if (count($custom_includes = get_tmpl_files(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE . 'inc_script/frontend_render', 'php'))) { foreach ($custom_includes as $value) { include_once PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE . 'inc_script/frontend_render/' . $value; } } } if (count($phpwcms['modules_fe_render'])) { foreach ($phpwcms['modules_fe_render'] as $value) { include_once $value; } } // Final Render Device $content['all'] = render_device($content['all']); // And again check against possible {PHP needs to be rendered if (strpos($content['all'], 'PHP') !== false) { $content['all'] = render_PHPcode($content["all"]); } // render frontend edit related content and JavaScript if (FE_EDIT_LINK) { init_frontend_edit_js(); $content['all'] .= LF . '<div id="fe-link" class="disabled"></div>' . LF; } // insert description meta tag if not definied if (empty($block['custom_htmlhead']['meta.description']) && !empty($content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"]) && !stristr($block["htmlhead"], '"description"')) { $content['opengraph']['description'] = $content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"]; set_meta('description', $content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"]); } // add structure level keywords if (!empty($content['struct'][$content["cat_id"]]['acat_keywords'])) { $content['all_keywords'] .= ', ' . $content['struct'][$content["cat_id"]]['acat_keywords']; }
function clean_replacement_tags($text = '', $allowed_tags = '<a><b><i><strong>') { // strip out special replacement tags $text = render_PHPcode($text); $text = str_replace('<td>', '<td> ', $text); $text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags); $text = str_replace('|', ' ', $text); $search = array('/\\{.*?\\}/si', '/\\[ID.*?\\/ID\\]/si', '/(\\s+)/i', '/\\[img=(\\d+)(.*?){0,1}\\](.*?)\\[\\/img\\]/i', '/\\[img=(\\d+)(.*?){0,1}\\]/i', '/\\[download=(.*?)\\/\\]/i', '/\\[download=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[\\/download\\]/is'); $replace = array('', '', ' ', '$3', '', '', '$2'); $text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text); return trim($text); }