function OS_UpdateScoresTable($name = "") { $db = new db("mysql:host=" . OSDB_SERVER . ";dbname=" . OSDB_DATABASE . "", OSDB_USERNAME, OSDB_PASSWORD); $name = safeEscape(trim($name)); if (!empty($name)) { $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM scores WHERE (name) = ('" . $name . "')"); $result = $sth->execute(); if ($limit = $sth->rowCount() <= 0) { $sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO scores(category, name)VALUES('dota_elo','" . $name . "')"); $result = $sth->execute(); } //Get updated result $resultScore = $db->prepare("SELECT player,score FROM " . OSDB_STATS . " WHERE (player) = ('" . $name . "')"); $result = $resultScore->execute(); $rScore = $resultScore->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //update "scores" table $UpdateScoreTable = $db->prepare("UPDATE `scores` SET `score` = '" . $rScore["score"] . "' \n\tWHERE (name) = ('" . $rScore["player"] . "') "); $result = $UpdateScoreTable->execute(); } }
function OS_CheckCaptcha() { if (isset($_POST["post_comment"])) { if (isset($_GET["post_id"]) and is_numeric($_GET["post_id"])) { $backTo = OS_HOME . '?post_id=' . safeEscape($_GET["post_id"]) . "&" . generate_hash(12) . "#SubmitComment"; } else { $backTo = ''; } $CaptchaError = '<h2>Invalid captcha</h2><div><a href="' . $backTo . '">« Back</a></div>'; if (!isset($_POST["c_code"]) or !isset($_SESSION["c_code"])) { os_trigger_error($CaptchaError); } if ($_POST["c_code"] != $_SESSION["c_code"]) { os_trigger_error($CaptchaError . " "); } else { $code = generate_hash(5); $code = str_replace(array("o", "0"), array("x", "x"), $code); $_SESSION["c_code"] = $code; } } }
$errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_no_player"] . "</div>"; } if (empty($errors)) { $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $PID = $row["id"]; $db->insert(OSDB_APPEALS, array("player_id" => (int) $PID, "player_name" => $player, "user_id" => (int) $_SESSION["user_id"], "reason" => $reason, "game_url" => $game_url, "replay_url" => $replay_url, "added" => (int) time(), "status" => 0, "user_ip" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])); $_SESSION["last_report"] = time(); require_once 'plugins/index.php'; os_init(); header('location: ' . OS_HOME . '?ban_appeal&success'); die; } } } if (isset($_SESSION["bnet_username"])) { $BanAppeal = safeEscape(trim($_SESSION["bnet_username"])); if (empty($BanAppeal)) { $BanAppeal = ",./,./"; } $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_BANS . " WHERE name=:player LIMIT 1"); $sth->bindValue(':player', $BanAppeal, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) { $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $BanAppealName = $row["name"]; $BanAppealDate = $row["date"]; $BanAppealGamename = $row["gamename"]; $BanAppealAdmin = $row["admin"]; $BanAppealReason = $row["reason"]; $BanAppealServer = $row["server"]; }
function OS_CheckFacebookLogin() { if (isset($_POST["fb_name"]) and isset($_POST["fb_email"]) and isset($_POST["fb_id"])) { global $db; $errors = ''; $FBID = trim($_POST["fb_id"]); $gender = safeEscape(trim($_POST["fb_gender"])); $name = strip_tags(trim($_POST["fb_name"])); $email = safeEscape(trim($_POST["fb_email"])); $IP = safeEscape($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); $avatar = '' . $FBID . '/picture/?type=large'; $www = '' . $FBID . ''; $pass = generate_hash(5); $hash = generate_hash(12); $password_db = generate_password($pass, $hash); if (empty($FBID) or strlen($FBID) <= 6) { $errors = '1'; } if (strlen($name) <= 3) { $errors = '2'; } if (strlen($email) <= 6) { $errors = '3'; } if (!empty($errors)) { header('location:' . OS_HOME . '?action=facebook&error=' . $errors); die; } if ($gender == "male") { $gen = 1; } else { if ($gender == "female") { $gen = 2; } else { $gen = 0; } } $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_USERS . " WHERE user_fbid =:FBID AND user_email =:email"); $sth->bindValue(':FBID', $FBID, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->bindValue(':email', $email, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); //echo $FBID ; //echo $db->num_rows($result); //NEW USER if ($sth->rowCount() <= 0) { //Check if username already exists $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_USERS . " WHERE LOWER(user_name) =:name "); $sth->bindValue(':name', strtolower($name), PDO::PARAM_STR); if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) { $name .= " " . rand(100, 1000); } $db->insert(OSDB_USERS, array("user_name" => $name, "user_fbid" => $FBID, "user_password" => $password_db, "password_hash" => $hash, "user_email" => $email, "user_joined" => (int) time(), "user_level" => 0, "user_last_login" => (int) time(), "user_ip" => $IP, "user_avatar" => $avatar, "user_website" => $www, "user_gender" => $gen)); $id = $db->lastInsertId(); $_SESSION["user_id"] = $id; $_SESSION["username"] = $name; $_SESSION["email"] = $email; $_SESSION["level"] = 0; $_SESSION["can_comment"] = 1; $_SESSION["logged"] = time(); $_SESSION["fb"] = $FBID; $_SESSION["bnet"] = ""; $_SESSION["bnet_username"] = ""; header("location: " . OS_HOME . ""); die; } else { //UPDATE USER DATA if ($gen >= 1) { $sql_update = ", user_gender = '" . (int) $gen . "'"; } else { $sql_update = ""; } $update = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . OSDB_USERS . " SET user_last_login = '******',user_avatar = '" . strip_tags($avatar) . "', user_website = '" . strip_tags($www) . "' {$sql_update} \n\t\tWHERE user_email = '" . $email . "' AND user_fbid = '" . $FBID . "' LIMIT 1"); $result = $update->execute(); $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $id = $row["user_id"]; $_SESSION["user_id"] = $id; $_SESSION["username"] = $row["user_name"]; $_SESSION["email"] = $row["user_email"]; $_SESSION["level"] = $row["user_level"]; $_SESSION["can_comment"] = $row["can_comment"]; $_SESSION["logged"] = time(); $_SESSION["fb"] = $FBID; $_SESSION["bnet"] = $row["user_bnet"]; $_SESSION["bnet_username"] = $row["bnet_username"]; header("location: " . OS_HOME . ""); die; } } }
<?php if (!isset($website)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die; } if (!empty($_GET["common_games"]) and isset($_SESSION["bnet_username"])) { $HomeTitle = "Common Games"; $HomeDesc = os_strip_quotes($lang["game_archive"]); $HomeKeywords = strtolower(os_strip_quotes($lang["game_archive"])) . ',' . $HomeKeywords; $MenuClass["games"] = "active"; $User1 = strip_tags(trim($_SESSION["bnet_username"])); $User2 = safeEscape(trim($_GET["common_games"])); $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . OSDB_GAMES . " as g\n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_GP . " as gp ON gp.gameid = AND \n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_GP . " as gp2 ON gp2.gameid = gp.gameid AND\n\tWHERE =:user1 AND =:user2\n\tLIMIT 1"); $sth->bindValue(':user1', $User1, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->bindValue(':user2', $User2, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $numrows = $r[0]; $result_per_page = $GamesPerPage; $draw_pagination = 0; include 'inc/pagination.php'; $draw_pagination = 1; $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT g.gamename,,, g.datetime, g.duration, g.gamestate, dg.winner\n\tFROM " . OSDB_GAMES . " as g\n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_GP . " as gp ON gp.gameid = AND \n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_GP . " as gp2 ON gp2.gameid = gp.gameid AND\n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_DG . " as dg ON dg.gameid =\n\tWHERE =:user1 AND =:user2\n\tORDER BY DESC\n\tLIMIT {$offset}, {$rowsperpage}"); $sth->bindValue(':user1', $User1, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->bindValue(':user2', $User2, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); $CommonGames = array(); $c = 0; while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $CommonGames[$c]["gamename"] = $row["gamename"];
<?php if (!isset($website)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die; } $userID = safeEscape((int) $_GET["member"]); $MenuClass["members"] = "active"; $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT u.*, COUNT(c.user_id) as total_comments \r\n\tFROM " . OSDB_USERS . " as u \r\n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_COMMENTS . " as c ON c.user_id = u.user_id\r\n\tWHERE u.user_id = :userID LIMIT 1"); $sth->bindValue(':userID', $userID, PDO::PARAM_INT); $result = $sth->execute(); $c = 0; $MemberData = array(); if (file_exists("inc/geoip/")) { include "inc/geoip/"; $GeoIPDatabase = geoip_open("inc/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD); $GeoIP = 1; } if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) { while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //USER REGISTERED/CONFIRMED BNET ACCOUNT if ($row["user_bnet"] >= 1) { $sth2 = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_STATS . " \r\n\t WHERE player = '" . $row["user_name"] . "' \r\n\t ORDER BY id DESC \r\n\t LIMIT 1 "); $result = $sth2->execute(); $row2 = $sth2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $MemberData[$c]["points"] = number_format($row2["points"]); $MemberData[$c]["games"] = $row2["games"]; $MemberData[$c]["score"] = $row2["score"]; $MemberData[$c]["wins"] = $row2["wins"]; $MemberData[$c]["losses"] = $row2["losses"]; $MemberData[$c]["uid"] = $row2["id"];
} $draw_pagination = 0; include 'inc/pagination.php'; $draw_pagination = 1; $sqlFilter .= "ORDER BY g.datetime DESC"; $sql = getUserGames($id, $MinDuration, $offset, $rowsperpage, $sqlFilter); } else { //FILTER $filter = ""; unset($sth); if (isset($_GET["m"]) and is_numeric($_GET["m"]) and $_GET["m"] <= 12 and $_GET["m"] >= 1) { $m = safeEscape((int) $_GET["m"]); $filter .= "AND MONTH(g.datetime) = '" . (int) $m . "'"; } if (isset($_GET["y"]) and is_numeric($_GET["y"]) and $_GET["y"] <= date("Y") and $_GET["y"] >= 1998) { $y = safeEscape((int) $_GET["y"]); $filter .= "AND YEAR(g.datetime) = '" . (int) $y . "'"; } if (isset($_GET["game_type"]) and is_numeric($_GET["game_type"])) { $filter .= " AND g.alias_id = '" . (int) $_GET["game_type"] . "' "; } $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . OSDB_GAMES . " as g\n WHERE ( LIKE ('%" . OS_DEFAULT_MAP . "%') AND g.duration>='" . $MinDuration . "' " . $filter . " LIMIT 1"); $result = $sth->execute(); $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $numrows = $r[0]; $result_per_page = $GamesPerPage; $draw_pagination = 0; include 'inc/pagination.php'; $draw_pagination = 1; $sql = getAllGames($MinDuration, $offset, $rowsperpage, $filter, "datetime DESC"); }
$PluginDesc = ""; if ($PluginFile != "." and $PluginFile != "index.php" and $PluginFile != ".." and strstr($PluginFile, ".php") == true) { //enable/disable if (isset($_GET["disable"]) and file_exists($plugins_dir . safeEscape($_GET["disable"])) and $PluginFile == $_GET["disable"] and OS_IsRoot()) { $PluginEnabled = 1; write_value_of('$PluginEnabled', "{$PluginEnabled}", 0, $plugins_dir . safeEscape($_GET["disable"])); echo $PluginFile . ' - disabled <a href="' . OS_HOME . 'adm/?plugins">« Back</a>'; } else { if (isset($_GET["enable"]) and file_exists($plugins_dir . safeEscape($_GET["enable"])) and $PluginFile == $_GET["enable"] and OS_IsRoot()) { $PluginEnabled = 0; write_value_of('$PluginEnabled', "{$PluginEnabled}", 1, $plugins_dir . safeEscape($_GET["enable"])); echo $PluginFile . ' - enabled <a href="' . OS_HOME . 'adm/?plugins">« Back</a>'; } else { if (isset($_GET["delete"]) and file_exists($plugins_dir . safeEscape($_GET["delete"])) and OS_IsRoot()) { $PluginEnabled = 0; unlink($plugins_dir . safeEscape($_GET["delete"])); } } } if (file_exists($plugins_dir . $PluginFile)) { $PluginName = trim(str_replace("//Plugin:", "", OS_ReadLine($plugins_dir . $PluginFile, 2))); $PluginAuthor = trim(str_replace("//Author:", "", OS_ReadLine($plugins_dir . $PluginFile, 3))); $PluginDesc = trim(str_replace("//", "", OS_ReadLine($plugins_dir . $PluginFile, 4))); if (!empty($PluginName) and !empty($PluginAuthor)) { include $plugins_dir . $PluginFile; if (isset($PluginOptions) and $PluginOptions == 1 and $PluginEnabled == 1) { $PluginEdit = '<a href="' . OS_HOME . 'adm/?plugins&edit=' . $PluginFile . '#' . $PluginFile . '"><img src="' . OS_HOME . 'adm/edit.png" alt="edit" width="16" height="16" /> Edit</a>'; if (isset($_GET["edit"]) and $_GET["edit"] == $PluginFile) { $PluginEdit = '<a href="' . OS_HOME . 'adm/?plugins#' . $PluginFile . '"><img src="' . OS_HOME . 'adm/edit.png" alt="edit" width="16" height="16" /> « Edit</a>'; } } else {
echo os_commentForm(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="padLeft padTop padBottom"> <input <?php if (!os_canComment()) { ?> disabled<?php } ?> class="menuButtons" type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang["add_comment_button"]; ?> " name="add_comment" /> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo (int) safeEscape($_GET["post_id"]); ?> " name="pid" /> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $code; ?> " name="code" /> </form> <?php }
<a href="javascript:;" class="menuButtons" onclick="SetDateField('tban', 'sl')" >Tban</a> <a href="javascript:;" class="menuButtons" onclick="SetDateField('ban', 'sl')" >Ban</a> <a href="javascript:;" class="menuButtons" onclick="SetDateField('kick', 'sl')" >Kick</a> <a href="javascript:;" class="menuButtons" onclick="SetDateField('rcon', 'sl')" >Rcon</a> </form> <?php $sql = ""; if (isset($_GET["search_logs"]) and strlen($_GET["search_logs"]) >= 2) { $search_logs = safeEscape($_GET["search_logs"]); $sql .= " AND LOWER(log_data) LIKE LOWER('%" . $search_logs . "%') "; } else { //$sql = ""; $search_logs = ""; } if (isset($_GET["log_admin"]) and strlen($_GET["log_admin"]) >= 2) { $search_admin = safeEscape(trim($_GET["log_admin"])); $sql .= " AND log_admin = '" . $search_admin . "' "; } $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . OSDB_ADMIN_LOG . " WHERE id>=1 {$sql} LIMIT 1"); $result = $sth->execute(); $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $numrows = $r[0]; $result_per_page = 30; ?> <div align="center"> <h4> <a class="menuButtons" href="javascript:;" onclick="if (confirm('Delete all logs?') ) {location.href='<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> adm/?admin_logs&purge_admin_logs'} " >Purge logs (<?php echo $numrows;
<?php if (file_exists("../inc/geoip/")) { if (!isset($_GET["city"])) { include "../inc/geoip/"; } $GeoIPDatabase = geoip_open("../inc/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD); $GeoIP = 1; } $p = ''; if (isset($_GET["page"]) and is_numeric($_GET["page"])) { $p = '&page=' . safeEscape($_GET["page"]); } else { $p = ''; } if (isset($_GET["sort"])) { $p .= '&sort=' . safeEscape($_GET["sort"]); } //LOOP while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($GeoIP == 1) { $Letter = geoip_country_code_by_addr($GeoIPDatabase, $row["ip"]); $Country = geoip_country_name_by_addr($GeoIPDatabase, $row["ip"]); } if ($GeoIP == 1 and empty($Letter)) { $Letter = "blank"; $Country = "Reserved"; } $exp = calculateXP($row["exp"]); if ($exp["level"] <= 0) { $exp["level"] = 1; }
$result = $sth->execute(); $numrows = $sth->rowCount(); $result_per_page = 30; $draw_pagination = 1; $sql = "WHERE item_info!='' GROUP BY (shortname)"; } $SHOW_TOTALS = 1; include 'pagination.php'; $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_ITEMS . " {$sql} \n ORDER BY (shortname) ASC \n LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowsperpage}"); $result = $sth->execute(); $add = ""; if (isset($_GET["show_all"])) { $add .= "&show_all"; } if (isset($_GET["page"])) { $add .= "&page=" . safeEscape((int) $_GET["page"]); } ?> <table> <tr> <th width="74" class="padLeft">Item</th> <th width="220">Item name</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> <?php while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (isset($_GET["edit"]) and $_GET["edit"] == $row["itemid"]) { $border = 'style="border:6px solid #FCC200;"'; } else { $border = ""; }
<?php if (!isset($website)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die; } $HomeTitle = $lang["heroes"]; $HomeDesc = $lang["heroes"]; $HomeKeywords = strtolower(os_strip_quotes($lang["heroes"])) . ',' . $HomeKeywords; $MenuClass["misc"] = "active"; if (isset($_GET["search_heroes"]) and strlen($_GET["search_heroes"]) >= 2) { $search_heroes = safeEscape(trim($_GET["search_heroes"])); $sql = "AND (description) LIKE ? "; } else { $sql = ""; } $HeroesData = array(); $HeroesData[0] = "Heroes"; /* $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".OSDB_HEROES." WHERE summary!= '-' $sql LIMIT 1"); if ( !empty($sql) ) $sth->bindValue(1, "%".strtolower($search_heroes)."%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $numrows = $r[0]; $result_per_page = $HeroesPerPage; $result_per_page = $HeroesPerPage; $draw_pagination = 0; $total_comments = $numrows; include('inc/pagination.php'); $draw_pagination = 1;
?> ?vote"><?php echo $lang["vote_back"]; ?> </a></div> </div> <?php } else { if (isset($_POST["vote_hero"]) and isset($_SESSION["code"]) and isset($_POST["code"]) and $_POST["code"] == $_SESSION["code"]) { $code = generate_hash(14); $_SESSION["code"] = $code; if (isset($_POST["h1"])) { $h1 = safeEscape($_POST["h1"]); $h1check = safeEscape($_POST["hero_1"]); $h2check = safeEscape($_POST["hero_2"]); if ($h1check == $h1) { $votedown = $h2check; } if ($h2check == $h1) { $votedown = $h1check; } //echo "<b>$h1</b> ($h1check -- $h2check ) <--> $votedown"; $sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE heroes SET `voteup` = `voteup`+1 WHERE `heroid` = :h1 "); $sth->bindValue(':h1', $h1, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); $sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE heroes SET `votedown` = `votedown`+1 WHERE `heroid` = '" . $votedown . "' "); $sth->bindValue(':votedown', $votedown, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); //GET VOTE RESULTS $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE summary!= '-' AND `heroid` = :h1check LIMIT 1");
function OS_MostPlayedHero($username) { $sql = "SELECT SUM(`left`) AS timeplayed, original, description, \n\tCOUNT(*) AS played \n\tFROM " . OSDB_GP . " as gp \n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_GAMES . " as g ON \n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_DP . " as dp ON \n\tAND dp.colour=gp.colour \n\tLEFT JOIN " . OSDB_DG . " as dg ON \n JOIN " . OSDB_HEROES . " on hero = heroid \n\tWHERE (name)=('" . safeEscape($username) . "')\n\tGROUP BY original \n\tORDER BY played DESC LIMIT 1"; return $sql; }
if ($db->num_rows($result) <= 0) { $pass = generate_hash(5); $hash = generate_hash(12); $password_db = generate_password($pass, $hash); $avatar = '' . $user . '/picture?type=large'; $www = '' . $user . ''; if ($gender == "male") { $gen = 1; } else { if ($gender == "female") { $gen = 2; } else { $gen = 0; } } $insert = $db->query("INSERT INTO users(user_name, user_fbid, user_password, password_hash, user_email, user_joined, user_level, user_last_login, user_ip, user_avatar, user_website, user_gender) \n\t VALUES('" . safeEscape($name) . "', '" . $user . "', '" . $password_db . "', '" . $hash . "', '" . safeEscape($email) . "', '" . (int) time() . "', '0', '" . (int) time() . "', '" . safeEscape($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "', '" . strip_tags($avatar) . "', '" . $www . "', '" . $gen . "')"); $id = $db->get_insert_id(); $_SESSION["user_id"] = $id; $_SESSION["username"] = $name; $_SESSION["email"] = $email; $_SESSION["level"] = 0; $_SESSION["can_comment"] = 1; $_SESSION["logged"] = time(); $_SESSION["fb"] = $user; header("location: " . $website . ""); } else { $avatar = '' . $user . '/picture'; $www = '' . $user . ''; if ($gender == "male") { $gen = 1; } else {
<?php if (!isset($website)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die; } $HomeTitle = $lang["items"]; $HomeDesc = $lang["items"]; $HomeKeywords = strtolower(os_strip_quotes($lang["items"])) . ',' . $HomeKeywords; $MenuClass["misc"] = "active"; if (isset($_GET["search_items"]) and strlen($_GET["search_items"]) >= 2) { $search_items = safeEscape($_GET["search_items"]); $sql = "AND (name) LIKE ? "; } else { $sql = ""; } if (isset($_GET["search_items"]) and strlen($_GET["search_items"]) >= 2) { $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_ITEMS . " as Items\n\tWHERE item_info !='' AND name != 'Aegis Check' \n\tAND name != 'Arcane Ring' AND name NOT LIKE 'Disabled%' {$sql}\n\tGROUP BY (shortname) \n\tORDER BY (shortname) ASC"); if (!empty($sql)) { $sth->bindValue(1, "%" . $search_items . "%", PDO::PARAM_STR); } $result = $sth->execute(); $numrows = $sth->rowCount(); } else { $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_ITEMS . " WHERE item_info !='' AND name != 'Aegis Check' \n\tAND name != 'Arcane Ring' AND name NOT LIKE 'Disabled%' GROUP BY (shortname)"); $result = $sth->execute(); $numrows = $sth->rowCount(); } $result_per_page = $ItemsPerPage; $draw_pagination = 0; //$total_comments = $numrows;
?> <br /> [BOT] (<?php echo date(OS_DATE_FORMAT, time()); ?> ) executed command #<?php echo $InsertID; ?> , botID: <?php echo $botID; ?> </div> <?php } else { if (isset($_POST["rcon"]) and os_is_logged() and $_SESSION["level"] >= 9 and isset($_POST["gameID"])) { $rcon = safeEscape(trim($_POST["rcon"])); $com = trim($_POST["com"]); //$com = str_replace('&', '&',$com); //$com = convEnt($com); //$com = str_replace('&quot;', '"',$com); //$com = OS_StrToUTF8($com); $gameID = (int) $_POST["gameID"]; $botID = (int) $_POST["botID"]; if ($rcon == 1) { $command = "!rcon saylobby " . $_SESSION["username"] . " {$gameID} {$com}"; } if ($rcon == 2) { $command = "!rcon saygame " . $_SESSION["username"] . " {$gameID} {$com}"; } if ($rcon == 3) { $command = "!rcon sayteam " . $_SESSION["username"] . " {$gameID} 1 {$com}";
if (isset($_GET["clear_messages"])) { $sth = $db->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE " . OSDB_COMMANDS . ""); $result = $sth->execute(); ?> <div align="center"> <h2>All messages are deleted successfully.</h2> <a href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> adm/?remote">Refresh page</a> to continue. </div> <?php OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_rcon] Removed all remote commands "); } if (isset($_POST["rc"]) and isset($_POST["botid"]) and is_numeric($_POST["botid"]) and isset($_POST["command"])) { $botid = safeEscape((int) $_POST["botid"]); $command = strip_tags(trim($_POST["command"])); $db->insert(OSDB_COMMANDS, array("botid" => $botid, "command" => $command)); $InsertID = $db->lastInsertId(); ?> <div align="center"> <?php if ($InsertID >= 1) { OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_rcon] Sent Remote command ( #{$InsertID} )"); ?> Message #<?php echo $InsertID; ?> has been successfully sent. <div style="font-size:11px;"><?php echo $command;
} } if (file_exists("../inc/geoip/")) { include "../inc/geoip/"; $GeoIPDatabase = geoip_open("../inc/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD); $GeoIP = 1; } if (isset($_GET["del"]) and isset($_GET["t"]) and is_numeric($_GET["t"])) { $del = safeEscape($_GET["del"]); $t = safeEscape($_GET["t"]); $sth = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . OSDB_APPEALS . " \n\t WHERE LOWER(player_name) = LOWER('" . $del . "') AND added = '" . $t . "' LIMIT 1"); $result = $sth->execute(); } if (isset($_GET["edit"]) and isset($_GET["t"]) and is_numeric($_GET["t"])) { $id = safeEscape($_GET["edit"]); $t = safeEscape($_GET["t"]); if (isset($_GET["close"])) { $sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . OSDB_APPEALS . " SET status = 1 \n\tWHERE (player_name) = LOWER('" . $id . "') AND added = '" . $t . "' LIMIT 1"); $result = $sth->execute(); } if (isset($_GET["open"])) { $sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . OSDB_APPEALS . " SET status = 0 \n\tWHERE (player_name) = LOWER('" . $id . "') AND added = '" . $t . "' LIMIT 1"); $result = $sth->execute(); } if (isset($_GET["remove_ban"])) { $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $sth = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . OSDB_BANS . " WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('" . $id . "') "); $result = $sth->execute(); $sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . OSDB_APPEALS . " SET status = 2 \n\tWHERE LOWER(player_name) = LOWER('" . $id . "') AND added = '" . $t . "' LIMIT 1"); $result = $sth->execute(); }
$result = $check->execute(); if ($check->rowCount() >= 1) { $botID = safeEscape($_POST["botID"]); $gamelist = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO " . OSDB_GAMELIST . " (botid) VALUES ('" . (int) $botID . "'); "); $result = $gamelist->execute(); $update = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . OSDB_GAMELIST . " SET gamename = '', ownername = '', creatorname = '', map = '', slotstaken = 0, slotstotal = 0, usernames = '', totalgames = 0, totalplayers = 0; "); $result = $update->execute(); } } //REMOVE BOT ID if (isset($_GET["gamelist"]) and isset($_GET["remove_botid"]) and is_numeric($_GET["remove_botid"])) { $check = $db->prepare("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . OSDB_GAMELIST . "'"); //always check for gamelist table $result = $check->execute(); if ($check->rowCount() >= 1) { $botID = safeEscape($_GET["remove_botid"]); $delete = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM `" . OSDB_GAMELIST . "` WHERE botid = '" . (int) $botID . "' "); $result = $delete->execute(); } } //INSTALL if (isset($_GET["gamelist"]) and isset($_GET["install"])) { $check = $db->prepare("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . OSDB_GAMELIST . "'"); //check again $result = $check->execute(); if ($check->rowCount() <= 0) { $gl = 1; $gamelist = $db->prepare("CREATE TABLE " . OSDB_GAMELIST . " (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, botid INT, gamename VARCHAR(128), ownername VARCHAR(32), creatorname VARCHAR(32), map VARCHAR(100), slotstaken INT, slotstotal INT, usernames VARCHAR(512), totalgames INT, totalplayers INT) ENGINE = MEMORY; "); $result = $gamelist->execute(); if ($gl) { write_value_of('$GameListPatch', "{$GameListPatch}", 1, "../config.php");
$result = $sth->execute(); OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_addpp] REMOVED PP, #" . (int) $_GET["del"] . " "); } if (isset($_GET["remove_all"]) and strlen($_GET["remove_all"]) >= 2) { $player = strip_tags($_GET["remove_all"]); $sth = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM " . OSDB_GO . " WHERE player_name='" . $_GET["remove_all"] . "'"); $result = $sth->execute(); OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_addpp] REMOVED ALL PP ({$player}) "); } if (isset($_GET["search"])) { $search = safeEscape(trim($_GET["search"])); $sql .= " AND player_name LIKE ('" . $search . "%') "; } if (isset($_POST["add_pp"])) { $player_name = trim(strip_tags($_POST["player_name"])); $reason = trim(strip_tags(safeEscape($_POST["reason"]))); $expiredate = trim($_POST["expires"]); $admin = trim(strip_tags($_POST["admin"])); $pp = trim((int) $_POST["pp"]); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", time()); if (strlen($player_name) <= 2) { $errors .= "<div>Player name does not have enough characters</div>"; } if ($pp <= 0) { $errors .= "<div>Penalty points can not be less than 1</div>"; } if (empty($errors)) { if (!isset($_GET["edit"])) { $sqlqr = "INSERT INTO " . OSDB_GO . "(player_name, reason, offence_time, offence_expire, pp, admin) \n\t VALUES('" . $player_name . "', '" . $reason . "', '" . $date . "', '" . $expiredate . "', '" . $pp . "', '" . $admin . "' )"; OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_addpp] Added PP {$player_name} + {$pp}"); } else {
function OS_ComparePlayers($type = 0, $playerID = 0) { global $ComparePlayers; global $ComparePlayersData; global $lang; global $MaxPlayersToCompare; if ($ComparePlayers == 1) { if ($type == 'link') { if (isset($_GET["compare"])) { ?> <div class="clr"></div> <div class="ct-wrapper"> <div class="outer-wrapper"> <div class="content section"> <div class="widget Blog"> <div class="blog-posts hfeed"> <div class="comparePlayersList"> <a class="menuButtons" href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?top"><?php echo $lang["compare_back"]; ?> </a> <a class="menuButtons" href="javascript:;" onclick="showhide('compare_list')" ><?php echo $lang["compare_list"]; ?> <?php if (isset($ComparePlayersData) and !empty($ComparePlayersData)) { ?> <?php echo count($ComparePlayersData); ?> /<?php echo $MaxPlayersToCompare; } ?> </a> <div id="compare_list"> <?php if (isset($ComparePlayersData) and !empty($ComparePlayersData)) { ?> <table><?php $counter = 0; foreach ($ComparePlayersData as $Player) { $counter++; ?> <tr> <td width="24"><?php echo $counter; ?> </td> <td width="175"><div><a href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?u=<?php echo $Player["id"]; ?> "><?php echo $Player["player"]; ?> </a></div></td> <td><a href="javascript:;" onclick="if( confirm('<?php echo $lang["compare_remove_player"]; ?> ') ) { location.href='<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?top&compare&remove=<?php echo $Player["id"]; ?> ' }">×</a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php if ($counter > 1) { ?> <div> <a class="menuButtons" href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?compare_players"><?php echo $lang["compare_players"]; ?> </a> <a class="menuButtons" href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?top&compare&clear_list"><?php echo $lang["compare_clear"]; ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else { echo $lang["compare_list_empty"]; } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?php if (isset($_GET["sort"])) { $sort = "&sort=" . safeEscape($_GET["sort"]); } else { $sort = ""; } ?> <span class="comparePlayersList"><a class="menuButtons compareButton" href="<?php echo OS_HOME; ?> ?top&compare<?php echo $sort; ?> "><?php echo $lang["compare_compare"]; ?> </a></span> <?php } ?> <?php } if ($type == 'form_start') { if (isset($_GET["compare"])) { ?> <form action="" method="post"><?php } } if ($type == 'checkbox') { if (isset($_GET["compare"])) { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="compare[]" value="<?php echo $playerID; ?> " /><?php } } if ($type == 'submit') { if (isset($_GET["compare"])) { ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang["compare_add"]; ?> " name="compare_list_add" class="menuButtons" /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang["compare_clear"]; ?> " name="clear_compare_list" class="menuButtons" /> <?php if (isset($_SESSION["compare_list"]) and !empty($_SESSION["compare_list"])) { ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang["compare_players"]; ?> " name="compare_players" class="menuButtons" /> <?php } ?> </form><?php } } } }
?> <h2>Hero successfully deleted</h2> <?php CreateHeroList("../inc/cache/"); OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_heroes] DELETED HERO ( " . safeEscape($_GET["del"]) . " )"); } } if (isset($_GET["hid"]) and isset($_GET["type"])) { $hid = safeEscape($_GET["hid"]); $type = (int) $_GET["type"]; $update = $db->update(OSDB_HEROES, array("type" => $type), "heroid = '" . $hid . "' "); CreateHeroList("../inc/cache/"); } if (isset($_GET["edit"]) or isset($_GET["add"])) { if (isset($_GET["edit"])) { $edit = safeEscape($_GET["edit"]); } if (isset($_GET["add"])) { $HeroName = ""; $heroid = ""; $desc = ""; $stats = ""; $skills = ""; $type = 0; } if (isset($_POST["edit_hero"])) { $HeroName = EscapeStr($_POST["hero_name"]); $heroid = EscapeStr($_POST["heroid"]); $desc = my_nl2br(trim($_POST["desc"])); $desc = str_replace(array("Š", "š"), array("Š", "š"), $desc); $type = (int) $_POST["type"];
} if ($c >= 1) { $sql = substr($sql, 0, -3); //echo $sql; $delete = $db->query($sql); if ($delete) { ?> Deleted <?php echo $c; ?> ban(s)<?php } } } if (isset($_GET["search_bans"]) and strlen($_GET["search_bans"]) >= 2) { $search_bans = safeEscape($_GET["search_bans"]); $sql = " AND LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER('%" . $search_bans . "%') "; } else { $sql = ""; $search_bans = ""; } if (!empty($_GET["check_ip_range"])) { $check_ip_range = strip_tags(trim($_GET["check_ip_range"])); $sql = " AND ip = ':" . $check_ip_range . "' "; } if (!isset($_GET["duplicate"])) { $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . OSDB_BANS . " WHERE id>=1 {$sql}"); $result = $sth->execute(); $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $numrows = $r[0]; } else {
$currentpage = (int) $_GET['page']; } else { $currentpage = 1; } if ($currentpage > $totalpages) { $currentpage = $totalpages; } if ($currentpage < 1) { $currentpage = 1; } if ($totalpages <= 1) { $totalpages = 1; } $offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage; if (isset($_GET['page']) and is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { $current_page = safeEscape($_GET['page']); } if (!isset($current_page)) { $current_page = 1; } if (!isset($MaxPaginationLinks)) { $range = 5; } else { $range = $MaxPaginationLinks; } if ($range >= $totalpages) { $range = $totalpages; } if ($current_page > $totalpages) { $current_page = $totalpages; }
} header("location: " . OS_HOME . "?top&compare" . $page); die; //COMPARING PLAYERS } //if ( isset($_SESSION["compare_list"])) echo( $_SESSION["compare_list"]); if ((isset($_GET["compare"]) or isset($_GET["compare_players"])) and isset($_SESSION["compare_list"]) and !empty($_SESSION["compare_list"])) { $CompareIDArray = explode(",", $_SESSION["compare_list"]); $sqlCompare = "SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_STATS . " WHERE id>=1 AND ("; foreach ($CompareIDArray as $PlayerID) { if (!empty($PlayerID) and is_numeric($PlayerID)) { $sqlCompare .= "id = " . (int) $PlayerID . " OR "; } } $IDs = substr($_SESSION["compare_list"], 0, strlen($_SESSION["compare_list"]) - 1) . " "; $ORD = "ORDER BY FIELD(id," . safeEscape($IDs) . ")"; $sqlCompare = substr($sqlCompare, 0, strlen($sqlCompare) - 3) . ") " . $ORD . ""; $sth = $db->prepare($sqlCompare); $resultCompare = $sth->execute(); $c = 0; $ComparePlayersData = array(); $temp_ck = 0; //creeps $temp_games = 0; //games $temp_wins = 0; //wins % $temp_stay = 0; //stay ratio $temp_apg = 0; //assists per game
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_USERS . " \n\t\t WHERE user_email = :SMF_email AND smf_id = :SMF_id "); $sth->bindValue(':SMF_email', $SMF_email, PDO::PARAM_STR); $sth->bindValue(':SMF_id', $SMF_id, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); if ($sth->rowCount() <= 0) { //CREATE NEW USER (from phpbb database) $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_USERS . " WHERE LOWER(user_name) = :SMF_username "); $sth->bindValue(':SMF_username', strtolower($SMF_username), PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $sth->execute(); if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) { $SMF_username = $SMF_username . "_" . $SMF_id; $pass = generate_hash(5); $hash = generate_hash(12); $password_db = generate_password($pass, $hash); $db->insert(OSDB_USERS, array("user_name" => $SMF_username, "user_email" => $SMF_email, "user_password" => $password_db, "password_hash" => $hash, "user_joined" => (int) time(), "user_level" => 0, "user_last_login" => (int) time(), "user_ip" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], "user_avatar" => $SMF_avatar, "smf_id" => $SMF_id, "user_website" => $SMF_website)); $insert = $db->query("INSERT INTO " . OSDB_USERS . "(user_name, user_email, user_password, password_hash, user_joined, user_level, user_last_login, user_ip, user_avatar, smf_id, user_website )\n\t VALUES('" . $SMF_username . "', '" . $SMF_email . "', '" . $password_db . "', '" . $hash . "', '" . (int) time() . "', '0', '" . (int) time() . "', '" . safeEscape($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "', '" . $SMF_avatar . "', '" . $SMF_id . "', '" . $SMF_website . "' )"); $id = $db->lastInsertId(); $_SESSION["user_id"] = $id; $_SESSION["username"] = $SMF_username; $_SESSION["email"] = $SMF_email; $_SESSION["level"] = 0; $_SESSION["can_comment"] = 1; $_SESSION["logged"] = time(); $_SESSION["smf"] = $SMF_id; //$_SESSION["logout"] = $smf_forum_url."?action=logout;".$SMF_session_var."=".$SMF_sid; $logout = $scripturl . '?action=logout;' . $SMF_session_var . '=' . $SMF_sid; //Maybe SMF bug. Session verification not working...set forum link instead logout link. $logout = $smf_forum_url; $_SESSION["logout"] = $logout; } } else {
//Plugin: Smilies in comments //Author: Ivan //This plugin adds smiles in user comments. if (!isset($website)) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die; } $PluginEnabled = '1'; //Enable edit plugin options $PluginOptions = '1'; $SmiliesPath = 'img/smilies/'; $ThisPlugin = basename(__FILE__, ''); if ($PluginEnabled == 1) { //Change options if (isset($_POST["SmiliesPath"])) { $PATH = safeEscape($_POST["SmiliesPath"]); write_value_of('$SmiliesPath', "{$SmiliesPath}", $PATH, $plugins_dir . basename(__FILE__, '')); $SmiliesPath = $PATH; } //If user can edit plugin if (OS_is_admin() and OS_PluginEdit($ThisPlugin)) { //Show following options when user click on edit icon for this plugin //Display all smilies $Option = ' <form action="" method="post" > <input size="30" type="text" value="' . $SmiliesPath . '" name="SmiliesPath" /> <input type="submit" value = "Change smilies path" class="menuButtons" /> <a href="' . $website . 'adm/?plugins" class="menuButtons">Cancel</a> </form> <div><a href="javascript:;" onclick="showhide(\'smilies\')">Show all</a></div>';
} } //REGISTER if (isset($_GET["login"]) and !is_logged() and isset($_POST["register_"])) { if ($UserActivation == 2) { require_once OS_PLUGINS_DIR . 'index.php'; os_init(); header('location: ' . OS_HOME . ''); die; } $username = OS_StrToUTF8($_POST["reg_un"]); $username = EscapeStr(trim($username)); $email = safeEscape(trim($_POST["reg_email"])); $email = strtolower($email); $password = safeEscape($_POST["reg_pw"]); $password2 = safeEscape($_POST["reg_pw2"]); $registration_errors = ""; $AllowedCharacters = '0123456789QWERTZUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnmљњертзуиопшђасдфгхјклчћжѕџцвбнмšđč枊ĐČĆŽЉЊЕРТЗУИОПШЂАСДФГХЈКЛЧЋЖЅЏЦВБНМ_-'; if (!preg_match('/^[' . $AllowedCharacters . ']+$/', $username)) { $registration_errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_username"] . "</div>"; } //die($registration_errors." - ".$username); if (!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}\$/i", $email)) { $registration_errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_email"] . "</div>"; } if (strlen($username) <= 2) { $registration_errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_short_un"] . "</div>"; } if (strlen($password) <= 2) { $registration_errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_short_pw"] . "</div>"; }