Example #1
reportFix(__("Counting forum threads…"));
query("UPDATE {forums} f SET numposts =\n\t\t\t(SELECT SUM(replies+1) FROM {threads} t WHERE t.forum = f.id)\n\t\t");
reportFix(__("Counting forum posts…"));
//For some reason, this beautiful query will set MySQL to use 100% CPU and never finishes.
/*query("UPDATE {threads} t SET 
			lastpostid = (SELECT p.id FROM {posts} p WHERE p.thread = t.id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1), 
			lastposter = (SELECT p.user FROM {posts} p WHERE p.thread = t.id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1), 
			lastpostdate = (SELECT p.date FROM {posts} p WHERE p.thread = t.id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1)
$aff = 0;
$rForum = Query("select * from {forums}");
while ($forum = Fetch($rForum)) {
    $rThread = Query("select * from {threads} where forum = {0} order by lastpostdate desc", $forum['id']);
    $first = 1;
    while ($thread = Fetch($rThread)) {
        $lastPost = Fetch(Query("select * from {posts} where thread = {0} order by date desc limit 0,1", $thread['id']));
        Query("update {threads} set lastpostid = {0}, lastposter = {1}, lastpostdate = {2} where id = {3}", (int) $lastPost['id'], (int) $lastPost['user'], (int) $lastPost['date'], $thread['id']);
        $aff += affectedRows();
        if ($first) {
            Query("update {forums} set lastpostid = {0}, lastpostuser = {1}, lastpostdate = {2} where id = {3}", (int) $lastPost['id'], (int) $lastPost['user'], (int) $lastPost['date'], $forum['id']);
            $aff += affectedRows();
        $first = 0;
reportFix(__("Updating threads last posts…"));
$bucket = "recalc";
include BOARD_ROOT . "lib/pluginloader.php";
print "<br />All done!<br />";
Example #2

Query("UPDATE {posts} p SET postplusones =\n\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {postplusones} pp WHERE pp.post = p.id)\n\t\tWHERE 1");
reportFix(__("Counting post +1's&hellip;"));
Query("UPDATE {users} u SET postplusonesgiven =\n\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {postplusones} pp WHERE pp.user = u.id)\n\t\tWHERE 1");
reportFix(__("Counting user +1's given&hellip;"));
Query("UPDATE {users} u SET postplusones =\n\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {postplusones} pp \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {posts} p on pp.post = p.id\n\t\t\tWHERE p.user = u.id)\n\t\tWHERE 1");
reportFix(__("Counting user +1's received&hellip;"));
Example #3
query("UPDATE {forums} f SET numposts =\n\t\t\t(SELECT SUM(replies+1) FROM {threads} t WHERE t.forum = f.id)\n\t\t");
reportFix(__("Counting forum posts&hellip;"));
//For some reason, this beautiful query will set MySQL to use 100% CPU and never finishes.
/*query("UPDATE {threads} t SET 
			lastpostid = (SELECT p.id FROM {posts} p WHERE p.thread = t.id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1), 
			lastposter = (SELECT p.user FROM {posts} p WHERE p.thread = t.id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1), 
			lastpostdate = (SELECT p.date FROM {posts} p WHERE p.thread = t.id ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1)
$aff = 0;
$rForum = Query("select * from {forums}");
while ($forum = Fetch($rForum)) {
    $rThread = Query("select * from {threads} where forum = {0} order by lastpostdate desc", $forum['id']);
    $first = 1;
    while ($thread = Fetch($rThread)) {
        $lastPost = Fetch(Query("select * from {posts} where thread = {0} order by date desc limit 0,1", $thread['id']));
        $firstPost = Fetch(Query("select * from {posts} where thread = {0} order by date asc limit 0,1", $thread['id']));
        Query("update {threads} set lastpostid = {0}, lastposter = {1}, lastpostdate = {2}, date = {3}, firstpostid={4}, user={5} where id = {6}", (int) $lastPost['id'], (int) $lastPost['user'], (int) $lastPost['date'], (int) $firstPost['date'], (int) $firstPost['id'], (int) $firstPost['user'], $thread['id']);
        $aff += affectedRows();
        if ($first) {
            Query("update {forums} set lastpostid = {0}, lastpostuser = {1}, lastpostdate = {2} where id = {3}", (int) $lastPost['id'], (int) $lastPost['user'], (int) $lastPost['date'], $forum['id']);
            $aff += affectedRows();
        $first = 0;
reportFix(__("Updating threads dates and post IDs&hellip;"));
$bucket = "recalc";
include "./lib/pluginloader.php";
print "<br />All done!<br />";