function registerPlayer($xml) { global $sqlhost, $sqlusername, $sqlpassword; #Check if registration credentials are valid. if ($xml->username == null or $xml->password == null) { error_log("registerPlayer.php - Registration rejected"); return false; } else { #Clean up registration credentials. $tempUsername = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $xml->username); $tempPassword = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $xml->password); #Validate that username and password are legal. if (strlen($xml->username) == 0) { return false; } else { if (strlen($xml->password) == 0) { return false; } else { if ($tempUsername !== (string) $xml->username) { return false; } else { if ($tempPassword !== (string) $xml->password) { return false; } else { $conn = new mysqli($sqlhost, $sqlusername, $sqlpassword); if ($conn->connect_error) { error_log("registerPlayer.php - Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); return false; } #Check if username already taken if ($checkStmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sweepelite.players WHERE username=?")) { $checkStmt->bind_param("s", $xml->username); $checkStmt->execute(); $checkStmt->bind_result($count); $checkStmt->close(); if ($count == 0) { #Register the player in the MySQL database. if ($registerStmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO sweepelite.players (username, password, salt) VALUES (?,?,?)")) { $salt = sec_getNewSalt(); $saltedPW = sec_getHashedValue($xml->password, $salt); $registerStmt->bind_param("sss", $xml->username, $saltedPW, $salt); $registerStmt->execute(); if ($registerStmt->affected_rows > 0) { return true; } else { error_log("registerPlayer.php - Unable to register player."); } } } } else { error_log("registerPlayer.php - Unable to prepare statement for checking registration."); } } } } } } return false; }
function initMySQL() { global $sqlhost, $sqlusername, $sqlpassword; $conn = new mysqli($sqlhost, $sqlusername, $sqlpassword); if ($conn->connect_error) { die("initMySQL.php - Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $actionTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sweepelite.actionqueue (\r\n\t\t`gameID` int(11) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`playerID` int(11) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`actionType` int(2) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`xCoord` int(11) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`yCoord` int(11) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\tKEY `gameID_idx` (`gameID`), \r\n\t\tKEY `playerID_idx` (`playerID`), \r\n\t\tCONSTRAINT `gameIDx` FOREIGN KEY (`gameID`) REFERENCES `games` (`gameID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, \r\n\t\tCONSTRAINT `playerIDx` FOREIGN KEY (`playerID`) REFERENCES `players` (`playerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE\r\n\t)"; $chatTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sweepelite.chatmessages (\r\n\t\t`playerID` int(11) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`message` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ERROR', \r\n\t\t`time` datetime NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`forCurrentGame` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', \r\n\t\tKEY `playerID_idx` (`playerID`), CONSTRAINT `chatPlayerID` FOREIGN KEY (`playerID`) REFERENCES `players` (`playerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE\r\n\t)"; $gameTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE (\r\n\t \t`gameID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\r\n \t\t`map` varchar(20000) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`visibility` varchar(20000) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`height` int(11) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`width` int(11) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`status` varchar(45) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`friendlyTankCountdown` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '3',\r\n \t\t`friendlyTanks` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`enemyTankCountdown` int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '15',\r\n \t\t`enemyTankCountdownReset` int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '15',\r\n \t\t`enemyTanks` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`wrecks` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`traps` varchar(2000) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\t`lastUpdated` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\r\n \t\t`fullUpdate` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\r\n\t \tPRIMARY KEY (`gameID`)\r\n\t)"; $globalTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sweepelite.globalvars (\r\n\t\t`k` varchar(60) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`v` varchar(60) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\tUNIQUE KEY `key_UNIQUE` (`k`)\r\n\t)"; $playerTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sweepelite.players (\r\n\t\t`playerID` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \r\n\t\t`username` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`password` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t`salt` varchar(32) NOT NULL, \r\n\t\t`totalScore` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`playerID`), \r\n\t\tUNIQUE KEY `username_UNIQUE` (`username`)\r\n\t)"; $fakePassword = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)); $fakeSalt = sec_getNewSalt(); $highestScoreStatement = "INSERT INTO sweepelite.players (username, password, salt, totalScore) VALUES ('highestScore', " . sec_getHashedValue($fakePassword, $fakeSalt) . ", " . $fakeSalt . ", 1000)"; $signupTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sweepelite.upcomingsignup (\r\n\t\t`playerID` int(11) NOT NULL,\r\n \t\tUNIQUE KEY `playerID_UNIQUE` (`playerID`),\r\n \t\tKEY `playerIDy_idx` (`playerID`),\r\n \t\tCONSTRAINT `playerIDy` FOREIGN KEY (`playerID`) REFERENCES `players` (`playerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE\r\n\t)"; $statusTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE sweepelite.playerstatus (\r\n\t\t`status` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\r\n\t\t`awaitingAction` bit(1) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t`gameID` int(11) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t`playerID` int(11) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t`afkCount` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r\n\t\t`trapType` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r\n\t\t`trapCooldown` int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r\n\t\t`digNumber` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r\n\t\t`correctFlags` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r\n\t\tKEY `gameID_idx` (`gameID`),\r\n\t\tKEY `playerID_idx` (`playerID`),\r\n\t\tCONSTRAINT `gameID` FOREIGN KEY (`gameID`) REFERENCES `games` (`gameID`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\r\n\t\tCONSTRAINT `playerID` FOREIGN KEY (`playerID`) REFERENCES `players` (`playerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE\r\n\t)"; $gameTableCreated = false; $playerTableCreated = false; $noErrors = true; if ($query = $conn->prepare($playerTableStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { $playerTableCreated = true; error_log("initMySQL.php - Player table successfully created."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Player table not created. " . $query->errno . ": " . $query->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($playerTableStatement); } $query->close(); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare player table statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($playerTableStatement); } if ($query = $conn->prepare($gameTableStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { $gameTableCreated = true; error_log("initMySQL.php - Game table successfully created."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Game table not created. " . $query->errno . ": " . $query->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($gameTableStatement); } $query->close(); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare game table statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($gameTableStatement); } if ($query = $conn->prepare($globalTableStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { error_log("initMySQL.php - Global variables table successfully created."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Global variables table not created. " . $query->errno . ": " . $query->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($globalTableStatement); } $query->close(); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare global variables table statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($globalTableStatement); } if ($playerTableCreated) { if ($query = $conn->prepare($highestScoreStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { error_log("initMySQL.php - Highest score implemented."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Highest score not implemented."); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($highestScoreStatement); } $query->close(); } if ($query = $conn->prepare($signupTableStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { error_log("initMySQL.php - Upcoming sign-up table successfully created."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Upcoming sign-up table not created. " . $query->errno . ": " . $query->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($signupTableStatement); } $query->close(); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare Upcoming sign-up table statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($signupTableStatement); } if ($query = $conn->prepare($chatTableStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { error_log("initMySQL.php - Chat table successfully created."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Chat table not created. " . $query->errno . ": " . $query->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($chatTableStatement); } $query->close(); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare Upcoming sign-up table statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($chatTableStatement); } } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Due to player table creation failure, several important tables were not created."); error_log("Player run the following MySQL queries manually:"); error_log($signupTableStatement); error_log($chatTableStatement); } if ($gameTableCreated && $playerTableCreated) { if ($query = $conn->prepare($actionTableStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { error_log("initMySQL.php - Action table successfully created."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Action table not created. " . $query->errno . ": " . $query->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($actionTableStatement); } $query->close(); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare action table statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($actionTableStatement); } if ($query = $conn->prepare($statusTableStatement)) { if ($query->execute()) { error_log("initMySQL.php - Player status table successfully created."); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Player status table not created. " . $query->errno . ": " . $query->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($statusTableStatement); } $query->close(); } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare player status table statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); error_log("Please run the following MySQL query manually:"); error_log($statusTableStatement); } } else { $noErrors = false; error_log("initMySQL.php - Due to failure to create both player and game tables, several important tables were not created."); error_log("Player run the following MySQL queries manually:"); error_log($actionTableStatement); error_log($statusTableStatement); } if ($noErrors) { if ($query = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `sweepelite`.`globalvars` (k, v) VALUES (?, ?)")) { $str_one = "mysqlInitialized"; $str_two = "true"; $query->bind_param("ss", $str_one, $str_two); $query->execute(); } else { error_log("initMySQL.php - Failed to prepare final insertion statement. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); } } }
function logInPlayer($xml, $fullLogInProcess) { global $sqlhost, $sqlusername, $sqlpassword; global $numTraps; if ($xml->username == null || $xml->password == null) { error_log("logInPlayer.php - Login rejected."); return -1; } else { $conn = new mysqli($sqlhost, $sqlusername, $sqlpassword); if ($conn->connect_error) { error_log("logInPlayer.php - Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); return -1; } #Check if user exists. if ($stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT playerID, password, salt FROM sweepelite.players WHERE username=?")) { $playerID = null; $stmt->bind_param("s", $xml->username); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($id, $controlPW, $salt); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $playerID = $id; } $stmt->close(); #Check that the password is correct. $clientPW = sec_getHashedValue($xml->password, $salt); if ($clientPW !== $controlPW) { error_log("logInPlayer.php - Password failed the potato test."); return -1; } if ($playerID != null) { if ($fullLogInProcess) { #Check if player is currently a part of the most recent game. if ($statusStmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT g.gameID FROM sweepelite.playerstatus AS p INNER JOIN (SELECT gameID FROM ORDER BY gameID DESC LIMIT 1) as g ON p.gameID = g.gameID WHERE playerID=?")) { $gameID = null; $statusStmt->bind_param("i", $playerID); $statusStmt->execute(); $statusStmt->bind_result($gid); while ($statusStmt->fetch()) { $gameID = $gid; } $statusStmt->close(); if ($gameID === null) { #Sign player up for game. if ($gameIDStmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT gameID FROM ORDER BY gameID DESC LIMIT 1")) { $gameIDStmt->execute(); $gameIDStmt->bind_result($gid); while ($gameIDStmt->fetch()) { $gameID = $gid; } $gameIDStmt->close(); if ($gameID !== null) { if ($signupStmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO sweepelite.playerstatus (gameID, playerID, trapType, awaitingAction) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1)")) { $trapID = ($gameID + $playerID) % $numTraps; $signupStmt->bind_param("iii", $gameID, $playerID, $trapID); $signupStmt->execute(); $signupStmt->close(); } else { error_log("loginPlayer.php - Unable to prepare sign up statement after logging in. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); } } else { error_log("loginPlayer.php - Unable to retrieve latest game ID. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); } } else { error_log("loginPlayer.php - Unable to prepare game ID retrieval statement after logging in. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); } } } else { error_log("loginPlayer.php - Unable to prepare checking statement after logging in. " . $conn->errno . ": " . $conn->error); } } signUpForNextGame($playerID); return $playerID; } else { error_log("logInPlayer.php - Unable to log in."); } } else { error_log("loginPlayer.php - Unable to prepare statement for logging in."); } } return -1; }