function registerNewUser($user, $password, $email)
    $return_string = "";
    // Check wheter user already exist
    $query = "SELECT name FROM User WHERE name = '" . $user . "'";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $return_val = array();
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        $return_val['returncode'] = "false";
        $return_val['errormessage'] = "User exist";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT name FROM UnverifiedUser WHERE name='{$user}'";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $return_val['returncode'] = "false";
            $return_val['errormessage'] = "User exist, but unverified";
        } else {
            $confirm_code = md5(uniqid(rand()));
            $query = "INSERT INTO UnverifiedUser (name, password, email, " . "confirm_code) VALUES('" . $user . "', '" . $password . "','{$email}','{$confirm_code}')";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            if ($result) {
                $return_val['returncode'] = "true";
                $return_string .= sendVerificationEmail($user, $email);
            } else {
                $return_val['returncode'] = "false";
    foreach ($return_val as $key => $value) {
        $return_string .= "<" . $key . ">" . strval($value) . "</" . $key . ">\n";
    return $return_string;
Example #2
function process_form()
    $username = addslashes($_POST["username"]);
    $email = addslashes($_POST["email"]);
    $passwrd = addslashes($_POST["password"]);
    $password_confirmation = addslashes($_POST["password_confirmation"]);
    if ($passwrd == $password_confirmation) {
        $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "netboffi_goject", "l2315793014") or die("Can't Connect : " . mysql_error());
        if ($conn) {
            $salt = "Mick";
            $passwordAndSalt = $passwrd . $salt;
            $hash = md5($passwordAndSalt);
            $db_selected = mysql_select_db("netboffi_goject") or die("Can't connect to goject :" . mysql_error());
            $query = "insert into account values(NULL,'{$username}','{$email}','{$hash}',false,NOW())";
            $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed" . mysql_error());
            print "Account Registered. We sent you an email. Please click on the link in the email to verify your account.";
        sendVerificationEmail($username, $email, $passwrd, $hash);
    } else {
        print "Password and password confirmation not the same.";
        print "  {$passwrd}" . "   " . $password_confirmation;
Example #3
        $newinv_db = ORM::for_table('invoice')->create();
        $newinv_db->number = $invoicenum;
        $newinv_db->value = $faceval;
        $newinv_db->issue_date = $issuedate;
        $newinv_db->payment_date = $paymentdate;
        $newinv_db->expected_date = $expecteddate;
        $newinv_db->description = $description;
        $newinv_db->invoice_company_id = $customerid;
        $newinv_db->debtor_company_id = $customerid;
        $newinv_db->author_id = $person->user_id;
        $newinv_db->invoice_length = $invLength;
        $newinv_db->file_dir = $target_dir;
        $newinv_db->listing_fee = 0;
        $newinv_db->buyer_fee = $buyerfee;
        $lastInv = ORM::for_table('invoice')->where('author_id', $person->user_id)->where('file_dir', $target_dir)->find_one();
        // Submit Files name to invoice_fie db table
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($fileNames); $i++) {
            $newinv_files = ORM::for_table('invoice_files')->create();
            $newinv_files->file_name = $fileNames[$i];
            $newinv_files->file_location = $target_dir;
            $newinv_files->invoice_id = $lastInv->invoice_id;
        $messages[0] = 'Your invoice has been uploaded for review, please await our confirmation!';
        $htmltextun = '<table>' . '<tr style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">' . '<td>Funding Invoice</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td style="text-align:center;">' . ' <a href="">Home</a> - ' . '<a href="">Login to platform</a> - ' . '<a href="#home">Help</a> - ' . '<a href="">Contact Us</a>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td>' . '<span style="font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;">Invoice Submission Confirmation</span><br />' . 'This is an email confirmation that your invoice has been submitted for a review, we will ' . 'review and approve this invoice as soon as possible, Thank you!' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</table>' . '<table border="0" style="width: 100%;text-align: center;font-size: 14px;margin-top:10px;">' . '<tbody>' . '<tr>' . '<td style="border-right: 1px solid #ccc;">Face Value</td>' . ' <td style="border-right: 1px solid #ccc;">Listing Fee</td>' . '<td>Investor Fee</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;">' . '<td style="border-right: 1px solid #ccc;">£' . $faceval . '</td>' . '<td style="border-right: 1px solid #ccc;">FREE</td>' . '<td>£' . $buyerfee . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</tbody>' . '</table>';
        sendVerificationEmail($htmltextun, $person->user_email, 'FI - New Invoice Confirmation');
    } else {
        $messages[0] = 'An error has occured, please ensure all fields are correctly filled in.';
Example #4
function prepareVerification($conn, $username, $email, $firstname, $lastname)
    $sql_ver = "INSERT INTO `Verifications`(`Code`, `UserID`, `VerificationCode`) VALUES(?,?,?)";
    $sql_usr = "******";
    $rows_usr = fetchRows($conn, $sql_usr, 's', $username);
    $userID = $rows_usr[0]['ID'];
    $identifier = $rows_usr[0]['Identifier'];
    $code = generateRandomString(32);
    $verCode = generateRandomString(8);
    if (modifyRows($conn, $sql_ver, "sis", $code, $userID, $verCode)) {
        return sendVerificationEmail($conn, $userID, $code, $verCode, $identifier, $email);
    } else {
        return false;
Example #5
    $user->username = $PARAMS['username'];
    if (!$user->variables) {
        $VEmail->email = $PARAMS['email'];
        if (!$VEmail->variables) {
            $user->username = $PARAMS['username'];
            $user->password = md5(base64_encode($PARAMS['password']));
            $user->create_date = date("Ymd");
            $user->email = $PARAMS['email'];
            $VEmail->email = $PARAMS['email'];
            $VEmail->code = getNewCode();
            $VEmail->username = $PARAMS['username'];
            sendVerificationEmail($VEmail->email, $user->username, $VEmail->code);
            $datos = array("status" => "OK");
        } elseif (!$VEmail->verified) {
            $datos = array("status" => "inUseNotVerified");
        } else {
            $datos = array("status" => "emailInUse");
    } else {
        $datos = array("status" => "UsernameInUse");
} else {
    $datos = array("status" => "wrongData");
Example #6
        if ($r) {
            $r = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
            //Get the UserID from the query
            $UserID = $r["UserID"];
            if ($UserID > -1) {
                //Update user record with member code and association
                mysqli_query($dbc, "Call spUpdateUserInfo({$UserID}, '{$FirstName}', '{$LastName}', '{$MemberCode}', '{$Association}');");
                //Create the address record
                mysqli_query($dbc, "Call spCreateAddress({$UserID}, {$AddressType}, '{$Address1}', '{$Address2}', '{$City}', {$State}, '{$PostCode}', 1);");
                //Create the phone record
                mysqli_query($dbc, "Call spCreatePhoneNumber({$UserID}, {$PhoneType}, '{$PhoneNumber}', 1);");
                // Send welcome E-mail for verification
                sendVerificationEmail($dbc, $UserID, 1);
            } else {
                $errors[] = 'Email address is already registered';
        } else {
            $errors[] = 'System error, failed to create account: ' . mysqli_error($dbc);
<div class="content">
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Example #7
 // Run stored procedure
 while ($userid_row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
     if ($userid_row[0] == -1) {
         //Not a match or incomplete fields
         $errors[] = 'Username or password is incorrect';
     } else {
         //Stores the user ID
         $temp_userid = $userid_row[0];
         if ($userid_row[2] == 0) {
             //User account isn't active
             $errors[] = 'Username or password is incorrect';
         } else {
             if ($userid_row[1] == 2) {
                 //User needs to click the new verify email link
                 sendVerificationEmail($dbc, $temp_userid, 1);
                 $errors[] = 'Account needs to be verified, please check your email.';
             } else {
                 if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
                     // Only start the session if one doesn't exist
                 //sets the user ID
                 $_SESSION['UserID'] = $temp_userid;
                 //Roles are set to 0 by default
                 $_SESSION['isAuthor'] = 0;
                 $_SESSION['isReviewer'] = 0;
                 $_SESSION['isEditor'] = 0;
                 // boolean set for condition shortcut
                 $_SESSION['is_author'] = false;
                 $_SESSION['is_reviewer'] = false;