insertQueue("walden", "D", "", $prefix); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For Non-Prefixed images //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NIGHTHAWK Branch //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (ereg("nighthawk", $_GET['versionBuild'])) { insertQueue("tropicana", "D", ""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2.5.x and 3.1.x //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (preg_match("/^2.5/", $_GET['versionBuild']) || preg_match("/^3.1/", $_GET['versionBuild'])) { saveQueue("ref", "A"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3.2.x and 3.3.x and 3.4.1.x and 3.4.2.x //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (preg_match("/^3.2/", $_GET['versionBuild']) || preg_match("/^3.3/", $_GET['versionBuild'])) { insertQueue("nebs", "D", ""); insertQueue("newsw", "D", ""); insertQueue("walden", "D", ""); insertQueue("datapathm3", "D", ""); } if (preg_match("/^3.4.1/", $_GET['versionBuild']) || preg_match("/^3.4.2/", $_GET['versionBuild'])) { insertQueue("nebs", "D", ""); insertQueue("newsw", "D", ""); insertQueue("walden", "D", ""); insertQueue("grenache", "D", "");
} elseif (preg_match("/^3.2/", $_REQUEST['versionBuild']) || preg_match("/^3.3/", $_REQUEST['versionBuild'])) { // apparently, we do saveQueue("nebs", "D"); saveQueue("datapathm3", "D"); saveQueue("sw", "D"); saveQueue("walden", "D"); saveQueue("11ntestbed", "D"); } elseif (preg_match("/^3.4/", $_REQUEST['versionBuild'])) { // apparently, we do saveQueue("nebs", "D"); saveQueue("datapathm3", "D"); saveQueue("sw", "D"); saveQueue("walden", "D"); saveQueue("11ntestbed", "D"); saveQueue("grenache", "D"); saveQueue("datapathgren", "D"); ereg("([0-9]+\$)", $_REQUEST['versionBuild'], $regs); shell_exec('/home/psemernin/qa/automation/pata/infra/bin/launchwebui ' . $regs[1]); } } if (defined('JOBQUEUE_CHARSET')) { header('Content-type: text/html;charset=' . JOBQUEUE_CHARSET); } include PRJ_IPART_PATH . "head.php"; ?> <span class="para"> This page is used to kick off smoke jobs on multiple platforms at once.<br> <br> Depending on the release versions, it will run smoke on testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">auto</span>, testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">nebs</span> (nebiollo platform)<br>
if ($testplanID == "NOT_FOUND") { // create Test Release Entry based on ArubaOS version $testplanID = createTestRelease($release, $testProjectID); } // get or create ID for provided Plan/build mapping $buildID = getBuildID($build, $testplanID); return $buildID; } else { return "NOT_FOUND"; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['versionBuild'])) { createBuildForTestLink($_REQUEST['versionBuild']); ereg("(beta)", $_REQUEST['versionBuild'], $regs); if ($regs[1] == "") { saveQueue("rapsmoke", "D"); } } if (defined('JOBQUEUE_CHARSET')) { header('Content-type: text/html;charset=' . JOBQUEUE_CHARSET); } include PRJ_IPART_PATH . "head.php"; ?> <span class="para"> This page is used to kick off smoke jobs on multiple platforms at once.<br> <br> Depending on the release versions, it will run smoke on testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">auto</span>, testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">nebs</span> (nebiollo platform)<br> or testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">walden</span> (Dolcetto platform) as shown in the table below.<br> <br>
if ($_REQUEST['nightly']) { $_GET['description'] = "Automatically queue'd from Nightly Build Server"; $_GET['userName'] = "******"; } else { $_GET['description'] = isset($_REQUEST['description']) ? $_REQUEST['description'] : ""; $_GET['userName'] = "******"; } $_GET['tftpIP'] = 1; $simple->setAuto($_GET); $simple->setUid(''); $simple->load(); $simple->add(); sleep(6); } if (isset($_REQUEST['versionBuild'])) { saveQueue("etap", "D"); } if (defined('JOBQUEUE_CHARSET')) { header('Content-type: text/html;charset=' . JOBQUEUE_CHARSET); } include PRJ_IPART_PATH . "head.php"; ?> <span class="para"> This page is used to kick off smoke jobs on multiple platforms at once.<br> <br> Depending on the release versions, it will run smoke on testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">auto</span>, testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">nebs</span> (nebiollo platform)<br> or testbed <span style="font-weight: bold">walden</span> (Dolcetto platform) as shown in the table below.<br> <br> For instance, using a build of "" would kick of a smoke on the auto testbed only, <br>