Example #1
function draw_navigation_text() {
	$nav_level_cache = (isset($_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"]) ? $_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] : array());

	$nav = array(
		"graph_view.php:" => array("title" => "Graphs", "mapping" => "", "url" => "graph_view.php", "level" => "0"),
		"graph_view.php:tree" => array("title" => "Tree Mode", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=tree", "level" => "1"),
		"graph_view.php:list" => array("title" => "List Mode", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=list", "level" => "1"),
		"graph_view.php:preview" => array("title" => "Preview Mode", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=preview", "level" => "1"),
		"graph.php:" => array("title" => "|current_graph_title|", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?", "level" => "2"),
		"graph.php:view" => array("title" => "|current_graph_title|", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?", "level" => "2"),
		"graph.php:zoom" => array("title" => "Zoom", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view", "level" => "3"),
		"graph.php:properties" => array("title" => "Properties", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view", "level" => "3"),
		"graph_settings.php:" => array("title" => "Settings", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_settings.php", "level" => "1"),
		"index.php:" => array("title" => "Console", "mapping" => "", "url" => "index.php", "level" => "0"),
		"graphs.php:" => array("title" => "Graph Management", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graphs.php", "level" => "1"),
		"graphs.php:graph_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graphs.php:graph_diff" => array("title" => "Change Graph Template", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graphs.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graphs_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graphs_new.php:" => array("title" => "Create New Graphs", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graphs_new.php", "level" => "1"),
		"graphs_new.php:save" => array("title" => "Create Graphs from Data Query", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs_new.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"gprint_presets.php:" => array("title" => "GPRINT Presets", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "gprint_presets.php", "level" => "1"),
		"gprint_presets.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,gprint_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"gprint_presets.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,gprint_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"cdef.php:" => array("title" => "CDEF's", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "cdef.php", "level" => "1"),
		"cdef.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"cdef.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"cdef.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "CDEF Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:,cdef.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"tree.php:" => array("title" => "Graph Trees", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "tree.php", "level" => "1"),
		"tree.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"tree.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"tree.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Tree Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:,tree.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"tree.php:item_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:,tree.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"color.php:" => array("title" => "Colors", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "color.php", "level" => "1"),
		"color.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,color.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_templates.php:" => array("title" => "Graph Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graph_templates.php", "level" => "1"),
		"graph_templates.php:template_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_templates_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Template Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graph_templates_inputs.php:input_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Item Inputs", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graph_templates_inputs.php:input_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"host_templates.php:" => array("title" => "Host Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "host_templates.php", "level" => "1"),
		"host_templates.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,host_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"host_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,host_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_templates.php:" => array("title" => "Data Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_templates.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_templates.php:template_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_sources.php:" => array("title" => "Data Sources", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_sources.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_sources.php:ds_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_sources.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"host.php:" => array("title" => "Devices", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "host.php", "level" => "1"),
		"host.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,host.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"host.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,host.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"rra.php:" => array("title" => "Round Robin Archives", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "rra.php", "level" => "1"),
		"rra.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,rra.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"rra.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,rra.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_input.php:" => array("title" => "Data Input Methods", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_input.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_input.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_input.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_input.php:field_edit" => array("title" => "Data Input Fields", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_input.php:field_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_queries.php:" => array("title" => "Data Queries", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_queries.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_queries.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_queries.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_queries.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Associated Graph Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_queries.php:item_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"utilities.php:" => array("title" => "Utilities", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "1"),
		"utilities.php:view_poller_cache" => array("title" => "View Poller Cache", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:view_snmp_cache" => array("title" => "View SNMP Cache", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:clear_poller_cache" => array("title" => "Clear Poller Cache", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:view_logfile" => array("title" => "View Cacti Log File", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:clear_logfile" => array("title" => "Clear Cacti Log File", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"settings.php:" => array("title" => "Cacti Settings", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "settings.php", "level" => "1"),
		"user_admin.php:" => array("title" => "User Management", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "user_admin.php", "level" => "1"),
		"user_admin.php:user_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:user_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:graph_perms_edit" => array("title" => "Edit (Graph Permissions)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:user_realms_edit" => array("title" => "Edit (Realm Permissions)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:graph_settings_edit" => array("title" => "Edit (Graph Settings)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"about.php:" => array("title" => "About Cacti", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "about.php", "level" => "1"),
		"templates_export.php:" => array("title" => "Export Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "templates_export.php", "level" => "1"),
		"templates_export.php:save" => array("title" => "Export Results", "mapping" => "index.php:,templates_export.php:", "url" => "templates_export.php", "level" => "2"),
		"templates_import.php:" => array("title" => "Import Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "templates_import.php", "level" => "1"),

	$current_page = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
	$current_action = (isset($_REQUEST["action"]) ? $_REQUEST["action"] : "");

	/* find the current page in the big array */
	$current_array = $nav{$current_page . ":" . $current_action};
	$current_mappings = split(",", $current_array["mapping"]);
	$current_nav = "";

	/* resolve all mappings to build the navigation string */
	for ($i=0; ($i<count($current_mappings)); $i++) {
		if (empty($current_mappings[$i])) { continue; }

		if  ($i == 0) {
			/* always use the default for level == 0 */
			$url = $nav{$current_mappings[$i]}["url"];
		}elseif (!empty($nav_level_cache{$i}["url"])) {
			/* found a match in the url cache for this level */
			$url = $nav_level_cache{$i}["url"];
		}elseif (!empty($current_array["url"])) {
			/* found a default url in the above array */
			$url = $current_array["url"];
			/* default to no url */
			$url = "";

		if ($current_mappings[$i] == "?") {
			/* '?' tells us to pull title from the cache at this level */
			if (isset($nav_level_cache{$i})) {
				$current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='$url'>") . resolve_navigation_variables($nav{$nav_level_cache{$i}["id"]}["title"]) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -> ";
			/* there is no '?' - pull from the above array */
			$current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='$url'>") . resolve_navigation_variables($nav{$current_mappings[$i]}["title"]) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -> ";

	$current_nav .= resolve_navigation_variables($current_array["title"]);

	/* keep a cache for each level we encounter */
	$nav_level_cache{$current_array["level"]} = array("id" => $current_page . ":" . $current_action, "url" => get_browser_query_string());
	$_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] = $nav_level_cache;

	print $current_nav;
Example #2
function draw_navigation_text($type = 'url')
    global $config;
    $nav_level_cache = isset($_SESSION['sess_nav_level_cache']) ? $_SESSION['sess_nav_level_cache'] : array();
    $nav = array('auth_profile.php:' => array('title' => 'User Profile (Edit)', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => '', 'level' => '0'), 'graph_view.php:' => array('title' => 'Graphs', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'graph_view.php', 'level' => '0'), 'graph_view.php:tree' => array('title' => 'Tree Mode', 'mapping' => 'graph_view.php:', 'url' => 'graph_view.php?action=tree', 'level' => '0'), 'graph_view.php:tree_content' => array('title' => 'Tree Mode', 'mapping' => 'graph_view.php:', 'url' => 'graph_view.php?action=tree', 'level' => '0'), 'graph_view.php:list' => array('title' => 'List Mode', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'graph_view.php?action=list', 'level' => '0'), 'graph_view.php:preview' => array('title' => 'Preview Mode', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'graph_view.php?action=preview', 'level' => '0'), 'graph.php:' => array('title' => '|current_graph_title|', 'mapping' => 'graph_view.php:,?', 'level' => '2'), 'graph.php:view' => array('title' => '|current_graph_title|', 'mapping' => 'graph_view.php:,?', 'level' => '2'), 'graph.php:zoom' => array('title' => 'Zoom', 'mapping' => 'graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view', 'level' => '3'), 'graph.php:properties' => array('title' => 'Properties', 'mapping' => 'graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view', 'level' => '3'), 'graph_settings.php:' => array('title' => 'Settings', 'mapping' => 'graph_view.php:', 'url' => 'graph_settings.php', 'level' => '1'), 'index.php:' => array('title' => 'Console', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => $config['url_path'] . 'index.php', 'level' => '0'), 'index.php:login' => array('title' => 'Console', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => $config['url_path'] . 'index.php', 'level' => '0'), 'graphs.php:' => array('title' => 'Graph Management', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'graphs.php', 'level' => '1'), 'graphs.php:graph_edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graphs.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'graphs.php:graph_diff' => array('title' => 'Change Graph Template', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'graphs.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graphs.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'graphs_items.php:item_edit' => array('title' => 'Graph Items', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'graphs_new.php:' => array('title' => 'Create New Graphs', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'graphs_new.php', 'level' => '1'), 'graphs_new.php:save' => array('title' => 'Create Graphs from Data Query', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graphs_new.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'gprint_presets.php:' => array('title' => 'GPRINT Presets', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'gprint_presets.php', 'level' => '1'), 'gprint_presets.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,gprint_presets.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'gprint_presets.php:remove' => array('title' => '(Remove)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,gprint_presets.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'cdef.php:' => array('title' => 'CDEFs', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'cdef.php', 'level' => '1'), 'cdef.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,cdef.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'cdef.php:remove' => array('title' => '(Remove)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,cdef.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'cdef.php:item_edit' => array('title' => 'CDEF Items', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,cdef.php:,cdef.php:edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'cdef.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,cdef.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'clog.php:' => array('title' => 'View Cacti Log', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'clog.php', 'level' => '0'), 'clog.php:preview' => array('title' => 'View Cacti Log', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'clog.php', 'level' => '0'), 'clog_user.php:' => array('title' => 'View Cacti Log', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'clog_user.php', 'level' => '0'), 'clog_user.php:preview' => array('title' => 'View Cacti Log', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'clog_user.php', 'level' => '0'), 'tree.php:' => array('title' => 'Graph Trees', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'tree.php', 'level' => '1'), 'tree.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,tree.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'color.php:' => array('title' => 'Colors', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'color.php', 'level' => '1'), 'color.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,color.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'graph_templates.php:' => array('title' => 'Graph Templates', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'graph_templates.php', 'level' => '1'), 'graph_templates.php:template_edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graph_templates.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'graph_templates.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graph_templates.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'graph_templates_items.php:item_edit' => array('title' => 'Graph Template Items', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'graph_templates_inputs.php:input_edit' => array('title' => 'Graph Item Inputs', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'graph_templates_inputs.php:input_remove' => array('title' => '(Remove)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'host_templates.php:' => array('title' => 'Device Templates', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'host_templates.php', 'level' => '1'), 'host_templates.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,host_templates.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'host_templates.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,host_templates.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'graph_templates.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,graph_templates.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_templates.php:' => array('title' => 'Data Templates', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'data_templates.php', 'level' => '1'), 'data_templates.php:template_edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_templates.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_templates.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_templates.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_sources.php:' => array('title' => 'Data Sources', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'data_sources.php', 'level' => '1'), 'data_sources.php:ds_edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_sources.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_sources.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_sources.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'host.php:' => array('title' => 'Devices', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'host.php', 'level' => '1'), 'host.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,host.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'host.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,host.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'rra.php:' => array('title' => 'Round Robin Archives', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'rra.php', 'level' => '1'), 'rra.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,rra.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'rra.php:remove' => array('title' => '(Remove)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,rra.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_input.php:' => array('title' => 'Data Input Methods', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'data_input.php', 'level' => '1'), 'data_input.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_input.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_input.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_input.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_input.php:remove' => array('title' => '(Remove)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_input.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_input.php:field_edit' => array('title' => 'Data Input Fields', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'data_input.php:field_remove' => array('title' => '(Remove Item)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'data_queries.php:' => array('title' => 'Data Queries', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'data_queries.php', 'level' => '1'), 'data_queries.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_queries.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_queries.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_queries.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'data_queries.php:item_edit' => array('title' => 'Associated Graph Templates', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'data_queries.php:item_remove' => array('title' => '(Remove Item)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '3'), 'rrdcleaner.php:' => array('title' => 'RRD Cleaner', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'rrdcleaner.php', 'level' => '1'), 'rrdcleaner.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Actions', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,rrdcleaner.php:', 'url' => 'rrdcleaner.php?action=actions', 'level' => '2'), 'rrdcleaner.php:restart' => array('title' => 'List unused Files', 'mapping' => 'rrdcleaner.php:', 'url' => 'rrdcleaner.php?action=restart', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:' => array('title' => 'Utilities', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '1'), 'utilities.php:view_poller_cache' => array('title' => 'View Poller Cache', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:view_snmp_cache' => array('title' => 'View SNMP Cache', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:clear_poller_cache' => array('title' => 'View Poller Cache', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:view_logfile' => array('title' => 'View Cacti Log File', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:clear_logfile' => array('title' => 'Clear Cacti Log File', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:view_user_log' => array('title' => 'View User Log File', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:clear_user_log' => array('title' => 'Clear User Log File', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:view_tech' => array('title' => 'Technical Support', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'utilities.php:view_boost_status' => array('title' => 'Boost Status', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,utilities.php:', 'url' => 'utilities.php', 'level' => '2'), 'settings.php:' => array('title' => 'Cacti Settings', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'settings.php', 'level' => '1'), 'user_admin.php:' => array('title' => 'Users', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'user_admin.php', 'level' => '1'), 'user_admin.php:user_edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,user_admin.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'user_admin.php:actions' => array('title' => '(Action)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,user_admin.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'user_domains.php:' => array('title' => 'User Domains', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'user_domains.php', 'level' => '1'), 'user_domains.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'user_domains.php:,index.php:', 'url' => 'user_domains.php:edit', 'level' => '2'), 'user_group_admin.php:' => array('title' => 'User Groups', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'user_group_admin.php', 'level' => '1'), 'user_group_admin.php:edit' => array('title' => '(Edit)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,user_group_admin.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'user_group_admin.php:actions' => array('title' => '(Action)', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,user_group_admin.php:', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'about.php:' => array('title' => 'About Cacti', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'about.php', 'level' => '1'), 'templates_export.php:' => array('title' => 'Export Templates', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'templates_export.php', 'level' => '1'), 'templates_export.php:save' => array('title' => 'Export Results', 'mapping' => 'index.php:,templates_export.php:', 'url' => 'templates_export.php', 'level' => '2'), 'templates_import.php:' => array('title' => 'Import Templates', 'mapping' => 'index.php:', 'url' => 'templates_import.php', 'level' => '1'), 'reports_admin.php:' => array('title' => 'Reporting', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'reports_admin.php', 'level' => '0'), 'reports_admin.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Report Add', 'mapping' => 'reports_admin.php:', 'url' => 'reports_admin.php', 'level' => '1'), 'reports_admin.php:delete' => array('title' => 'Report Delete', 'mapping' => 'reports_admin.php:', 'url' => 'reports_admin.php', 'level' => '1'), 'reports_admin.php:edit' => array('title' => 'Report Edit', 'mapping' => 'reports_admin.php:', 'url' => 'reports_admin.php?action=edit', 'level' => '1'), 'reports_admin.php:item_edit' => array('title' => 'Report Edit Item', 'mapping' => 'reports_admin.php:,reports_admin.php:edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'), 'reports_user.php:' => array('title' => 'Reporting', 'mapping' => '', 'url' => 'reports_user.php', 'level' => '0'), 'reports_user.php:actions' => array('title' => 'Report Add', 'mapping' => 'reports_user.php:', 'url' => 'reports_user.php', 'level' => '1'), 'reports_user.php:delete' => array('title' => 'Report Delete', 'mapping' => 'reports_user.php:', 'url' => 'reports_user.php', 'level' => '1'), 'reports_user.php:edit' => array('title' => 'Report Edit', 'mapping' => 'reports_user.php:', 'url' => 'reports_user.php?action=edit', 'level' => '1'), 'reports_user.php:item_edit' => array('title' => 'Report Edit Item', 'mapping' => 'reports_user.php:,reports_user.php:edit', 'url' => '', 'level' => '2'));
    $nav = api_plugin_hook_function('draw_navigation_text', $nav);
    $current_page = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    input_validate_input_regex(get_request_var_request('action'), '^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$');
    $current_action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '';
    /* find the current page in the big array */
    if (isset($nav[$current_page . ':' . $current_action])) {
        $current_array = $nav[$current_page . ':' . $current_action];
    } else {
        $current_array = array('mapping' => 'index.php:', 'title' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php'))), 'level' => 1);
    $current_mappings = explode(',', $current_array['mapping']);
    $current_nav = "<ul id='breadcrumbs'>";
    $title = '';
    $nav_count = 0;
    /* resolve all mappings to build the navigation string */
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($current_mappings); $i++) {
        if (empty($current_mappings[$i])) {
        if ($i == 0) {
            /* always use the default for level == 0 */
            $url = $nav[$current_mappings[$i]]['url'];
            if (basename($url) == 'graph_view.php') {
        } elseif (isset($nav_level_cache[$i]) && !empty($nav_level_cache[$i]['url'])) {
            /* found a match in the url cache for this level */
            $url = $nav_level_cache[$i]['url'];
        } elseif (!empty($current_array['url'])) {
            /* found a default url in the above array */
            $url = $current_array['url'];
        } else {
            /* default to no url */
            $url = '';
        if ($current_mappings[$i] == '?') {
            /* '?' tells us to pull title from the cache at this level */
            if (isset($nav_level_cache[$i])) {
                $current_nav .= (empty($url) ? '' : "<li><a id='nav_{$i}' href='" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "'>") . htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$nav_level_cache[$i]['id']]['title'])) . (empty($url) ? '' : '</a>' . (read_config_option('selected_theme') == 'classic' ? ' -> ' : '') . '</li>');
                $title .= htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$nav_level_cache[$i]['id']]['title'])) . ' -> ';
        } else {
            /* there is no '?' - pull from the above array */
            $current_nav .= (empty($url) ? '' : "<li><a id='nav_{$i}' href='" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "'>") . htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$current_mappings[$i]]['title'])) . (empty($url) ? '' : '</a>' . (read_config_option('selected_theme') == 'classic' ? ' -> ' : '') . '</li>');
            $title .= htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$current_mappings[$i]]['title'])) . ' -> ';
    if ($nav_count) {
        $current_nav .= "<li><a id='nav_{$i}' href=#>" . htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($current_array['title'])) . '</a></li>';
    } else {
        $current_array = $nav[$current_page . ':' . $current_action];
        $url = isset($current_array['url']) ? $current_array['url'] : '';
        $current_nav .= "<li><a id='nav_{$i}' href='{$url}'>" . htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($current_array['title'])) . '</a></li>';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['tree_id']) || isset($_REQUEST['leaf_id'])) {
        $leaf_sub = '';
        $leaf_name = '';
        $tree_name = '';
        if (isset($_REQUEST['leaf_id']) && $_REQUEST['leaf_id'] != '') {
            $leaf = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_tree_items WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['leaf_id']));
            if (sizeof($leaf)) {
                if ($leaf['host_id'] > 0) {
                    $leaf_name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT description FROM host WHERE id = ?', array($leaf['host_id']));
                } else {
                    $leaf_name = $leaf['title'];
                $tree_name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM graph_tree WHERE id = ?', array($leaf['graph_tree_id']));
            } else {
                $leaf_name = 'Leaf';
            if (isset($_REQUEST['host_group_data']) && $_REQUEST['host_group_data'] != '') {
                $parts = explode(':', $_REQUEST['host_group_data']);
                if ($parts[0] == 'graph_template') {
                    $leaf_sub = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM graph_templates WHERE id = ?', array($parts[1]));
                } else {
                    if ($parts[1] > 0) {
                        $leaf_sub = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM snmp_query WHERE id = ?', array($parts[1]));
                    } else {
                        $leaf_sub = 'Non Query Based';
            } else {
                $leaf_sub = '';
        } else {
            $leaf_name = '';
            if (isset($_REQUEST['tree_id'])) {
                $tree_name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM graph_tree WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['tree_id']));
            } else {
                $tree_name = '';
        $tree_title = $tree_name . ($leaf_name != '' ? ' (' . $leaf_name : '') . ($leaf_sub != '' ? ':' . $leaf_sub . ')' : ($leaf_name != '' ? ')' : ''));
        $current_nav .= "<li><a id='nav_title' href=#>" . htmlspecialchars($tree_title) . '</a></li></ul>';
    } else {
        $current_nav .= '</ul>';
        $tree_title = '';
    $title .= htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($current_array['title']) . ' ' . $tree_title);
    /* keep a cache for each level we encounter */
    $nav_level_cache[$current_array['level']] = array('id' => $current_page . ':' . $current_action, 'url' => get_browser_query_string());
    $_SESSION['sess_nav_level_cache'] = $nav_level_cache;
    if ($type == 'url') {
        return $current_nav;
    } else {
        return $title;
Example #3
function draw_navigation_text() {
	global $config;
	$nav_level_cache = (isset($_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"]) ? $_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] : array());

	$nav = array(
		"about.php:" => array("title" => __("About Cacti"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "about.php", "level" => "1"),
		"cdef.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"cdef.php:" => array("title" => __("CDEF's"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "cdef.php", "level" => "1"),
		"cdef.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"cdef.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("CDEF Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:,cdef.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"cdef.php:remove" => array("title" => __("(Remove)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"color.php:" => array("title" => __("Colors"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "color.php", "level" => "1"),
		"color.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,color.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"color.php:import" => array("title" => __("Colors"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "color.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_input.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_input.php:" => array("title" => __("Data Input Methods"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_input.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_input.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_input.php:field_edit" => array("title" => __("Data Input Fields"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_input.php:field_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_input.php:remove" => array("title" => __("(Remove)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_queries.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_queries.php:" => array("title" => __("Data Queries"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_queries.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_queries.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_queries.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("Associated Graph Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_queries.php:item_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_sources.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_sources.php:" => array("title" => __("Data Sources"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_sources.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_sources.php:data_source_edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_sources.php:ds_edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_sources.php:ds_toggle_status" => array("title" => "(Disable)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_sources_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("Data Source Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:,data_sources.php:data_source_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"data_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_templates.php:" => array("title" => __("Data Source Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_templates.php", "level" => "1"),
		"data_templates.php:template_edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"data_templates_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("Data Template Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:,data_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"gprint_presets.php:" => array("title" => __("GPRINT Presets"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "gprint_presets.php", "level" => "1"),
		"gprint_presets.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,gprint_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"gprint_presets.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,gprint_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph.php:" => array("title" => "|current_graph_title|", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?", "level" => "2"),
		"graph.php:properties" => array("title" => __("Properties"), "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view", "level" => "3"),
		"graph.php:view" => array("title" => "|current_graph_title|", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?", "level" => "2"),
		"graph.php:zoom" => array("title" => __("Zoom"), "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view", "level" => "3"),
		"graph_settings.php:" => array("title" => __("Settings"), "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_settings.php", "level" => "1"),
		"graphs_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("Graph Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graphs_new.php:" => array("title" => __("Create New Graphs"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graphs_new.php", "level" => "1"),
		"graphs_new.php:save" => array("title" => __("Create Graphs from Data Query"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs_new.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graphs.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graphs.php:" => array("title" => __("Graph Management"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graphs.php", "level" => "1"),
		"graphs.php:graph_diff" => array("title" => __("Change Graph Template"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graphs.php:graph_edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_templates_inputs.php:input_edit" => array("title" => __("Graph Item Inputs"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graph_templates_inputs.php:input_remove" => array("title" => __("(Remove)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graph_templates_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("Graph Template Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"graph_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_templates.php:" => array("title" => __("Graph Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graph_templates.php", "level" => "1"),
		"graph_templates.php:template_edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"graph_view.php:" => array("title" => __("Graphs"), "mapping" => "", "url" => "graph_view.php", "level" => "0"),
		"graph_view.php:list" => array("title" => __("List Mode"), "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=list", "level" => "1"),
		"graph_view.php:preview" => array("title" => __("Preview Mode"), "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=preview", "level" => "1"),
		"graph_view.php:tree" => array("title" => __("Tree Mode"), "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=tree", "level" => "1"),
		"sites.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,sites.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"sites.php:" => array("title" => __("Sites"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "sites.php", "level" => "1"),
		"sites.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,sites.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"devices.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,devices.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"devices.php:" => array("title" => __("Devices"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "devices.php", "level" => "1"),
		"devices.php:save" => array("title" => __("Devices"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "devices.php", "level" => "1"),
		"devices.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,devices.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"devices.php:create" => array("title" => __("Devices"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "devices.php", "level" => "1"),
		"pollers.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,pollers.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"pollers.php:" => array("title" => __("Pollers"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "pollers.php", "level" => "1"),
		"pollers.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,pollers.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"device_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,device_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"device_templates.php:save_dt" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,device_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"device_templates.php:save_dq" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,device_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"device_templates.php:" => array("title" => __("Device Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "device_templates.php", "level" => "1"),
		"device_templates.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,device_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"index.php:" => array("title" => __("Console"), "mapping" => "", "url" => CACTI_URL_PATH . "index.php", "level" => "0"),
		"index.php:login" => array("title" => __("Console"), "mapping" => "", "url" => CACTI_URL_PATH . "index.php", "level" => "0"),
		"rra.php:" => array("title" => __("Round Robin Archives"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "rra.php", "level" => "1"),
		"rra.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,rra.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"rra.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,rra.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"settings.php:" => array("title" => __("Cacti Settings"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "settings.php", "level" => "1"),
		"settings.php:shift" => array("title" => __("Cacti Settings"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "settings.php", "level" => "1"),
		"templates_export.php:" => array("title" => __("Export Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "templates_export.php", "level" => "1"),
		"templates_export.php:create" => array("title" => __("Export Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:,templates_export.php:", "url" => "templates_export.php", "level" => "2"),
		"templates_export.php:save" => array("title" => __("Export Results"), "mapping" => "index.php:,templates_export.php:", "url" => "templates_export.php", "level" => "2"),
		"templates_import.php" => array("title" => __("Import Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "templates_import.php", "level" => "1"),
		"templates_import.php:" => array("title" => __("Import Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "templates_import.php", "level" => "1"),
		"templates_import.php:create" => array("title" => __("Import Templates"), "mapping" => "index.php:,templates_import.php", "url" => "templates_import.php", "level" => "1"),
		"tree.php:" => array("title" => __("Graph Trees"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "tree.php", "level" => "1"),
		"tree.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"tree.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("Graph Tree Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:,tree.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"tree.php:item_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:,tree.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"tree.php:remove" => array("title" => __("(Remove)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:actions" => array("title" => "(Action)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:" => array("title" => __("User Management"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "user_admin.php", "level" => "1"),
		"user_admin.php:graph_perms_edit" => array("title" => __("Edit (Graph Permissions)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:graph_settings_edit" => array("title" => __("Edit (Graph Settings)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:user_edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"user_admin.php:user_realms_edit" => array("title" => __("Edit (Realm Permissions)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:" => array("title" => __("Utilities"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "1"),
		"utilities.php:clear_logfile" => array("title" => __("Clear Cacti Log File"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:clear_poller_cache" => array("title" => __("Clear Poller Cache"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:clear_user_log" => array("title" => __("Clear User Log File"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:view_logfile" => array("title" => __("View Cacti Log File"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:view_poller_cache" => array("title" => __("View Poller Cache"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:view_snmp_cache" => array("title" => __("View SNMP Cache"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:view_tech" => array("title" => __("Technical Support"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"utilities.php:view_user_log" => array("title" => __("View User Log File"), "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"),
		"vdef.php:" => array("title" => __("VDEF's"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "vdef.php", "level" => "1"),
		"vdef.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,vdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"vdef.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,vdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"vdef.php:remove" => array("title" => __("(Remove)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,vdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"vdef.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("VDEF Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,vdef.php:,vdef.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"xaxis_presets.php:" => array("title" => __("X-Axis Presets"), "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "xaxis_presets.php", "level" => "1"),
		"xaxis_presets.php:edit" => array("title" => __("(Edit)"), "mapping" => "index.php:,xaxis_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),
		"xaxis_presets.php:item_edit" => array("title" => __("X-Axis Items"), "mapping" => "index.php:,xaxis_presets.php:,xaxis_presets.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"),
		"xaxis_presets.php:actions" => array("title" => __("Actions"), "mapping" => "index.php:,xaxis_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"),

	$nav = api_plugin_hook_function('draw_navigation_text', $nav);

	$current_page = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);

	input_validate_input_regex(get_request_var_request("action"), "/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/");

	$current_action = (isset($_REQUEST["action"]) ? $_REQUEST["action"] : "");

	/* find the current page in the big array */
	$current_array = $nav{$current_page . ":" . $current_action};
	$current_mappings = explode(",", $current_array["mapping"]);
	$current_nav = "";

	/* resolve all mappings to build the navigation string */
	for ($i=0; ($i<count($current_mappings)); $i++) {
		if (empty($current_mappings[$i])) { continue; }

		if  ($i == 0) {
			/* always use the default for level == 0 */
			$url = $nav{$current_mappings[$i]}["url"];
		}elseif (!empty($nav_level_cache{$i}["url"])) {
			/* found a match in the url cache for this level */
			$url = $nav_level_cache{$i}["url"];
		}elseif (!empty($current_array["url"])) {
			/* found a default url in the above array */
			$url = $current_array["url"];
			/* default to no url */
			$url = "";

		if ($current_mappings[$i] == "?") {
			/* '?' tells us to pull title from the cache at this level */
			if (isset($nav_level_cache{$i})) {
				$current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "'>") . resolve_navigation_variables($nav{$nav_level_cache{$i}["id"]}["title"]) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -&gt; ";
			/* there is no '?' - pull from the above array */
			$current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "'>") . resolve_navigation_variables($nav{$current_mappings[$i]}["title"]) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -&gt; ";

	$current_nav .= resolve_navigation_variables($current_array["title"]);

	/* keep a cache for each level we encounter */
	$nav_level_cache{$current_array["level"]} = array("id" => $current_page . ":" . $current_action, "url" => get_browser_query_string());
	$_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] = $nav_level_cache;

	print $current_nav;
Example #4
function draw_navigation_text() {
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/sys/http.php");

	$nav_level_cache = (isset($_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"]) ? $_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] : array());

	$nav = array(
		"graph_view.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Graphs"),
			"mapping" => "",
			"url" => "graph_view.php",
			"level" => "0"
		"graph_view.php:tree" => array(
			"title" => _("Tree Mode"),
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:",
			"url" => "graph_view.php?action=tree",
			"level" => "1"
		"graph_view.php:list" => array(
			"title" => _("List Mode"),
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:",
			"url" => "graph_view.php?action=list",
			"level" => "1"
		"graph_view.php:preview" => array(
			"title" => _("Preview Mode"),
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:",
			"url" => "graph_view.php?action=preview",
			"level" => "1"
		"graph.php:" => array(
			"title" => "|current_graph_title|",
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph.php:view" => array(
			"title" => "|current_graph_title|",
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph.php:zoom" => array(
			"title" => _("Zoom"),
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view",
			"level" => "3"
		"graph.php:properties" => array(
			"title" => _("Properties"),
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view",
			"level" => "3"
		"graph_settings.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Settings"),
			"mapping" => "graph_view.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"index.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Console"),
			"mapping" => "",
			"url" => "index.php",
			"level" => "0"
		"graphs.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Graph Management"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"graphs.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graphs.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graphs_items.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Graph Items"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"graphs_new.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Create New Graphs"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"graphs_new.php:save" => array(
			"title" => _("Create Graphs from Data Query"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graphs_new.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph_trees.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Graph Trees"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"graph_trees.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_trees.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph_trees.php:remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_trees.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph_trees.php:item_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Graph Tree Items"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_trees.php:,graph_trees.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"graph_trees.php:item_remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove Item)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_trees.php:,graph_trees.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"graph_templates.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Graph Templates"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"graph_templates.php:sv_add" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph_templates.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph_templates.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph_templates_items.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Graph Template Items"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"graph_templates_inputs.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Graph Item Inputs"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"graph_templates_inputs.php:remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"device_templates.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Device Templates"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"device_templates.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,device_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"device_templates.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,device_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"graph_templates.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_templates.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Data Templates"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"data_templates.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_templates.php:sv_add" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_templates.php:item_add" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_templates.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_sources.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Data Sources"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"data_sources.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_sources.php:item_add" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_sources.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"devices.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Devices"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"devices.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,devices.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"devices.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,devices.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"scripts.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Data Input Methods"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"scripts.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,scripts.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"scripts.php:remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,scripts.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"scripts.php:field_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Data Input Fields"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,scripts.php:,scripts.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"scripts.php:field_remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove Item)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,scripts.php:,scripts.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"data_queries.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Data Queries"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"data_queries.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_queries.php:remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"data_queries.php:item_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Associated Graph Templates"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"data_queries.php:item_remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove Item)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"utilities.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Utilities"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"utilities.php:view_poller_cache" => array(
			"title" => _("View Poller Cache"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"utilities.php:view_snmp_cache" => array(
			"title" => _("View SNMP Cache"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"utilities.php:rebuild_poller_cache" => array(
			"title" => _("Rebuild Poller Cache"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"utilities.php:view_logs" => array(
			"title" => _("View Cacti Logs"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"utilities.php:clear_syslog" => array(
			"title" => _("Clear Cacti Syslog"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"settings.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Cacti Settings"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"user_admin.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("User Management"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"user_admin.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("User Management"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"user_admin.php:user_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"user_admin.php:user_remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"user_admin.php:graph_perms_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Edit (Graph Permissions)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"user_admin.php:user_realms_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Edit (Realm Permissions)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"user_admin.php:graph_settings_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Edit (Graph Settings)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"user_admin.php:user_settings_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("Edit (User Settings)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"about.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("About Cacti"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"packages.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Template Packages"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"packages.php:view" => array(
			"title" => _("(View)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,packages.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"packages.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,packages.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"packages.php:edit_metadata" => array(
			"title" => _("Metadata"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,packages.php:,packages.php:edit",
			"level" => "3"
		"pollers.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Pollers"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"pollers.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,pollers.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"pollers.php:actions" => array(
			"title" => _("Actions"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,pollers.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"user_changepassword.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Change Password"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"user_changepassword.php:save" => array(
			"title" => _("Change Password"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"user_settings.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("User Settings"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"presets.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Data Presets"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"url" => "presets.php",
			"level" => "1"
		"presets.php:view_cdef" => array(
			"title" => _("CDEFs"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"presets.php:view_color" => array(
			"title" => _("Colors"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"presets.php:view_gprint" => array(
			"title" => _("GPRINTs"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"presets_cdef.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:,presets.php:view_cdef",
			"level" => "3"
		"presets_cdef.php:remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:,presets.php:view_cdef",
			"level" => "3"
		"presets_cdef.php:item_edit" => array(
			"title" => _("CDEF Items"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:,presets.php:view_cdef,presets_cdef.php:edit",
			"level" => "4"
		"presets_color.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:,presets.php:view_color",
			"level" => "3"
		"presets_gprint.php:edit" => array(
			"title" => _("(Edit)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:,presets.php:view_gprint",
			"level" => "3"
		"presets_gprint.php:remove" => array(
			"title" => _("(Remove)"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,presets.php:,presets.php:view_gprint",
			"level" => "3"
		"logs.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Log Management"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"logs.php:view" => array(
			"title" => _("View"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,logs.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"logs.php:save" => array(
			"title" => _("View"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:,logs.php:",
			"level" => "2"
		"plugins.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Plugins"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"auth_user.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Users"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"
		"auth_group.php:" => array(
			"title" => _("Users"),
			"mapping" => "index.php:",
			"level" => "1"

	$current_page = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
	$current_action = (isset($_REQUEST["action"]) ? $_REQUEST["action"] : "");

	/* find the current page in the big array */
	$current_array = $nav{$current_page . ":" . $current_action};
	$current_mappings = explode(",", $current_array["mapping"]);
	$current_nav = "";

	/* resolve all mappings to build the navigation string */
	for ($i=0; ($i<count($current_mappings)); $i++) {
		if (empty($current_mappings[$i])) { continue; }

		if  (isset($nav{$current_mappings[$i]}["url"])) {
			/* always use the default for level == 0 */
			$url = $nav{$current_mappings[$i]}["url"];
		}elseif (!empty($nav_level_cache{$i}["url"])) {
			/* found a match in the url cache for this level */
			$url = $nav_level_cache{$i}["url"];

			/* default to no url */
			$url = "";

		if ($current_mappings[$i] == "?") {
			/* '?' tells us to pull title from the cache at this level */
			if (isset($nav_level_cache{$i})) {
				$current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='$url'>") . resolve_navigation_variables($nav{$nav_level_cache{$i}["id"]}["title"]) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -> ";
			/* there is no '?' - pull from the above array */
			$current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='$url'>") . resolve_navigation_variables($nav{$current_mappings[$i]}["title"]) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -> ";

	$current_nav .= resolve_navigation_variables($current_array["title"]);

	/* keep a cache for each level we encounter */
	$nav_level_cache{$current_array["level"]} = array("id" => $current_page . ":" . $current_action, "url" => get_browser_query_string());
	$_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] = $nav_level_cache;

	print $current_nav;
Example #5
function draw_navigation_text($type = "url")
    global $config;
    $nav_level_cache = isset($_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"]) ? $_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] : array();
    $nav = array("graph_view.php:" => array("title" => "Graphs", "mapping" => "", "url" => "graph_view.php", "level" => "0"), "graph_view.php:tree" => array("title" => "Tree Mode", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=tree", "level" => "1"), "graph_view.php:list" => array("title" => "List Mode", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=list", "level" => "1"), "graph_view.php:preview" => array("title" => "Preview Mode", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_view.php?action=preview", "level" => "1"), "graph.php:" => array("title" => "|current_graph_title|", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?", "level" => "2"), "graph.php:view" => array("title" => "|current_graph_title|", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?", "level" => "2"), "graph.php:zoom" => array("title" => "Zoom", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view", "level" => "3"), "graph.php:properties" => array("title" => "Properties", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:,?,graph.php:view", "level" => "3"), "graph_settings.php:" => array("title" => "Settings", "mapping" => "graph_view.php:", "url" => "graph_settings.php", "level" => "1"), "index.php:" => array("title" => "Console", "mapping" => "", "url" => $config['url_path'] . "index.php", "level" => "0"), "index.php:login" => array("title" => "Console", "mapping" => "", "url" => $config['url_path'] . "index.php", "level" => "0"), "graphs.php:" => array("title" => "Graph Management", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graphs.php", "level" => "1"), "graphs.php:graph_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "graphs.php:graph_diff" => array("title" => "Change Graph Template", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "graphs.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "graphs_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs.php:,graphs.php:graph_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "graphs_new.php:" => array("title" => "Create New Graphs", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graphs_new.php", "level" => "1"), "graphs_new.php:save" => array("title" => "Create Graphs from Data Query", "mapping" => "index.php:,graphs_new.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "gprint_presets.php:" => array("title" => "GPRINT Presets", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "gprint_presets.php", "level" => "1"), "gprint_presets.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,gprint_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "gprint_presets.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,gprint_presets.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "cdef.php:" => array("title" => "CDEF's", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "cdef.php", "level" => "1"), "cdef.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "cdef.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "cdef.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "CDEF Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:,cdef.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "cdef.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,cdef.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "tree.php:" => array("title" => "Graph Trees", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "tree.php", "level" => "1"), "tree.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "tree.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "tree.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Tree Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:,tree.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "tree.php:item_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,tree.php:,tree.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "color.php:" => array("title" => "Colors", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "color.php", "level" => "1"), "color.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,color.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "graph_templates.php:" => array("title" => "Graph Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "graph_templates.php", "level" => "1"), "graph_templates.php:template_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "graph_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "graph_templates_items.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Template Items", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "graph_templates_inputs.php:input_edit" => array("title" => "Graph Item Inputs", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "graph_templates_inputs.php:input_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:,graph_templates.php:template_edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "host_templates.php:" => array("title" => "Host Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "host_templates.php", "level" => "1"), "host_templates.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,host_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "host_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,host_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "graph_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,graph_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_templates.php:" => array("title" => "Data Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_templates.php", "level" => "1"), "data_templates.php:template_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_templates.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_templates.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_sources.php:" => array("title" => "Data Sources", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_sources.php", "level" => "1"), "data_sources.php:ds_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_sources.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_sources.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "host.php:" => array("title" => "Devices", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "host.php", "level" => "1"), "host.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,host.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "host.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,host.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "rra.php:" => array("title" => "Round Robin Archives", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "rra.php", "level" => "1"), "rra.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,rra.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "rra.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,rra.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_input.php:" => array("title" => "Data Input Methods", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_input.php", "level" => "1"), "data_input.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_input.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_input.php:remove" => array("title" => "(Remove)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_input.php:field_edit" => array("title" => "Data Input Fields", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "data_input.php:field_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_input.php:,data_input.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "data_queries.php:" => array("title" => "Data Queries", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "data_queries.php", "level" => "1"), "data_queries.php:actions" => array("title" => "Actions", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_queries.php:edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "data_queries.php:item_edit" => array("title" => "Associated Graph Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "data_queries.php:item_remove" => array("title" => "(Remove Item)", "mapping" => "index.php:,data_queries.php:,data_queries.php:edit", "url" => "", "level" => "3"), "utilities.php:" => array("title" => "Utilities", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "1"), "utilities.php:view_poller_cache" => array("title" => "View Poller Cache", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "utilities.php:view_snmp_cache" => array("title" => "View SNMP Cache", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "utilities.php:clear_poller_cache" => array("title" => "Clear Poller Cache", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "utilities.php:view_logfile" => array("title" => "View Cacti Log File", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "utilities.php:clear_logfile" => array("title" => "Clear Cacti Log File", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "utilities.php:view_user_log" => array("title" => "View User Log File", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "utilities.php:clear_user_log" => array("title" => "Clear User Log File", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "utilities.php:view_tech" => array("title" => "Technical Support", "mapping" => "index.php:,utilities.php:", "url" => "utilities.php", "level" => "2"), "settings.php:" => array("title" => "Cacti Settings", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "settings.php", "level" => "1"), "user_admin.php:" => array("title" => "User Management", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "user_admin.php", "level" => "1"), "user_admin.php:user_edit" => array("title" => "(Edit)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "user_admin.php:actions" => array("title" => "(Action)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "user_admin.php:graph_perms_edit" => array("title" => "Edit (Graph Permissions)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "user_admin.php:user_realms_edit" => array("title" => "Edit (Realm Permissions)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "user_admin.php:graph_settings_edit" => array("title" => "Edit (Graph Settings)", "mapping" => "index.php:,user_admin.php:", "url" => "", "level" => "2"), "about.php:" => array("title" => "About Cacti", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "about.php", "level" => "1"), "templates_export.php:" => array("title" => "Export Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "templates_export.php", "level" => "1"), "templates_export.php:save" => array("title" => "Export Results", "mapping" => "index.php:,templates_export.php:", "url" => "templates_export.php", "level" => "2"), "templates_import.php:" => array("title" => "Import Templates", "mapping" => "index.php:", "url" => "templates_import.php", "level" => "1"));
    $nav = api_plugin_hook_function('draw_navigation_text', $nav);
    $current_page = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
    input_validate_input_regex(get_request_var_request("action"), "^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\$");
    $current_action = isset($_REQUEST["action"]) ? $_REQUEST["action"] : "";
    /* find the current page in the big array */
    if (isset($nav[$current_page . ":" . $current_action])) {
        $current_array = $nav[$current_page . ":" . $current_action];
    } else {
        $current_array = array('mapping' => 'index.php:', 'title' => ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php'))), 'level' => 1);
    $current_mappings = explode(",", $current_array["mapping"]);
    $current_nav = "";
    $title = "";
    /* resolve all mappings to build the navigation string */
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($current_mappings); $i++) {
        if (empty($current_mappings[$i])) {
        if ($i == 0) {
            /* always use the default for level == 0 */
            $url = $nav[$current_mappings[$i]]["url"];
        } elseif (!empty($nav_level_cache[$i]["url"])) {
            /* found a match in the url cache for this level */
            $url = $nav_level_cache[$i]["url"];
        } elseif (!empty($current_array["url"])) {
            /* found a default url in the above array */
            $url = $current_array["url"];
        } else {
            /* default to no url */
            $url = "";
        if ($current_mappings[$i] == "?") {
            /* '?' tells us to pull title from the cache at this level */
            if (isset($nav_level_cache[$i])) {
                $current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "'>") . htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$nav_level_cache[$i]["id"]]["title"])) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -> ";
                $title .= htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$nav_level_cache[$i]["id"]]["title"])) . " -> ";
        } else {
            /* there is no '?' - pull from the above array */
            $current_nav .= (empty($url) ? "" : "<a href='" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "'>") . htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$current_mappings[$i]]["title"])) . (empty($url) ? "" : "</a>") . " -> ";
            $title .= htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($nav[$current_mappings[$i]]["title"])) . " -> ";
    $current_nav .= htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($current_array["title"]));
    $title .= htmlspecialchars(resolve_navigation_variables($current_array["title"]));
    /* keep a cache for each level we encounter */
    $nav_level_cache[$current_array["level"]] = array("id" => $current_page . ":" . $current_action, "url" => get_browser_query_string());
    $_SESSION["sess_nav_level_cache"] = $nav_level_cache;
    if ($type == "url") {
        return $current_nav;
    } else {
        return $title;