function loader_not_installed() { $loader = get_loaderinfo(); $sysinfo = get_sysinfo(); $stype = get_request_parameter('stype'); $manual_select = get_request_parameter('manual'); $host_type = find_server_type($stype, $manual_select, true); if ($host_type != SERVER_UNKNOWN && is_array($loader) && !$sysinfo['DEBUG_BUILD']) { $warnings = server_restriction_warnings(); if (empty($_SESSION['use_ini_method']) && $host_type == SERVER_SHARED && runtime_loading_is_possible()) { $errors = runtime_loading_errors(); } else { $errors = ini_loader_errors(); $warnings = array_merge($warnings, ini_loader_warnings()); } if (!empty($errors)) { if (count($errors) > 1) { $problem_str = "Please note that the following problems currently exist"; } else { $problem_str = "Please note that the following problem currently exists"; } echo '<div class="alert">' . $problem_str . ' with the ionCube Loader installation:'; echo make_list($errors, "ul"); echo '</div>'; } if (!empty($warnings)) { $addword = empty($errors) ? '' : 'also'; $plural = count($warnings) > 1 ? 's' : ''; echo '<div class="warning">'; echo "Please note {$addword} the following issue{$plural}:"; echo make_list($warnings, "ul"); echo '</div>'; } } if (!isset($stype)) { echo '<p>To use files that have been protected by the <a href="' . ENCODER_URL . '" target=encoder>ionCube PHP Encoder</a>, a component called the ionCube Loader must be installed.</p>'; } if (!is_supported_php_version()) { echo '<p>Your server is running PHP version ' . PHP_VERSION . ' and is unsupported by ionCube Loaders. Recommended PHP 4 versions are PHP 4.2 or higher, and PHP 5.1 or higher for PHP 5.</p>'; } elseif ($sysinfo['DEBUG_BUILD']) { echo '<p>Your server is currently running a debug build of PHP. The Loader cannot be installed with a debug build of PHP. Please ensure that PHP is reconfigured with debug disabled. Note that debug builds of PHP cannot help in debugging PHP scripts.</p>'; } elseif (!is_array($loader)) { if ($loader == ERROR_WINDOWS_64_BIT) { echo '<p>Loaders for 64-bit PHP on Windows are not currently available. However, if you <b>install and run 32-bit PHP</b> the corresponding 32-bit loader for Windows should work.</p>'; if ($sysinfo['THREAD_SAFE']) { echo '<li>Download one of the following archives of 32-bit Windows x86 loaders:'; } else { echo '<li>Download one of the following archives of 32-bit Windows non-TS x86 loaders:'; } echo make_archive_list(windows_package_name()); } else { echo '<p>There may not be an ionCube Loader available for your type of system at the moment. However, if you create a <a href="' . SUPPORT_SITE . '">support ticket</a> more advice and information may be available to assist. Please include the URL for this Wizard in your ticket.</p>'; } } elseif (!$sysinfo['SUPPORTED_COMPILER']) { $supported_compilers = supported_win_compilers(); $supported_compiler_string = join('/', $supported_compilers); echo '<p>At the current time the ionCube Loader requires PHP to be built with ' . $supported_compiler_string . '. Your PHP software has been built using ' . $sysinfo['PHP_COMPILER'] . '. Supported builds of PHP are available from <a href=""></a>.'; } else { switch ($host_type) { case SERVER_SHARED: shared_server(); break; case SERVER_DEDICATED: dedicated_server(); break; case SERVER_LOCAL: local_install(); break; default: echo server_selection_form(); break; } } }
function loader_not_installed() { $loader = get_loaderinfo(); $sysinfo = get_sysinfo(); $stype = get_request_parameter('stype'); $manual_select = get_request_parameter('manual'); $host_type = find_server_type($stype, $manual_select, true); if ($host_type != SERVER_UNKNOWN && is_array($loader) && !$sysinfo['DEBUG_BUILD']) { $warnings = server_restriction_warnings(); if (empty($_SESSION['use_ini_method']) && $host_type == SERVER_SHARED && runtime_loading_is_possible()) { $errors = runtime_loading_errors(); } else { $errors = ini_loader_errors(); $warnings = array_merge($warnings, ini_loader_warnings()); } if (!empty($errors)) { echo '<div class="alert">' . '请注意,Ioncube Loader的安装目前存在以下问题:'; echo make_list($errors, "ul"); echo '</div>'; } if (!empty($warnings)) { $addword = empty($errors) ? '' : 'also'; $plural = count($warnings) > 1 ? 's' : ''; echo '<div class="warning">'; echo "注意以下问题:"; echo make_list($warnings, "ul"); echo '</div>'; } } if (!isset($stype)) { echo '<p>文件已经被 <a href="' . ENCODER_URL . '" target=encoder>ionCube PHP Encoder</a>加密保护, 必须安装ionCube Loader组件。</p>'; } if (!is_supported_php_version()) { echo '<p>服务器目前运行的PHP版本为 ' . PHP_VERSION . ' ,ionCube Loaders支持该版本,同时还支持PHP4系列 PHP 4.2或更高版本, PHP5系列PHP 5.1 或更高版本。</p>'; } elseif ($sysinfo['DEBUG_BUILD']) { echo '<p>服务器运行的PHP是Debug版本, Loader 不支持Debug版本。请确保使用非debug版本重新配置。</p>'; } elseif (!is_array($loader)) { if ($loader == ERROR_WINDOWS_64_BIT) { echo '<p>Windows 64位的Loaders是可用的。但是如果你<b>安装并运行32位的PHP</b>,请使用相应32位的loader</p>'; if ($sysinfo['THREAD_SAFE']) { echo '<li>下载下面的32位x86 Windows loader包:'; } else { echo '<li>下载下面的一个32位x86 Windows非线程安全版本的Windows loader包:'; } echo make_archive_list(windows_package_name()); } else { echo '<p>ionCube Loader可能没有符合您操作系统的版本,但是,如果你创建了一个<a href="' . SUPPORT_SITE . '">支持服务单</a>, 可能会需要更多的帮助, 请在工单中包含该向导的URL。</p>'; } } elseif (!$sysinfo['SUPPORTED_COMPILER']) { $supported_compilers = supported_win_compilers(); $supported_compiler_string = join('/', $supported_compilers); echo '<p>目前,ionCube Loader 需要使用' . $supported_compiler_string . '编译的PHP。你服务器的PHP是使用 ' . $sysinfo['PHP_COMPILER'] . '.编译的, 可以从<a href=""></a>下载合适的编译版本。'; } else { switch ($host_type) { case SERVER_SHARED: shared_server(); break; case SERVER_DEDICATED: dedicated_server(); break; case SERVER_LOCAL: local_install(); break; default: echo server_selection_form(); break; } } }