Example #1
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Unknown") . "</b>", tra("The task was sent to a computer, but the computer has not yet completed the work and reported the outcome."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Success") . "</b>", tra("A computer completed and reported the task successfully."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Couldn't send") . "</b>", tra("The server wasn't able to send the task to a computer (perhaps because its resource requirements were too large)"));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Client error") . "</b>", tra("The task was sent to a computer and an error occurred."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("No reply") . "</b>", tra("The task was sent to a computer and no reply was received within the time limit."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Didn't need") . "</b>", tra("The task wasn't sent to a computer because enough other tasks were completed for this workunit."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Validate error") . "</b>", tra("The task was reported but could not be validated, typically because the output files were lost on the server."));
    case "result_client_state":
        page_head(tra("Client states"));
        echo "<p>" . tra("A result's <b>client state</b> indicates the stage of processing at which an error occurred.") . "\n        <p>\n    ";
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("New") . "</b>", tra("The computer has not yet completed the task."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Done") . "</b>", tra("The computer completed the task successfully."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Downloading") . "</b>", tra("The computer couldn't download the application or input files."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Computing") . "</b>", tra("An error occurred during computation."));
        row2_plain("<b>" . tra("Uploading") . "</b>", tra("The computer couldn't upload the output files."));
    case "result_time":
        page_head(tra("Time reported and deadline"));
        echo "\n        <p>\n        " . tra("A task's <b>Time reported or deadline</b> field depends on whether the task has been reported yet:") . "\n        <p>\n    ";
        row2(tra("Already reported"), tra("The date/time it was reported"));
        row2(tra("Not reported yet, deadline in the future"), tra("Deadline, shown in green."));
        row2(tra("Not reported yet, deadline in the past"), tra("Deadline, shown in red."));
        page_head(tra("Unknown field"));
Example #2
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require_once "../inc/util.inc";
page_head(tra("BBCode tags"));
echo "<p>\n" . tra("BBCode tags let you format text in your profile and message-board postings.\nIt's similar to HTML, but simpler. The tags start with a [ (where you would\nhave used %1 in HTML) and end with ] (where you would have used %2 in\nHTML).", "&lt;", "&gt;") . "</p>";
row2_plain("[b]" . tra("Bold") . "[/b]", "<b>" . tra("Bold") . "</b>");
row2_plain("[i]" . tra("Italic") . "[/i]", "<i>" . tra("Italic") . "</i>");
row2_plain("[u]" . tra("Underline") . "[/u]", "<u>" . tra("Underline") . "</u>");
row2_plain("[s]" . tra("Strikethrough") . "[/s]", "<s>" . tra("Strikethrough") . "</s>");
row2_plain("[sup]" . tra("Superscript") . "[/sup]", "X<sup>" . tra("Superscript") . "</sup>");
row2_plain("[size=15]" . tra("Big text") . "[/size]", "<span style=\"font-size: 15px\">" . tra("Big text") . "</span>");
row2_plain("[color=red]" . tra("Red text") . "[/color]", "<font color=\"red\">" . tra("Red text") . "</font></li>");
row2_plain("[url=https://google.com/]" . tra("link to website") . "[/url]", "<a href=\"https://google.com/\">" . tra("link to website") . "</a>");
row2_plain("[quote]" . tra("Quoted text") . "[/quote]", tra("use for quoted blocks of text"));
row2_plain("[img]http://example.com/pic.jpg[/img]", tra("use to display an image"));
row2_plain("[code]" . tra("Code snippet here") . "[/code]", tra("use to display some code"));
row2_plain("[pre]" . tra("Pre-formatted text") . "[/pre]", tra("use to display pre-formatted (usually monospaced) text"));
row2_plain("[list]<br>* " . tra("Item 1") . "<br>* " . tra("Item2") . "<br>[/list]", "<ul><li>" . tra("Item 1") . "</li><li>" . tra("Item 2") . "</li></ul>");
row2_plain("[github]#1392[/github] or [github]ticket:1392[/github]", tra("link to an issue on the BOINC Github repository") . ": <a href=\"https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/issues/1392\">#1392</a>");
row2_plain("[github]wiki:WebForum[/github]", tra("link to a Wiki page on the BOINC Github repository") . ": <a href=\"https://github.com/BOINC/boinc-dev-doc/wiki/BoincIntro\">BoincIntro</a>");
echo "<p>\n" . tra("If you don't close a tag or don't specify a parameter correctly,\nthe raw tag itself will display instead of the formatted text.") . "</p>\n";
Example #3
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require_once "../inc/util.inc";
page_head(tra("BBCode tags"));
echo "<p>\n" . tra("BBCode tags let you format text in your profile and message-board postings.\nIt's similar to HTML, but simpler. The tags start with a [ (where you would\nhave used %1 in HTML) and end with ] (where you would have used %2 in\nHTML).", "&lt;", "&gt;") . "</p>";
row2_plain("[b]" . tra("Bold") . "[/b]", "<b>" . tra("Bold") . "</b>");
row2_plain("[i]" . tra("Italic") . "[/i]", "<i>" . tra("Italic") . "</i>");
row2_plain("[u]" . tra("Underline") . "[/u]", "<u>" . tra("Underline") . "</u>");
row2_plain("[s]" . tra("Strikethrough") . "[/s]", "<s>" . tra("Strikethrough") . "</s>");
row2_plain("[sup]" . tra("Superscript") . "[/sup]", "X<sup>" . tra("Superscript") . "</sup>");
row2_plain("[size=15]" . tra("Big text") . "[/size]", "<span style=\"font-size: 15px\">" . tra("Big text") . "</span>");
row2_plain("[color=red]" . tra("Red text") . "[/color]", "<font color=\"red\">" . tra("Red text") . "</font></li>");
row2_plain("[url=http://google.com/]" . tra("link to website") . "[/url]", "<a href=\"http://google.com/\">" . tra("link to website") . "</a>");
row2_plain("[quote]" . tra("Quoted text") . "[/quote]", tra("use for quoted blocks of text"));
row2_plain("[img]http://example.com/pic.jpg[/img]", tra("use to display an image"));
row2_plain("[code]" . tra("Code snippet here") . "[/code]", tra("use to display some code"));
row2_plain("[pre]" . tra("Pre-formatted text") . "[/pre]", tra("use to display pre-formatted (usually monospaced) text"));
row2_plain("[list]<br>* " . tra("Item 1") . "<br>* " . tra("Item2") . "<br>[/list]", "<ul><li>" . tra("Item 1") . "</li><li>" . tra("Item 2") . "</li></ul>");
row2_plain("[trac]#1[/trac] or [trac]ticket:1[/trac]", tra("use to link to Trac ticket on BOINC website") . ": <a href=\"http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/1\">#1</a>");
row2_plain("[trac]wiki:WebForum[/trac]", tra("use to link to Trac Wiki on BOINC website") . ": <a href=\"http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/WebForum\">WebForum</a>");
echo "<p>\n" . tra("If you don't close a tag or don't specify a parameter correctly,\nthe raw tag itself will display instead of the formatted text.") . "</p>\n";
Example #4
        row2_plain("<b>Unknown</b>", "The task was sent to a computer, but the computer has not\r\n\t\tyet completed the work and reported the outcome.");
        row2_plain("<b>Success</b>", "A computer completed and reported the task successfully.");
        row2_plain("<b>Couldn't send</b>", "The server wasn't able to send the task to a computer\r\n\t\t(perhaps because its resource requirements were too large)");
        row2_plain("<b>Client error</b>", "The task was sent to a computer and an error occurred.");
        row2_plain("<b>No reply</b>", "The task was sent to a computer\r\n\t\tand no reply was received within the time limit.");
        row2_plain("<b>Didn't need</b>", "The task wasn't sent to a computer because\r\n\t\tenough other tasks were completed for this workunit.");
        row2_plain("<b>Validate error</b>", "The task was reported but could not be validated,\r\n\t\ttypically because the output files were lost on the server.");
    case "result_client_state":
        page_head("Client states");
        echo "<p>A result's <b>client state</b>\r\n\t\tindicates the stage of processing at which an error occurred.\r\n\t\t<p>\r\n\t";
        row2_plain("<b>New</b>", "The computer has not yet completed the task.");
        row2_plain("<b>Done</b>", "The computer completed the task successfully.");
        row2_plain("<b>Downloading</b>", "The computer couldn't download the application or input files.");
        row2_plain("<b>Computing</b>", "An error occurred during computation.");
        row2_plain("<b>Uploading</b>", "The computer couldn't upload the output files.");
    case "result_time":
        page_head("Time reported and deadline");
        echo "\r\n\t\t<p>\r\n\t\tA task's <b>Time reported or deadline</b> field depends\r\n\t\ton whether the task has been reported yet:\r\n\t\t<p>\r\n\t";
        row2("Already reported", "The date/time it was reported");
        row2("Not reported yet, deadline in the future", "Deadline, shown in green.");
        row2("Not reported yet, deadline in the past", "Deadline, shown in red.");
        page_head("Unknown field");
Example #5
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require_once "../inc/util.inc";
page_head(tra("BBCode tags"));
echo "<p>\n" . tra("BBCode tags let you format text in your profile and message-board postings.\nIt's similar to HTML, but simpler. The tags start with a [ (where you would\nhave used %1 in HTML) and end with ] (where you would have used %2 in\nHTML).", "&lt;", "&gt;") . "</p>";
row2_plain("[b]" . tra("Bold") . "[/b]", "<b>" . tra("Bold") . "</b>");
row2_plain("[i]" . tra("Italic") . "[/i]", "<i>" . tra("Italic") . "</i>");
row2_plain("[u]" . tra("Underline") . "[/u]", "<u>" . tra("Underline") . "</u>");
row2_plain("[sup]" . tra("Superscript") . "[/sup]", "X<sup>" . tra("Superscript") . "</sup>");
row2_plain("[size=15]" . tra("Big text") . "[/size]", "<span style=\"font-size: 15px\">" . tra("Big text") . "</span>");
row2_plain("[color=red]" . tra("Red text") . "[/color]", "<font color=\"red\">" . tra("Red text") . "</font></li>");
row2_plain("[url=http://google.com/]" . tra("link to website") . "[/url]", "<a href=\"http://google.com/\">" . tra("link to website") . "</a>");
row2_plain("[quote]" . tra("Quoted text") . "[/quote]", tra("use for quoted blocks of text"));
row2_plain("[img]http://example.com/pic.jpg[/img]", tra("use to display an image"));
row2_plain("[code]" . tra("Code snippet here") . "[/code]", tra("use to display some code"));
row2_plain("[pre]" . tra("Pre-formatted text") . "[/pre]", tra("use to display pre-formatted (usually monospaced) text"));
row2_plain("[list]<br>* " . tra("Item 1") . "<br>* " . tra("Item2") . "<br>[/list]", "<ul><li>" . tra("Item 1") . "</li><li>" . tra("Item 2") . "</li></ul>");
row2_plain("[trac]#1[/trac] or [trac]ticket:1[/trac]", tra("use to link to Trac ticket on BOINC website") . ": <a href=\"http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/1\">#1</a>");
row2_plain("[trac]wiki:WebForum[/trac]", tra("use to link to Trac Wiki on BOINC website") . ": <a href=\"http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/WebForum\">WebForum</a>");
row2_plain("[trac]changeset:12345[/trac]", tra("use to link to SVN changeset on BOINC website") . ": <a href=\"http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/changeset/12345\">[12345]</a>");
echo "<p>\n" . tra("If you don't close a tag or don't specify a parameter correctly,\nthe raw tag itself will display instead of the formatted text.") . "</p>\n";