$proccasttype = array(0 => "None/Proc"); $worncasttype = array(0 => "None", 2 => "Worn"); $focuscasttype = array(0 => "None", 6 => "Focus"); $scrollcasttype = array(0 => "None", 7 => "Scroll"); switch ($action) { case 0: //Default check_authorization(); $body = new Template("templates/items/items.default.tmpl.php"); break; case 1: // Search items check_authorization(); $body = new Template("templates/items/items.searchresults.tmpl.php"); if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != "ID") { $results = search_item_by_id(); } else { $results = search_items(); } $body->set("results", $results); break; case 2: // Edit Item check_authorization(); $javascript = new Template("templates/iframes/js.tmpl.php"); $body = new Template("templates/items/items.edit.tmpl.php"); $body->set("itemsize", $itemsize); $body->set("itemmaterial", $itemmaterial); $body->set("itemtypes", $itemtypes); $body->set("itemldontheme", $itemldontheme); $body->set("skilltypes", $skilltypes);
<?php session_start(); require_once 'includes/connect_db.php'; # Includes these helper functions require_once 'includes/search_helper.php'; require_once 'includes/item_helper.php'; # If no id is set, give it a default of -1 if (empty($_GET['id'])) { $_GET['id'] = -1; } # Search for the item specified by id in the database $data = search_item_by_id($dbc, $_GET['id']); if ($data == -1) { # If no id matches, redirect to the search page header("Location: /searchreport.php"); } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { # If the admin specified an update/delete action, perform it now perform_action($dbc, $_GET['id'], $_POST['action']); # Refresh to show updates header("Refresh:0"); } ?> <head> <title>Limbo - Item</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="limbo.css"> </head> <?php include 'header.php';