function AddNew() { $this->NoLoginAjaxReturn(); $id = 0; $return = array(); $type = $this->QueryString('type'); switch ($type) { case "longtext": $content = $this->QueryString('content'); $content = safe_str($content); $id = $this->ItemLogic->AddLongtext($this->User['uid'], $this->User['uname'], $content); if ($id && $id > 0) { $return['status'] = 'ok'; $return['message'] = urlencode('长文本保存成功'); $return['item'] = 'longtext'; $return['item_id'] = $id; } else { $return['status'] = 'failed'; $return['message'] = urlencode('长文本保存失败'); $return['item'] = 'longtext'; $return['item_id'] = 0; } break; } echo urldecode(json_encode($return)); }
function GetTopicByTags() { $tagName = $this->Post['name'] ? $this->Post['name'] : $this->Get['name']; $this->GotoLogin(); $page = $this->Post['page'] ? $this->Post['page'] : $this->Get['page']; $pageSize = $this->Config['topic_pagesize']; $pstepsize = $this->Config['page_step_size_topic']; if ($page == '') { $page = 1; } $uid = $this->User['uid']; if ($tagName != '') { $tagName = urldecode($tagName); $tagName = safe_str($tagName); $topic_ids = "select item_id from item_tag where tag_id in (select id from tag where name='{$tagName}')"; } else { $topic_ids = ''; } $results = $this->TopicLogic->SearchTopics('', '', '', false, '', '', $topic_ids, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', $page, $pageSize, false); $total = $results['total']; $topicList = $results['data']; $url = "index.php?mod=topic&action=mycomments"; $pageHtml = PagerRecords('', $url, $pageSize, $page, $total, $pstepsize, 0); $hotTags = $this->TagBiz->GetHotTags('topic', 1, $this->Config['hot_tag_pagesize']); $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('hottags_total', $hotTags['total']); $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('hottags', $hotTags['data']); $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('hottags_ps', $this->Config['hot_tag_pagesize']); $un = $this->UserLogic->GetUserNotifications($uid); $un->CommentsNew = 0; $this->UserLogic->UpdateUserNotification($un); $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('title', "#{$tagName}# 相关主题" . $this->Config['sitetitle']); $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('topics', $topicList); $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('total', $total); $this->TemplateHandler->Display('topic_main.html'); }
function SearchTags($tagIds, $uids, $tagName, $page, $pageSize) { if ($page > 0) { if ($pageSize == "" || $pageSize == 0) { $pageSize = $this->Config['hot_tag_pagesize']; } $startrecord = $pageSize * ($page - 1); $endrecord = $pageSize * $page; $limit = ' limit ' . $startrecord . ',' . $pageSize; } $sql = "select t.user_id,,,FROM_UNIXTIME(t.dateline) as dateline,FROM_UNIXTIME(t.last_post) as last_post,t.topic_count,t.user_count,u.uname,u.face_url from tag t left join user u on u.uid=t.user_id "; $order = "order by t.topic_count desc,t.user_count desc "; $where = "where 1=1 "; if ($tagIds && $tagIds != '') { $where .= "and in({$tagIds}) "; } if ($uids && $uids != '') { $where .= "and t.user_id in({$uids}) "; } if ($tagName && trim($tagName) != '') { $keyword = safe_str($tagName); $where .= "and like '%{$keyword}%' "; } $sqlcount = "select count( as rs from tag t " . $where; $rs = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst($sqlcount); if ($rs) { $total = $rs['rs']; } $sql .= $where . $order . $limit; $this->Logger->Write($sql); $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); if ($query) { $rows = $query->GetAll(); } $result['total'] = $total; $result['data'] = $rows; return $result; }
function Login() { $password = $this->Post['regPassword']; $email = $this->Post['regEmail']; if (trim($password) == "" && trim($email) == "") { $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('message', "账户和密码都不能为空"); $this->TemplateHandler->Display('login.html'); exit; } $password = safe_str($password); $email = safe_str($email); $md5pass = md5($password); $loginfo = $this->UserLogic->Login($email, $md5pass); if ($loginfo && is_array($loginfo) && count($loginfo) > 0) { if (!$loginfo['failed']) { //set cookie $uid = $loginfo['user']['uid']; $encodestr = authcode("{$uid}\\~{$md5pass}", 'ENCODE', $this->Config['auth_key']); //$encodestr=urlencode($uid."\~".$md5pass); $life = $this->Config['cookie_life']; if ($life == 0) { $this->CookieHandler->SetVar('authstr', $encodestr); } else { $this->CookieHandler->SetVar('authstr', $encodestr, time() + $life); } session_start(); $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid; $_SESSION['uemail'] = $email; $_SESSION['uname'] = $loginfo['user']['uname']; $_SESSION['face_url'] = $loginfo['user']['face_url']; $_SESSION['face_url_p'] = $loginfo['user']['face_url_p']; $redirectUrl = './index.php?mod=user&action=index'; if (isset($this->return) && $this->return != '') { $redirectUrl = urldecode($this->return); } // echo $redirectUrl; header("Location:{$redirectUrl}"); exit; } else { $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('message', $loginfo['info']); $this->TemplateHandler->Display('login.html'); //$this->Messager($loginfo['info'],'./index.php?mod=user&action=login'); } } }
function SearchTopics() { $container_id = $this->QueryString('container_id'); $container = $this->QueryString('container'); $container = safe_str($container); $page = $this->QueryString('page'); $pageSize = $this->Config['building_topic_pagesize']; $pstepsize = $this->Config['page_step_size_topic']; $item = $this->QueryString('item'); if ($page == '') { $page = 1; } $share_type = $this->QueryString('share_type'); $tids = ''; $tag = $this->QueryString('tag'); $tag = safe_str($tag); if ($tag && $tag != '') { $tids = "select item_id from item_tag where item='topic' and tag_id in (select id from tag where name like '%{$tag}%')"; } $keywords = $this->QueryString('keywords'); $keywords = safe_str($keywords); if ($item && ($item == 'photo' || $item == 'baobei')) { $pageSize = $this->Config['photo_wall_pagesize']; } if ($this->QueryString('pagesize') && $this->QueryString('pagesize') != '' && $this->QueryString('pagesize') > 0) { $pageSize = $this->QueryString('pagesize'); } $uid = $this->QueryString('uid'); $result = $this->TopicLogic->SearchTopics($uid, $container, $container_id, true, $keywords, '', $tids, $item, '', '', '', '', $share_type, '', '', '', $page, $pageSize); $result['page'] = $page; $result['pagerecords'] = count($result['data']); $result['pagesize'] = $pageSize; $total = $result['total']; if ($total > 0) { if ($total % $pageSize == 0) { $result['total_page'] = $total / $pageSize; } else { $result['total_page'] = intval($total / $pageSize) + 1; } } echo json_encode($result); //echo urldecode(json_encode(ArrayToJson($result))); }
<b><?php echo '<a href="bitcoin:' . $pubAdd . '?amount=' . $_SESSION['total_price'] . '" title="Click this address to launch your Bitcoin client" target="_blank">' . safe_str($pubAdd) . '</a>'; ?> </b> </h3> <div id="qrcode"></div> <?php if (empty($_GET['u'])) { ?> <p>Click the confirm button after the BTC has been sent.</p> <hr style="width:300px" /> <p><a href="<?php echo safe_str('?t=' . urlencode($_GET['t']) . '&u=1'); ?> " target="_self"><img border='0' src='img/conf_btn.png' alt='CONFIRM PAYMENT' /></a></p> <p><a href="#" onClick="confirmCancel();"><img border='0' src='img/canc_btn.png' alt='CANCEL PAYMENT' /></a></p> <?php } else { ?> <p>Please wait while the bitcoin network confirms the payment.<br /> The progress bar may jump back to 0% after reaching 100%</p> <p><b>Progress:</b></p> <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' id='pro_box'><tr><td align='left'> <div id='pro_bar' style='width:0px'></div>
include 'session.php'; function safe_str($str) { return mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($str)); } if (!(logged_in_with_valid_credentials() && logged_in_as_admin())) { die("Forget it, you must be logged in as admin."); } if (!isset($_POST['user_id']) || !isset($_POST['reason'])) { die("Did not receive user_id or reason"); } $user_id = safe_str($_POST['user_id']); $reason = $_POST['reason']; $query = "SELECT * from users where user_id=" . $user_id; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!result || mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) { die("Could not find the user account"); } $user = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($user['password'] == "") { die("This account is already disabled"); } $admin = current_username(); $bio = safe_str($user['bio'] . " - " . $reason . " by " . $admin); $email = safe_str($user['email'] . " disabled"); $query = "UPDATE users SET email='{$email}', bio = '{$bio}', password = ''\n WHERE user_id={$user_id}"; mysql_query($query); $query = "UPDATE submissions SET latest=0 WHERE user_id={$user_id}"; mysql_query($query); header("Location: profile.php?user_id=" . $user_id);
function AddNewBuilding(BuildingEntity &$buildingObj) { //$buildingObj->SafeFields(); //$existed=$this->GetExistsBuilding($buildingObj->BName, 0); //if($existed && $existed['bid']>0) //{ // return $existed; //} $datalist = array(); $datalist['bname'] = safe_str($buildingObj->BName); if ($buildingObj->NickName && $buildingObj->NickName != '') { $datalist['nickname'] = safe_str($buildingObj->NickName); } if ($buildingObj->PropertyCompanyName && $buildingObj->PropertyCompanyName != '') { $datalist['property_company_name'] = $buildingObj->PropertyCompanyName; } if ($buildingObj->PropertyCompanyPhone && $buildingObj->PropertyCompanyPhone != '') { $datalist['property_company_phone'] = $buildingObj->PropertyCompanyPhone; } if ($buildingObj->OwnercommitteePhone && $buildingObj->OwnercommitteePhone != '') { $datalist['owner_committee_phone'] = $buildingObj->OwnercommitteePhone; } if ($buildingObj->Province && $buildingObj->Province > 0) { $datalist['province'] = $buildingObj->Province; } else { $datalist['province'] = 0; } if ($buildingObj->City && $buildingObj->City > 0) { $datalist['city'] = $buildingObj->City; } else { $datalist['city'] = 0; } if ($buildingObj->Area && $buildingObj->Area > 0) { $datalist['district'] = $buildingObj->Area; } else { $datalist['district'] = 0; } if ($buildingObj->Street && $buildingObj->Street > 0) { $datalist['street'] = $buildingObj->Street; } else { $datalist['street'] = 0; } $datalist['address'] = safe_str($buildingObj->Address); $datalist['build_type_id'] = $buildingObj->Build_Type_Id; $datalist['create_uid'] = $buildingObj->Create_uid; $datalist['createtime'] = $buildingObj->Createtime; $datalist['point_lat'] = $buildingObj->Point_lat; $datalist['point_lng'] = $buildingObj->Point_lng; $datalist['face_url'] = $buildingObj->Face_URL; $datalist['description'] = safe_str($buildingObj->Description); //$sql="insert into building (bname,province,city,area,address,build_type_id,create_uid,createtime,point)"; //$sql.="values('$buildingObj->BName','$buildingObj->Province','$buildingObj->City','$buildingObj->Area','$buildingObj->Address','$buildingObj->Build_Type_Id','$buildingObj->Create_uid','$buildingObj->Createtime','$buildingObj->Point')"; $result = $this->DatabaseHandler->Insert2($datalist, 'building'); if ($result && $result > 0) { $buildingObj->BId = $result; return $result; } }
function AddTopic(TopicEntity $topic) { $table = 'topic'; $topic->SafeFields(); $datalist = array(); $contents = $this->_process_content($topic->content, $topic_info); $at_uids = $contents['at_uids']; $tags = $contents['tags']; $tag_ids = ''; if ($tags && is_array($tags) && count($tags) > 0) { $tag_ids = $this->TagLogic->GetTopicTagIds($tags, $topic->uid); } $datalist['uid'] = $topic->uid; $datalist['username'] = $topic->username; $datalist['content'] = safe_str($contents['content']); $datalist['imageid'] = $topic->imageids; $datalist['videoid'] = $topic->videoid; $datalist['musicid'] = $topic->musicid; $datalist['longtextid'] = $topic->longtextid; $datalist['attachid'] = $topic->attachid; $datalist['roottid'] = $topic->roottid; $datalist['replys'] = $topic->replys; $datalist['forwards'] = $topic->forwards; $datalist['totid'] = $topic->totid; $datalist['touid'] = $topic->touid; $datalist['tousername'] = $topic->tousername; $datalist['dateline'] = $topic->dateline; $datalist['from'] = $topic->from; $datalist['type'] = $topic->type; $datalist['item_id'] = $topic->item_id; $datalist['item'] = $topic->item; $datalist['postip'] = $topic->postip; $datalist['point_lat'] = $topic->point_lat; $datalist['point_lng'] = $topic->point_lng; $datalist['container'] = $topic->container; $datalist['container_id'] = $topic->container_id; $datalist['upid'] = $topic->upid; $datalist['lastupdate'] = time(); $ntid = $this->DatabaseHandler->Insert2($datalist, $table); $topic->tid = $ntid; //update user topic_count if ($topic->uid > 0) { //handle topic tags $this->AddTopicTags($tag_ids, $topic->tid); if ($at_uids && is_array($at_uids)) { foreach ($at_uids as $k => $v) { $time_now = time(); $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("INSERT into topic_mention(tid,uid,dateline) VALUES({$ntid},{$v},{$time_now})"); $un = $this->UserLogic->GetUserNotifications($v); $un->AtNew = $un->AtNew + 1; $this->UserLogic->UpdateUserNotification($un); } } $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("UPDATE user set topic_count = topic_count+1 where uid={$topic->uid}"); } if ($topic->uid > 0) { $buddyrow = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst("select count(*) as rs from buddys where buddyid={$topic->uid}"); if ($buddyrow && $buddyrow['rs'] > 0) { $buddyLastUptime = time(); $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("UPDATE buddys set buddy_lastuptime={$buddyLastUptime} where buddyid={$topic->uid}"); } } if ($topic->container != '' && $topic->container_id > 0) { switch ($topic->container) { case "building": $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("UPDATE building set topic_count=topic_count+1 where bid={$topic->container_id}"); break; default: break; } } if (isset($ntid) && $ntid > 0) { $totid = $topic->totid; if ($totid == '') { $totid = 0; } if ($totid > 0) { $t = time(); $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("UPDATE topic set lastupdate={$t} where tid={$totid}"); } $roottid = $topic->roottid; if ($roottid == '') { $roottid = 0; } $parentsold = ""; $parents = ""; if (isset($topic->type) && trim($topic->type) != "") { //reply and forward, need to handle the releation ship table $sql = "select * from topic_more where tid={$totid}"; $row = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst($sql); if ($row) { if (isset($row['parents'])) { if (trim($row['parents']) == "") { $parents = $totid; } else { $parents = $row['parents'] . ',' . $totid; } } } else { $parents = ""; } if ($parents == "") { $parentsold = $totid; } else { $parentsold = $parents; } $sql = "INSERT INTO topic_more(tid,parents,replyids) VALUES({$ntid},'{$parents}','')"; $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); if ($topic->type == 'reply' || $topic->type == 'both') { if ($topic->type == 'both') { if ($topic->totid > 0) { $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update topic set forwards=forwards+1 where tid={$topic->totid}"); } if ($topic->roottid > 0 && $topic->roottid != $topic->totid) { $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update topic set forwards=forwards+1 where tid={$topic->roottid}"); } } $pids = ""; if (trim($parentsold) != "") { $pids = split(',', $parentsold); } if (is_array($pids) && count($pids) > 0) { $sql = "select replyids from topic_more where tid in({$parentsold})"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $results = $query->GetAll(); $sqlp = ""; if ($results && count($results) == count($pids)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($pids); $i++) { $replyids = "{$ntid}"; if (isset($results[$i]['replyids']) && $results[$i]['replyids'] != "") { $replyids = $results[$i]['replyids'] . ',' . $replyids; } $sqlp = "UPDATE topic_more set replyids='{$replyids}' where tid={$pids[$i]}"; $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sqlp); //update topic replys field $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update topic set replys=replys+1 where tid={$pids[$i]}"); } } } } else { if ($topic->type == 'forward') { if ($topic->totid > 0) { $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update topic set forwards=forwards+1 where tid={$topic->totid}"); } if ($topic->roottid > 0 && $topic->roottid != $topic->totid) { $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update topic set forwards=forwards+1 where tid={$topic->roottid}"); } } } } } if ($topic->item != '' && $topic->item_id > 0 && $topic->type != 'reply') { $table = ""; switch ($topic->item) { case "baobei": $table = "baobei"; break; default: $table = "baobei"; break; } $this->DatabaseHandler->Query("update {$table} set share_count=share_count+1 where Id={$topic->item_id}"); } $push_type = 1; //Push reply notification if ($topic->type == 'reply' && $topic->touid != $topic->uid) { $toUser = $this->UserLogic->GetUser($topic->touid, $this->User['uid']); if ($toUser && $toUser["push_uid"] != "" && $toUser["channel_id"] != "" && $toUser["device_type"] != "") { //android client if ($toUser["device_type"] == 3) { $optional[Channel::USER_ID] = $toUser["push_uid"]; $optional[Channel::DEVICE_TYPE] = 3; $optional[Channel::MESSAGE_TYPE] = 0; $message = '{"type":4,"content":"您有新的评论","timestamp":"' . time() . '","uid":' . $this->User['uid'] . ',"uname":"' . $topic->username . '"}'; $message_key = "msg_key"; $ret = $this->BaiduPush->pushMessage($push_type, $message, $message_key, $optional); } else { if ($toUser["device_type"] == 4) { //ios device } } } } ////Push @ notification if ($at_uids && is_array($at_uids)) { foreach ($at_uids as $atid) { if ($atid == $topic->uid) { continue; } $atUser = $this->UserLogic->GetUser($atid, $this->User['uid']); if ($atUser && $atUser["push_uid"] != "" && $atUser["channel_id"] != "" && $atUser["device_type"] != "") { //android client if ($atUser["device_type"] == 3) { $optional[Channel::USER_ID] = $atUser["push_uid"]; $optional[Channel::DEVICE_TYPE] = 3; $optional[Channel::MESSAGE_TYPE] = 0; $message = '{"type":3,"content":"新的动态提到了您","timestamp":"' . time() . '","uid":' . $this->User['uid'] . ',"uname":"' . $topic->username . '"}'; $message_key = "msg_key"; $ret = $this->BaiduPush->pushMessage($push_type, $message, $message_key, $optional); } else { if ($atUser["device_type"] == 4) { //ios device } } } } } return $topic; }
function SearchEvents($creator, $ids, $keywords, $types, $location, $page, $pageSize, $getLatest = false) { $sql = "SELECT u.uname,u.uid,e.*,t.type, as province, as city, as area FROM event e left join event_class t on"; $sql .= " left join common_district cd1 on left join common_district cd2 on left join common_district cd3 on"; $sql .= " left join user u on u.uid=e.post_uid"; $sqlcount = "select count(id) as rs from event e"; $order = " order by e.app_num desc, e.last_time desc"; $where = " where 1=1"; $limit = ''; if ($page > 0) { if ($pageSize == "" || $pageSize == 0) { $pageSize = $this->Config['event_list_pagesize']; } $startrecord = $pageSize * ($page - 1); $endrecord = $pageSize * $page; $limit = ' limit ' . $startrecord . ',' . $pageSize; } if ($getLatest && $creator != '') { $where .= " and not in (select id from event where post_uid in ({$creator})) and not in (select event_id from event_application where uid={$creator})"; } if (!$getLatest && $creator != '' && $creator != 0) { $where .= " and e.post_uid in ({$creator})"; } if ($ids && $ids != '') { $where .= " and in ({$ids})"; } if ($types && $types != '') { $where .= " and e.type_id in ({$types})"; } if ($location && is_array($location)) { if ($location['province'] && $location['province'] > 0) { $where .= " and e.province_id=" . $location['province']; } if ($location['city'] && $location['city'] > 0) { $where .= " and e.city_id=" . $location['city']; } if ($location['area'] && $location['area'] > 0) { $where .= " and e.area_id=" . $location['area']; } if ($location['address'] && $location['address'] > 0) { $where .= " and e.address like '%" . $location['address'] . "%'"; } } if ($keywords && $keywords != '') { $keywords = safe_str($keywords); $where .= " and e.title like '%{$keywords}%'"; } $countrow = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst($sqlcount . $where); if ($countrow) { $total = $countrow['rs']; } $result = array(); $result['total'] = $total; $result['data'] = array(); if ($total > 0) { $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql . $where . $order . $limit); $rows = $query->GetAll(); $events = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $timeNow = time(); $oFromTime = $row['from_time']; $oEndTime = $row['end_time']; if ($row['post_time'] && $row['post_time'] > 0) { $timespan = $timeNow - $row['post_time']; $hours = intval($timespan / 3600); if ($hours >= 12) { $row['date'] = date('Y-m-j H:i', $row['post_time']); } else { if ($hours > 1 && $hours < 12) { $row['date'] = $hours . "小时前"; } else { if ($hours == 0) { $mintes = intval($timespan / 60); if ($mintes == 0) { $row['date'] = "刚刚"; } else { $row['date'] = $mintes . "分钟前"; } } } } } //from_time//end_time $weekarray = array("星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"); $row['from_time'] = date('Y-m-j H:i', $row['from_time']) . ' (' . $weekarray[date('w', $row['from_time'])] . ')'; $row['end_time'] = date('Y-m-j H:i', $row['end_time']) . ' (' . $weekarray[date('w', $row['end_time'])] . ')'; $row['ftime'] = "\"" . date('Y-m-j|H-i', $oFromTime) . "\""; $row['etime'] = "\"" . date('Y-m-j|H-i', $oEndTime) . "\""; $row['need_info_js'] = "\"" . $row['need_app_info'] . "\""; $item_id = $row['id']; $app_count = $this->DatabaseHandler->Fetch_first("select count(apply_id) as rs from event_application where event_id={$item_id}"); if ($app_count) { $row['apply_count'] = $app_count['rs']; } $apply = $this->GetEventsApplications($row['id'], $this->User['uid'], 1, 100); if ($apply && $apply['total'] > 0) { $row['applied'] = 1; } else { $row['applied'] = 0; } $events[] = $row; } $result['data'] = $events; } return $result; }
$clean_val = remove_ep($value['value']); $total_out = bcadd($total_out, $clean_val); if (isset($tx['limit'])) { $output_str .= "Withdrawal limit of input address updated to: <span class='happy_txt'>" . remove_ep($tx['limit']) . "</span> {$curr_code}<br />"; } else { $output_str .= "<a href='./?address=" . $value['address'] . "'>" . $value['address'] . "</a> ← <span class='happy_txt'>{$clean_val}</span> {$curr_code}<br />"; } } echo "<h1>Transaction Details</h1><br />"; echo "<table class='table table-striped table-condensed' style='width:auto;'>"; echo "<tr><td><b>TxID:</b></td><td><a href='./?rawtx=" . $tx['txid'] . "'>" . $tx['txid'] . "</a></td></tr>"; if (isset($tx['blockhash'])) { echo "<tr><td><b>Block:</b></td><td><a href='./?block=" . $tx['blockhash'] . "'>" . $tx['blockhash'] . "</a></td></tr>"; } else { echo "<tr><td><b>Block:</b></td><td>not in a block yet</td></tr>"; } $tx_time = isset($tx['time']) ? date("Y-m-d h:i A e", $tx['time']) : 'unknown'; $confirmations = isset($tx['confirmations']) ? $tx['confirmations'] : '0'; $tx_message = empty($tx['msg']) ? 'none' : safe_str($tx['msg']); $tx_fee = $total_in === 0 ? '0' : bcsub($total_in, $total_out); echo "<tr><td><b>Time Sent:</b></td><td>{$tx_time}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Confirmations:</b></td><td>{$confirmations}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Lock Height:</b></td><td>" . $tx['lockheight'] . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Total Input:</b></td><td>{$total_in} {$curr_code}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Total Output:</b></td><td>{$total_out} {$curr_code}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Fee:</b></td><td>{$tx_fee} {$curr_code}</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Message:</b></td><td>{$tx_message}</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "<h3>Inputs:</h3><p>{$input_str}</p>"; echo "<h3>Outputs:</h3><p>{$output_str}</p>"; }
function CreateNewEvent() { $jsonObj = $this->Post['event'] ? $this->Post['event'] : $this->Get['event']; $note = $this->Post['note'] ? $this->Post['note'] : $this->Get['note']; $event = json_decode($jsonObj); $eventEntity = new EventEntity(); $eventEntity->title = $event->title; $eventEntity->type_id = $event->type; $eventEntity->content = safe_str($note); $eventEntity->province_id = $event->province; if ($event->city != '') { $eventEntity->city_id = $event->city; } else { $eventEntity->city_id = $event->province; } $fdate = explode('-', $event->start); $edate = explode('-', $event->end); $eventEntity->from_time = mktime($event->start_hour, $event->start_minute, 0, $fdate[1], $fdate[2], $fdate[0]); $eventEntity->end_time = mktime($event->end_hour, $event->end_minute, 0, $edate[1], $edate[2], $edate[0]); $eventEntity->area_id = $event->district; $eventEntity->money = $event->fee; $eventEntity->id = 0; $eventEntity->post_uid = $this->User['uid']; $eventEntity->post_time = time(); $eventEntity->item = ''; $eventEntity->item_id = 0; $eventEntity->last_time = time(); $eventEntity->postip = getIP(); $eventEntity->address = $event->address; $eventEntity->image = ''; $eventEntity->need_app_info = $event->needinfo; $id = $this->EventLogic->AddNewEvent($eventEntity); $return = array(); $item = array(); if ($id && $id > 0) { $item['item_type'] = 'event'; $item['title'] = $event->title; $item['item_id'] = $id; $item['item_url'] = $this->Config['server_url'] . "index.php?mod=event&action=profile&from=taobao&id=" . $id; $return['status'] = 'ok'; $return['message'] = urlencode("活动创建成功!"); $return['item'] = ArrayToJson($item); } else { $return['status'] = 'failed'; $return['message'] = urlencode("活动创建失败!"); } echo urldecode(json_encode($return)); }
function DoEventSave($event) { $title = $this->QueryString('event_title'); $type = $this->QueryString('event_class'); $start = $this->QueryString('event_start'); $start_hour = $this->QueryString('event_start_hour'); $start_minute = $this->QueryString('event_start_minute'); if (!$start_minute || $start_minute == '') { $start_minute = 0; } $end = $this->QueryString('event_end'); $end_hour = $this->QueryString('event_end_hour'); $end_minute = $this->QueryString('event_end_minute'); if (!$end_minute || $end_minute == '') { $end_minute = 0; } $province = $this->QueryString('user_province'); $city = $this->QueryString('user_city'); $district = $this->QueryString('user_district'); $street = $this->QueryString('user_street'); $address = $this->QueryString('event_address'); $note = $this->QueryString('event_note_h'); $fee = $this->QueryString('event_fee'); if (!$fee || $fee == '') { $fee = 0; } $need_info = $this->QueryString('event_needinfo_h'); $event_img_id = $this->QueryString('event_img_id'); $event_img_url = $this->QueryString('event_img_url'); $eventEntity = new EventEntity(); $eventEntity->title = $title; $eventEntity->type_id = $type; $eventEntity->content = safe_str($note); $eventEntity->province_id = $province; if ($city != '') { $eventEntity->city_id = $city; } else { $eventEntity->city_id = $province; } $eventEntity->image = $event_img_url; $fdate = explode('-', $start); $edate = explode('-', $end); $eventEntity->type_id = $type; $eventEntity->from_time = mktime($start_hour, $start_minute, 0, $fdate[1], $fdate[2], $fdate[0]); $eventEntity->end_time = mktime($end_hour, $end_minute, 0, $edate[1], $edate[2], $edate[0]); $eventEntity->area_id = $district; $eventEntity->money = $fee; if ($event && $event['id'] && $event['id'] != '' && $event['id'] > 0) { $eventEntity->id = $event['id']; $eventEntity->post_time = $event['post_time']; $eventEntity->postip = $event['postip']; } else { $eventEntity->id = 0; $eventEntity->post_time = time(); $eventEntity->postip = getIP(); } $eventEntity->post_uid = $this->User['uid']; $eventEntity->item = ''; $eventEntity->item_id = 0; $eventEntity->last_time = time(); $eventEntity->address = $address; $eventEntity->need_app_info = $need_info; if ($event && $event['id'] && $event['id'] != '' && $event['id'] > 0) { $redirectUrl = "index.php?mod=event&action=profile&id=" . $event['id']; $ret = $this->EventLogic->Update($eventEntity, $event['type_id']); if ($event_img_url != '' && $event['image'] != '' && $event['image'] != $event_img_url) { $IoHandler = new IoHandler(); $urls = Getimageurls($event['image']); if (is_array($urls) && count($urls) > 0) { foreach ($urls as $u) { $d = $IoHandler->DeleteFile($u); } } $this->ImageLogic->DeleteImage('', $event['image']); $this->ImageLogic->SetImgToItem('event', $event['id'], $event_img_id); } } else { $ret = $this->EventLogic->AddNewEvent($eventEntity); $redirectUrl = "index.php?mod=event&action=profile&id={$ret}"; $this->ImageLogic->SetImgToItem('event', $ret, $event_img_id); } header("Location:{$redirectUrl}"); }
function CreateSearchFilter($uid, $name, $content) { $dataList = array(); $dataList['uid'] = $uid; $dataList['content'] = safe_str($content); $dataList['name'] = $name; $dataList['post_time'] = time(); $dataList['modify_time'] = time(); $fid = $this->DatabaseHandler->Insert2($dataList, 'user_filters'); return $fid; }
function AddNewGroup() { $this->NoLoginAjaxReturn(); $uid = $this->QueryString('uid'); $type = $this->QueryString('type'); if (!$uid && $uid == '') { $uid = $this->User['uid']; } $name = $this->QueryString('name'); $name = safe_str($name); $description = $this->QueryString('description'); $description = safe_str($description); $gid = $this->GroupLogic->CreateGroup($uid, $name, $description, $type); $return = array(); $return['status'] = 'failed'; $return['message'] = urlencode("创建失败"); if ($gid <= 0) { echo urldecode(json_encode($return)); exit; } $return['status'] = 'ok'; $return['message'] = "创建成功"; $item['item_type'] = 'group'; $item['item_id'] = $gid; $item['item_name'] = $name; $return['item'] = $item; echo urldecode(json_encode(ArrayToJson($return))); }
function SendMessage() { $this->NoLoginAjaxReturn(); $content = $this->Post['content'] ? $this->Post['content'] : $this->Get['content']; $subject = $this->Post['subject'] ? $this->Post['subject'] : $this->Get['subject']; $tounames = $this->Post['unames'] ? $this->Post['unames'] : $this->Get['unames']; $touids = $this->Post['uids'] ? $this->Post['uids'] : $this->Get['uids']; $uids = explode(',', $touids); $return = array(); if (!$uids || !is_array($uids) || count($uids) == 0) { $return['status'] = "failed"; $return['message'] = urlencode('请添加收件人,收件人可以是多个,中间用英文键盘下的逗号隔开.'); echo urldecode(json_encode($return)); return; } if ($content != '') { $content = safe_str($content); } else { $return['status'] = "failed"; $return['message'] = '请输入内容'; echo json_encode($return); return; } if ($subject != '') { $subject = safe_str($subject); } $send = true; $messages = array(); foreach ($uids as $uid) { $message = new MessageEntity(); $message->IsSafed = true; $message->content = $content; $message->subject = $subject; $message->touid = $uid; $message->uid = $this->User['uid']; $sent = $this->Message_Logic->AddNew($message); if ($sent && $sent['msgid'] > 0) { $send = $send & true; $messages[] = $sent; } else { $send = $send & false; } } if ($messages && count($messages) > 0) { $return['status'] = "ok"; $return['message'] = '发送成功'; $return['item'] = $messages; echo json_encode($return); return; } }
private function GetPostInput() { $cop = new CompanyEntity(); $cop->id = $this->QueryString('id'); $cop->name = safe_str($this->QueryString('name')); $cop->nickname = safe_str($this->QueryString('nickname')); $cop->address = safe_str($this->QueryString('address')); $cop->description = safe_str($this->QueryString('description')); $cop->category = safe_str($this->QueryString('category')); $cop->building_id = safe_str($this->QueryString('building_id')); $cop->create_uid = $this->User['uid']; $cop->post_time = time(); $cop->update_uid = $this->User['uid']; $cop->update_time = time(); return $cop; }
public static function rewrite_uri() { $request_uri = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (count($request_uri) > 1) { $rewrite_url = explode('&', $request_uri[1]); foreach ($rewrite_url as $key => $value) { $_value = explode('=', $value); if (count($_value) > 1) { if ($_value[1]) { $_value[1] = safe_str($_value[1]); } } $__value = implode('=', $_value); $_rewrite_url[$key] = $__value; } $__rewrite_url = implode('&', $_rewrite_url); return $request_uri[0] . '?' . $__rewrite_url; } else { return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } }
function GetBuilding() { $this->GotoLogin(); $name = trim($this->Post['name'] ? $this->Post['name'] : $this->Get['name']); if ($name && $name != "") { $name = safe_str(urldecode($name)); } $address = trim($this->Post['address'] ? $this->Post['address'] : $this->Get['address']); if ($address && $address != "") { $address = safe_str(urldecode($address)); } $bids = $this->Post['$bids'] ? $this->Post['$bids'] : $this->Get['$bids']; $province = $this->Post['province'] ? $this->Post['province'] : $this->Get['province']; $city = $this->Post['city'] ? $this->Post['city'] : $this->Get['city']; $district = $this->Post['district'] ? $this->Post['district'] : $this->Get['district']; $street = $this->Post['street'] ? $this->Post['street'] : $this->Get['street']; $btype = $this->Post['type'] ? $this->Post['type'] : $this->Get['type']; $page = $this->Post['page'] ? $this->Post['page'] : $this->Get['page']; $pageSize = $this->QueryString('pagesize'); if (!$page || !is_numeric($page)) { $page = 1; } if (!$pageSize || !is_numeric($pageSize)) { $pageSize = 30; } $result = $this->BuildingLogic->SearchBuildings($name, '', $address, $bids, $province, $city, $district, $street, $btype, $pageSize, $page, true); $json = array(); $json['status'] = 'ok'; $json['message'] = '没有找到相关位置信息'; if ($result['total'] > 0) { if ($this->CallType = "localsite") { $dlist = $result['data']; $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('dlist', $dlist); $this->TemplateHandler->AssignValue('total', $result['total']); $this->TemplateHandler->Display('point_list.html'); } else { if ($this->CallType == 'open') { $json['status'] = 'ok'; $json['message'] = ''; $json['result'] = $result; echo urldecode(json_encode($json)); } } // exit; } echo urldecode(json_encode(ArrayToJson($json))); }
private function DoLogin($email, $password) { $return = array(); $password = safe_str($password); $email = safe_str($email); $md5pass = md5($password); $loginfo = $this->UserLogic->Login($email, $md5pass); if (isset($loginfo) && is_array($loginfo) && count($loginfo) > 0) { if (!isset($loginfo['failed'])) { //set cookie $uid = $loginfo['user']['uid']; $encodestr = authcode("{$uid}\\~{$md5pass}", 'ENCODE', $this->Config['auth_key']); //$encodestr=urlencode($uid."\~".$md5pass); $life = $this->Config['cookie_life']; if ($life == 0) { $this->CookieHandler->SetVar('authstr', $encodestr); } else { $this->CookieHandler->SetVar('authstr', $encodestr, time() + $life); } session_start(); $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid; $_SESSION['uemail'] = $email; $_SESSION['uname'] = $loginfo['user']['uname']; $_SESSION['face_url'] = $loginfo['user']['face_url']; $_SESSION['face_url_p'] = $loginfo['user']['face_url_p']; $return['status'] = 'ok'; $return['message'] = '注册成功'; $return['uid'] = $uid; echo urldecode(json_encode(ArrayToJson($return))); exit; } else { $return['status'] = 'failed'; $return['message'] = $loginfo['info']; echo urldecode(json_encode(ArrayToJson($return))); } } }