function ryzom_app_render($title, $content, $style = '', $javascript = array(), $homeLink = false) { $c = ''; // get Lua code $c .= ryLua::get(RYZOM_IG); $at_end = ryLua::getEnd(RYZOM_IG); // Render header $title_prefix = ''; if (ON_IPHONE) { $title_prefix = 'Ryzom - '; } if (!RYZOM_IG) { $c .= '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">' . "\n"; } $c .= '<html><head>' . "\n"; $c .= ' <title>' . $title_prefix . (translation_exists($title) ? _t($title) : $title) . '</title>' . "\n"; if (!RYZOM_IG) { $c .= ' <meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />' . "\n"; } $events = ''; if (!RYZOM_IG) { $c .= ryzom_render_header(); $c .= ryzom_render_header_www(); if (function_exists('newrelic_get_browser_timing_header')) { $c .= newrelic_get_browser_timing_header(); } if (ON_IPHONE) { $events = 'onorientationchange="updateOrientation();" '; } } else { #if (!$style) $style = 'bgcolor="#00000000"'; } if (!RYZOM_IG) { // Javascript $js_code = ''; if (is_string($javascript)) { $javascript = array($javascript); } foreach ($javascript as $js) { $js_code .= ' <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js . '"></script>' . "\n"; } $c .= $js_code; } $c .= ' </head>' . "\n"; $c .= ' <body ' . $events . ' ' . $style . '>' . "\n"; if (!RYZOM_IG) { $c .= ryzom_render_www(ryzom_render_window($title, $content, $homeLink)); $c .= '</body>'; if (function_exists('newrelic_get_browser_timing_header')) { $c .= newrelic_get_browser_timing_footer(); } } else { $c .= $content . '<br /><table bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td>' . ryLogger::getInstance()->getLogs() . '</td></tr></table></body>'; } $c .= '</html>' . $at_end; return $c; }
$content = render_character($xml, $key); } else { $title = 'Guild profile'; $content = render_guild($xml); } ryzom_log_end(); } else { // Display the form to enter the API Key $title = 'Profile'; $content = '<form action="" method="post">'; $content .= 'Please enter the API Key (guild or character) that you can find on <a href="">your profile page</a>:</br>'; $content .= '<input type="text" name="key"><br/>'; $content .= '<input type="submit" value="Submit" />'; $content .= '</form>'; } echo ryzom_render_www(ryzom_render_window($title, $content)); echo '</body></html>'; function render_guild($xml) { $content = '<h1>' . $xml->name . '</h1>'; $content .= '<ul>'; $content .= '<li>Created: <b>' . ryzom_time_txt(ryzom_time_array($xml->creation_date, '')) . '</b></li>'; $content .= '<li>Cult: <b>' . $xml->cult . '</b></li>'; $content .= '<li>Civilization: <b>' . $xml->civ . '</b></li>'; $guild_icon = ryzom_guild_icon_image($xml->icon, 'b'); $guild_icon_small = ryzom_guild_icon_image($xml->icon, 's'); $content .= "<li>Guild Icon: {$guild_icon} {$guild_icon_small}</li>"; $content .= '</ul>'; // read the members, then sort them by grade and name $result = $xml->xpath('/guild/members/*'); $members = array();