public function kill()
     if ($this->exists()) {
         writeln("<comment>Kill elasticsearch container {$this->container}</comment>");
         $command = Env::evalDocker() . "docker rm -f {$this->container}";
Example #2
function postToSlack($message)
    $slackHookUrl = env('SLACK_HOOK_URL');
    if (!empty($slackHookUrl)) {
        runLocally('curl -s -S -X POST --data-urlencode payload="{\\"channel\\": \\"#' . env('SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME') . '\\", \\"username\\": \\"Release Bot\\", \\"text\\": \\"' . $message . '\\"}"' . env('SLACK_HOOK_URL'));
    } else {
        write('Configure the SLACK_HOOK_URL to post to slack');
Example #3
 public function stop()
     try {
         writeln("Stop docker-machine {$this->name}");
         $output = runLocally("docker-machine stop {$this->name}");
         writeln("<comment>Docker-machine {$this->name} stopped</comment>");
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
Example #4
 public function exists()
     $command = Env::evalDocker() . "docker inspect {$this->container}";
     try {
         $output = runLocally($command);
         return true;
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         return false;
Example #5

if (!class_exists('EkAndreas\\DockerBedrock\\Helpers')) {
    include_once 'src/DockerBedrock/Helpers.php';
use EkAndreas\DockerBedrock\Helpers;
$dir = Helpers::getProjectDir();
require_once $dir . '/vendor/autoload.php';
task('docker:start', function () {
}, 999);
task('docker:up', function () {
}, 999);
task('docker:stop', function () {
task('docker:halt', function () {
task('docker:kill', function () {
task('wpinit', function () {
    $server = env('server');
    runLocally("wp core install --url='{$server['name']}' --title='{$server['name']}' --admin_user='******' --admin_password='******' --admin_email='admin@{$server['name']}'");
        $sourceServerKey = input()->getOption('source-server');
    $sourceServer = $serverList[$sourceServerKey];
    $destServer = $serverList[env('')];
    runLocally("ssh {$sourceServer['user']}@{$sourceServer['host']} 'mysqldump -h {$sourceServer['app']['mysql']['host']} -u {$sourceServer['app']['mysql']['username']} -p{$sourceServer['app']['mysql']['password']} {$sourceServer['app']['mysql']['dbname']}  --skip-lock-tables --add-drop-table' | mysql -h {$destServer['app']['mysql']['host']} -u{$destServer['app']['mysql']['username']}  -p{$destServer['app']['mysql']['password']} {$destServer['app']['mysql']['dbname']}", 0);
task("sync:dirs", function () {
    $serverList = $serverInfo = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/stage/servers.yml'));
    $sourceServerKey = null;
    if (input()->hasOption('source-server')) {
        $sourceServerKey = input()->getOption('source-server');
    $destPath = null;
    if (input()->hasOption('dest-path')) {
        $destPath = input()->getOption('dest-path');
    $sourceServer = $serverList[$sourceServerKey];
    $destServer = $serverList[env('')];
    foreach (get('sync_dirs') as $dir) {
        $excludeString = '';
        foreach (get('sync_excludes') as $exclude) {
            $excludeString .= " --exclude={$exclude} ";
        writeln("rsync -avz --delete {$sourceServer['user']}@{$sourceServer['host']}:{$sourceServer['webroot']}/{$dir}/ {$destPath}/{$dir} {$excludeString}");
        runLocally("rsync -avz --delete {$sourceServer['user']}@{$sourceServer['host']}:{$sourceServer['webroot']}/{$dir}/ {$destPath}/{$dir} {$excludeString}", 0);
task('sync', ['sync:dirs', 'sync:db']);
task('deploy', ['deploy:prepare', 'deploy:release', 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:shared', 'deploy:configure', 'deploy:vendors', 'deploy:symlink', 'deploy:clean', 'cleanup'])->desc('Deploy your project');
after('deploy', 'success');
serverList(__DIR__ . '/stage/servers.yml');
Example #7
function testrunner_restart_mysql()
    $ip = env('testrunner_docker_ip');
    runLocally("{{docker}} && \\\n        docker run \\\n        -d --env 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root' --env 'MYSQL_DATABASE=wp' \\\n        --name='testrunner_mysql' -p {$ip}:3306:3306 \\\n        mysql:5.6", 999);
    testrunner_wait_port('Waiting for mysql to start', '3306');
Example #8
 public static function doLocal($command, $timeout = 999)
     writeln('Running command:');
     return runLocally(Env::evalDocker() . $command, $timeout);
Example #9
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Deployer;

 * Get local username
set('local_user', function () {
    return trim(run("whoami"));
desc('Notifying Rollbar of deployment');
task('deploy:rollbar', function () {
    global $php_errormsg;
    $defaultConfig = ['access_token' => null, 'environment' => get('stages')[0], 'revision' => trim(runLocally('git log -n 1 --format="%h"')), 'local_username' => trim(runLocally('git config')), 'rollbar_username' => null, 'comment' => "Deployment to `{{host}}` on *{{stage}}* was successful\n({{release_path}})"];
    $config = array_merge($defaultConfig, (array) get('rollbar', []));
    if (!is_array($config) || !isset($config['access_token'])) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Please configure new rollbar: set('rollbar', ['access_token' => 'c09a3...', 'revision' => 'v4.3', 'rollbar_username' => 'John Doe', 'comment' => 'Brand new version']);");
    $server = \Deployer\Task\Context::get()->getServer();
    if ($server instanceof \Deployer\Server\Local) {
        $user = get('local_user');
    } else {
        $user = $server->getConfiguration()->getUser() ?: null;
    $commentPlaceHolders = ['{{release_path}}' => get('release_path'), '{{host}}' => get(''), '{{stage}}' => get('stages')[0], '{{user}}' => $user, '{{branch}}' => get('branch')];
    $config['comment'] = strtr($config['comment'], $commentPlaceHolders);
    $urlParams = ['access_token' => $config['access_token'], 'environment' => $config['environment'], 'revision' => $config['revision'], 'local_username' => $config['local_username'], 'rollbar_username' => $config['rollbar_username'], 'comment' => $config['comment']];
    $options = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'content' => http_build_query($urlParams)));
    $context = stream_context_create($options);
Example #10
 * recipe for
 * Update project code
task('package:create', function () {
    $basePath = env('deploy_path');
    $packageSourcePath = __DIR__ . '/../../';
    $packageName = 'deploy_package_' . date('Ymd') . '_' . time() . '.tar.gz';
    $packageLocation = $packageSourcePath . '../deployer-dashboard/' . $packageName;
    $excludes = " --exclude=build/var --exclude=build/pub";
    foreach (get('not_packaged') as $exclude) {
        $excludes .= " --exclude={$exclude} ";
    runLocally("tar --exclude-vcs --exclude=vendor {$excludes} -czf {$packageLocation}  -C {$packageSourcePath} ./");
    //runLocally("tar --exclude-vcs {$excludes} -czf {$packageLocation}  -C {$packageSourcePath} ./");
    env()->set('packageLocation', $packageLocation);
    env()->set('packageName', $packageName);
})->desc('create package');
 * Update project code
task('package:upload', function () {
    $basePath = env('deploy_path');
    $release = date('Ymd') . substr((string) time(), -5);
    $releasePath = "{$basePath}/releases/{$release}";
    $releasePath = env('release_path');
    $packageLocation = env()->get('packageLocation');
    $packageName = env()->get('packageName');
    upload($packageLocation, $packageName);
Example #11

/* (c) Tim Robertson <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Deployer;

desc('Notifying Bugsnag of deployment');
task('deploy:bugsnag', function () {
    global $php_errormsg;
    $defaultConfig = ['api_key' => null, 'release_stage' => get('stages')[0], 'repository' => get('repository'), 'provider' => null, 'branch' => get('branch'), 'revision' => trim(runLocally('git log -n 1 --format="%h"')), 'app_version' => null];
    $config = array_merge($defaultConfig, (array) get('bugsnag'));
    if (!is_array($config) || !isset($config['api_key'])) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Please configure new bugsnag: set('bugsnag', ['api_key' => 'c09a3...', 'release_stage' => 'production']);");
    $postdata = ['apiKey' => $config['api_key'], 'releaseStage' => $config['release_stage'], 'repository' => $config['repository'], 'provider' => $config['provider'], 'branch' => $config['branch'], 'revision' => $config['revision'], 'appVersion' => $config['app_version']];
    $options = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/json\r\n", 'content' => json_encode($postdata)));
    $context = stream_context_create($options);
    $result = @file_get_contents('', false, $context);
    if (!$result) {
        throw new \RuntimeException($php_errormsg);
Example #12

task('pull:dump', function () {
    writeln('Creating a new database dump (approx. 60s)');
    run('mysqldump nordiciron > /tmp/nordiciron.sql');
task('pull:fetch_dump', function () {
    writeln('Getting database dump (approx. 60s)');
    runLocally('scp nordiciron.sql', 999);
task('pull:resolve_dump', function () {
    writeln('Restore database inside vagrant (approx. 60s)');
    runLocally('vagrant ssh -c "mysql -u root -proot nordiciron < /home/vagrant/www/nordiciron/nordiciron.sql"', 999);
task('pull:set_vagrant_wp', function () {
    writeln('Restore wp after pull (approx. 60s)');
    runLocally('vagrant ssh -c "cd /home/vagrant/www/nordiciron/web && wp search-replace "" "" && wp rewrite flush"', 999);
    runLocally('vagrant ssh -c "cd /home/vagrant/www/nordiciron/web && wp search-replace "" "" && wp rewrite flush"', 999);
task('pull:uploads', function () {
    writeln('Getting uploads, long duration first time! (approx. 60-999s)');
    runLocally('rsync -re ssh web/app', 999);
task('pull:cleanup', function () {
    writeln('Cleaning up locally...');
    runLocally('rm nordiciron.sql');
task('pull', ['pull:dump', 'pull:fetch_dump', 'pull:resolve_dump', 'pull:set_vagrant_wp', 'pull:uploads', 'pull:cleanup']);
Example #13
env('', 'aekab');
env('remote.path', '/home/forge/');
env('remote.ssh', 'forge@');
env('remote.database', 'aekab');
env('remote.domain', '');
env('local.domain', '');
env('local.is_elastic', false);
server('development', 'default', 22)->env('container', 'bedrock')->env('deploy_path', '/var/www/aekab');
server('production', '', 22)->env('deploy_path', '/home/forge/')->user('forge')->env('branch', 'master')->stage('production')->identityFile();
set('repository', '');
// Symlink the .env file for Bedrock
set('env', 'prod');
set('keep_releases', 10);
set('shared_dirs', ['web/app/uploads', 'web/app/themes/aekab/.cache']);
set('shared_files', ['.env', 'web/.htaccess', 'web/robots.txt']);
set('env_vars', '/usr/bin/env');
//set('writable_dirs', ['web/app/uploads']);
task('deploy:restart', function () {
    writeln('Purge cache...');
    run('rm -Rf web/app/themes/aekab/.cache && mkdir -p shared/web/app/themes/aekab/.cache');
})->desc('Restarting apache2 and varnish');
task('deploy', ['deploy:prepare', 'deploy:release', 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:vendors', 'deploy:shared', 'deploy:writable', 'deploy:symlink', 'cleanup', 'deploy:restart', 'success'])->desc('Deploy your Bedrock project, eg dep deploy production');
task('pull:files', function () {
    writeln('Getting uploads, long duration first time! (approx. 60s)');
    runLocally('rsync --exclude .cache -re ssh {{remote.ssh}}:{{remote.path}}/web/app/uploads web/app', 999);
task('pull:deactivate', function () {
    writeln('Deactivate SEO');
    runLocally('cd web && wp plugin deactivate wordpress-seo', 999);
task('pull', ['pull:create_database_dump', 'pull:get_database_dump', 'pull:restore_database', 'pull:search_and_replace_database', 'pull:files', 'pull:elastic', 'pull:deactivate', 'pull:cleanup']);
Example #14
        writeln('working with env files');
        $tmp_dir = dirname(__DIR__) . '/../.tmp/';
        $local_env = '.local.env';
        $remote_env = '.remote.env';
        runLocally('mkdir -p ' . $tmp_dir);
        runLocally('cp .env ' . $tmp_dir . $local_env);
        download($tmp_dir . $remote_env, $config['shared_dir'] . '/.env');
        $dotenvremote = new Dotenv\Dotenv($tmp_dir, $remote_env);
        if (file_exists($tmp_dir . $remote_env)) {
            set('remote_url', getenv('WP_HOME'));
        $dotenvlocal = new Dotenv\Dotenv($tmp_dir, $local_env);
        if (file_exists($tmp_dir . $local_env)) {
            set('local_url', getenv('WP_HOME'));
        runLocally('rm -rf .tmp');
    } else {
        writeln('working with config');
        set('local_url', $config['local_wp_url']);
        set('remote_url', $config['remote_wp_url']);
})->desc('Download backup database');
/* --------------------- */
/*       DB TASKS         */
/* --------------------- */
task('db:push', ['db:local:backup', 'db:cmd:push']);
task('db:pull', ['db:remote:backup', 'db:cmd:pull']);
*  It is used to create the Git tags before deployment
env('code_path', '/var/www/YOUR_OCTOBERCMS_CODE_PATH_HERE');
* Instruct OctoberCMS to create a mirror folder in the web/ dir
task('deploy:symlink:web', function () {
    $deployPath = env('deploy_path');
    run('cd {{release_path}} && php artisan october:mirror web/');
*  After OctoberCMS finishes creating the mirror folder copy the .htaccess as well
task('deploy:cp-htaccess', function () {
    run('cp {{release_path}}/.htaccess {{release_path}}/web');
* Instruct deployer to create a Git tag before deployment
task('deploy:tag-deployment', function () {
    $codePath = env('code_path');
    $time = date('d/m/YTH-i-s');
    runLocally("git tag -a -m 'Deployment of version {$time}' '{$time}'  && git push origin --tags");
*  Main deployment task which creates the deployment scenario
task('deploy-test', ['deploy:prepare', 'deploy:release', 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:shared', 'deploy:vendors', 'deploy:writable', 'deploy:symlink', 'deploy:symlink:web', 'deploy:cp-htaccess', 'cleanup'])->desc('Deploy your project');
after('deploy-test', 'success');
Example #16

task('pull:dump', function () {
    writeln('Creating a new database dump (approx. 10s)');
    run('cd current/web && wp db export --allow-root');
task('pull:fetch_dump', function () {
    writeln('Getting database dump (approx. 10s)');
    runLocally('scp andreasek.sql', 999);
task('pull:resolve_dump', function () {
    writeln('Restore database inside vagrant (approx. 10s)');
    runLocally('cd .. && vagrant ssh -c "mysql -u root -proot aek < /var/www/" && cd', 999);
task('pull:set_vagrant_wp', function () {
    writeln('Restore wp after pull (approx. 60s)');
    runLocally('cd .. && vagrant ssh -c "cd /var/www/ && wp search-replace" && cd', 999);
task('pull:uploads', function () {
    writeln('Getting uploads, long duration first time! (approx. 60-999s)');
    runLocally('rsync -re ssh web/app', 999);
task('pull', ['pull:dump', 'pull:fetch_dump', 'pull:resolve_dump', 'pull:set_vagrant_wp', 'pull:uploads']);
Example #17
        writeln("<comment>No way to warmup rsync.</comment>");
})->desc('Warmup remote Rsync target');
task('rsync', function () {
    $config = get('rsync');
    $src = env('rsync_src');
    while (is_callable($src)) {
        $src = $src();
    if (!trim($src)) {
        // if $src is not set here rsync is going to do a directory listing
        // exiting with code 0, since only doing a directory listing clearly
        // is not what we want to achieve we need to throw an exception
        throw new \RuntimeException('You need to specify a source path.');
    $dst = env('rsync_dest');
    while (is_callable($dst)) {
        $dst = $dst();
    if (!trim($dst)) {
        // if $dst is not set here we are going to sync to root
        // and even worse - depending on rsync flags and permission -
        // might end up deleting everything we have write permission to
        throw new \RuntimeException('You need to specify a destination path.');
    $server = \Deployer\Task\Context::get()->getServer()->getConfiguration();
    $host = $server->getHost();
    $port = $server->getPort() ? ' -p' . $server->getPort() : '';
    $user = !$server->getUser() ? '' : $server->getUser() . '@';
    runLocally("rsync -{$config['flags']} -e 'ssh{$port}' {{rsync_options}}{{rsync_excludes}}{{rsync_includes}}{{rsync_filter}} '{$src}/' '{$user}{$host}:{$dst}/'", $config['timeout']);
})->desc('Rsync local->remote');
Example #18
desc('Installing vendors locally');
task('local:vendors', function () {
    runLocally("cd {{local_release_path}} && {{env_vars}} {{local_bin/composer}} {{composer_options}}");
desc('Creating symlink to local release');
task('local:symlink', function () {
    runLocally("cd {{local_deploy_path}} && ln -sfn {{local_release_path}} current");
    // Atomic override symlink.
    runLocally("cd {{local_deploy_path}} && rm release");
    // Remove release link.
desc('Show current local release.');
task('local:current', function () {
    writeln('Current local release: ' . basename(get('local_current')));
desc('Cleaning up old local releases');
task('local:cleanup', function () {
    $releases = get('local_releases_list');
    $keep = get('keep_releases');
    while ($keep > 0) {
    foreach ($releases as $release) {
        runLocally("rm -rf {{local_deploy_path}}/releases/{$release}");
    runLocally("cd {{local_deploy_path}} && if [ -e release ]; then rm release; fi");
    runLocally("cd {{local_deploy_path}} && if [ -h release ]; then rm release; fi");
Example #19

// All Deployer recipes are based on `recipe/common.php`.
require 'recipe/composer.php';
$config = parse_ini_file(__DIR__ . '/deploy.ini');
env('timezone', 'Europe/Vienna');
// Specify the repository from which to download your project's code.
// The server needs to have git installed for this to work.
// If you're not using a forward agent, then the server has to be able to clone
// your project from this repository.
set('repository', $config['repo']);
set('keep_releases', 5);
server('prod', $config['host'], $config['port'])->user($config['user'])->password($config['password'])->stage('production')->env('deploy_path', $config['path'])->env('env_vars', $config['env_vars']);
task('deploy:push', function () {
    runLocally("git push");
})->desc('Installing vendors');
task('deploy:vendors', function () {
    $envVars = env('env_vars') ? 'export ' . env('env_vars') . ' &&' : '';
    run("cd {{release_path}} && {$envVars} sculpin update --env prod");
})->desc('Installing vendors');
task('deploy:generate', function () {
    $envVars = env('env_vars') ? 'export ' . env('env_vars') . ' &&' : '';
    run("cd {{release_path}} && {$envVars} sculpin generate --env prod");
})->desc('Generating static HTML');
task('deploy', ['deploy:push', 'deploy:prepare', 'deploy:release', 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:vendors', 'deploy:shared', 'deploy:generate', 'deploy:symlink', 'cleanup'])->desc('Deploy your project');
Example #20
serverList(__DIR__ . '/deployer/stage/servers.yml');
set('repository', '{{repository}}');
set('default_stage', 'production');
set('keep_releases', 2);
set('writable_use_sudo', false);
// Using sudo in writable commands?
task('deploy:configure_composer', function () {
    $stage = env('app.stage');
    if ($stage == 'dev') {
        env('composer_options', 'install --verbose --no-progress --no-interaction');
})->desc('Configure composer');
// build assets
task('deploy:build_assets', function () {
    runLocally('gulp build --production');
    $theme = env('app.theme');
    upload(__DIR__ . '/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/css', '{{release_path}}/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/css');
    upload(__DIR__ . '/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/js', '{{release_path}}/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/js');
    upload(__DIR__ . '/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/fonts', '{{release_path}}/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/fonts');
    upload(__DIR__ . '/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/img', '{{release_path}}/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/dist/img');
})->desc('Build assets');
// update symlink to images dir
task('deploy:images_symlink', function () {
    run('php {{release_path}}/yii mdpages/pages/symlink');
})->desc('Update images symlink');
// flush the cache
task('flush_cache', function () {
    run('php {{release_path}}/yii cache/flush-all');
})->desc('Flush the cache');
// flush the templates
Example #21

/* --------------------- */
task('uploads:sync', function () {
    $server = \Deployer\Task\Context::get()->getServer()->getConfiguration();
    $upload_dir = 'web/app/uploads';
    $user = $server->getUser();
    $host = $server->getHost();
    $port = $server->getPort() ? ' -p ' . $server->getPort() : '';
    $identityFile = $server->getPrivateKey() ? ' -i ' . $server->getPrivateKey() : '';
    writeln('<comment>> Receive remote uploads ... </comment>');
    runLocally("rsync -avzO -e 'ssh{$port}{$identityFile}' {$user}@{$host}:{{deploy_path}}/shared/{$upload_dir}/ {$upload_dir}");
    writeln('<comment>> Send local uploads ... </comment>');
    runLocally("rsync -avzO -e 'ssh{$port}{$identityFile}' {$upload_dir}/ {$user}@{$host}:{{deploy_path}}/shared/{$upload_dir}");
})->desc('Sync uploads');
Example #22

/* (c) Samuel Gordalina <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Deployer;

desc('Notifying New Relic of deployment');
task('deploy:newrelic', function () {
    global $php_errormsg;
    $config = get('newrelic', array());
    if (!is_array($config) || !isset($config['license']) || !isset($config['app_name']) && !isset($config['application_id'])) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("<comment>Please configure new relic:</comment> <info>set('newrelic', array('license' => 'xad3...', 'application_id' => '12873'));</info>");
    $git = array('user' => trim(runLocally('git config')), 'revision' => trim(runLocally('git log -n 1 --format="%h"')), 'description' => trim(runLocally('git log -n 1 --format="%an: %s" | tr \'"\' "\'"')));
    $postdata = array_merge($git, $config);
    $options = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" . "X-License-Key: {$config['license']}\r\n", 'content' => http_build_query(array('deployment' => $postdata))));
    $context = stream_context_create($options);
    $result = @file_get_contents('', false, $context);
    if ($result === false) {
        throw new \RuntimeException($php_errormsg);
// Load the Dotenv class if it is not loaded yet
if (class_exists('Dotenv') === false) {
    require __DIR__ . '/../../../../vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Dotenv.php';
task('deploy:db_backup', function () {
    if (class_exists('Dotenv') === false) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Please install php package 'vlucas/phpdotenv' to use this recipe");
    $sharedDir = sprintf('%s/shared', env('deploy_path'));
    // Download the .env file so we can load the env variables
    download('/tmp/.env', sprintf('%s/.env', $sharedDir));
    // Load the downloaded .env file
    // Clean up the temporary file
    runLocally('rm -f /tmp/.env');
    // Load the config that's set in the deploy.php file
    try {
        $config = get('db-backup', []);
    } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
        $config = [];
    $defaultConfig = array('backup_dir' => sprintf('%s/backups', env('deploy_path')));
    $config = array_merge($defaultConfig, $config);
    // Create the backup dir if it doesn't exist
    run(sprintf("if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir -p %s; fi", $config['backup_dir'], $config['backup_dir']));
    $release = basename(env('release_path'));
    run(sprintf('mysqldump -h%s -u%s -p%s %s > %s/%s.sql', getenv('DB_HOST'), getenv('DB_USERNAME'), getenv('DB_PASSWORD'), getenv('DB_DATABASE'), $config['backup_dir'], $release));
    // Cleanup old database backups
    $releases = run(sprintf('ls %s', $config['backup_dir']))->toArray();
Example #24
    preg_match('/Made (\\d+) replacements/', $output, $matches);
    $replaced3 = (int) $matches[1];
    writeln("{$replaced3} replacements...");
    $totalReplaced = $replaced1 + $replaced2 + $replaced3;
    writeln("Total of {$totalReplaced} replacements");
task('pull:files', function () {
    writeln('Getting uploads, long duration first time! (approx. 60s)');
    $user = run('echo $USER');
    runLocally("rsync --exclude .cache -re ssh {$user}@{{}}:{{deploy_path}}/shared/web/app/uploads web/app", 999);
task('pull:elastic', function () {
    if (has('elastic') && get('elastic')) {
        writeln('Setup elasticsearch and elasticpress');
        runLocally('wp elasticpress index --setup', 999);
task('pull:cleanup', function () {
    writeln('Remove all tranisents');
    runLocally('wp transient delete-all');
    writeln('Permalinks rewrite/flush');
    runLocally('wp rewrite flush');
    writeln('Activate query monitor');
    runLocally('wp plugin activate query-monitor');
    if (file_exists('web/app/uploads/.cache/')) {
        runLocally('chmod -R 777 web/app/uploads/.cache');
        writeln('Empty Bladerunner cache');
        array_map('unlink', glob("web/app/uploads/.cache/*.*"));
task('pull', ['pull:check_parameters', 'pull:create_database_dump', 'pull:get_database_dump', 'pull:restore_database', 'pull:search_and_replace_database', 'pull:files', 'pull:elastic', 'pull:cleanup', 'success']);
Example #25
 * Check if command exist in bash.
 * @param string $command
 * @return bool
function commandExistLocally($command)
    return runLocally("if hash {$command} 2>/dev/null; then echo 'true'; fi")->toBool();
Example #26
    if (file_exists('releases.json')) {
        $manifest = json_decode(file_get_contents('releases.json'), TRUE);
        foreach ($manifest as $key => $release) {
            if ($release['version'] == get('version')) {
    $sha1 = sha1_file(get('releaseFilename'));
    $file = basename(get('releaseFilename'));
    $baseUrl = '' . get('username') . '/' . get('repository') . '/releases/download/';
    $manifest[] = array('name' => 'soup.phar', 'sha1' => $sha1, 'url' => $baseUrl . get('version') . '/' . $file, 'version' => get('version'));
    file_put_contents('releases.json', json_encode(array_values($manifest), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
    runLocally('git add releases.json');
    runLocally('git commit -m "Added Version: ' . get('version') . '"');
    runLocally('git push origin master');
task('release:createGithubRelease', function () {
    $ch = getGithubCurl();
    $release = array('tag_name' => get('version'), 'name' => 'Release: ' . get('version'));
    $uri = '' . get('username') . '/' . get('repository') . '/releases';
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $uri);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($release));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    $release = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
    $releaseId = $release->id;
    set('releaseId', $releaseId);
task('release:destroyGithubRelease', function () {
    $ch = getGithubCurl();
    $uri = '' . get('username') . '/' . get('repository') . '/releases/tags/' . get('version');
Example #27

 * Init WP with noncens data
task('init:wp', function () {
    writeln('Initialize WP to get WP-CLI working');
    runLocally('cd web && wp core install --url= --title=wp --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin');
 * Gets the latest from prod
task('init:pull', function () {
    writeln('Pull remote version of WP');
    runLocally('dep pull production', 999);
task('init', ['init:wp', 'init:pull']);
Example #28
    // writeln('Update and commit version in composer.json');
    runLocally('git add composer.json');
    runLocally('git commit -m "' . get('version') . '"');
task('release:tagRelease', function () {
    // writeln('tag current state with provided version number');
    runLocally('git tag "' . get('version') . '"');
task('release:pushTags', function () {
    // writeln('push tags to github');
    runLocally('git push origin master');
    runLocally('git push origin --tags');
task('release:removeCurrentTagFromRemote', function () {
    runLocally('git tag -d "' . get('version') . '"');
    runLocally('git push origin :refs/tags/' . get('version'));
task('release:createGithubRelease', function () {
    $ch = getGithubCurl();
    $release = array('tag_name' => get('version'), 'name' => 'Release: ' . get('version'));
    $uri = '' . get('repository') . '/releases';
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $uri);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($release));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    $release = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
    $releaseId = $release->id;
    set('releaseId', $releaseId);
task('release:destroyGithubRelease', function () {
    $ch = getGithubCurl();
    $uri = '' . get('repository') . '/releases/tags/' . get('version');
Example #29

 * Change the IP to your env
env('docker_ip', '');
task('tests:docker', function () {
    writeln('Starting docker container');
    runLocally('docker-compose up -d');
})->desc('Starting docker');
task('tests:wp', function () {
    writeln('Checking out WordPress from SVN');
    runLocally('svn co --non-interactive --trust-server-cert  wordpress-develop', 999);
})->desc('Start testing wp');
task('tests:prepp', function () {
    writeln('Config files');
    runLocally("sed 's/docker_ip/{{docker_ip}}/g' wp-tests-config.php > wordpress-develop/wp-tests-config.php");
})->desc('Start testing wp');
task('tests:run', function () {
    writeln('Running phpunit');
    $output = runLocally('cd wordpress-develop && ../vendor/bin/phpunit', 999);
})->desc('Start testing wp');
task('tests:cleanup', function () {
    writeln('Killing containers');
    runLocally('docker-compose stop');
    runLocally('docker-compose rm -f');
task('tests', ['tests:docker', 'tests:wp', 'tests:prepp', 'tests:run', 'tests:cleanup'])->desc('Initialize tests');
Example #30
 protected function loadRecipe()
     require __DIR__ . '/../../recipe/common.php';
     // Override update code task to use local copy.
     task('deploy:update_code', function () {
         runLocally('cp -R ' . __DIR__ . '/../fixture/app/. {{release_path}}');