function wp_rss_multi_importer_feed() { header("Content-type: text/xml"); $catArray = array(0); if (!function_exists("wprssmi_hourly_feed")) { function wprssmi_hourly_feed() { return 0; } // no caching of RSS feed } // add_filter( 'wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime', 'wprssmi_hourly_feed' ); $options = get_option('rss_import_options', 'option not found'); $option_items = get_option('rss_import_items', 'option not found'); $feed_options = get_option('rss_feed_options', 'option not found'); if ($option_items == false) { return "You need to set up the WP RSS Multi Importer Plugin before any results will show here. Just go into the <a href='/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp_rss_multi_importer_admin'>settings panel</a> and put in some RSS feeds"; } if (!empty($option_items)) { //GET PARAMETERS $size = count($option_items); $sortDir = $options['sortbydate']; // 1 is ascending $stripAll = $options['stripAll']; $todaybefore = $options['todaybefore']; $adjustImageSize = $options['adjustImageSize']; $showDesc = $options['showdesc']; // 1 is show $descNum = $options['descnum']; $maxperPage = $options['maxperPage']; $cacheMin = $options['cacheMin']; $maxposts = $options['maxfeed']; if ($thisfeed != '') { $maxposts = $thisfeed; } $targetWindow = $options['targetWindow']; // 0=LB, 1=same, 2=new $floatType = $options['floatType']; $noFollow = $options['noFollow']; $showmore = $options['showmore']; $cb = $options['cb']; // 1 if colorbox should not be loaded $pag = $options['pag']; // 1 if pagination $perPage = $options['perPage']; if (empty($options['sourcename'])) { $attribution = ''; } else { $attribution = $options['sourcename'] . ' '; } if ($floatType == '1') { $float = "left"; } else { $float = "none"; } if ($parmfloat != '') { $float = $parmfloat; } $cacheMin = 0; if ($cacheMin == '') { $cacheMin = 0; //set caching minutes } global $wpdb; $myarray = array(); $feed_array = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type ='rssmi_feed' AND post_status='publish'"); if (empty($feed_array) || is_null($feed_array)) { return 'No feed urls entered'; } foreach ($feed_array as $feed) { $feedlimit = 0; $rssmi_cat = get_post_meta($feed->ID, 'rssmi_cat', true); $rssmi_url = get_post_meta($feed->ID, 'rssmi_url', true); $rssmi_user = get_post_meta($feed->ID, 'rssmi_user', true); $rssmi_title = get_the_title($feed->ID); $catSourceArray = array("myGroup" => $rssmi_source, "mycatid" => $rssmi_cat); /* if (((!in_array(0, $catArray ) && in_array(intval($rssmi_cat), $catArray ))) || in_array(0, $catArray )) { $myfeeds[] = array("FeedName"=>$rssmi_title,"FeedURL"=>$rssmi_url,"FeedCatID"=>$rssmi_cat, "FeedUser"=>$rssmi_user); } } if(!$maxposts) { $maxposts=20;} $myarray=get_my_array($myfeeds,$sortDir,$maxposts, $dumpthis); */ $rssmi_sql = "SELECT a.post_id,b.meta_key,b.meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} as a inner join {$wpdb->postmeta} as b on a.post_id=b.post_id WHERE a.meta_value ={$feed->ID} and b.meta_key='rssmi_item_date' order by b.meta_value desc"; $desc_array = $wpdb->get_results($rssmi_sql); foreach ($desc_array as $arrayItem) { $feedlimit = $feedlimit + 1; if ($feedlimit > $maxposts) { continue; } $post_ID = $arrayItem->post_id; $desc = get_post_meta($post_ID, 'rssmi_item_description', true); $arrayItem = array_merge((array) $desc[0], $catSourceArray); // add the source and category ID if (include_post($rssmi_cat, $arrayItem['mydesc'], $arrayItem['mytitle']) == 0) { continue; } // FILTER array_push($myarray, $arrayItem); //combine into final array } } if (!isset($myarray) || empty($myarray)) { return "There is a problem with the feeds you entered. Go to our <a href=''>support page</a> and we'll help you diagnose the problem."; exit; } //$myarrary sorted by mystrdate //print_r($myarray); foreach ($myarray as $key => $row) { $dates[$key] = $row["mystrdate"]; } //var_dump($myarray); // UNCOMMMENT THIS LINE TO PRINT OUT THE ARRAY, WHICH SHOWS IT EXISTS// //SORT, DEPENDING ON SETTINGS if ($sortDir == 1) { array_multisort($dates, SORT_ASC, $myarray); } else { array_multisort($dates, SORT_DESC, $myarray); } if (!$maxposts) { $maxposts = 20; } // print_r($myarray); header('Content-Type: ' . feed_content_type('rss-http') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true); // echo get_option('blog_charset'); // die; // echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.get_option('blog_charset').'"?'.'>'; ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title><?php echo $feed_options['feedtitle']; ?> </title> <link>some link</link> <description><?php echo $feed_options['feeddesc']; ?> </description> <language>en-us</language> <?php $total = 0; foreach ($myarray as $items) { $total = $total + 1; if ($total > 20) { break; } ?> <item> <title><?php echo $items["mytitle"]; ?> </title> <link><?php echo $items["mylink"]; ?> </link> <description><?php echo '<![CDATA[' . rss_text_limit($feed_options['striptags'], $items["mydesc"], 500) . '<br/><br/>Keep on reading: <a href="' . $items["mylink"] . '">' . $items["mytitle"] . '</a>' . ']]>'; ?> </description> <pubdate><?php echo date_i18n("D, M d, Y", $items["mystrdate"]); ?> </pubdate> <guid><?php echo $items["mylink"]; ?> </guid> </item> <?php } ?> </channel> </rss> <?php } }
function wp_rss_multi_importer_feed() { header("Content-type: text/xml"); $catArray = array(0); if (!function_exists("wprssmi_hourly_feed")) { function wprssmi_hourly_feed() { return 0; } // no caching of RSS feed } $options = get_option('rss_import_options', 'option not found'); $option_items = get_option('rss_import_items', 'option not found'); $feed_options = get_option('rss_feed_options', 'option not found'); if ($option_items == false) { return "You need to set up the WP RSS Multi Importer Plugin before any results will show here. Just go into the <a href='/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp_rss_multi_importer_admin'>settings panel</a> and put in some RSS feeds"; } $cat_array = preg_grep("^feed_cat_^", array_keys($option_items)); if (count($cat_array) == 0) { // for backward compatibility $noExistCat = 1; } else { $noExistCat = 0; } if (!empty($option_items)) { //GET PARAMETERS $size = count($option_items); $sortDir = $options['sortbydate']; // 1 is ascending $stripAll = $options['stripAll']; $todaybefore = $options['todaybefore']; $adjustImageSize = $options['adjustImageSize']; $showDesc = $options['showdesc']; // 1 is show $descNum = $options['descnum']; $maxperPage = $options['maxperPage']; $cacheMin = $options['cacheMin']; $maxposts = $options['maxfeed']; if ($thisfeed != '') { $maxposts = $thisfeed; } $targetWindow = $options['targetWindow']; // 0=LB, 1=same, 2=new $floatType = $options['floatType']; $noFollow = $options['noFollow']; $showmore = $options['showmore']; $cb = $options['cb']; // 1 if colorbox should not be loaded $pag = $options['pag']; // 1 if pagination $perPage = $options['perPage']; if (empty($options['sourcename'])) { $attribution = ''; } else { $attribution = $options['sourcename'] . ': '; } if ($floatType == '1') { $float = "left"; } else { $float = "none"; } if ($parmfloat != '') { $float = $parmfloat; } $cacheMin = 0; if ($cacheMin == '') { $cacheMin = 0; //set caching minutes } if (!is_null($cachetime)) { $cacheMin = $cachetime; } //override caching minutes with shortcode parameter $myarray = get_transient($cachename); // added for transient cache if ($cacheMin == 0) { delete_transient($cachename); } if (false === $myarray) { // added for transient cache - only get feeds and put into array if the array isn't cached (for a given category set) for ($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i = $i + 1) { $key = key($option_items); if (!strpos($key, '_') > 0) { continue; } //this makes sure only feeds are included here...everything else are options $rssName = $option_items[$key]; next($option_items); $key = key($option_items); $rssURL = $option_items[$key]; next($option_items); $key = key($option_items); // $rssCatID=$option_items[$key]; ///this should be the category ID if (!in_array(0, $catArray) && in_array($option_items[$key], $catArray) || in_array(0, $catArray) || $noExistCat == 1) { $myfeeds[] = array("FeedName" => $rssName, "FeedURL" => $rssURL); } $cat_array = preg_grep("^feed_cat_^", array_keys($option_items)); // for backward compatibility if (count($cat_array) > 0) { next($option_items); //skip feed category } } if ($maxposts == "") { return "One more step...go into the the <a href='/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp_rss_multi_importer_admin&tab=setting_options'>Settings Panel and choose Options.</a>"; } // check to confirm they set options if (empty($myfeeds)) { return "You've either entered a category ID that doesn't exist or have no feeds configured for this category. Edit the shortcode on this page with a category ID that exists, or <a href=" . $cat_options_url . ">go here and and get an ID</a> that does exist in your admin panel."; exit; } foreach ($myfeeds as $feeditem) { $url = (string) $feeditem["FeedURL"]; while (stristr($url, 'http') != $url) { $url = substr($url, 1); } $feed = fetch_feed($url); if (is_wp_error($feed)) { if ($size < 4) { return "You have one feed and it's not valid. This is likely a problem with the source of the RSS feed. Contact our support forum for help."; exit; } else { //echo $feed->get_error_message(); continue; } } $maxfeed = $feed->get_item_quantity(0); //SORT DEPENDING ON SETTINGS if ($sortDir == 1) { for ($i = $maxfeed - 1; $i >= $maxfeed - $maxposts; $i--) { $item = $feed->get_item($i); if (empty($item)) { continue; } $myarray[] = array("mystrdate" => strtotime($item->get_date()), "mytitle" => $item->get_title(), "mylink" => $item->get_link(), "myGroup" => $feeditem["FeedName"], "mydesc" => $item->get_description()); } } else { for ($i = 0; $i <= $maxposts - 1; $i++) { $item = $feed->get_item($i); if (empty($item)) { continue; } $myarray[] = array("mystrdate" => strtotime($item->get_date()), "mytitle" => $item->get_title(), "mylink" => $item->get_link(), "myGroup" => $feeditem["FeedName"], "mydesc" => $item->get_description()); } } } if ($cacheMin !== 0) { set_transient($cachename, $myarray, 60 * $cacheMin); // added for transient cache } } // added for transient cache if ($timerstop == 1) { timer_stop(1); echo ' seconds<br>'; //TIMER END for testing purposes } // CHECK $myarray BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE // if ($dumpthis == 1) { var_dump($myarray); } if (!isset($myarray) || empty($myarray)) { return "There is a problem with the feeds you entered. Go to our <a href=''>support page</a> and we'll help you diagnose the problem."; exit; } //$myarrary sorted by mystrdate foreach ($myarray as $key => $row) { $dates[$key] = $row["mystrdate"]; } //SORT, DEPENDING ON SETTINGS if ($sortDir == 1) { array_multisort($dates, SORT_ASC, $myarray); } else { array_multisort($dates, SORT_DESC, $myarray); } header('Content-Type: ' . feed_content_type('rss-http') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true); ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title><?php echo $feed_options['feedtitle']; ?> </title> <link></link> <description><?php echo $feed_options['feeddesc']; ?> </description> <language>en-us</language> <?php $total = 0; foreach ($myarray as $items) { $total = $total + 1; if ($total > 20) { break; } ?> <item> <title><?php echo $items["mytitle"]; ?> </title> <link><?php echo $items["mylink"]; ?> </link> <description><?php echo '<![CDATA[' . rss_text_limit($feed_options['striptags'], $items["mydesc"], 500) . '<br/><br/>Keep on reading: <a href="' . $items["mylink"] . '">' . $items["mytitle"] . '</a>' . ']]>'; ?> </description> <pubdate><?php echo date_i18n("D, M d, Y", $items["mystrdate"]); ?> </pubdate> <guid><?php echo $items["mylink"]; ?> </guid> </item> <?php } ?> </channel></rss> <?php } }