_e('here', 'advanced-iframe');
echo '</a> ';
_e('to open this file and check the variable <b>domain</b> at the top. If not please set the correct url in the file ai_external.template.js. If the file ai_external.js cannot be generated replace the place holders in ai_external.template.js manually and use this file.', 'advanced-iframe');
_e('Enable the workarounds you want to use below.', 'advanced-iframe');
_e('<strong>Please note:</strong> All settings here and also in the other sections which are marked with a ', 'advanced-iframe');
echo renderExternalWorkaroundIcon(true);
_e(' are saved to the external ai_external.js workaround file! ', 'advanced-iframe');
      <table class="form-table">
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Resize remote iframe to content height', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_external_height_workaround', __('Enable the height workaround in the generated Javascript file. If you want to use several iframes please use the description below for configuration. This settings only works if you have included the Javascript to the remote page.<br>IMPORTANT: If you set this setting to true the settings from "Options if the iframe is on the same domain" and "Modify the content of the iframe if the iframe page is on the same domain" are disabled. The settings of ""Modify the content of the iframe if the iframe page is on the same domain" are used in the pro version in the external workaround. These settings would generated Javascipt security errors if set for an external domain! Shortcode attribute: enable_external_height_workaround="false". The shortcode can only be used to enable the disabled functionality describe before!', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', true);
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Keep overflow:hidden after resize', 'advanced-iframe'), 'keep_overflow_hidden', __('By default overflow:hidden (removes any scrollbars inside the iframe) is set during the resize to avoid scrollbars and is removed afterwards to allow scrollbars if e.g. the content changes because of dynamic elements. If you set this setting to true the overflow:hidden is not removed and any scrollbars are not shown. This is e.g. helpful if the page is still to wide! If you want to use several iframes please use the description below for configuration. These settings only works if you have included the Javascript to the remote page. This setting cannot be set by a shortcode. Please see below.', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', true);
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Hide the iframe until it is completely modified.', 'advanced-iframe'), 'hide_page_until_loaded_external', __('This setting hides the iframe until the external workaround is completely done. This prevents that you see the original site before any modifications. The normal "Hide the iframe until it is loaded" shows the iframe after all modifications are done which are all done by a local script. This way cannot be used for the external workaround because the exact time when the external modifications are done is unknown. Therefore the external workaround does call iaShowIframe after all modifications are done. Shortcode attribute: hide_page_until_loaded_external="true" or hide_page_until_loaded_external="false"', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', true);
if ($evanto) {
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Write css directly', 'advanced-iframe'), 'write_css_directly', __('By default changes off the iframe are made by jQuery after the page is loaded. This is the only way this is possible if you do this directly. But with the external workaround it is now also possible that the style is written directly to the page. It is written where the ai_external.js is included. So if you use this option you need to include the ai_external.js as last element in the header. This setting has the advantage that the changes are not done after the page is loaded but when the browser renders the page initially. Also the page is not hidden until the page is fully modified. The settings "Hide elements in iframe" and "Modify content in iframe" are supported! This setting cannot be set by a shortcode. Please see below.', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/resize-on-element-resize#e27', true);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Iframe redirect url', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_redirect_url', __('If you like that the page you want to include can only be viewed in your iframe you can define the parent url here. If someone tries to open the url directly he will be redirected to this url. Existing parameters from the original url are added to the new url. You need to add the possible parameters to the "URL forward parameters" that they will be passed to the iframe again. This setting does use Javascript for the redirect. If Javascript is turned off the user can still access the site. If you also want to avoid this add "html {visibility:hidden;}" to the style sheet of your iframe page. Than the page is simply white. The Javascript does set the page visible after it is loaded!', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '', true);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Add the id to the url of the iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'pass_id_by_url', __('This feature adds the id of the iframe to the iframe url. The id is than extracted on the iframe and used as value for the callback to find the right iframe on the parent side. The static way is to set iframe_id (Please see below). The dynamic solution has to be used if you want to include the same page several times to the parent page (e.g. the page you include is called with different parameters and shows different content). You specify the parameter that is added to the url. So e.g. ai_id can be used. Allowed values are only a-zA-Z0-9_. Do NOT use any other characters. You need to set the parameter here or by setting iframe_url_id before you include ai_external.js. Please note the if you specify it here ALL shortcodes with use_shortcode_parameters_only="true" need pass_id_by_url to be set. See example 27 for a working setup. Shortcode: pass_id_by_url=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/resize-on-element-resize#e27', true);
 *  Prints an input field for the height that acepts only numbers and does a validation
function printHeightNumberInput($options, $label, $id, $description, $type = 'text', $url = '', $showSave = false)
    if (!isset($options[$id])) {
        $options[$id] = 'false';
    $disabled = '';
    if ($options['store_height_in_cookie'] == 'true') {
        $disabled = ' readonly="readonly" ';
        $options[$id] = '0';
    echo '
      <th scope="row">' . $label . renderExampleIcon($url) . renderExternalWorkaroundIcon($showSave) . '</th>
      <td><span class="hide-print">
      <input ' . $disabled . ' name="' . $id . '" type="' . $type . '" style="width:150px;" id="' . $id . '" onblur="aiCheckInputNumber(this)" value="' . esc_attr($options[$id]) . '"  /><br></span>
      <p class="description">' . $description . '</p></td>