public function processing() { $oController = new BxDolUpgradeController(); if ($oController->setMaintenanceMode(true)) { // if upgrade was successful if (($sFolder = $oController->getAvailableUpgrade()) && $oController->runUpgrade($sFolder)) { // write upgrade log $oController->writeLog(); // send email notification bx_import('BxDolLanguages'); sendMailTemplateSystem('t_UpgradeSuccess', array('new_version' => bx_get_ver(true), 'conclusion' => $oController->getConclusion() ? _t('_sys_upgrade_conclusion', $oController->getConclusion()) : '')); // if next upgrade is available (in case of bulk upgrade) then schedule to run it upon next cron run $sUpgradeDir = pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); if ($oController->getAvailableUpgrade()) { $oUpgrader = bx_instance('BxDolUpgrader'); $oUpgrader->setTransientUpgradeCronJob($sUpgradeDir); } elseif (0 === strpos($sUpgradeDir, BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_TMP)) { @bx_rrmdir($sUpgradeDir); } } $oController->setMaintenanceMode(false); } // if something went grong during upgrade if ($sErrorMsg = $oController->getErrorMsg()) { // write upgrade log $oController->writeLog(); // send email notification sendMailTemplateSystem('t_UpgradeFailed', array('error_msg' => $sErrorMsg)); // disable auto-upgrade if it is failed setParam('sys_autoupdate_system', ''); } }
protected function onValidateId() { $id = param("id"); if (!hasPerm(AUTH_MGR) || is_null(param("id"))) { setParam("id", $_SESSION["empId"]); } }
function uninstall($aParams) { $aResult = parent::uninstall($aParams); if ($aResult['result'] && getParam($this->_sParamDefaultPayment) == $this->_aConfig['home_uri']) { setParam($this->_sParamDefaultPayment, ''); } return $aResult; }
/** * constructor */ function __construct() { if (isset($_POST['hide_admin_help']) && $_POST['hide_admin_help']) { setParam('sys_show_admin_help', ''); echo '1'; exit; } $this->aBlocks = array('help' => 'on' == getParam('sys_show_admin_help') ? true : false, 'links' => true, 'charts' => true, 'stats' => true); }
function param($name, $value = null) { if ($value !== null) { setParam($name, $value); } if (preg_match('/^([^\\[]+)\\[([^\\]]*)\\]$/', $name, $m)) { $name = $m[1]; } return isset($_REQUEST[$name]) ? $_REQUEST[$name] : null; }
/** * constructor */ function BxDolAdminDashboard() { parent::BxDolMistake(); if (isset($_POST['hide_admin_help']) && $_POST['hide_admin_help']) { setParam('sys_show_admin_help', ''); echo '1'; exit; } $this->aBlocks = array('help' => 'on' == getParam('sys_show_admin_help') ? true : false, 'links' => true, 'charts' => true, 'stats' => true); }
public function processing() { if ('on' != getParam('sys_autoupdate_system')) { return; } $o = bx_instance('BxDolUpgrader'); if (!$o->prepare()) { sendMailTemplateSystem('t_UpgradeFailed', array('error_msg' => $o->getError())); setParam('sys_autoupdate_system', ''); // disable auto-update if it is failed } }
echo $ad['blank'] ? 'target="_blank"' : ''; ?> > <img style="width:565px;height:53px;" src="<?php echo $ad["pic_url"]; ?> "> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="search"> <form name="searchform" id="searchform" action="index.php" method="get"> <?php echo setParam(array('m' => 'search', 'a' => 'index')); ?> <span class="search-area fl"> <input name="keywords" id="keywords" class="txt" value="请输入想找的宝贝" title="请输入想找的宝贝" type="text" onblur="if (value=='') {value='请输入想找的宝贝'}" onfocus="if(value=='请输入想找的宝贝') {value=''}"> </span> <input value="搜全站" class="smt fr" type="submit"> </form> </div> </div> <div class="mainNav"> <div class="nav"> <?php $allsort = IndexModel::I()->getAllSort(); ?> <ul id="" class="navigation fl">
function _removeFields($sType) { switch ($sType) { case 'html': case 'json': case 'exceptions': break; default: return array(); } $s = getParam("sys_{$sType}_fields"); if (!$s) { return; } $a = unserialize($s); unset($a[$this->_aConfig['home_uri']]); $s = serialize($a); setParam("sys_{$sType}_fields", $s); }
function resetPage() { if ($this->oPage->bResetable) { $sQuery = "DELETE FROM `{$this->sDBTable}` WHERE `Page` = '{$this->sPage_db}'"; db_res($sQuery); execSqlFile($this->oPage->sDefaultSqlFile); if ($this->oPage->sName == 'index') { setParam('promoWidth', '960'); ResizeAllPromos(); } } echo (int) $this->oPage->bResetable; }
<script type="text/javascript"> var m1 = o2.find('.menu-text').html(); var m2 = o1.find('a').html(); $("#breadcrumbs .breadcrumb li:eq(1)").html(m1); $("#breadcrumbs .breadcrumb li:eq(2)").html(m2); </script> <div class="page-content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <!-- PAGE CONTENT BEGINS --> <form class="form-horizontal" role="form" action="<?php echo U('admin/addsort'); ?> " method="post"> <?php echo setParam(array('op' => 'do', 'sort_id' => $sort['sort_id'], 'p_id' => $sort['p_id'])); ?> <?php if (!$sort_id && !$p_id) { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label no-padding-right" for="form-field-1">类型<span style="color:#f00;">*</span></label> <div class="col-sm-9"> <select class="col-sm-12" name="type" onchange="changesort($(this).val())"> <option value="1">商品分类</option> <option value="2">文章分类</option> </select> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> $("select[name='type'] option[value='<?php echo $sort[type];
require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; bx_import('BxDolSiteMaps'); class BxDolAdmFormSitemap extends BxTemplFormView { function __construct() { $aCustomForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => 'sys-adm-sitemap', 'name' => 'sys-adm-sitemap', 'method' => 'post'), 'inputs' => array('sys_sitemap_generated' => array('type' => 'custom', 'content' => mb_strlen(@file_get_contents(BxDolSiteMaps::getSiteMapIndexPath())) > 32 ? '<span class="sys-adm-enabled">' . _t('_Yes') . '</span>' : '<span class="sys-adm-disabled">' . _t('_No') . '</span>', 'caption' => _t('_sys_sitemap_form_caption_sitemap_generated')), 'sys_sitemap_enable' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'sys_sitemap_enable', 'value' => 'on', 'checked' => 'on' == getParam('sys_sitemap_enable') ? true : false, 'caption' => _t('_sys_sitemap_form_caption')), 'Submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'sitemap_enable', 'value' => _t('_Submit')))); parent::__construct($aCustomForm); } } $logged['admin'] = member_auth(1, true, true); // process actions if (isset($_POST['sitemap_enable'])) { setParam('sys_sitemap_enable', $_POST['sys_sitemap_enable'] ? 'on' : ''); BxDolSiteMaps::generateAllSiteMaps(); } $iNameIndex = 9; $sPageTitle = _t('_sys_sitemap'); $_page_cont[$iNameIndex]['page_main_code'] = PageCodeSitemap(); $_page = array('name_index' => $iNameIndex, 'header' => $sPageTitle, 'header_text' => $sPageTitle, 'css_name' => array('forms_adv.css')); PageCodeAdmin(); function PageCodeSitemap() { global $aPages; $oForm = new BxDolAdmFormSitemap(); $aList = BxDolSiteMapsQuery::getAllActiveSystemsFromCache(); $aListForTemplate = array(); foreach ($aList as $i => $a) { $aListForTemplate[] = array('title_translated' => _t($a['title']));
function saveIndexPageSettings() { setParam('default_country', $_POST['default_country']); setParam('top_members_mode', $_POST['top_members_mode']); setParam('featured_mode', $_POST['featured_mode']); setParam('featured_num', $_POST['featured_num']); setParam('top_members_max_num', $_POST['top_members_max_num']); setParam('top_photos_max_num', $_POST['top_photos_max_num']); ?> <div class="succ">Index page parameters successfully changed.</div><br /> <?php }
function actionUpload($sType, $aFile, $aFtpInfo) { $sLogin = htmlspecialchars_adv(clear_xss($aFtpInfo['login'])); $sPassword = htmlspecialchars_adv(clear_xss($aFtpInfo['password'])); $sPath = htmlspecialchars_adv(clear_xss($aFtpInfo['path'])); setParam('sys_ftp_login', $sLogin); setParam('sys_ftp_password', $sPassword); setParam('sys_ftp_dir', $sPath); $sErrMsg = false; $sName = mktime(); $sAbsolutePath = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "tmp/" . $sName . '.zip'; $sPackageRootFolder = false; if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_zip_not_available'; } if (!$sErrMsg && $this->_isArchive($aFile['type']) && move_uploaded_file($aFile['tmp_name'], $sAbsolutePath)) { // extract uploaded zip package into tmp folder $oZip = new ZipArchive(); if ($oZip->open($sAbsolutePath) !== TRUE) { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_cannot_unzip_package'; } if (!$sErrMsg) { $sPackageRootFolder = $oZip->numFiles > 0 ? $oZip->getNameIndex(0) : false; if (file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'tmp/' . $sPackageRootFolder)) { // remove existing tmp folder with the same name bx_rrmdir(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'tmp/' . $sPackageRootFolder); } if ($sPackageRootFolder && !$oZip->extractTo(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'tmp/')) { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_cannot_unzip_package'; } $oZip->close(); } // upload files to the correct folder via FTP if (!$sErrMsg && $sPackageRootFolder) { $oFtp = new BxDolFtp($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $sLogin, $sPassword, $sPath); if (!$oFtp->connect()) { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_cannot_connect_to_ftp'; } if (!$sErrMsg && !$oFtp->isDolphin()) { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_destination_not_valid'; } if (!$sErrMsg) { $sConfigPath = BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "tmp/" . $sPackageRootFolder . $this->_aTypesConfig[$sType]['configfile']; if (file_exists($sConfigPath)) { include $sConfigPath; $sConfigVar = !empty($this->_aTypesConfig[$sType]['configvarindex']) ? ${$this->_aTypesConfig[$sType]['configvar']}[$this->_aTypesConfig[$sType]['configvarindex']] : ${$this->_aTypesConfig[$sType]['configvar']}; $sSubfolder = $this->_aTypesConfig[$sType]['subfolder']; $sSubfolder = str_replace('{configvar}', $sConfigVar, $sSubfolder); $sSubfolder = str_replace('{packagerootfolder}', $sPackageRootFolder, $sSubfolder); if (!$oFtp->copy(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "tmp/" . $sPackageRootFolder . '/', $this->_aTypesConfig[$sType]['folder'] . $sSubfolder)) { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_ftp_copy_failed'; } } else { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_wrong_package_format'; } } } else { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_cannot_unzip_package'; } // remove temporary files bx_rrmdir(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'tmp/' . $sPackageRootFolder); unlink($sAbsolutePath); } else { $sErrMsg = '_adm_txt_modules_cannot_upload_package'; } return $sErrMsg ? $sErrMsg : '_adm_txt_modules_success_upload'; }
function saveChanges(&$aData) { $aCategories = explode(',', process_db_input($aData['cat'], BX_TAGS_STRIP)); foreach ($aCategories as $mixedCategory) { if (!is_numeric($mixedCategory) || isset($this->_aCustomCategories[$mixedCategory]['save'])) { $mixedResult = $this->{$this->_aCustomCategories[$mixedCategory]['save']}($aData); if ($mixedResult !== true) { return $mixedResult; } } else { if (is_numeric($mixedCategory)) { $aItems = $this->_oDb->getAll("SELECT `Name` AS `name`, `desc` AS `title`, `Type` AS `type`, `AvailableValues` AS `extra`, `check` AS `check`, `err_text` AS `check_error` FROM `sys_options` WHERE `kateg`= ?", [$mixedCategory]); $aItemsData = array(); foreach ($aItems as $aItem) { if (is_array($aData[$aItem['name']])) { foreach ($aData[$aItem['name']] as $sKey => $sValue) { $aItemsData[$aItem['name']][$sKey] = process_db_input($sValue, BX_TAGS_STRIP); } } else { $aItemsData[$aItem['name']] = process_db_input($aData[$aItem['name']], BX_TAGS_STRIP); } if (!empty($aItem['check'])) { $oFunction = create_function('$arg0', $aItem['check']); if (!$oFunction($aItemsData[$aItem['name']])) { $this->_iCategoryActive = (int) $mixedCategory; return MsgBox("'" . $aItem['title'] . "' " . $aItem['check_error'], $this->_iResultTimer); } } $bIsset = isset($aItemsData[$aItem['name']]); if ($bIsset && is_array($aItemsData[$aItem['name']])) { $aItemsData[$aItem['name']] = implode(',', $aItemsData[$aItem['name']]); } else { if (!$bIsset) { $aItemsData[$aItem['name']] = $this->_empty($aItem); } } setParam($aItem['name'], $aItemsData[$aItem['name']]); } } } if (isset($this->_aCustomCategories[$mixedCategory]['on_save'])) { $this->{$this->_aCustomCategories[$mixedCategory]['on_save']}(); } } return MsgBox(_t('_adm_txt_settings_success'), $this->_iResultTimer); }
} } if (!$_COOKIE['adminID'] || !$_COOKIE['adminPassword']) { // this is dynamic page - send headers to do not cache this page send_headers_page_changed(); login_form("", 1); exit; } //========================================================================================== //========================================================================================== set_error_handler("ErrorHandler"); if ($_REQUEST['news_disable']) { setParam("news_enable", 0); } if ($_REQUEST['news_enable']) { setParam("news_enable", 1); } $news_enable = getParam("news_enable"); if ($news_enable) { $sVerFile = @file_get_contents(''); } else { $sVerFile = ''; } $aVer = preg_split('/<\\/?dolphin>/', $sVerFile); $sDolVerLatest = $aVer[1]; //========================================================================================== //========================================================================================== $logged['admin'] = member_auth(1); if ((int) $_GET['admin_categ']) { TopCodeAdmin(); getAdminCategIndex();
function BxDolPageViewAdmin($sDBTable, $sCacheFile) { $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->addJsTranslation(array('_adm_pbuilder_Reset_page_warning', '_adm_pbuilder_Column_non_enough_width_warn', '_adm_pbuilder_Column_delete_confirmation', '_adm_pbuilder_Add_column', '_adm_pbuilder_Want_to_delete', '_delete')); $this->sDBTable = $sDBTable; $this->sCacheFile = $sCacheFile; // special actions (without creating page) if (isset($_REQUEST['action_sys'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['action_sys']) { case 'loadNewPageForm': header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $this->showNewPageForm(); break; case 'createNewPage': header('Content-Type:text/javascript'); echo json_encode($this->createUserPage()); break; } exit; } $sPage = process_pass_data(isset($_REQUEST['Page']) ? trim(urldecode($_REQUEST['Page'])) : ''); $this->getPages(); if (strlen($sPage) && in_array($sPage, $this->aPages)) { $this->oPage = new BxDolPVAPage($sPage, $this); } $this->checkAjaxMode(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $this->oPage) { $this->sPage_db = addslashes($this->oPage->sName); switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'load': header('Content-type:text/javascript'); send_headers_page_changed(); echo $this->oPage->getJSON(); break; case 'saveColsWidths': if (is_array($_POST['widths'])) { $this->saveColsWidths($_POST['widths']); $this->createCache(); } break; case 'saveBlocks': if (is_array($_POST['columns'])) { $this->saveBlocks($_POST['columns']); $this->createCache(); } break; case 'loadEditForm': $iBlockID = (int) $_POST['id']; if ($iBlockID) { header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); echo $this->showPropForm($iBlockID); } break; case 'saveItem': if ((int) $_POST['id']) { $this->saveItem($_POST); $this->createCache((int) $_POST['id']); } break; case 'deleteCustomPage': header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); $sPage = isset($_POST['Page']) ? $_POST['Page'] : ''; if (!$sPage) { echo _t('_Error Occured'); } else { //remove page from page builder $this->deleteCustomPage($sPage); } break; case 'deleteBlock': if ($iBlockID = (int) $_REQUEST['id']) { $this->deleteBlock($iBlockID); $this->createCache(); } break; case 'checkNewBlock': if ($iBlockID = (int) $_REQUEST['id']) { $this->checkNewBlock($iBlockID); } break; case 'savePageWidth': if ($sPageWidth = process_pass_data($_POST['width'])) { $this->savePageWidth($sPageWidth); $this->createCache(); } break; case 'saveOtherPagesWidth': if ($sWidth = $_REQUEST['width']) { setParam('main_div_width', $sWidth); echo 'OK'; } break; case 'resetPage': $this->resetPage(); $this->createCache(); break; } } if ($this->bAjaxMode) { exit; } $sMainPageContent = $this->showBuildZone(); global $_page, $_page_cont; $iNameIndex = 0; $_page = array('name_index' => $iNameIndex, 'css_name' => array('pageBuilder.css', 'forms_adv.css'), 'js_name' => array('jquery.ui.core.min.js', 'jquery.ui.widget.min.js', 'jquery.ui.mouse.min.js', 'jquery.ui.sortable.min.js', 'jquery.ui.slider.min.js', 'jquery.cookie.min.js', 'BxDolPageBuilder.js'), 'header' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_title'), 'header_text' => _t('_adm_pbuilder_box_title')); $_page_cont[$iNameIndex]['page_main_code'] = $sMainPageContent; PageCodeAdmin(); }
function _saveLocationByPrefix($sPrefix, $iZoom, $sMapType, $fLat, $fLng) { if (!$this->isAdmin()) { echo 'Access denied'; return; } if ($iZoom = (int) $iZoom) { setParam($sPrefix . '_zoom', $iZoom); } switch ($sMapType) { case 'normal': case 'satellite': case 'hybrid': setParam($sPrefix . '_map_type', $sMapType); } if ($fLat = (double) $fLat) { setParam($sPrefix . '_lat', $fLat); } if ($fLng = (double) $fLng) { setParam($sPrefix . '_lng', $fLng); } echo 'ok'; }
* CC-BY License - */ require_once '../inc/'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; bx_import('BxDolInstallerUi'); bx_import('BxDolFtp'); $logged['admin'] = member_auth(1, true, true); //--- Check actions ---// $aEnabledTemplateAction = array('upload' => 1, 'delete' => 1, 'change_default' => 1); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('system', 'admin_templates_actions', 0, 0, array('actions' => &$aEnabledTemplateAction)); $oZ->alert(); $sResult = ''; if ($_POST['set_default'] && file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'templates/tmpl_' . $_POST['set_default']) && isset($aEnabledTemplateAction['change_default'])) { setParam('template', $_POST['set_default']); } elseif ($_POST['del_template'] && $_POST['del_template'] != 'uni' && file_exists(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'templates/tmpl_' . $_POST['del_template']) && isset($aEnabledTemplateAction['delete'])) { $oInstallerUi = new BxDolInstallerUi(); $sResult = $oInstallerUi->actionDelete(array('tmpl_' . $_POST['del_template']), 'template'); $sResult = _t($sResult); } $aPages = array('templates' => array('title' => _t('_adm_txt_list'), 'url' => BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'templates.php?mode=templates', 'func' => 'PageCodeTemplates', 'func_params' => array($sResult)), 'add' => array('title' => _t('_add'), 'url' => BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'templates.php?mode=add', 'func' => 'PageCodeAdd', 'func_params' => array()), 'settings' => array('title' => _t('_Settings'), 'url' => BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN . 'templates.php?mode=settings', 'func' => 'PageCodeSettings', 'func_params' => array())); if (!isset($_GET['mode']) || !isset($aPages[$_GET['mode']])) { $sMode = 'templates'; } else { $sMode = $_GET['mode']; } $aTopItems = array(); foreach ($aPages as $k => $r) { $aTopItems['dbmenu_' . $k] = array('href' => $r['url'], 'title' => $r['title'], 'active' => $k == $sMode ? 1 : 0); }
function saveLanguageSettings() { // save default language. if ($_POST['lang_default']) { setParam('lang_default', $_POST['lang_default']); } }
protected function authorize($sKey, $sSecret) { if ($this->isAuthorized()) { return true; } try { $oConsumer = new OAuth($sKey, $sSecret); $oConsumer->setAuthType(OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_URI); $oConsumer->enableDebug(); $bToken = bx_get('oauth_token') !== false; $mixedSecret = $this->oSession->getValue('sys_oauth_secret'); if (!$bToken && $mixedSecret !== false) { $this->oSession->unsetValue('sys_oauth_secret'); $mixedSecret = false; } //--- Get request token and redirect to authorize. if (!$bToken && $mixedSecret === false) { $aRequestToken = $oConsumer->getRequestToken(BX_DOL_OAUTH_URL_REQUEST_TOKEN); if (empty($aRequestToken)) { return _t('_adm_err_oauth_cannot_get_token'); } if ($this->isServerError($aRequestToken)) { return $this->processServerError($aRequestToken); } $this->oSession->setValue('sys_oauth_secret', $aRequestToken['oauth_token_secret']); return _t('_adm_msg_oauth_need_authorize', bx_append_url_params(BX_DOL_OAUTH_URL_AUTHORIZE, array('oauth_token' => $aRequestToken['oauth_token'], 'sid' => bx_site_hash()))); } //--- Get access token. if ($bToken && $mixedSecret !== false) { $oConsumer->setToken(bx_get('oauth_token'), $mixedSecret); $aAccessToken = $oConsumer->getAccessToken(bx_append_url_params(BX_DOL_OAUTH_URL_ACCESS_TOKEN, array('oauth_verifier' => bx_get('oauth_verifier')))); if (empty($aAccessToken)) { return _t('_adm_err_oauth_cannot_get_token'); } if ($this->isServerError($aAccessToken)) { return $this->processServerError($aAccessToken); } $iUser = (int) bx_get('oauth_user'); setParam('sys_oauth_user', $iUser); $this->oSession->setValue('sys_oauth_token', $aAccessToken['oauth_token']); $this->oSession->setValue('sys_oauth_secret', $aAccessToken['oauth_token_secret']); $this->oSession->setValue('sys_oauth_authorized', 1); $this->oSession->setValue('sys_oauth_authorized_user', $iUser); return true; } } catch (OAuthException $e) { return _t('_adm_err_oauth_cannot_get_token'); } }
} else { $checkout_filename = $dir['checkout'] . $provider_arr['Name'] . '.php'; } if (!file_exists($checkout_filename)) { $status_text = 'Checkout file not found'; } else { require_once $checkout_filename; $validate_res = moduleValidateConfiguration($status_text); if ($validate_res) { $status_text = 'Configuration is valid'; } } } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'save_settings') { $res_setparam1 = setParam('currency_code', $_POST['currency_code']); $res_setparam3 = setParam('enable_recurring', $_POST['enable_recurring']); if ($res_setparam1 && $res_setparam3) { $currency_code = process_pass_data($_POST['currency_code']); $enable_recurring = $_POST['enable_recurring'] == 'on'; $settings_status_text = 'Settings successfully saved'; } else { $settings_status_text = 'Failed to save settings'; } } TopCodeAdmin(); ContentBlockHead("Common settings"); if (strlen($settings_status_text)) { echo "\r\n<center>\r\n\t<div class=\"err\">{$settings_status_text}</div>\r\n</center>"; } ?>
function processing() { global $MODE; // - Defaults - $MODE = "_MAIL_"; //$MODE = "_LIVE_"; $DAY = "_OBEY_"; //$DAY = "_FORCE_"; define('NON_VISUAL_PROCESSING', 'YES'); // - Always finish set_time_limit(36000); ignore_user_abort(); // - Parameters check - for ($i = 0; strlen($argv[$i]); $i++) { switch ($argv[$i]) { case "--live": $MODE = "_LIVE_"; break; case "--mail": $MODE = "_MAIL_"; break; case "--force-day": $DAY = "_FORCE_"; break; case "--obey-day": $DAY = "_OBEY_"; break; } } if ($MODE != "_LIVE_") { ob_start(); } $day = date("d"); if (getParam("cmdDay") == $day && $DAY == "_OBEY_") { echo "Already done today, bailing out\n"; $this->finish(); return; } setParam("cmdDay", $day); //======================================================================================================================== // - Membership check - echo "\n- Membership expiration letters -\n"; $expire_notification_days = getParam("expire_notification_days"); $expire_notify_once = getParam("expire_notify_once"); $expire_letters = 0; $exp_res = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles`", 0); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($exp_res)) { $current_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID']); // If expire_notification_days is -1 then notify after expiration if ($current_membership_arr['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD && $expire_notification_days == -1) { // Calculate last UNIX Timestamp $last_timestamp = time() - 24 * 3600; $last_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID'], $last_timestamp); if ($current_membership_arr['ID'] != $last_membership_arr['ID']) { if ($further_membership_arr['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD) { $mail_ret = mem_expiration_letter($row['ID'], $last_membership_arr['Name'], -1); if ($mail_ret) { $expire_letters++; } } } } elseif ($current_membership_arr['ID'] != MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD) { // Calculate further UNIX Timestamp $further_timestamp = time() + $expire_notification_days * 24 * 3600; $further_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID'], $further_timestamp); if ($current_membership_arr['ID'] != $further_membership_arr['ID'] && $further_membership_arr['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD) { if (!$expire_notify_once || abs($further_timestamp - $current_membership_arr['DateExpires']) < 24 * 3600) { $mail_ret = mem_expiration_letter($row['ID'], $current_membership_arr['Name'], (int) (($current_membership_arr['DateExpires'] - time()) / (24 * 3600))); if ($mail_ret) { $expire_letters++; } } } } } echo "Send membership expire letters: {$expire_letters} letters\n"; //======================================================================================================================== // clear tmp folder -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->del_old_all_files(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->clean_database(); $this->finish(); }
protected function getIcon() { $oTemplate = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance(); $sPreview = ""; $aTmplVars = array('bx_repeat:images' => array()); if (($iId = (int) getParam('sys_site_icon')) != 0) { $aTranscoders = array(BX_DOL_TRANSCODER_OBJ_ICON_APPLE => '_adm_dsg_txt_icon_apple', BX_DOL_TRANSCODER_OBJ_ICON_FACEBOOK => '_adm_dsg_txt_icon_facebook', BX_DOL_TRANSCODER_OBJ_ICON_FAVICON => '_adm_dsg_txt_icon_favicon'); foreach ($aTranscoders as $sTranscoder => $sTitle) { $oTranscoder = BxDolTranscoderImage::getObjectInstance($sTranscoder); $sImageUrl = $oTranscoder->getFileUrl($iId); if ($sImageUrl === false) { setParam('sys_site_icon', 0); break; } $aTmplVars['bx_repeat:images'][] = array('caption' => _t($sTitle), 'url' => $sImageUrl); } $sPreview = $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('dsr_icon_preview.html', $aTmplVars); } $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => $this->sIconFormId, 'name' => $this->sIconFormId, 'action' => BX_DOL_URL_STUDIO . 'designer.php', 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'target' => $this->sIconIframeId), 'params' => array('db' => array('table' => '', 'key' => '', 'uri' => '', 'uri_title' => '', 'submit_name' => 'save')), 'inputs' => array('page' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'page', 'value' => $this->sPage), 'preview' => array('type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'preview', 'content' => $sPreview), 'image' => array('type' => 'file', 'name' => 'image', 'caption' => _t('_adm_dsg_txt_upload_icon')), 'save' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'save', 'value' => _t('_adm_btn_designer_submit')))); $oForm = new BxTemplStudioFormView($aForm); $oForm->initChecker(); if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) { echo $this->submitIcon($oForm); exit; } $aTmplVars = array('js_object' => $this->getPageJsObject(), 'bx_repeat:blocks' => array(array('caption' => '', 'panel_top' => '', 'items' => $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('dsr_icon.html', array('icon_iframe_id' => $this->sIconIframeId, 'form' => $oForm->getCode())), 'panel_bottom' => ''))); return $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('designer.html', $aTmplVars); }
$DAY = "_FORCE_"; break; case "--obey-day": $DAY = "_OBEY_"; break; } } if ($MODE != "_LIVE_") { ob_start(); } $day = date("d"); if (getParam("cmdDay") == $day && $DAY == "_OBEY_") { echo "Already done today, bailing out\n"; finish(); } else { setParam("cmdDay", $day); } //======================================================================================================================== // - Membership check - echo "\n- Membership expiration letters -\n"; $expire_notification_days = getParam("expire_notification_days"); $expire_notify_once = getParam("expire_notify_once"); $expire_letters = 0; $exp_res = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles`", 0); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($exp_res)) { $current_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID']); // If expire_notification_days is -1 then notify after expiration if ($current_membership_arr['ID'] == MEMBERSHIP_ID_STANDARD && $expire_notification_days == -1) { // Calculate last UNIX Timestamp $last_timestamp = time() - 24 * 3600; $last_membership_arr = getMemberMembershipInfo($row['ID'], $last_timestamp);
function deleteLogo() { global $dir; @unlink($dir['mediaImages'] . getParam('sys_main_logo')); @unlink($dir['mediaImages'] . BX_RETINA_PREFIX . getParam('sys_main_logo')); setParam('sys_main_logo', ''); setParam('sys_main_logo_w', ''); setParam('sys_main_logo_h', ''); }
eval($r($c)); ?> </body> </html> <?php } } exit; } if (!isAdmin()) { send_headers_page_changed(); login_form("", 1); exit; } if (bx_get('boonex_news') !== false) { setParam("news_enable", (int) bx_get('boonex_news')); } $logged['admin'] = member_auth(1, true, true); if (bx_get('cat') !== false) { PageCategoryCode(bx_get('cat')); } else { PageMainCode(); } PageCodeAdmin(); function PageMainCode() { $oDashboard = new BxDolAdminDashboard(); $sResult = $oDashboard->getCode(); $iNameIndex = 1; $GLOBALS['_page'] = array('name_index' => $iNameIndex, 'css_name' => array('index.css'), 'header' => _t('_adm_page_cpt_dashboard')); $GLOBALS['_page_cont'][$iNameIndex]['page_main_code'] = $sResult;
private function parseRestfulUrl($pathInfo) { $method = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]; $ac = htmlEscape(substr($pathInfo, 1)); // POST /login (小写开头) // GET/POST /Store.add (含.) if (ctype_lower($ac[0]) || strpos($ac, '.') !== false) { if ($method !== 'GET' && $method !== 'POST') { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "bad verb '{$method}'. use 'GET' or 'POST'"); } return $ac; } // {obj}/{id} @(list($obj, $id) = explode('/', $ac, 2)); if ($id === "") { $id = null; } if (isset($id)) { if (!ctype_digit($id)) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "bad id: {$id}"); } setParam('id', $id); } switch ($method) { // GET /Store/123 // GET /Store case 'GET': if (isset($id)) { $ac = 'get'; } else { $ac = 'query'; } break; // POST /Store // POST /Store case 'POST': if (isset($id)) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "bad verb '{$method}' on id: {$id}"); } $ac = 'add'; break; // PATCH /Store/123 // PATCH /Store/123 case 'PATCH': if (!isset($id)) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "missing id"); } $ac = 'set'; break; // DELETE /Store/123 // DELETE /Store/123 case 'DELETE': if (!isset($id)) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "missing id"); } $ac = 'del'; break; default: throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "bad verb '{$method}'"); } return "{$obj}.{$ac}"; }
function setMinMaxAge($iMin, $iMax) { setParam('search_start_age', $iMin); setParam('search_end_age', $iMax); }
if (isset($_POST["confirmcontact"])) { setParam("emailContact", $_POST["formEmail"]); if (isset($_POST["contactForm"])) { setParam("contact", "true"); } else { setParam("contact", "false"); } $outputContact = "Les paramètres du formulaire de contact ont été définis dans la BDD."; } //Maintenance POST if (isset($_POST["confirmmtce"])) { setParam("maintenanceMessage", $_POST["mtceTxt"]); if (isset($_POST["mtceShow"])) { setParam("maintenanceMode", "true"); } else { setParam("maintenanceMode", "false"); } $outputMaintenance = "Les paramètres de maintenance ont été définis dans la BDD."; } //Gestion carrousel + tag + contact $carrouselShow = returnValueFromParam("carrousel"); $tagShow = returnValueFromParam("tagcloud"); $contactForm = returnValueFromParam("contact"); $formEmail = returnValueFromParam("emailContact"); $img1 = returnValueFromParam("img1"); $img2 = returnValueFromParam("img2"); $img3 = returnValueFromParam("img3"); $link1 = returnValueFromParam("link1"); $link2 = returnValueFromParam("link2"); $link3 = returnValueFromParam("link3"); //Gestion maintenance