public function detail() { global $tpl, $bid, $product; //設定 Action 相關參數 set_status($this->controller); //成交狀態 $type = $_GET['type']; $productid = $_GET['productid']; $channelid = $_GET['channelid']; if (empty($productid)) { return_to('site/bid'); } else { // error_log("[bid/detail] Check for productid : ".$productid.", type : ".$type); if (file_exists('/var/www/html' . APP_DIR . '/static/html/BidDetail_' . $productid . '.html')) { // Static bid detail page file exists error_log("[bid/detail] Show /var/www/html" . APP_DIR . "/static/html/BidDetail_" . $productid . ".html "); } else { // Static bid detail page does not exist // Generate Static Html Page $this->genBidDetailHtml(); // $tpl->assign('product', $get_product); // $tpl->assign('bid_info', $get_bid_info); } } $tpl->assign('type', $type); $tpl->assign('productid', $productid); $tpl->set_title(''); $tpl->render("bid", "detail", true); }
public function detail() { global $tpl, $faq; //設定 Action 相關參數 set_status($this->controller); if (empty($_GET['fid'])) { return_to('site/tech'); } else { //資料 $get_faq = $faq->faq_detail($_GET['fid']); $tpl->assign('detail', $get_faq); } $tpl->set_title(''); $tpl->render("tech", "detail", true); }
/** * Default home page. */ public function home() { global $tpl, $googlemap; //設定 Action 相關參數 set_status($this->controller); //資料 $gmap = urldecode($_GET['k']); $tpl->assign('gmap', $gmap); //print_r($gmap);exit; mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); $location_array = mb_split("到", mb_substr($_GET['k'], 1)); //print_r($_GET['k']); //print_r($location_array);exit; $maplocation['from'] = $location_array[0]; if (count($location_array) == 1) { $mapstate = "loc"; } else { if (count($location_array) > 1) { $mapstate = "nav"; $maplocation['to'] = end($location_array); array_shift($location_array); //去頭 array_pop($location_array); //去尾 $maplocation['waypoint'] = implode(",", $location_array); if (!empty($maplocation['waypoint'])) { $maplocation['waypoint'] = "waypoint: ['" . $maplocation['waypoint'] . "'], "; } } else { if (count($location_array) < 1) { $mapstate = ""; return_to('site/'); } } } $tpl->assign('mapstate', $mapstate); $tpl->assign('maplocation', $maplocation); $tpl->set_title(''); $tpl->render("googlemap", "home", true); }
/** * User registration page. */ function register() { global $user, $template; if ($_POST) { if ($user->create($_POST)) { $template->set_msg($user->msg, $user->ok); if ($_POST['return_to']) { return_to($_POST['return_to']); } else { return_to("site/home"); } } $template->set_msg($user->msg, $user->ok); $template->assign('email', $_POST['email']); $template->assign('name', $_POST['name']); } $template->set_title('Register'); $template->render("user", "register", true); }
public function exchange() { global $tpl, $mall, $user; //設定 Action 相關參數 set_status($this->controller); if (empty($_GET['epid'])) { return_to('site/mall'); } else { if ($user->is_logged && !empty($_SESSION['user'])) { //會員認證資料 $get_auth = $user->validUserAuth($_SESSION['auth_id'], $_SESSION['user']['profile']['phone']); $tpl->assign('auth', $get_auth); } //商品資料 $get_product = $mall->get_info($_GET['epid']); $tpl->assign('product', $get_product); //商品類別 $get_product_category = $mall->get_product_category(); $tpl->assign('product_category', $get_product_category); //訂單列表 $order_exchange = $mall->order_exchange($_SESSION['auth_id'], $_GET['epid']); $tpl->assign('order_exchange', $order_exchange); //查詢卡包資料 $user_extrainfoArr[1] = $user->get_user_extrainfo(1); //查詢中油卡資料 $user_extrainfoArr[2] = $user->get_user_extrainfo(2); //查詢校園一卡通資料 $user_extrainfoArr[3] = $user->get_user_extrainfo(3); //查詢支付宝資料 $user_extrainfoArr[4] = $user->get_user_extrainfo(4); //查詢qq資料 $tpl->assign('user_extrainfoArr', $user_extrainfoArr); //庫存 $stock = $mall->get_stock($_GET['epid']); if ($get_product['epid'] == '493') { $stock = 1; } $tpl->assign('stock', $stock); } $tpl->set_title(''); $tpl->render("mall", "exchange", true); }
public function bid_confirm() { global $tpl, $history, $config; //設定 Action 相關參數 set_status($this->controller); login_required(); if (empty($_GET['productid'])) { return_to('site/history/bid/'); } else { $record = $history->bid_checkout($_GET['productid'], $this->userid); //得標價格 $get_price = (double) $record['price'] * $config['sjb_rate']; $record['price'] = round($get_price, 2); //中标处理费 = 市價 * 处理费% * 兌換比率 $get_process_fee = (double) $record['retail_price'] * ((double) $record['process_fee'] / 100) * $config['sjb_rate']; $record['real_process_fee'] = round($get_process_fee, 2); //费用总计 $record['total'] = round($get_process_fee + $get_price, 2); $tpl->assign('product', $record); } $tpl->set_title(''); $tpl->render("history", "bid_confirm", true); }
public function saja() { global $tpl, $product, $scodeModel, $user, $oscode; //設定 Action 相關參數 set_status($this->controller); if (empty($_REQUEST['productid'])) { return_to('site/product'); } else { // 抓source IP if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $temp_ip = explode(",", $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $src_ip = $temp_ip[0]; } else { $src_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } // 抓user_agent $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // 判斷是否微信 $is_wx = strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger'); $productid = $_REQUEST['productid']; $get_product['use_scode'] = false; //商品資料 $get_product = $product->get_info($productid); //下標支付方式: 1.殺幣(a) 2.殺幣+S碼+限定S碼(b) 3.殺幣+限定S碼(c) 4.S碼+限定S碼(d) 5.限定S碼(e) $pay_type = $get_product['pay_type']; /*可否使用S碼(暫時停用) if(!empty($_SESSION['auth_id']) ) { $_scode = $scodeModel->get_scode($_SESSION['auth_id']); $get_product['use_scode'] = (!empty($_scode) && $_scode > 0) ? true : false; } */ $tpl->assign('product', $get_product); /*下标礼券(暫時停用) $sgift = $product->get_sgift($_GET['productid']); $tpl->assign('sgift_num', $sgift); */ $sgift = 0; $tpl->assign('sgift_num', $sgift); // 可用殺价券數量 $oscode_num = $oscode->get_prod_oscode($productid, $_SESSION['auth_id']); $tpl->assign('oscode_num', $oscode_num); //目前中标 $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect(''); $bid_name = $redis->get('PROD:' . $productid . ':BIDDER'); if (empty($bid_name)) { $bidded = $product->get_bidded($productid); $bid_name = !empty($bidded['nickname']) ? $bidded['nickname'] : '无'; $redis->set('PROD:' . $productid . ':BIDDER', $bid_name); error_log("[product/saja]Winner:" . $bid_name . " of Prod:" . $productid . " From DB and sync to redis : " . $bid_name); } else { error_log("[product/saja]Winner:" . $bid_name . " of Prod:" . $productid . " From redis"); } $tpl->assign('bidded', $bid_name); //Add By Thomas 20150721 for LINE 分享 if ($get_product['is_flash'] == 'Y') { $meta['title'] = $get_product['name'] . " 閃殺搶標中 !!"; $meta['description'] = '閃殺活動地點 : ' . $get_product['flash_loc']; } else { $meta['title'] = $get_product['name'] . " 搶標中 !!"; $meta['description'] = ''; } if (!empty($get_product['thumbnail'])) { $meta['image'] = BASE_URL . APP_DIR . '/images/site/product/' . $get_product['thumbnail']; } elseif (!empty($get_product['thumbnail_url'])) { $meta['image'] = $get_product['thumbnail_url']; } /* 記錄連線來源 20151022改由頁面trigger socket去記錄 // $come_from, $productid, $act, $goto, $memo, $userid='', $user_agent='', $intro_by='' if($is_wx>0) { $user->logAffiliate($src_ip, $productid, 'FLASH|LOGIN' ,'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ,$user_agent, $_SESSION['auth_id'],'WEIXIN',''); } else { $user->logAffiliate($src_ip, $productid, 'PROD|VIEW' ,'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ,$user_agent, $_SESSION['auth_id'],'BROWSER',''); } */ $tpl->assign('meta', $meta); } $tpl->set_title(''); if ($get_product['is_flash'] == 'Y') { $tpl->render("product", "kuso_saja", true); } else { $tpl->render("product", "saja", true); } }