<") !== false) { $toparts = explode("<", str_replace(">", "", $message->To)); $temail->ReceiverEmail = trim($toparts[1]); } else { $temail->ReceiverEmail = trim($message->To); } if ($message->headerExists("reply-to")) { if (strpos($message->ReplyTo, "<") !== false) { $rtoparts = explode("<", str_replace(">", "", $message->ReplyTo)); $temail->ReplyTo = trim($rtoparts[1]); } else { $temail->ReplyTo = trim($message->ReplyTo); } } $parts = array(); if ($message->isMultipart()) { foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($message) as $part) { $parts[] = $part; } } else { $parts[] = $message; } foreach ($parts as $part) { try { if ($part->headerExists("content-type")) { $ctype = $part->contentType; } else { $ctype = 'text/html'; } if ($part->headerExists("content-disposition")) { $ctype .= "; " . $part->contentDisposition; } $charset = ""; $hparts = explode(";", str_replace(" ", "", $ctype)); foreach ($hparts as $hpart) { if (strpos(strtolower($hpart), "charset=") === 0) { $charset = trim(str_replace(array("charset=", "'", "\""), "", strtolower($hpart))); } } $isatt = strpos(strtolower($ctype), "name=") !== false || strpos(strtolower($ctype), "filename=") !== false; if (DEBUG_MODE) { logit(" PROCESSING EMAIL / charset:" . $ctype . " - " . $charset . " - " . $subject . " - " . $isatt); } if (!$isatt && (($html = strpos(strtolower($ctype), 'text/html') !== false) || strpos(strtolower($ctype), 'text/plain') !== false)) { $content = $part->getContent(); foreach ($part->getHeaders() as $name => $value) { if (strpos(strtolower($name), 'content-transfer-encoding') !== false && strpos(strtolower($value), 'quoted-printable') !== false) { $content = quoted_printable_decode($content); } else { if (strpos(strtolower($name), 'content-transfer-encoding') !== false && strpos(strtolower($value), 'base64') !== false) { $content = base64_decode($content); } } } if ($html) { if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_avhe"])) { $temail->BodyHTML = max($temail->BodyHTML, $content); } @set_error_handler("ignoreError"); try { require_once LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/trdp/html2text.php"; $content = convert_html_to_text($content); } catch (Exception $e) { $content = preg_replace("/<style\\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/style>/s", "", $content); $content = trim(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($content), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")); $content = preg_replace('/[\\s\\s\\s\\s\\s\\s]+/', " ", $content); } @set_error_handler("handleError"); } if ((!$html || empty($temail->Body)) && !empty($content)) { if (strpos(strtolower($charset), 'utf-8') === false && !empty($charset)) { if (DEBUG_MODE) { logit(" PROCESSING EMAIL / iconv | " . strtoupper($charset) . " | " . 'UTF-8' . " | " . $subject); } $temail->Body = @iconv(strtoupper($charset), 'UTF-8', $content); } else { if ($html && empty($charset)) { $temail->Body = utf8_encode($content); } else { $temail->Body = $content; } } } } else { $filename = ""; $fileid = getId(32); $unknown = getId(32); $filesid = $CONFIG["gl_lzid"] . "_" . $fileid; foreach ($hparts as $hpart) { $hpart = mimeHeaderDecode($hpart); if (strpos(strtolower(trim($hpart)), "name=") === 0 || strpos(strtolower(trim($hpart)), "filename=") === 0) { $filename = trim(str_replace(array("filename=", "name=", "'", "\""), "", strtolower($hpart))); } else { if ($part->headerExists("content-id") && empty($filename)) { $filename = trim(str_replace(array("<", ">", "'", "\""), "", strtolower($part->contentId))); } else { if (strpos(strtolower($ctype), 'message/rfc822') !== false && $part->headerExists("subject") && empty($filename)) { $filename = trim($part->Subject) . ".eml"; } else { if (strpos(strtolower($ctype), 'message/rfc822') !== false) { $unknown = "unknown.eml"; } } } } } $base64dec = !(strpos(strtolower($ctype), 'message/rfc822') !== false || strpos(strtolower($ctype), 'text/plain') !== false); foreach ($part->getHeaders() as $name => $value) { if (strpos(strtolower($name), 'content-transfer-encoding') !== false && strpos(strtolower($value), 'base64') !== false) { $base64dec = true; } } $filename = empty($filename) ? $unknown : str_replace(array("\\", ":", "?", "*", "<", ">", "|", "/", "\""), "", $filename); $content = !$base64dec ? $part->getContent() : base64_decode($part->getContent()); $temail->Attachments[$fileid] = array($filesid, $filename, $content); if (DEBUG_MODE) { logit("ADD ATT: " . $filesid . " - " . $filename . " - " . $ctype); } } } catch (Exception $e) { handleError("112", $_server . " imap Email Part Error: " . $e->getMessage() . ", email: " . $subject, "", 0); } } $temail->Created = strtotime($message->Date); if ((!is_numeric($temail->Created) || empty($temail->Created)) && $message->headerExists("delivery-date")) { $temail->Created = strtotime($message->DeliveryDate); } if (!is_numeric($temail->Created) || empty($temail->Created)) { $temail->Created = time(); } $list[] = $temail; if (time() - $starttime >= $executiontime / 2 || $counter++ > DATA_ITEM_LOADS) { $_reload = true; break; } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($_test) { throw $e; } else { handleError("115", $_type . " Email Error: " . $e->getMessage() . ", email: " . $subject, "", 0); } } } try { krsort($delete); foreach ($delete as $num => $id) { $mail->removeMessage($num); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($_test) { throw $e; } else { handleError("114", $_type . " Email delete error: " . $e->getMessage() . ", email: " . $subject, "", 0); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($_test) { throw $e; } else { handleError("113", $_type . " Email Error: " . $e->getMessage() . ", email: " . $subject, "", 0); } } return $list; }
$DBA = 0; $RESPONSE = new Response(); if (!isset($_POST[POST_INTERN_ADMINISTRATE]) && isset($_POST["p_request"]) && $_POST["p_request"] == CALLER_TYPE_INTERNAL) { header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); if (getIdle()) { $RESPONSE->SetValidationError(LOGIN_REPLY_IDLE); exit($RESPONSE->GetXML()); } if (!getAvailability() && $_POST[POST_INTERN_SERVER_ACTION] == INTERN_ACTION_LOGIN && !isset($_POST[POST_INTERN_ACCESSTEST])) { $RESPONSE->SetValidationError(LOGIN_REPLY_DEACTIVATED); exit($RESPONSE->GetXML()); } } require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/"; initDataProvider(); setTimeLimit($CONFIG["timeout_clients"]); @ini_set('session.use_cookies', '0'); if (DEBUG_MODE) { @ini_set('display_errors', '1'); } @set_error_handler("handleError"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); if (isset($_POST["p_request"]) || isset($_GET[GET_SERVER_REQUEST_TYPE])) { if (DB_CONNECTION && STATS_ACTIVE) { initStatisticProvider(); } if (DB_CONNECTION && (isset($_POST["p_request"]) && $_POST["p_request"] == CALLER_TYPE_TRACK || isset($_GET[GET_SERVER_REQUEST_TYPE]) && $_GET[GET_SERVER_REQUEST_TYPE] == CALLER_TYPE_TRACK)) { define("CALLER_TYPE", CALLER_TYPE_TRACK); define("CALLER_TIMEOUT", $CONFIG["timeout_track"]); header("Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100"); header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8");