Example #1
function get_img_bymodel_callback()
    $nonce  = $_POST['nonce'];
    $result = array( 'result' => FALSE );

    if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'myajax-post-comment-nonce') )
        die( 'Te atrapamos maldito!' );

    global $post;

    $the_id_model = $_POST['idmodel'];

    $taxonomy_modelos = "pa_modelos";

    //Extraemos la url imagen del termino
    $term  = get_term( $the_id_model , $taxonomy_modelos ); //colocamos el termino
    $image = s8_get_taxonomy_image( $term );

    //Si el array de ids no se encuentra vaacio
    if ( !empty( $image ) )
        $result['result']  = TRUE;

        $result['content'] = $image;



    echo json_encode( $result );

Example #2
						<!-- Creamos una variable global que almacenara el id del select oculto  -->
						<script> var _sl_clousure_type_ = "<?php echo esc_attr( sanitize_title( $name ) ); ?>" </script>

						<ul id="js-chkbox-type-closeures" data-attribute_name="attribute_<?php echo sanitize_title( $name ); ?>" class="list-inline list-type-closueres hidden-xs">

								/* Aquí desplagamos las variaciones del producto */
								global $post;
								$tax_var = "pa_tipo-de-cierre"; //taxonomia tipo de cierre

								if ( taxonomy_exists( $tax_var ) ) { //si la taxonomia existe
									$terms = wc_get_product_terms( $post->ID, $tax_var , array( 'fields' => 'all' ) );
									foreach ( $terms as $term ) {

										$image_html = s8_get_taxonomy_image( $term , array(200,210)); 
										$atribute   = "attribute_" . sanitize_title( $name );

										echo '<li><a href="#" data-attr="'. $term->name .'"><figure>' . $image_html . '</figure><p>'. $term->name . '<span>' . $term->description  . '</span></p></a></li>';

						</ul> <!-- /js-chkbox-type-closeures -->

		</table> <div class="clearfix"></div>
Example #3
			$term = get_term( $array_id_tax[$i] , $taxonomy ); 

			//conseguir term ID
			//$t_ID = $term->term_id;
			//$term_data = get_option("taxonomy_$t_ID");
			//echo $t_ID;

			$active = $i == 0 ? "active" : "";

		<article class="sec__configurations-products__article text-center col-xs-3 <?= $active; ?>">
				//Extraemos la url imagen
				$image   = s8_get_taxonomy_image( $term );  //colocamos el termino
				//Extraemos el título del termino
				$title   = $term->name;
				//Extraemos la descripcion del termino (medidas)
				$medidas = $term->description;

				<?php echo $image; ?>

			<h3 class="sec__configurations-products__article__title"><?php echo $title; ?></h3>
			<?php if (!empty($medidas)): ?>

				<p class="semibold">Dimensiones</p>
  * Adds the thumbnail to all terms in the taxonomy management screens (if they have a thumbnail we can get).
  * @param $out
  * @param $column_name
  * @param $term_id
  * @return bool|String
  * @since 0.8.3
 function edit_taxonomy_columns( $out, $column_name, $term_id ) {
     if ( $column_name != 's8_tax_image_thumb' ) return $out;
     $term = get_term( $term_id, $_GET['taxonomy'] );
     $image = s8_get_taxonomy_image( $term, array( 50, 50 ) );
     if ( $image ) $out = $image;
     return $out;
 * Echo out the html needed to display the taxonomy term image
 * @param $tax_term Object A WP taxonomy term object
 * @param string $size (OPTIONAL) A string specifying the image size to get (e.g. thumbnail, medium, full, or a custom size that has been created by you or a plugin). Does NOT work on images that weren't uploaded through the WP media uploader.
 * @since 0.8.0
function s8_taxonomy_image( $tax_term, $size = 'thumbnail' ) {
    $img = s8_get_taxonomy_image( $tax_term, $size );
    if ( $img ) echo $img;