public static function segments($arr, $num = 10) { $list = array(); if (empty($text)) { return $list; } $words = array(); //检测是否已安装php_scws扩展 if (function_exists("scws_open")) { $sh = scws_open(); scws_set_charset($sh, 'utf8'); scws_set_dict($sh, APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/scws/dict.utf8.xdb'); scws_set_rule($sh, APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/scws/rules.utf8.ini'); scws_set_ignore($sh, true); foreach ($arr as $key => $text) { scws_send_text($sh, $text); $words[] = scws_get_tops($sh, $num); } scws_close($sh); } else { require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/scws/pscws4.class.php'; $pscws = new PSCWS4(); $pscws->set_dict(APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/scws/dict.utf8.xdb'); $pscws->set_rule(APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/scws/rules.utf8.ini'); $pscws->set_ignore(true); foreach ($arr as $key => $text) { $pscws->send_text($text); $words[] = $pscws->get_tops($num); } $pscws->close(); } for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { foreach ($words as $item) { if (isset($item[$i])) { $word = $item[$i]['word']; if (isset($list[$word])) { $list[$word]++; } else { $list[$word] = 1; } } } } $list = array_slice($list, 0, $num); return array_keys($list); }
/** * get tops content of the input, get number of word from return * @param string $content input content * @param int $tops number of words */ public static function keywords($content, $type = '', $tops = 10) { $obj = scws_open(); //load dic path and rules $dicpath = empty($type) ? C('dictionay.defaultdic') : C('dictionay.' . $type); $rules = C('dictionay.defaultrule'); if (empty($dicpath) || empty($rules)) { throw_exception("Load dictionary node: dic file Error"); } //var_dump($type,$dicpath); scws_set_charset($obj, 'utf8'); scws_set_dict($obj, $dicpath, SCWS_XDICT_TXT); scws_set_duality($obj, true); scws_set_rule($obj, $rules); scws_send_text($obj, $content); return scws_get_tops($obj, $tops); }
<?php require 'global.php'; require '../include/db_config.php'; set_time_limit(0); $con = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw) or die('error'); mysql_select_db($dbname); mysql_query('set names gbk'); while (1) { $sql = 'select link_id,title,keywords,description,fulltxt from ve123_links where key_status=0 limit 0,10'; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num == 0) { die('“创建索引” 完成'); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $content = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($row['title'] . $row['keywords'] . $row['description'] . $row['fulltxt'])); $content = preg_replace("/[\\s ]+/i", '', $content); $content = str_replace(' ', '', $content); $sh = scws_open(); scws_set_charset($sh, 'gbk'); scws_send_text($sh, $content); $top = scws_get_tops($sh, 20); $keyswords = array(); foreach ($top as $keys) { $sql2 = "insert into ve123_links_keys(keywords,link_id) values('" . $keys['word'] . "','" . $row['link_id'] . "')"; mysql_query($sql2); } mysql_query("update ve123_links set key_status=1 where link_id='" . $row['link_id'] . "'"); } }
/** * 分词处理,取出词频最高的词组,并可以指定词性进行查找 * * @param string $str * @param int $limit * 可选参数,返回的词的最大数量,缺省是 10 * @param string $attr * 可选参数,是一系列词性组成的字符串,各词性之间以半角的逗号隔开, 这表示返回的词性必须在列表中,如果以~开头,则表示取反,词性必须不在列表中,缺省为NULL,返回全部词性,不过滤。 * @return multitype: */ function scwsTop($str, $limit = 10, $attr = null) { if (!function_exists('scws_open')) { return false; } $rst = array(); $str = preg_replace("/[\\s\t\r\n]+/", '', $str); if (!empty($str)) { $sh = scws_open(); scws_set_charset($sh, 'utf8'); scws_set_ignore($sh, true); scws_set_multi($sh, SCWS_MULTI_SHORT | SCWS_MULTI_DUALITY); scws_set_duality($sh, true); scws_send_text($sh, $str); $rst = scws_get_tops($sh, $limit, $attr); scws_close($sh); } return $rst; }
著作权和版权在我国是同一个概念,是法律赋予作品创作者的专有权利。所谓专有权利就是没有经过权利人许可又不是法律规定的例外,要使用这个作品,就必须经过作者授权,没有授权就是侵权。 一九八零年春天 EOF; $cws = scws_open(); scws_set_charset($cws, "utf8"); scws_set_dict($cws, ini_get('scws.default.fpath') . '/dict.utf8.xdb'); scws_set_rule($cws, ini_get('scws.default.fpath') . '/rules.utf8.ini'); //scws_set_ignore($cws, true); //scws_set_multi($cws, true); scws_send_text($cws, $text); echo "\n"; // top words printf("No. WordString Attr Weight(times)\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); $list = scws_get_tops($cws, 10, "~v"); $cnt = 1; foreach ($list as $tmp) { printf("%02d. %-24.24s %-4.2s %.2f(%d)\n", $cnt, $tmp['word'], $tmp['attr'], $tmp['weight'], $tmp['times']); $cnt++; } echo "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n"; // segment while ($res = scws_get_result($cws)) { foreach ($res as $tmp) { if ($tmp['len'] == 1 && $tmp['word'] == "\r") { continue; } if ($tmp['len'] == 1 && $tmp['word'] == "\n") { echo $tmp['word']; } else {
<?php require 'global.php'; require '../include/db_config.php'; set_time_limit(0); $con = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw) or die('error'); mysql_select_db($dbname); mysql_query('set names gbk'); while (1) { $sql = 'select kid,keyword from ve123_search_keyword where ks=0 limit 0,10'; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num == 0) { die('“生成分词” 完成'); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $content = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($row['keyword'])); $content = preg_replace("/[\\s ]+/i", '', $content); $content = str_replace(' ', '', $content); $sh = scws_open(); scws_send_text($sh, $content); $top = scws_get_tops($sh, 3); $keyswords = array(); foreach ($top as $keys) { $sql2 = "insert into ve123_search_keys(keyscn,kid) values('" . $keys['word'] . "','" . $row['kid'] . "')"; mysql_query($sql2); } $sq = 'update ve123_search_keyword set ks=1 where kid=' . $row['kid']; mysql_query($sq); } }
private function _do($content, $len = 20) { scws_send_text($this->_scws, $content); $words = scws_get_tops($this->_scws, $len); return $words; }