function creaPDF($colname_factura, $tmpName)
    global $database_f4, $f4, $interface, $setsProlec, $url_dir;
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    // Obtener factura y sus anexos
    $TIPOSCOMPROBANTEMXP = array(1 => "Factura", 3 => "Nota de Cr.", 2 => "NOTA DE DEBITO");
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_factura = sprintf("SELECT  facturas.idfactura,  facturas.idempresa,  facturas.idsello,\n\tfacturas.serie, facturas.folio, archivo,\n\tdate_format( facturas.timestampemision, '%%d/%%m/%%Y %%T') as timestampemision,\n\tfacturas.noaprob, facturas.rfccliente, facturas.estatus, facturas.sello, facturas.cadena, facturas.factura,\n\tfacturas.idif, facturas.tipocfd, empresa.bu\n\tFROM facturas inner join empresa on (facturas.idempresa=empresa.idempresa)\n\tWHERE facturas.idfactura = %s", $colname_factura);
    $factura = mysql_query($query_factura, $f4);
    $row_factura = mysql_fetch_assoc($factura);
    $totalRows_factura = mysql_num_rows($factura);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_partida = sprintf("SELECT * FROM face_partidas WHERE face_factura_idface_factura = %s ORDER BY numero ASC", $row_factura['idif']);
    $partidas = mysql_query($query_partida, $f4);
    $partidasArray = array();
    while ($partRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($partidas)) {
        array_push($partidasArray, $partRow);
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
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    $emisorNode = null;
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    $emisordomicilioNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor/" . $NSP . "DomicilioFiscal");
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    $expedidoNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor/" . $NSP . "ExpedidoEn");
    foreach ($elements as $expedidoNode) {
    $receptorNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Receptor");
    foreach ($elements as $receptorNode) {
    $receptordomicilioNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Receptor/" . $NSP . "Domicilio");
    foreach ($elements as $receptordomicilioNode) {
    $conceptoNode = null;
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    $impuestosNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos");
    foreach ($elements as $impuestosNode) {
    $trasladoNode = null;
    $traslados = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos/" . $NSP . "Traslados/" . $NSP . "Traslado");
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    $retenciones = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos/" . $NSP . "Retenciones/" . $NSP . "Retencion");
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_empresa = sprintf("SELECT * FROM empresa WHERE idempresa = %s", $row_factura['idempresa']);
    $empresa = mysql_query($query_empresa, $f4);
    $row_empresa = mysql_fetch_assoc($empresa);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_sello = sprintf("SELECT * FROM sellos WHERE idsello = %s", $row_factura['idsello']);
    $sello = mysql_query($query_sello, $f4);
    $row_sello = mysql_fetch_assoc($sello);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_sucursal = "SELECT * FROM sucursales WHERE sucursal = '" . $row_sello['sucursal'] . "'";
    $sucursal = mysql_query($query_sucursal, $f4);
    $row_sucursal = mysql_fetch_assoc($sucursal);
    $totalRows_sucursal = mysql_num_rows($sucursal);
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    $desc2 = 0.0;
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    // i. Agrega el logo de la empresa
    $logofile = "logos/prueba_logo.jpg";
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    // i. Agrega la leyenda "cancelada"
    if ($row_factura['estatus'] == 0) {
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        $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
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        $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('localidad'));
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        $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('municipio'));
    if ($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('estado') != "") {
        $emisor .= ", " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('estado'));
    if ($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal') != "") {
        $emisor .= "\nCP " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal'));
    $emisor .= " " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('pais'));
    $sucursal = "";
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        $sucursal = "Sucursal " . utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) . "\n";
        $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('calle') . " " . $expedidoNode->getAttribute('noExterior') . " " . $expedidoNode->getAttribute('noInterior')) . "\n";
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        $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('municipio')) . ", " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('estado')) . "\n";
        $sucursal .= "CP " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal')) . " " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('pais'));
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    ////////// i. Datos del documento
    $foliodocto = rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('folio'));
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        $foliodocto = $seriedocto . "-" . rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('folio'));
    $fechastr = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('fecha');
    $fechatok = explode("T", $fechastr);
    $toksf = explode("-", $fechatok[0]);
    $fechastr = $toksf[2] . "-" . $toksf[1] . "-" . $toksf[0] . " " . $fechatok[1];
    $ncert = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('noCertificado');
    $aprob = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('anoAprobacion') . "-" . $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('noAprobacion');
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    ////////// i. Datos del cliente
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        $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode->getAttribute('valorUnitario'), 2);
        $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode->getAttribute('importe')), 2);
        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
    $currentObj = array();
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    $currentObj["descripcion"] = "";
    $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
    $currentObj["importe"] = "";
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        for ($renglones; $renglones < 10; $renglones++) {
            array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
    $colNames = array("cantidad" => "<b>Cant</b>", "descripcion" => "<b>Descripción</b>", "unitario" => "<b>Unitario</b>", "importe" => "<b>Precio</b>");
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    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Cantidad con letra
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    $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
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    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Totales
    $f_importe = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode->getAttribute('subTotal'), 2);
    $f_iva_T = $impuestosNode->getAttribute('totalImpuestosTrasladados');
    $f_total = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode->getAttribute('total'), 2);
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        $tasaImpuesto = array();
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        $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($trasladoNode->getAttribute('importe'), 2);
        array_push($tableData, $tasaImpuesto);
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        $tasaImpuesto = array();
        $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($retencionNode->getAttribute('tasa'), 0);
        $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = "Ret. " . $retencionNode->getAttribute('impuesto') . " " . $tasaImpuesto_t . "%";
        $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($retencionNode->getAttribute('importe'), 2);
        array_push($tableData, $tasaImpuesto);
    $total = array("dato" => "<b>Total</b>", "valor" => "<b>" . $f_total . "</b>");
    array_push($tableData, $total);
    $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>", "valor" => "Precio");
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    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Sello
    $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital</b>\n" . $row_factura['sello']));
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    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
    ////////// i. Cadena original
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    $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
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    $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'shadeCol' => array(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'fontSize' => 7, 'textCol' => array(0, 0, 0), 'rowGap' => 10, 'colGap' => 10, 'xPos' => 40, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 120, 'cols' => $colOptions, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.3, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.3);
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    $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
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    $pdf->setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
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            //a partir de la segunda pagina.
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function creaPDF($ids, $tmpName, $path, $PATHQR, $tmp = "")
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/f4/configuracion/utils.php';
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/f4/configuracion/importeco.php';
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/gui/QRCode/qr_imgV2.php";
    $data = "";
    $facturaController = new FacturaController($path);
    $selloController = new SelloController($path);
    $empresaController = new EmpresaController($path);
    $sucursalController = new SucursalController($path);
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    $TIPOSCOMPROBANTEMXP = array(1 => "Factura", 3 => "Nota de Cr.", 2 => "NOTA DE DEBITO");
    $idconsulta = "";
    $idconsulta = explode(",", trim($ids));
    foreach ($idconsulta as $valor) {
        if (is_null($valor) || $valor == "") {
    $contadorTotalPaginas = count($idconsulta);
    $contadorPagina = 1;
    // Crea el documento pdf
    $pdf = new Cezpdf('LETTER', 'portrait');
    foreach ($idconsulta as $idfactura) {
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        $row_factura = $factura['respuesta'];
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        $data['idempresa'] = $factura['respuesta']['idempresa'];
        $data['idsello'] = $factura['respuesta']['idsello'];
        $version = $factura['respuesta']['version'];
        $addenda = $facturaController->execute('datosAddenda', $data);
        $row_addenda = $addenda['respuesta'];
        $empresa = $empresaController->execute('allId', $data);
        $row_empresa = $empresa['respuesta'];
        $sello = $selloController->execute('obtenerPorIdsello', $data);
        $row_sello = $sello['respuesta'];
        $data['sucursal'] = $sello['respuesta']['sucursal'];
        $sucursal = $sucursalController->execute('nombreSucIdempresa', $data);
        $row_sucursal = $sucursal['respuesta'];
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                        //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
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                                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " \$" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario . " \n";
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                            $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
                            $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
                            $currentObj["importe"] = "";
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                    $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode['unidad'];
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                        $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode1['unidad'];
                        //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
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                            $contPartidas = count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas);
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                                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " \$" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario . " \n";
                        $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode1['valorUnitario'], 2);
                        $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode1['importe']), 2);
                        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
                //fin foreach 2  chs 20130705
        $currentObj = array();
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        $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
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                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld12'];
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            $currentObj["importe"] = "";
            array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        $currentObj = array();
        $currentObj["codigo"] = "";
        $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["descripcion"] = "";
        $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
        $currentObj["importe"] = "";
        if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
            for ($renglones; $renglones < 10 - count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas) * 0.95; $renglones++) {
                array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        } else {
            if ($renglones < 10) {
                for ($renglones; $renglones < 10; $renglones++) {
                    array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
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        // Dibuja la tabla partidas
        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        ////////// i. Cantidad con letra
        $cadena = covertirNumLetras(number_format($comprobanteNode['total'], 2, ".", ''));
        if ($comprobanteNode['Moneda'] == "USD") {
            $cadena = str_replace("M.N.", "USD", $cadena);
            $cadena = str_replace("PESOS", "DOLARES", $cadena);
            $cadena = str_replace("PESO", "DOLAR", $cadena);
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Nota:</b>\n" . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->notaAlPie)), array("dato" => "<b>Total con letra</b>\n" . trim($cadena)));
        $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
        $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 390));
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
        ////////// i. Totales
        $f_importe = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode['subTotal'], 2);
        $f_total = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode['total'], 2);
        $tableData = array();
        $rowData = array("leyenda" => "", "cantidad" => "");
        $subtotal = array("dato" => "Subtotal", "valor" => $f_importe);
        array_push($tableData, $subtotal);
        foreach ($traslados as $key => $trasladoNode) {
            if ($key === $trasladoTag . $attr) {
                $tasaImpuesto = array();
                $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($trasladoNode['tasa'], 0);
                $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = $trasladoNode['impuesto'] . " " . $tasaImpuesto_t . "%";
                $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($trasladoNode['importe'], 2);
        if (!empty($retenciones)) {
            foreach ($retenciones as $key => $retencionNode) {
                if ($key === $retencionTag . $attr) {
                    $tasaImpuesto = array();
                    $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($retencionNode['tasa'], 2);
                    $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = "Ret. " . $retencionNode['impuesto'];
                    $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($retencionNode['importe'], 2);
        //fin if empty
        $iva = array("dato" => "<b>IVA</b>", "valor" => "<b>\$ " . number_format($info_xtra->TotalImpuestosTrasladados, 2) . "</b>");
        array_push($tableData, $iva);
        $total = array("dato" => "<b>Total</b>", "valor" => "<b>" . $f_total . "</b>");
        array_push($tableData, $total);
        $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>", "valor" => "Importe");
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        $rfce = $row_empresa['rfc'];
        $rfcr = $receptorNode['rfc'];
        $total = $comprobanteNode['total'];
        $uuidsat = $row_factura['uuid'];
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        /*QR Code: Para usar qr_imgV2():  qr_imgV2(d,e,s,v,t);
          d= datos        Cadena o datos a ser codificados.
          e= ECC level    Puede ser L,M,Q,H  (default M)
          s= module size  Para imagen JPEG:8; para PNG:4
          v= version      1-40   8 recomendado.
          t= image type   "J":imagen jpeg, "P" o culaquier otra cosa: imagen PNG */
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        ////////// i. Sello
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            $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital del Emisor</b>\n" . $row_factura['sello']), array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital del SAT</b>\n" . $row_factura['selloSAT']));
        } else {
            $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital</b>\n" . $row_factura['sello']));
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        ////////// i. Cadena original
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        } else {
            $columnaCadena = sprintf("%s", $row_factura['cadena']);
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Cadena original del complemento de certificacion digital del SAT</b>\n" . $columnaCadena), array("dato" => "<b>Folio Fiscal</b>\n" . $row_factura['uuid']));
        $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
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        // Leyendas
        $pdf->setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
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        $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
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