/** * @static * @return array */ public static function createClassMappings() { $modelsDir = PIMCORE_PATH . "/models/"; $files = rscandir($modelsDir); $includePatterns = array("/Webservice\\/Data/"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { $file = str_replace($modelsDir, "", $file); $file = str_replace(".php", "", $file); $class = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "_", $file); if (\Pimcore\Tool::classExists($class)) { $match = false; foreach ($includePatterns as $pattern) { if (preg_match($pattern, $file)) { $match = true; break; } } if (strpos($file, "Webservice" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Data") !== false) { $match = true; } if (!$match) { continue; } $classMap[str_replace("\\Pimcore\\Model\\Webservice\\Data\\", "", $class)] = $class; } } } return $classMap; }
/** * recursive scandir extension * * @param string $directory * @param mixed $filters - regex or array for filter patterns * @param array $excludes - exluded files or directories * @return array - array of founded files */ function rscandir($directory = '.', $filters = [], $excludes = []) { $excludes = array_merge($excludes, ['.', '..']); if ($filters && is_array($filters)) { foreach ($filters as &$filter) { $filter = str_replace(['.', '*'], ['\\.', '(.*)'], $filter); } $filters = '/^(' . implode('|', $filters) . ')$/'; } $files = scandir($directory); for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) { if (is_dir($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $files[$i]) && !in_array($files[$i], $excludes)) { $subfiles = rscandir($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $files[$i], $filters, $excludes); foreach ($subfiles as $subfile) { $addfile = $files[$i] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subfile; if (!in_array($addfile, $files)) { $files[] = $addfile; } } } } $ret = []; foreach ($files as $file) { if (!in_array($file, $excludes) && (is_dir($file) || !$filters || preg_match($filters, $file))) { $ret[] = $file; } } return $ret; }
function getHierarchy ($titleSort=false) { $this->CI->load->helper(array('url', 'glib_directory', 'inflector')); $pathBase = realpath(APPPATH.'controllers'); $pathThis = __FILE__; foreach (rscandir($pathBase) as $pathController) { if ( ($pathController != $pathThis) && (!strpos($pathController, 'index.html')) ) { // Make Path Relative to Web Root $controller = rtrim(substr($pathController, strlen($pathBase) + 1 , -4 ), '/'); // Clean The Default Controllers From The List $defaultController = $GLOBALS["CI"]->router->routes["default_controller"]; if (strpos($controller,$defaultController)) $controller = preg_replace("/\/$defaultController/i", "", $controller); elseif ($controller == $defaultController) $controller = '/'; // Send As Output If Not a Private Controller if (substr($controller, 0, 1) != '_') { // Set The Title if ($controller == '/') { $title = 'Home'; } else { $title = humanize(ltrim(substr($controller, strrpos($controller, '/')), '/')); } // Add The Directory $data["$controller"] = $title; // Get The Methods When Necessary if (!strpos($pathController, $defaultController.'.php')) { require_once $pathController; if (!strpos($controller, '/')) $className = $controller; else $className = substr($controller, strripos($controller, '/') + 1); $methods = $this->getMethods(ucfirst($className)); foreach ($methods as $method) if ($method != 'index') { $data["$controller"] = $title; } } } } } if ($titleSort) asort($data); else ksort($data); return $data; }
public function OnScanDirectory($pData = null) { $Directory = $pData['Directory']; $Recursive = $pData['Recursive']; if ($Recursive == true) { $return = rscandir($Directory); } else { $return = scandir($Directory); } return $return; }
public function indexAction() { $errors = []; // check permissions $files = rscandir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR . "/"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file) && !is_writable($file)) { $errors[] = "Please ensure that the entire /" . PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR . " directory is recursively writeable."; break; } } $this->view->errors = $errors; }
public function indexAction() { $errors = array(); // check permissions $files = rscandir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR . "/"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file) && !is_writable($file)) { $errors[] = "Please ensure that the whole /" . PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR . " folder is writeable (recursivly)"; break; } } $this->view->errors = $errors; }
/** * @return bool */ public static function isWriteable() { if (self::$dryRun) { return true; } // check permissions $files = rscandir(PIMCORE_PATH . "/"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!is_writable($file)) { return false; } } return true; }
function rscandir($base='', &$data=array()) { $array = array_diff(scandir($base), array('.', '..', '.svn')); # remove ' and .. from the array */ foreach($array as $value) { /* loop through the array at the level of the supplied $base */ if (is_dir($base.$value)) { /* if this is a directory */ $data[] = $base.$value.'/'; /* add it to the $data array */ $data = rscandir($base.$value.'/', $data); /* then make a recursive call with the current $value as the $base supplying the $data array to carry into the recursion */ } else if (is_file($base.$value)) { /* else if the current $value is a file */ $data[] = $base.$value; /* just add the current $value to the $data array */ } } return $data; // return the $data array }
function rscandir($base = '', &$data = array()) { $array = array_diff(scandir($base), array('.', '..')); foreach ($array as $value) { if (is_dir($base . $value)) { $data = rscandir($base . $value . '/', $data); } elseif (is_file($base . $value)) { if (preg_match('/\\.lng\\.php$/i', $value) && $value != 'custom.lng.php') { $data[] = $base . $value; } } } return $data; }
function getApps($mounts) { global $defaultFocusedIcon, $defaultUnfocusedIcon, $base; $appfolders = array(); foreach ($mounts as $mount) { $appdir = $mount . "scripts/"; if (is_dir($appdir)) { $appfolders = rscandir($appdir); } } foreach ($appfolders as $appfolder) { $appconfig = $appfolder . "version.xml"; #print_r( $appconfig ); if (is_dir($appfolder) && is_file($appconfig)) { $appxml = @simplexml_load_file($appconfig); if ($appxml) { $app["name"] = (string) $appxml->name; if (empty($app["name"])) { $app["name"] = basename($appfolder); } $app["link"] = (string) $appxml->link; if ("index.php" == $app["link"] || !is_file($app["link"])) { $testfile = $appfolder . (string) $appxml->link; if (is_file($testfile)) { $app["link"] = str_replace($base, "", $testfile); } else { $testfile = $appfolder . "index.php"; if (is_file($testfile)) { $app["link"] = str_replace($base, "", $testfile); } } } $app["version"] = (string) $appxml->version; $app["update"] = (string) $appxml->updatelink; $app["focusedIcon"] = $appfolder . trim((string) $appxml->focusedIcon); $app["unfocusedIcon"] = $appfolder . trim((string) $appxml->unfocusedIcon); if ($appfolder == $app["focusedIcon"]) { $app["focusedIcon"] = $defaultFocusedIcon; } if ($appfolder == $app["unfocusedIcon"]) { $app["unfocusedIcon"] = $defaultUnfocusedIcon; } $apps[] = $app; } } } return $apps; }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $files = rscandir(PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/image-thumbnails/"); $savedBytesTotal = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $originalFilesize = filesize($file); \Pimcore\Image\Optimizer::optimize($file); $savedBytes = $originalFilesize - filesize($file); $savedBytesTotal += $savedBytes; $this->output->writeln("Optimized image: " . $file . " saved " . formatBytes($savedBytes)); } } $this->output->writeln("Finished!"); $this->output->writeln("Saved " . formatBytes($savedBytesTotal) . " in total"); }
function rscandir($rootDir, $ext=array(), $allData=array()) { // set filenames invisible if you want $invisibleFileNames = array(".", "..", ".htaccess", ".htpasswd"); // run through content of root directory $dirContent = scandir($rootDir); foreach($dirContent as $key => $content) { // filter all files not accessible $path = $rootDir.'/'.$content; if(!in_array($content, $invisibleFileNames)) { // if content is file & readable, add to array if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path)) { // save file name with path $allData[] = realpath($path); // if content is a directory and readable, add path and name }elseif(is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) { // recursive callback to open new directory $allData = rscandir($path, $ext, $allData); } } } return $allData; }
<?php $folderScan = "anim/perso-1/run/"; $web = WEB_RESSOURCES . $folderScan; $list = rscandir(DIR_RESSOURCES . $folderScan); ?> <ul class="no-padh ressources-preview"> <li><strong>img</strong> <ul> <li> <img src="<?php echo WEB_ROOT; ?> /ressources/ressources/img/dot-grid-isometric-460.jpg"> <span class="filename small">dot-grid-isometric-460.jpg</span> </li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Anim/run</strong> <ul> <?php foreach ($list as $key => $value) { ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo $web . $value; ?> "> <span class="filename small"><?php echo $value; ?>
function csp_po_get_theme_capabilities($theme, $values, $active) { $data = array(); $data['locale'] = get_locale(); $data['type'] = 'themes'; $data['img_type'] = 'themes'; $data['type-desc'] = __('Theme',CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); $data['name'] = $values['Name']; $data['author'] = $values['Author']; $data['version'] = $values['Version']; $data['description'] = $values['Description']; $data['status'] = $theme == $active->name ? __("activated",CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN) : __("deactivated",CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); $data['base_path'] = str_replace("\\","/", WP_CONTENT_DIR.str_replace('wp-content', '', dirname($values['Template Files'][0])).'/'); if (file_exists($values['Template Files'][0])){ $data['base_path'] = dirname(str_replace("\\","/",$values['Template Files'][0])).'/'; } $data['special-path'] = ''; foreach($values['Template Files'] as $themefile) { $main = ''; if (!file_exists($themefile)) { $main = file_get_contents(WP_CONTENT_DIR.str_replace('wp-content', '', $themefile)); }else { $main = file_get_contents($themefile); } if (preg_match("/load_theme_textdomain\s*\(\s*(\'|\"|)([\w\-_]+|[A-Z\-_]+)(\'|\"|)\s*(,|\))/", $main, $hits)) break; } $data['is-path-unclear'] = false; $data['gettext_ready'] = empty($hits) === false; if ($data['gettext_ready']) { $data['textdomain'] = array('identifier' => $hits[2], 'is_const' => empty($hits[1]) ); $data['languages'] = array(); $const_list = array(); if (!($data['gettext_ready'] && !$data['textdomain']['is_const'])) { if (preg_match_all("/define\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/" , $main, $hits)) { $const_list = array_merge($const_list, $hits[1]); } } if ($data['gettext_ready']) { if ($data['textdomain']['is_const']) { foreach($const_list as $e) { $a = split(',', $e); $c = trim($a[0], "\"' \t"); if ($c == $data['textdomain']['identifier']) { $data['textdomain']['is_const'] = $data['textdomain']['identifier']; $data['textdomain']['identifier'] = trim($a[1], "\"' \t"); } } } } $tmp = array(); $dn = dirname(str_replace("\\","/",WP_CONTENT_DIR).str_replace('wp-content', '', $values['Template Files'][0])); if (file_exists($values['Template Files'][0])){ $dn = dirname(str_replace("\\","/",$values['Template Files'][0])); } $files = rscandir($dn.'/', "/(.\mo|\.po|\.pot)$/", $tmp); $sub_dirs = array(); foreach($files as $filename) { preg_match("/\/([a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z]).(mo|po)$/", $filename, $hits); if (empty($hits[1]) === false) { $data['languages'][$hits[1]][$hits[2]] = array( 'class' => "-".(is_readable($filename) ? 'r' : '').(is_writable($filename) ? 'w' : ''), 'stamp' => date(__('m/d/Y H:i:s',CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN), filemtime($filename))." ".file_permissions($filename) ); $data['filename'] = ''; $sd = dirname(str_replace($dn.'/', '', $filename)); if ($sd == '.') $sd = ''; if (!in_array($sd, $sub_dirs)) $sub_dirs[] = $sd; } } //completely other directories can be defined WP if >= 2.7.0 global $wp_version; if (version_compare($wp_version, '2.7', '>=')) { if (count($data['languages']) == 0) { $data['is-path-unclear'] = has_subdirs($dn.'/'); if ($data['is-path-unclear'] && (count($files) > 0)) { foreach($files as $file) { $f = str_replace($dn.'/', '', $file); if (preg_match("/^([a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z]).(mo|po|pot)$/", basename($f))) { $data['special_path'] = (dirname($f) == '.' ? '' : dirname($f)); $data['is-path-unclear'] = false; break; } } } } else{ if ($sub_dirs[0] != '') { $data['special_path'] = ltrim($sub_dirs[0], "/"); } } } } $data['base_file'] = (empty($data['special_path']) ? '' : $data['special_path']."/"); return $data; }
<?php include "../../include.php"; $folder = "anim/" . $_POST["select-perso"] . "/" . $_POST["select-anim"]; $dir = DIR_RESSOURCES . $folder; $list = rscandir($dir); $d = ["list" => $list, "url" => WEB_RESSOURCES . $folder . "/"]; $r = array('infotype' => "success", 'msg' => "ok", 'data' => $d); echo json_encode($r);
function wpct_export_template($template) { require_once WPCT_PATH . 'lib/pclzip.lib.php'; if (!is_dir(WPCT_PATH . 'templates')) { @mkdir(WPCT_PATH . 'templates', 0755) or wpct_show_warn("I'm not able to create the directory '" . WPCT_PATH . "templates', please, check your permissons or create it manually."); } @chmod(WPCT_PATH . "templates", 0755); if (file_exists(WPCT_PATH . 'templates/' . $template . '.zip')) { @unlink(WPCT_PATH . 'templates/' . $template . '.zip') or wpct_show_warn("I'm not able to delete the file {$template}.zip in the directory 'templates', please, check your permissons or delete it manually."); } $export = new PclZip(WPCT_PATH . 'templates/' . $template . '.zip'); $template_root = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, -19) . 'wp-content/themes/' . $template . '/'; $files = rscandir($template_root); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file[0] . $file[1] !== '/v' && (is_file($file[0] . $file[1]) or is_dir($file[0] . $file[1]))) { $add[] = $file[0] . $file[1]; } } $add = implode(',', $add); $make = $export->add($add, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, -19) . 'wp-content/themes'); if ($make == 0) { die("Error : " . $export->errorInfo(true)); } $_SESSION['wpct_buffer'] = true; wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/templates/' . $template . '.zip', 301); exit; }
/** * @param string $base * @param array $data * @return array */ function rscandir($base = '', &$data = array()) { $array = array_diff(scandir($base), array('.', '..', '.svn')); foreach ($array as $value) { if (is_dir($base . $value)) { $data[] = $base . $value . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $data = rscandir($base . $value . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $data); } elseif (is_file($base . $value)) { $data[] = $base . $value; } } return $data; }
public function importServerAction() { $success = true; $filesPerJob = 5; $jobs = array(); $importDirectory = str_replace("/fileexplorer", PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, $this->getParam("serverPath")); if (is_dir($importDirectory)) { $files = rscandir($importDirectory . "/"); $count = count($files); $jobFiles = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (is_dir($files[$i])) { continue; } $jobFiles[] = preg_replace("@^" . preg_quote($importDirectory, "@") . "@", "", $files[$i]); if (count($jobFiles) >= $filesPerJob || $i >= $count - 1) { $jobs[] = array(array("url" => "/admin/asset/import-server-files", "params" => array("parentId" => $this->getParam("parentId"), "serverPath" => $importDirectory, "files" => implode("::", $jobFiles)))); $jobFiles = array(); } } } $this->_helper->json(array("success" => $success, "jobs" => $jobs)); }
public function indexAction() { $checksPHP = array(); $checksMySQL = array(); $checksFS = array(); $checksApps = array(); // check for memory limit $memoryLimit = ini_get("memory_limit"); $memoryLimit = filesize2bytes($memoryLimit . "B"); $state = "ok"; if ($memoryLimit < 67108000) { $state = "error"; } else { if ($memoryLimit < 134217000) { $state = "warning"; } } $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "memory_limit (in php.ini)", "link" => "http://www.php.net/memory_limit", "state" => $state); // mcrypt $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "mcrypt", "link" => "http://www.php.net/mcrypt", "state" => function_exists("mcrypt_encrypt") ? "ok" : "error"); // pdo_mysql $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "PDO_Mysql", "link" => "http://www.php.net/pdo_mysql", "state" => @constant("PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS") ? "ok" : "error"); // pdo_mysql $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Mysqli", "link" => "http://www.php.net/mysqli", "state" => class_exists("mysqli") ? "ok" : "error"); // iconv $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "iconv", "link" => "http://www.php.net/iconv", "state" => function_exists("iconv") ? "ok" : "error"); // dom $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "dom", "link" => "http://www.php.net/dom", "state" => class_exists("DOMDocument") ? "ok" : "error"); // simplexml $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "SimpleXML", "link" => "http://www.php.net/simplexml", "state" => class_exists("SimpleXMLElement") ? "ok" : "error"); // gd $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "GD", "link" => "http://www.php.net/gd", "state" => function_exists("gd_info") ? "ok" : "error"); // exif $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "EXIF", "link" => "http://www.php.net/exif", "state" => function_exists("exif_read_data") ? "ok" : "error"); // multibyte support $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Multibyte String (mbstring)", "link" => "http://www.php.net/mbstring", "state" => function_exists("mb_get_info") ? "ok" : "error"); // file_info support $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "File Information (file_info)", "link" => "http://www.php.net/file_info", "state" => function_exists("finfo_open") ? "ok" : "error"); // zip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zip", "link" => "http://www.php.net/zip", "state" => class_exists("ZipArchive") ? "ok" : "error"); // gzip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "zlib / gzip", "link" => "http://www.php.net/zlib", "state" => function_exists("gzcompress") ? "ok" : "error"); // bzip $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Bzip2", "link" => "http://www.php.net/bzip2", "state" => function_exists("bzcompress") ? "ok" : "error"); // openssl $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "OpenSSL", "link" => "http://www.php.net/openssl", "state" => function_exists("openssl_open") ? "ok" : "error"); // Imagick $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Imagick", "link" => "http://www.php.net/imagick", "state" => class_exists("Imagick") ? "ok" : "warning"); // OPcache $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "OPcache", "link" => "http://www.php.net/opcache", "state" => function_exists("opcache_reset") ? "ok" : "warning"); // memcache $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Memcache", "link" => "http://www.php.net/memcache", "state" => class_exists("Memcache") ? "ok" : "warning"); // Redis $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "Redis", "link" => "https://pecl.php.net/package/redis", "state" => class_exists("Redis") ? "ok" : "warning"); // curl for google api sdk $checksPHP[] = array("name" => "curl", "link" => "http://www.php.net/curl", "state" => function_exists("curl_init") ? "ok" : "warning"); $db = null; if ($this->getParam("mysql_adapter")) { // this is before installing try { $dbConfig = ['username' => $this->getParam("mysql_username"), 'password' => $this->getParam("mysql_password"), 'dbname' => $this->getParam("mysql_database")]; $hostSocketValue = $this->getParam("mysql_host_socket"); if (file_exists($hostSocketValue)) { $dbConfig["unix_socket"] = $hostSocketValue; } else { $dbConfig["host"] = $hostSocketValue; $dbConfig["port"] = $this->getParam("mysql_port"); } $db = \Zend_Db::factory($this->getParam("mysql_adapter"), $dbConfig); $db->getConnection(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $db = null; } } else { // this is after installing, eg. after a migration, ... $db = \Pimcore\Db::get(); } if ($db) { // storage engines $engines = array(); $enginesRaw = $db->fetchAll("SHOW ENGINES;"); foreach ($enginesRaw as $engineRaw) { $engines[] = strtolower($engineRaw["Engine"]); } // innodb $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "InnoDB Support", "state" => in_array("innodb", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // myisam $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MyISAM Support", "state" => in_array("myisam", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // memory $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "MEMORY Support", "state" => in_array("memory", $engines) ? "ok" : "error"); // check database charset => utf-8 encoding $result = $db->fetchRow('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character\\_set\\_database"'); $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Database Charset UTF8", "state" => $result['Value'] == "utf8" ? "ok" : "error"); // create table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check (\n id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n field varchar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // alter table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check ADD COLUMN alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "ALTER TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // Manage indexes $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\n CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL,\n CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n ADD KEY field (field),\n DROP PRIMARY KEY ,\n DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $db->query("ALTER TABLE __pimcore_req_check\n CHANGE COLUMN id id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n CHANGE COLUMN field field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n CHANGE COLUMN alter_field alter_field varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n ADD PRIMARY KEY (id) ,\n DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "Manage Indexes", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // insert data $queryCheck = true; try { $db->insert("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid())); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "INSERT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // update $queryCheck = true; try { $db->update("__pimcore_req_check", array("field" => uniqid(), "alter_field" => uniqid())); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "UPDATE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // select $queryCheck = true; try { $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // create view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view AS SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // select from view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SELECT (from view)", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // delete $queryCheck = true; try { $db->delete("__pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DELETE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // show create view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("SHOW CREATE VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // show create table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "SHOW CREATE TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // drop view $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("DROP VIEW __pimcore_req_check_view"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP VIEW", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); // drop table $queryCheck = true; try { $db->query("DROP TABLE __pimcore_req_check"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $queryCheck = false; } $checksMySQL[] = array("name" => "DROP TABLE", "state" => $queryCheck ? "ok" : "error"); } else { die("Not possible... no or wrong database settings given.<br />Please fill out the MySQL Settings in the install form an click again on `Check Requirements´"); } // filesystem checks // website/var writable $websiteVarWritable = true; $files = rscandir(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR); foreach ($files as $file) { if (!is_writable($file)) { $websiteVarWritable = false; } } $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/website/var/ writeable", "state" => $websiteVarWritable ? "ok" : "error"); // pimcore writeable $checksFS[] = array("name" => "/pimcore/ writeable", "state" => \Pimcore\Update::isWriteable() ? "ok" : "warning"); // system & application checks // PHP CLI BIN try { $phpCliBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Tool\Console::getPhpCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $phpCliBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "PHP CLI Binary", "state" => $phpCliBin ? "ok" : "error"); // FFMPEG BIN try { $ffmpegBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Video\Adapter\Ffmpeg::getFfmpegCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ffmpegBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "FFMPEG (CLI)", "state" => $ffmpegBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // WKHTMLTOIMAGE BIN try { $wkhtmltopdfBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::getWkhtmltoimageBinary(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $wkhtmltopdfBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "wkhtmltoimage (CLI)", "state" => $wkhtmltopdfBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // HTML2TEXT BIN try { $html2textBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Mail::determineHtml2TextIsInstalled(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $html2textBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "mbayer html2text (CLI)", "state" => $html2textBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // ghostscript BIN try { $ghostscriptBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\Ghostscript::getGhostscriptCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ghostscriptBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "Ghostscript (CLI)", "state" => $ghostscriptBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // LibreOffice BIN try { $libreofficeBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\LibreOffice::getLibreOfficeCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $libreofficeBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "LibreOffice (CLI)", "state" => $libreofficeBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // PNG optimizer try { $pngOptimizer = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\Optimizer::getPngOptimizerCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $pngOptimizer = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "PNG Optimizer (pngcrush)", "state" => $pngOptimizer ? "ok" : "warning"); // JPEG optimizer try { $jpgOptimizer = (bool) \Pimcore\Image\Optimizer::getJpegOptimizerCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $jpgOptimizer = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "JPEG Optimizer (imgmin, jpegoptim)", "state" => $jpgOptimizer ? "ok" : "warning"); // timeout binary try { $timeoutBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Tool\Console::getTimeoutBinary(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $timeoutBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "timeout - (GNU coreutils)", "state" => $timeoutBin ? "ok" : "warning"); // pdftotext binary try { $pdftotextBin = (bool) \Pimcore\Document\Adapter\Ghostscript::getPdftotextCli(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $pdftotextBin = false; } $checksApps[] = array("name" => "pdftotext - (part of poppler-utils)", "state" => $pdftotextBin ? "ok" : "warning"); $this->view->checksApps = $checksApps; $this->view->checksPHP = $checksPHP; $this->view->checksMySQL = $checksMySQL; $this->view->checksFS = $checksFS; }
function rscandir($base = '', &$files = array()) { global $__rscandir_iteration; $__rscandir_iteration++; $array = array_diff(scandir($base), array('.', '..')); $array = scandir($base); foreach ($array as $value) { if ($value == '.' or $value == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($base . $value)) { $files[] = $base . $value . '/'; $files = rscandir($base . $value . '/', $files); } elseif (is_file($base . $value)) { $files[] = $base . $value; } } $__rscandir_iteration--; if ($__rscandir_iteration == 0) { foreach ($files as $f => $file) { $files[$f] = str_replace($base, '', $file); } } return $files; }
public function getAvailableTemplatesAction() { $templates = []; $viewPath = PIMCORE_WEBSITE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "views" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "scripts"; $files = rscandir($viewPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); foreach ($files as $file) { $dat = []; if (strpos($file, \Pimcore\View::getViewScriptSuffix()) !== false) { $dat["path"] = str_replace($viewPath, "", $file); $dat["path"] = str_replace("\\", "/", $dat["path"]); // unix directory separator are compatible with windows, not the reverse $templates[] = $dat; } } $this->_helper->json(["data" => $templates]); }
/** * @param $sourceDir * @param $destinationFile * @return array * @throws \Exception */ protected static function prepareArchive($sourceDir, $destinationFile) { if (substr($sourceDir, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $sourceDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (is_dir($sourceDir) && is_readable($sourceDir)) { $items = rscandir($sourceDir); } else { throw new \Exception("{$sourceDir} doesn't exits or is not readable!"); } if (!$destinationFile || !is_string($destinationFile)) { throw new \Exception('No destinationFile provided!'); } else { @unlink($destinationFile); } $destinationDir = dirname($destinationFile); if (!is_dir($destinationDir)) { File::mkdir($destinationDir); } return array($sourceDir, $destinationFile, $items); }
function csp_po_get_theme_capabilities($theme, $values, $active) { $data = array(); $data['dev-hints'] = null; $data['deny_scanning'] = false; //let's first check the whether we have a child or base theme if (is_object($values) && get_class($values) == 'WP_Theme') { //WORDPRESS Version 3.4 changes theme handling! $firstfile = array_shift(array_values($values['Template Files'])); $data['base_path'] = str_replace("\\", "/", WP_CONTENT_DIR . str_replace('wp-content', '', dirname($firstfile)) . '/'); if (file_exists($firstfile)) { $data['base_path'] = dirname(str_replace("\\", "/", $firstfile)) . '/'; } } else { $data['base_path'] = str_replace("\\", "/", WP_CONTENT_DIR . str_replace('wp-content', '', dirname($values['Template Files'][0])) . '/'); if (file_exists($values['Template Files'][0])) { $data['base_path'] = dirname(str_replace("\\", "/", $values['Template Files'][0])) . '/'; } } $folder_filesys = end(explode('/', rtrim($data['base_path'], '/'))); $folder_data = $values['Template']; $is_child_theme = $folder_filesys != $folder_data; $data['locale'] = get_locale(); $data['type'] = 'themes'; $data['img_type'] = $is_child_theme ? 'childthemes' : 'themes'; $data['type-desc'] = $is_child_theme ? __('Childtheme', CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN) : __('Theme', CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); $data['name'] = $values['Name']; $data['author'] = $values['Author']; $data['version'] = $values['Version']; $data['description'] = $values['Description']; $data['status'] = $theme == $active->name ? __("activated", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN) : __("deactivated", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); if ($is_child_theme) { $data['status'] .= ' / <b></i>' . __('child theme of', CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' ' . $values['Parent Theme'] . '</i></b>'; } $data['special-path'] = ''; $data['is-path-unclear'] = false; $data['gettext_ready'] = false; $data['translation_template'] = null; $data['is-simple'] = false; $data['simple-filename'] = ''; //now scanning the child's own files $parent_files = array(); $files = array(); $const_list = array(); $tmp = array(); $files = rscandir($data["base_path"], "/\\.(php|phtml)\$/", $tmp); foreach ($files as $themefile) { $main = file_get_contents($themefile); if (preg_match("/[^_^!]load_(child_theme_|theme_|)textdomain\\s*\\(\\s*(\\'|\"|)([\\w\\d\\-_]+|[A-Z\\d\\-_]+)(\\'|\"|)\\s*(,|\\))/", $main, $hits) || preg_match("/[^_^!]load_(child_theme_|theme_|)textdomain\\s*\\(\\s*/", $main, $hits)) { if (isset($hits[1]) && $hits[1] != 'child_theme_' && $hits[1] != 'theme_') { $data['dev-hints'] = __("<strong>Loading Issue: </strong>Author is using <em>load_textdomain</em> instead of <em>load_theme_textdomain</em> or <em>load_child_theme_textdomain</em> function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won't be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); } //fallback for variable names used to load textdomain, assumes theme name if (isset($hits[3]) && strpos($hits[3], '$') !== false) { unset($hits[3]); if (isset($data['dev-hints'])) { $data['dev-hints'] .= "<br/><br/>"; } $data['dev-hints'] = __("<strong>Textdomain Naming Issue: </strong>Author uses a variable to load the textdomain. It will be assumed to be equal to theme name now.", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); } //make it short $data['gettext_ready'] = true; if ($data['gettext_ready']) { if (!isset($hits[3])) { $data['textdomain'] = array('identifier' => $values['Template'], 'is_const' => false); } else { $data['textdomain'] = array('identifier' => $hits[3], 'is_const' => empty($hits[2])); } $data['languages'] = array(); } $dn = $data["base_path"]; $tmp = array(); $lng_files = rscandir($dn, "/(\\.mo|\\.po|\\.pot)\$/", $tmp); $data['translation_template'] = csp_find_translation_template($lng_files); $sub_dirs = array(); $naming_convention_error = false; foreach ($lng_files as $filename) { //somebody did place buddypress themes at sub folder hierarchy like: themes/buddypress/bp-default //results at $values['Template'] to 'buddypress/bp-default' which damages the preg_match $theme_langfile_check = end(explode('/', $values['Template'])); preg_match("/\\/(|" . preg_quote($theme_langfile_check) . "\\-)([a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z])\\.(mo|po)\$/", $filename, $hits); if (empty($hits[1]) === false) { $naming_convention_error = true; $data['filename'] = ''; $sd = dirname(str_replace($dn, '', $filename)); if ($sd == '.') { $sd = ''; } if (!in_array($sd, $sub_dirs)) { $sub_dirs[] = $sd; } } elseif (empty($hits[2]) === false) { $data['languages'][$hits[2]][$hits[3]] = array('class' => "-" . (is_readable($filename) ? 'r' : '') . (is_writable($filename) ? 'w' : ''), 'stamp' => date(__('m/d/Y H:i:s', CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN), filemtime($filename)) . " " . file_permissions($filename)); $data['filename'] = ''; $sd = dirname(str_replace($dn, '', $filename)); if ($sd == '.') { $sd = ''; } if (!in_array($sd, $sub_dirs)) { $sub_dirs[] = $sd; } } } if ($naming_convention_error && count($data['languages']) == 0) { if (isset($data['dev-hints'])) { $data['dev-hints'] .= "<br/><br/>"; } $data['dev-hints'] .= sprintf(__("<strong>Naming Issue: </strong>Author uses unsupported language file naming convention! Instead of example <em>de_DE.po</em> the non theme standard version <em>%s</em> has been used. If you translate this Theme, only renamed language files will be working!", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN), $values['Template'] . '-de_DE.po'); } //completely other directories can be defined WP if >= 2.7.0 global $wp_version; if (version_compare($wp_version, '2.7', '>=')) { if (count($data['languages']) == 0) { $data['is-path-unclear'] = has_subdirs($dn); if ($data['is-path-unclear'] && count($lng_files) > 0) { foreach ($lng_files as $file) { $f = str_replace($dn, '', $file); if (preg_match("/^([a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z])\\.(mo|po|pot)\$/", basename($f)) || preg_match("/\\.po(t|)\$/", basename($f))) { $data['special_path'] = dirname($f) == '.' ? '' : dirname($f); $data['is-path-unclear'] = false; break; } } } } else { if ($sub_dirs[0] != '') { $data['special_path'] = ltrim($sub_dirs[0], "/"); } } } } if ($data['gettext_ready'] && !$data['textdomain']['is_const']) { break; } //make it short :-) if (preg_match_all("/define\\s*\\(([^\\)]+)\\)/", $main, $hits)) { $const_list = array_merge($const_list, $hits[1]); } } $data['base_file'] = empty($data['special_path']) ? '' : $data['special_path'] . "/"; $constant_failed = false; if ($data['gettext_ready']) { if ($data['textdomain']['is_const']) { foreach ($const_list as $e) { $a = split(',', $e); $c = trim($a[0], "\"' \t"); if ($c == $data['textdomain']['identifier']) { $data['textdomain']['is_const'] = $data['textdomain']['identifier']; $data['textdomain']['identifier'] = trim($a[1], "\"' \t"); } } } //fallback for constants defined by variables! assume the theme name instead if (strpos($data['textdomain']['identifier'], '$') !== false || strpos($data['textdomain']['identifier'], '"') !== false || strpos($data['textdomain']['identifier'], '\'') !== false) { $constant_failed = true; $data['textdomain']['identifier'] = $values['Template']; if (isset($data['dev-hints'])) { $data['dev-hints'] .= "<br/><br/>"; } $data['dev-hints'] = __("<strong>Textdomain Naming Issue: </strong>Author uses a variable to define the textdomain constant. It will be assumed to be equal to theme name now.", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); } } //check now known issues for themes if (isset($data['textdomain']['identifier']) && $data['textdomain']['identifier'] == 'woothemes') { if (isset($data['dev-hints'])) { $data['dev-hints'] .= "<br/><br/>"; } $data['dev-hints'] .= __("<strong>WooThemes Issue: </strong>The Author is known for not supporting a translatable backend. Please expect only translations for frontend or contact the Author for support!", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); } if (isset($data['textdomain']['identifier']) && $data['textdomain']['identifier'] == 'ares' && $constant_failed) { if (isset($data['dev-hints'])) { $data['dev-hints'] .= "<br/><br/>"; } $data['dev-hints'] .= __("<strong>Ares Theme Issue: </strong>This theme uses a textdomain defined by string concatination code. The textdomain will be patched to 'AresLanguage', please contact the theme author to change this into a fix constant value! ", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN); $data['textdomain']['identifier'] = 'AresLanguage'; } return $data; }
public function getUpdateInformationAction() { $id = $this->_getParam("id"); $type = $this->_getParam("type"); $excludes = explode("\n", $this->_getParam("exclude")); if (!$excludes[0]) { $excludes = array(); } // always exclude the revision information $excludes[] = "/pimcore_extension_revision/"; $steps = array(); $actions = array(); $filesTransferred = array(); $actions["start"] = array("action" => "start-upload", "params" => array("id" => $id, "type" => $type)); $extensionDir = Pimcore_ExtensionManager::getPathForExtension($id, $type); $extensionDir .= "/"; // add trailing slash if ($type == "plugin") { $pathPrefix = PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH; } else { if ($type == "brick") { $tmpSplit = explode("areas/" . $id . "/", $extensionDir); $pathPrefix = $tmpSplit[0] . "areas"; } } $pathPrefix = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $pathPrefix); $files = rscandir($extensionDir); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { $file = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $file); // check for excludes try { foreach ($excludes as $regexp) { if (@preg_match($regexp, str_replace($pathPrefix, "", $file), $matches)) { throw new Exception("Not allowed because of the regular expressions."); } } } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } $steps[] = array("action" => "upload-file", "params" => array("path" => $file, "pathPrefix" => $pathPrefix, "id" => $id, "type" => $type)); $filesTransferred[] = str_replace($pathPrefix, "", $file); } } $actions["verify"] = array("action" => "verify-upload", "params" => array("id" => $id, "type" => $type)); $this->_helper->json(array("steps" => $steps, "files" => $filesTransferred, "actions" => $actions)); }
public function getAvailableTemplatesAction() { $templates = array(); $viewPath = PIMCORE_WEBSITE_PATH . "/views/scripts"; $files = rscandir($viewPath . "/"); foreach ($files as $file) { $dat = array(); if (strpos($file, Pimcore_View::getViewScriptSuffix()) !== false) { $dat["path"] = str_replace($viewPath, "", $file); $templates[] = $dat; } } $this->_helper->json(array("data" => $templates)); }
/** * @param string $base * @param array $data * @return array */ function rscandir($base = '', &$data = []) { if (substr($base, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { //add trailing slash if it doesn't exists $base .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $array = array_diff(scandir($base), ['.', '..', '.svn']); foreach ($array as $value) { if (is_dir($base . $value)) { $data[] = $base . $value . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $data = rscandir($base . $value . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $data); } elseif (is_file($base . $value)) { $data[] = $base . $value; } } return $data; }
protected function importFromFileSystem($path, $parentId) { $assetFolder = Asset::getById($parentId); $files = rscandir($path . "/"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($file)) { $relativePath = $assetFolder->getFullPath() . str_replace($path, "", $file); $folder = $this->getOrCreateAssetFolderByPath(dirname($relativePath)); $filename = basename($file); // check for dublicate filename $filename = Pimcore_File::getValidFilename($filename); $filename = $this->getSafeFilename($folder->getFullPath(), $filename); if ($assetFolder->isAllowed("create")) { $asset = Asset::create($folder->getId(), array("filename" => $filename, "data" => file_get_contents($file), "userOwner" => $this->getUser()->getId(), "userModification" => $this->getUser()->getId())); } else { Logger::debug("prevented creating asset because of missing permissions "); } } } }
public function uploadAction() { $success = true; $tmpId = uniqid(); $zipPath = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/plugin-" . $tmpId . ".zip"; $tempPath = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/plugin-" . $tmpId; mkdir($tempPath); copy($_FILES["zip"]["tmp_name"], $zipPath); $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($zipPath) === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($tempPath); $zip->close(); } else { $success = false; } unlink($zipPath); // look for the plugin.xml $rootDir = null; $pluginName = null; $files = rscandir($tempPath); foreach ($files as $file) { if (preg_match("@/plugin.xml\$@", $file)) { $rootDir = dirname($file); $pluginConfig = new \Zend_Config_Xml($file); if ($pluginConfig->plugin->pluginName) { $pluginName = $pluginConfig->plugin->pluginName; } else { Logger::error("Unable to find 'pluginName' in " . $file); } break; } } if ($rootDir && $pluginName) { $pluginPath = PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . "/" . $pluginName; // check for existing plugin if (is_dir($pluginPath)) { // move it to the backup directory rename($pluginPath, PIMCORE_BACKUP_DIRECTORY . "/" . $pluginName . "-" . time()); } rename($rootDir, $pluginPath); } else { $success = false; Logger::err("No plugin.xml or plugin name found for uploaded plugin"); } $this->_helper->json(array("success" => $success), false); // set content-type to text/html, otherwise (when application/json is sent) chrome will complain in // Ext.form.Action.Submit and mark the submission as failed $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); }
/** * @param array $options * @return array */ public function init($options = array()) { $this->setOptions($options); // create backup directory if not exists if (!is_dir(PIMCORE_BACKUP_DIRECTORY)) { if (!\Pimcore\File::mkdir(PIMCORE_BACKUP_DIRECTORY)) { \Logger::err("Directory " . PIMCORE_BACKUP_DIRECTORY . " does not exists and cannot be created."); exit; } } $errors = array(); $this->setFileAmount(0); // cleanup old backups if (is_file(PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/backup-dump.sql")) { unlink(PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/backup-dump.sql"); } // get steps $steps = array(); // get available tables $db = Db::get(); $tables = $this->getTables(); $steps[] = array("mysql-tables", $this->options['mysql-tables']); // tables foreach ($tables as $table) { $name = current($table); $type = next($table); if ($type != "VIEW") { $steps[] = array("mysql", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type)); } } // views foreach ($tables as $table) { reset($table); $name = current($table); $type = next($table); if ($type == "VIEW") { $steps[] = array("mysql", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type)); } } $steps[] = array("mysql-complete", null); if (!$options['only-mysql-related-tasks']) { // check files $currentFileCount = 0; $currentFileSize = 0; $currentStepFiles = array(); // check permissions $filesIn = rscandir(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/"); clearstatcache(); foreach ($filesIn as $fileIn) { if (!is_readable($fileIn)) { $errors[] = $fileIn . " is not readable."; } if ($currentFileCount > 300 || $currentFileSize > 20000000) { $currentFileCount = 0; $currentFileSize = 0; if (!empty($currentStepFiles)) { $filesToBackup[] = $currentStepFiles; } $currentStepFiles = array(); } if (file_exists($fileIn)) { $currentFileSize += filesize($fileIn); $currentFileCount++; $currentStepFiles[] = $fileIn; } } if (!empty($currentStepFiles)) { $filesToBackup[] = $currentStepFiles; } $this->setFilesToBackup($filesToBackup); $fileSteps = count($filesToBackup); for ($i = 0; $i < $fileSteps; $i++) { $steps[] = array("files", array("step" => $i)); } $steps[] = array("complete", null); } if (!empty($errors)) { $steps = null; } return array("steps" => $steps, "errors" => $errors); }
function csp_po_ajax_handle_merge_from_maintheme() { csp_po_check_security(); load_plugin_textdomain(CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN, PLUGINDIR . '/codestyling-localization/languages', 'codestyling-localization/languages'); require_once 'includes/locale-definitions.php'; require_once 'includes/class-filesystem-translationfile.php'; //source|dest|basepath|textdomain|molist $tmp = array(); $files = rscandir(str_replace("\\", "/", WP_CONTENT_DIR) . '/themes/' . strip_tags($_POST['source']) . '/', "/(\\.po|\\.mo)\$/", $tmp); foreach ($files as $file) { $pofile = new CspFileSystem_TranslationFile(); $target = strip_tags($_POST['basepath']) . basename($file); if (preg_match('/\\.mo/', $file)) { $pofile->read_mofile($file, $csp_l10n_plurals, false, strip_tags($_POST['textdomain'])); $pofile->write_mofile($target, strip_tags($_POST['textdomain'])); } else { $pofile->read_pofile($file); if (file_exists($target)) { //merge it now $pofile->read_pofile($target); } $pofile->write_pofile($target, true, strip_tags($_POST['textdomain'])); } } exit; }