function rt_layer_slider_list() { $get_layer_slider_list = array(); if (function_exists("lsSliders")) { $sliders = lsSliders(200, false, true); if (rt_check_layer_slider()) { if (is_array($sliders)) { foreach ($sliders as $key => $value) { $get_layer_slider_list[$value["id"]] = $value["name"]; } } } } else { $get_layer_slider_list[0] = "Layer Slider has not been installed or activated!"; } return $get_layer_slider_list; }
function generate_template_forms() { //remove module if woocommerce not installed if (!class_exists('Woocommerce')) { unset($this->rt_modules["woo_products_box"]); } //remove module if layerslider not installed if (!rt_check_layer_slider()) { unset($this->rt_modules["layerslider_box"]); } //remove module if revslider not installed if (!class_exists('RevSlider')) { unset($this->rt_modules["revslider_box"]); } // Pages $rt_getpages = RTTheme::rt_get_pages(); // Categories $rt_getcat = RTTheme::rt_get_categories(); // Product Categories $rt_product_getcat = RTTheme::rt_get_product_categories(); // Woo Product Categories if (class_exists('Woocommerce')) { $rt_woo_product_getcat = RTTheme::rt_get_woo_product_categories(); } // reset query wp_reset_query(); // get saved tempalates list $savedTemplatesList = get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_template_names_array'); // costruct form arrays $options = array(); //template builder info text array_push($options, array("name" => __("Info", 'rt_theme_admin'), "desc" => __('Template Builder is a build-in tool that lets you create custom page templates to use with your pages or posts. You are free to edit the default templates or create as many new templates as you wish. In order to use the templates edit a page or post and select the template name from the list under "RT-THEME TEMPLATE OPTIONS" box and save the page. To learn more, go to <a href="admin.php?page=rt_setup_assistant">Setup Assistant</a> and read "How To Use Template Builder".', 'rt_theme_admin'), "hr" => "true", "type" => "info")); if ($savedTemplatesList) { foreach ($savedTemplatesList as $TemplateID => $templateData) { // get saved templates list $savedTemplates = get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_template_names_array'); // get this tempalate data $thisTemplate = $this->get_template_data($TemplateID); if (is_object($thisTemplate)) { // init the form foreach ($thisTemplate->templates as $template) { //tempalte name $template_name = $templateData["name"]; //Start Form array_push($options, array("type" => "form_start", "template_id" => $TemplateID, "form_class" => "template_builder_form", "template_name" => $template_name)); //Hidden Value array_push($options, array("type" => "hidden", "id" => "templateBuilder", "value" => "true")); //End Form array_push($options, array("type" => "form_end")); } } } } // New Template $randomnumber = rand(1000, 1000000); $TemplateID = 'templateid_' . $randomnumber; $templateName = $TemplateID . '_template_name'; //Start Form array_push($options, array("type" => "form_start", "template_id" => $TemplateID, "form_class" => "template_builder_form", "template_name" => __("New Template #" . $randomnumber, 'rt_theme_admin'))); //Start header row array_push($options, array("id" => "templateid_" . $TemplateID . "_1_grid", "options" => array('group_id' => 1, 'part' => 'full', 'header_purpose' => true, 'footer_purpose' => false, 'newtemplate' => true), "purpose" => "page_layouts", "content_type" => "grid", "type" => "template_item")); //Start grid array_push($options, array("id" => "templateid_" . $TemplateID . "_2_grid", "options" => array('group_id' => 2, 'part' => 'full', 'header_purpose' => false, 'footer_purpose' => false), "purpose" => "page_layouts", "content_type" => "grid", "type" => "template_item")); //Start footer row array_push($options, array("id" => "templateid_" . $TemplateID . "_3_grid", "options" => array('group_id' => 3, 'part' => 'full', 'header_purpose' => false, 'footer_purpose' => true, 'newtemplate' => true), "purpose" => "page_layouts", "content_type" => "grid", "type" => "template_item")); //End Form array_push($options, array("type" => "form_end")); //template builder list templates array_push($options, array("type" => "list_templates", "templateID" => $TemplateID)); $this->rt_generate_form_page($options, 'template_builder', $TemplateID); }