Example #1
function run_demo($file)
    list($exit_code, $output) = run_cmd($file);
    if ($exit_code != 0) {
        return false;
    $expected = file_get_contents($file . '.expect');
    return trim($output) == trim($expected);
Example #2
function get_cfg_value($cfg)
    global $pbicdir;
    $jail = "#system";
    $jailUrl = "__system__";
    $key = $cfg['key'];
    $default = $cfg['default'];
    $jid = "__system__";
    // Talk to dispatcher to get config value
    $output = run_cmd("getcfg " . escapeshellarg($pbicdir) . " " . escapeshellarg($jid) . " " . escapeshellarg($key));
    if (!empty($output[0])) {
        return $output[0];
    return $default;
Example #3
$showForm = true;
$jailMsg = "Please enter the following information to create a new jail:";
if (!empty($_POST['jailname']) or !empty($_POST['jailipv4'])) {
    $badData = false;
    // Lets validate the information before creating a new jail
    $jailname = $_POST['jailname'];
    if (empty($_POST['jailname'])) {
        $badData = true;
        $jailMsg = "Missing host name!";
    if (preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{@#~?><>,|=_+¬-]/', $jailname)) {
        $badData = true;
        $jailMsg = "Invalid jail name, no special chars allowed!";
    if (!$badData) {
        $output = run_cmd("iocage create {$jailname}");
        $showForm = false;
<h1>Jail Creation</h1>
<p>The jail, <?php 
        echo "{$jailname}";
, is queued for creation!</p><br>
<a href="?p=jails">Back to Jails</a>
    // End of $badData
if ($showForm) {
Example #4
    run_cmd("iocage destroy -f {$delJail}");
if (!empty($_GET['toggle'])) {
    $tjail = $_GET['toggle'];
    $sjail = $_GET['status'];
    if ($sjail == "Running") {
        run_cmd("iocage stop {$tjail}");
    } else {
        run_cmd("iocage start {$tjail}");
if (!empty($_GET['autostart'])) {
    $tjail = $_GET['autostart'];
    run_cmd("iocage set boot=on {$tjail}");
function print_jail($jail, $status)
    // Get some information about this jail
    $sccmd = array("jail {$jail} autostart", "jail {$jail} type", "jail {$jail} tag");
    $response = send_sc_query($sccmd);
    $jauto = $response["jail {$jail} autostart"];
    $jtype = $response["jail {$jail} type"];
    $jtag = $response["jail {$jail} tag"];
    $jtag = substr($jtag, 8);
    if ($jauto == "true") {
        $autostatus = "Enabled";
    } else {
        $autostatus = "Disabled";
Example #5
function getDispatcherStatus()
    return run_cmd("status");
Example #6
        $errormsg = "ERROR: The ranges must be numbers!";
if ($ip4start == "none") {
    $ip4start = "";
if ($ip4end == "none") {
    $ip4end = "";
if ($ip4subnet == "none") {
    $ip4subnet = "";
if ($setranges) {
    run_cmd("iocage set ip4_autostart={$ip4start} default");
    run_cmd("iocage set ip4_autoend={$ip4end} default");
    run_cmd("iocage set ip4_autosubnet={$ip4subnet} default");
if ($setranges and !empty($_GET['firstrun'])) {
    require "pages/plugins.php";
} else {
    if ($firstrun) {
        echo "<h1>Welcome to AppCafe Plugins!</h1><br>";
    } else {
        echo "<h1>Plugin Configuration</h1><br>";
    echo "<p>Each AppCafe managed plugin requires an IP address on your network. Please specify a range of usable IPs which can be assigned to plugins.</p>";
    if (!empty($errormsg)) {
        echo "<br><p style=\"color:red;\">{$errormsg}</p><br>";
<table class="jaillist" style="width:100%">
Example #7
function install($posts)
    $txt = join(':', $posts['disk']);
    $cmd = CBSD_CMD . 'wb_zfs_install dsk="' . $txt . '"';
    $res = run_cmd($cmd);
    return $res['retval'];
Example #8
function is_clean_git_checkout($path)
    list($exitCode, $output) = run_cmd("git status --porcelain {$path}");
    return $exitCode === 0 && count($output) === 0;
Example #9
function display_jail_fstab_editor()
    global $pbicdir;
    global $pbiorigin;
    global $jail;
    global $jailUrl;
    global $jailPath;
    // Get the jail path
    // Query the system for the running jail list
    $sccmd = array("jail {$jail} path");
    $response = send_sc_query($sccmd);
    $jailPath = $response["jail {$jail} path"];
    // Check for add action
    if (!empty($_POST['mount'])) {
        $adderror = run_cmd("iocage" . " addfstab " . escapeshellarg($jail) . " " . $_POST['mount']);
    // Check for delete action
    if (!empty($_GET['delMnt'])) {
        $delerror = run_cmd("iocage" . " delfstab " . escapeshellarg($jail) . " " . $_GET['delMnt']);
    // Get current fstab
    $fstab = run_cmd("iocage" . " getfstab " . escapeshellarg($jail));
    echo "<br>";
    echo "{$adderror['0']}{$delerror['0']}";
    echo "<table width=\"95%\"><tr><th></th><th></th></tr>";
    echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"?p=plugininfo&app=" . rawurlencode($pbiorigin) . "#tabs-fstab\">\n";
    echo "<tr><td><input name=\"mount\" type=\"text\"></td><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add\" class=\"btn-style\"></td></tr>";
    echo "</form>";
    // Now display the existing fstab lines if any
    foreach ($fstab as $mntline) {
        $mntarray = preg_split('/[\\s]+/', $mntline);
        if ($mntarray[0] == "nullfs" and "{$jailPath}{$mntarray['1']}" == "{$mntarray['2']}") {
            echo "<tr><td>{$mntarray['1']}</td><td><a href=\"?p=plugininfo&app=" . rawurlencode($pbiorigin) . "&delMnt=" . rawurlencode($mntarray[1]) . "#tabs-fstab\"><img src=\"images/application-exit.png\" height=32 width=32></a></td></tr>";
    echo "</table></form>";
Example #10

$mod_string = implode(' ', $successful_mods);
echo 'Publishing module(s)...' . PHP_EOL;
$ret = run_cmd('ssh mirror.freepbx.org "' . '/var/www/html/mirror/publish_modules ' . $vars['rver'] . ' ' . $mod_string . '"', $foo, true);
if ($ret) {
    echo $mod_string . ' successfuly published!' . PHP_EOL;
Example #11
 //if there are syntax errors then display them
 if ($syntax_errors) {
     $final_status[$module] = implode(PHP_EOL, $syntax_errors);
     freepbx::out("\t" . $final_status[$module]);
     freepbx::out("Module " . $module . " will not be tagged!");
 freepbx::out("There are no errors");
 //run unit tests
 if (file_exists($mod_dir . '/utests') && file_exists('/etc/freepbx.conf') && file_exists(__DIR__ . '/phpunit.phar')) {
     freepbx::outn("\tDetected Unit Tests...");
     $config = '';
     if (file_exists($mod_dir . "/utests/utests.xml")) {
         $config = "-c " . $mod_dir . "/utests/utests.xml";
     if (!run_cmd(__DIR__ . '/phpunit.phar ' . $config . ' ' . $mod_dir . '/utests', $outline, true)) {
         freepbx::out("Unit tests failed");
         freepbx::out("Module " . $module . " will not be tagged!");
     freepbx::out("all unit tests passed");
 //bump version if requested
 if ($vars['bump'] && !$vars['debug']) {
     freepbx::outn("\tBumping Version as Requested...");
     $ver = package_bump_version($module, $vars['bump']);
     $vars['log'] = true;
 //add changelog if requested
Example #12
    if (preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{@#~?><>,|=_+¬-]/', $jailname)) {
        $badData = true;
        $jailMsg = "Invalid jail name, no special chars allowed!";
    $jailipv4 = $_POST['jailipv4'];
    if (!filter_var($jailipv4, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) and !$badData) {
        $badData = true;
        $jailMsg = "Invalid IPV4 address!";
    // CHeck for the /24 at the end of the IP
    if (strpos($jailipv4, '/') === false) {
        $jailipv4 = $jailipv4 . "/24";
    if (!$badData) {
        $output = run_cmd("iocage create tag={$jailname} ip4_addr={$jailipv4} boot=on");
        $showForm = false;
<h1>Jail Creation</h1>
<p>The jail, <?php 
        echo "{$jailname}";
, is queued for creation!</p><br>
<a href="?p=jails">Back to Jails</a>
    // End of $badData
if ($showForm) {
Example #13
function get_cfg_value($cfg)
    global $jail;
    global $jailUrl;
    global $pbicdir;
    global $sc;
    $key = $cfg['key'];
    $default = $cfg['default'];
    exec("{$sc} " . escapeshellarg("jail " . $jail . " id"), $jarray);
    $jid = $jarray[0];
    // Talk to dispatcher to get config value
    $output = run_cmd("getcfg " . escapeshellarg($pbicdir) . " " . escapeshellarg($jid) . " " . escapeshellarg($key));
    if (!empty($output[0])) {
        return $output[0];
    return $default;
Example #14
function get_iocage_pool()
    $output = run_cmd("iocage activate");
    $rtn = explode(" ", $output[0]);
    return $rtn[1];
Example #15
// If we are on plugins section, make sure we have a start-end range
if (stripos($page, "plugin") !== false) {
    // Check for VIMAGE support
    $vimage = exec("/sbin/sysctl -qn kern.features.vimage");
    if ($vimage == 1) {
        // Get the iocage pool
        $curpool = get_iocage_pool();
        if (empty($curpool)) {
            $firstrun = true;
            $page = "pluginconfig";
    } else {
        $output = run_cmd("iocage get ip4_autostart default");
        $ip4start = $output[0];
        $output = run_cmd("iocage get ip4_autoend default");
        $ip4end = $output[0];
        if (empty($ip4start) or empty($ip4end) or ($ip4start == "none" or $ip4end == "none")) {
            $firstrun = true;
            $page = "pluginconfig";
// Set some globals for mobile detection
$detect = new Mobile_Detect();
$deviceType = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone' : 'computer';
$scriptVersion = $detect->getScriptVersion();
require "include/header.php";
if ($deviceType == "computer") {
    require "include/nav-computer.php";
} else {
Example #16
// Are we saving this jail?
if (!empty($_POST['jailipv4'])) {
    $postjailipv4 = $_POST['jailipv4'];
    $postjailnic = $_POST['jailnic'];
    if ($postjailnic == "SYSDEFAULT") {
        $postjailnic = $defaultnic;
    // Has the IP changed?
    if ($postjailipv4 != $jailipv4) {
        $jailipv4 = $postjailipv4;
    // Has the jail NIC changed?
    if ($postjailnic != $jailnic) {
        $jailnic = $postjailnic;
    run_cmd("iocage set ip4_addr=\"{$postjailnic}|{$postjailipv4}\" {$jail}");
echo "{$jailMsg}";
<button title="Delete <?php 
echo "{$jail}";
" style="background-color: Transparent;background-repeat:no-repeat;float:right;border: none;background-image: url('/images/remove.png');background-size: 100%; height: 48px; width: 48px;" onclick="delJailConfirm('<?php 
echo "{$jail}";
<h1>Jail Configuration for <?php 
echo "{$jail}";
Example #17
       echo "<h1><center><img src=\"/images/noupdates.png\" height=24 width=24 title=\"Up to date!\">All packages and jails are up to date!</h1><br>";

<h1><center>Recent application actions</h1>
<table class="status" style="width:768px">


     $rarray = run_cmd("results");

     // Loop through the results
     $rarray = array_reverse($rarray);
     foreach ($rarray as $res) {
       $results = explode(" ", $res);
       if ( $results[2] == "iocage" ) {
         echo "<tr><td>jail: $results[3]</td>";
         echo "<td>$results[4]</td>";
         echo "<td>$results[5]</td>";
         echo "<td><a href=\"?p=$newpage&log=$results[1]\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">$results[0]</a></td></tr>";
       } elseif ( $results[2] == "pkgupdate" ) {
	 if ( $results[3] == "__system__" )
            $target="Local System";
Example #18
            // missing configuration (eg. mailserver)
            if (!$verbose) {
                echo implode("\n", (array) $output) . "\n";
        case 0:
            echo "\nEGroupware successful updated\n";
    // install/upgrade required pear packages
    // fix egw_cache evtl. created by root, stoping webserver from accessing it
    // restart running Apache, to force APC to update changed sources and/or Apache configuration
    $output = array();
    run_cmd($config['start_webserver'] . ' status && ' . $config['start_webserver'] . ' restart', $output, true);
 * Patches a given password (for header admin) into the EGroupware header.inc.php and returns the old one
 * @param string $filename
 * @param string &$user username on return(!)
 * @param string $password new password
 * @return string old password
function patch_header($filename, &$user, $password)
    $header = file_get_contents($filename);
    if (!preg_match('/' . preg_quote("\$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'] = '******']+)';/m", $header, $umatches) || !preg_match('/' . preg_quote("\$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] = '******']*)';/m", $header, $pmatches)) {
        bail_out(99, "{$filename} is no regular EGroupware header.inc.php!");