Example #1

    $errorCount = 0;
<div align="center">
<table class="serendipity_admin_list_item serendipity_admin_list_item_even" width="90%" align="center">
        <td colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold"><?php 
    echo INTEGRITY;
    if (is_readable(S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'checksums.inc.php')) {
        $badsums = serendipity_verifyFTPChecksums();
        if (empty($badsums)) {
      <td colspan="2"><?php 
            echo serendipity_installerResultDiagnose(S9Y_I_SUCCESS, CHECKSUMS_PASS);
        } else {
            foreach ($badsums as $file => $sum) {

$data = array();
// do not move to end of switch, since this will change smarty assignment scope
include S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'include/admin/import.inc.php';
$data['importMenu'] = ob_get_contents();
switch ($serendipity['GET']['adminAction']) {
    case 'integrity':
        $data['action'] = "integrity";
        if (!is_readable(S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'checksums.inc.php') || 0 == filesize(S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'checksums.inc.php')) {
            $data['noChecksum'] = true;
        $data['badsums'] = serendipity_verifyFTPChecksums();
    case 'runcleanup':
        // The smarty method clearCompiledTemplate() clears all compiled smarty template files in templates_c
        // Since there may be other compiled template files in templates_c too, we have to restrict this call() to clear the blogs template only,
        // to not have the following automated recompile, force the servers memory to get exhausted,
        // when using plugins like serendipity_event_gravatar plugin, which can eat up some MB...
        // Restriction to template means: leave the page we are on: ../admin/index.tpl and all others, which are set, included and compiled by runtime. (plugins, etc. this can be quite some..!)
        if (method_exists($serendipity['smarty'], 'clearCompiledTemplate')) {
            $data['cleanup_finish'] = (int) $serendipity['smarty']->clearCompiledTemplate(null, $serendipity['template']);
            $data['cleanup_template'] = $serendipity['template'];
echo serendipity_smarty_show('admin/maintenance.inc.tpl', $data);
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