 * return formatted string with all the details on the requested relationship
 * @param integer             $p_bug_id       A bug identifier.
 * @param BugRelationshipData $p_relationship A bug relationship object.
 * @param boolean             $p_html         Whether to return html or text output.
 * @param boolean             $p_html_preview Whether to include style/hyperlinks - if preview is false, we prettify the output.
 * @param boolean             $p_show_project Show Project details.
 * @return string
function relationship_get_details($p_bug_id, BugRelationshipData $p_relationship, $p_html = false, $p_html_preview = false, $p_show_project = false)
    $t_summary_wrap_at = utf8_strlen(config_get('email_separator2')) - 28;
    $t_icon_path = config_get('icon_path');
    if ($p_bug_id == $p_relationship->src_bug_id) {
        # root bug is in the source side, related bug in the destination side
        $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->dest_bug_id;
        $t_related_project_name = project_get_name($p_relationship->dest_project_id);
        $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_src_side($p_relationship->type);
    } else {
        # root bug is in the dest side, related bug in the source side
        $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->src_bug_id;
        $t_related_project_name = project_get_name($p_relationship->src_project_id);
        $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_dest_side($p_relationship->type);
    # related bug not existing...
    if (!bug_exists($t_related_bug_id)) {
        return '';
    # user can access to the related bug at least as a viewer
    if (!access_has_bug_level(VIEWER, $t_related_bug_id)) {
        return '';
    if ($p_html_preview == false) {
        $t_td = '<td>';
    } else {
        $t_td = '<td class="print">';
    # get the information from the related bug and prepare the link
    $t_bug = bug_get($t_related_bug_id, false);
    $t_status_string = get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id);
    $t_resolution_string = get_enum_element('resolution', $t_bug->resolution, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id);
    $t_relationship_info_html = $t_td . string_no_break($t_relationship_descr) . '&#160;</td>';
    if ($p_html_preview == false) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= '<td><a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_related_bug_id) . '">' . string_display_line(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id)) . '</a></td>';
        $t_relationship_info_html .= '<td><span class="issue-status" title="' . string_attribute($t_resolution_string) . '">' . string_display_line($t_status_string) . '</span></td>';
    } else {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id)) . '</td>';
        $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line($t_status_string) . '&#160;</td>';
    $t_relationship_info_text = utf8_str_pad($t_relationship_descr, 20);
    $t_relationship_info_text .= utf8_str_pad(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id), 8);
    # get the handler name of the related bug
    $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td;
    if ($t_bug->handler_id > 0) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= string_no_break(prepare_user_name($t_bug->handler_id));
    $t_relationship_info_html .= '&#160;</td>';
    # add project name
    if ($p_show_project) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line($t_related_project_name) . '&#160;</td>';
    # add summary
    if ($p_html == true) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line_links($t_bug->summary);
        if (VS_PRIVATE == $t_bug->view_state) {
            $t_relationship_info_html .= sprintf(' <img src="%s" alt="(%s)" title="%s" />', $t_icon_path . 'protected.gif', lang_get('private'), lang_get('private'));
    } else {
        if (utf8_strlen($t_bug->summary) <= $t_summary_wrap_at) {
            $t_relationship_info_text .= string_email_links($t_bug->summary);
        } else {
            $t_relationship_info_text .= utf8_substr(string_email_links($t_bug->summary), 0, $t_summary_wrap_at - 3) . '...';
    # add delete link if bug not read only and user has access level
    if (!bug_is_readonly($p_bug_id) && !current_user_is_anonymous() && $p_html_preview == false) {
        if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('update_bug_threshold'), $p_bug_id)) {
            $t_relationship_info_html .= ' [<a class="small" href="bug_relationship_delete.php?bug_id=' . $p_bug_id . '&amp;rel_id=' . $p_relationship->id . htmlspecialchars(form_security_param('bug_relationship_delete')) . '">' . lang_get('delete_link') . '</a>]';
    $t_relationship_info_html .= '&#160;</td>';
    $t_relationship_info_text .= "\n";
    if ($p_html_preview == false) {
        # choose color based on status
        $t_status_label = html_get_status_css_class($t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id);
        $t_relationship_info_html = '<tr class="' . $t_status_label . '">' . $t_relationship_info_html . '</tr>' . "\n";
    } else {
        $t_relationship_info_html = '<tr>' . $t_relationship_info_html . '</tr>';
    if ($p_html == true) {
        return $t_relationship_info_html;
    } else {
        return $t_relationship_info_text;
Example #2
 * Get the relationships of an issue.
 * @param integer $p_issue_id The id of the issue to retrieve the relationships for.
 * @param integer $p_user_id  The user id of the user trying to access the information.
 * @return array that represents an RelationShipData structure
function mci_issue_get_relationships($p_issue_id, $p_user_id)
    $t_relationships = array();
    $t_src_relationships = relationship_get_all_src($p_issue_id);
    foreach ($t_src_relationships as $t_relship_row) {
        if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('webservice_readonly_access_level_threshold'), $t_relship_row->dest_bug_id, $p_user_id)) {
            $t_relationship = array();
            $t_reltype = array();
            $t_relationship['id'] = $t_relship_row->id;
            $t_reltype['id'] = $t_relship_row->type;
            $t_reltype['name'] = relationship_get_description_src_side($t_relship_row->type);
            $t_relationship['type'] = $t_reltype;
            $t_relationship['target_id'] = $t_relship_row->dest_bug_id;
            $t_relationships[] = $t_relationship;
    $t_dest_relationships = relationship_get_all_dest($p_issue_id);
    foreach ($t_dest_relationships as $t_relship_row) {
        if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('webservice_readonly_access_level_threshold'), $t_relship_row->src_bug_id, $p_user_id)) {
            $t_relationship = array();
            $t_relationship['id'] = $t_relship_row->id;
            $t_reltype = array();
            $t_reltype['id'] = relationship_get_complementary_type($t_relship_row->type);
            $t_reltype['name'] = relationship_get_description_dest_side($t_relship_row->type);
            $t_relationship['type'] = $t_reltype;
            $t_relationship['target_id'] = $t_relship_row->src_bug_id;
            $t_relationships[] = $t_relationship;
    return count($t_relationships) == 0 ? null : $t_relationships;
function relationship_get_details($p_bug_id, $p_relationship, $p_html = false, $p_html_preview = false, $p_show_project = false)
    $t_summary_wrap_at = strlen(config_get('email_separator2')) - 28;
    $t_icon_path = config_get('icon_path');
    $p_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
    if ($p_bug_id == $p_relationship->src_bug_id) {
        # root bug is in the src side, related bug in the dest side
        $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->dest_bug_id;
        $t_related_project_name = project_get_name($p_relationship->dest_project_id);
        $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_src_side($p_relationship->type);
    } else {
        # root bug is in the dest side, related bug in the src side
        $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->src_bug_id;
        $t_related_project_name = project_get_name($p_relationship->src_project_id);
        $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_dest_side($p_relationship->type);
    # related bug not existing...
    if (!bug_exists($t_related_bug_id)) {
        return '';
    # user can access to the related bug at least as a viewer
    if (!access_has_bug_level(VIEWER, $t_related_bug_id)) {
        return '';
    if ($p_html_preview == false) {
        $t_td = '<td>';
    } else {
        $t_td = '<td class="print">';
    # get the information from the related bug and prepare the link
    $t_bug = bug_prepare_display(bug_get($t_related_bug_id, true));
    $t_status = string_attribute(get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status));
    $t_resolution = string_attribute(get_enum_element('resolution', $t_bug->resolution));
    $t_relationship_info_html = $t_td . '<nobr>' . $t_relationship_descr . '</nobr>&nbsp;</td>';
    if ($p_html_preview == false) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= '<td><a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_related_bug_id) . '">' . bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id) . '</a></td>';
        $t_relationship_info_html .= '<td><a title="' . $t_resolution . '"><u>' . $t_status . '</u>&nbsp;</a></td>';
    } else {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id) . '</td>';
        $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . $t_status . '&nbsp;</td>';
    $t_relationship_info_text = str_pad($t_relationship_descr, 20);
    $t_relationship_info_text .= str_pad(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id), 8);
    # get the handler name of the related bug
    $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td;
    if ($t_bug->handler_id > 0) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= '<nobr>' . prepare_user_name($t_bug->handler_id) . '</nobr>';
    $t_relationship_info_html .= '&nbsp;</td>';
    # add project name
    if ($p_show_project) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . $t_related_project_name . '&nbsp;</td>';
    # add summary
    $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . $t_bug->summary;
    if (VS_PRIVATE == $t_bug->view_state) {
        $t_relationship_info_html .= sprintf(' <img src="%s" alt="(%s)" title="%s" />', $t_icon_path . 'protected.gif', lang_get('private'), lang_get('private'));
    if (strlen($t_bug->summary) <= $t_summary_wrap_at) {
        $t_relationship_info_text .= $t_bug->summary;
    } else {
        $t_relationship_info_text .= substr($t_bug->summary, 0, $t_summary_wrap_at - 3) . '...';
    # add delete link if bug not read only and user has access level
    if (!bug_is_readonly($p_bug_id) && !current_user_is_anonymous() && $p_html_preview == false) {
        if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('update_bug_threshold'), $p_bug_id)) {
            $t_relationship_info_html .= " [<a class=\"small\" href=\"bug_relationship_delete.php?bug_id={$p_bug_id}&rel_id={$p_relationship->id}\">" . lang_get('delete_link') . '</a>]';
    $t_relationship_info_html .= '&nbsp;</td>';
    $t_relationship_info_text .= "\n";
    if ($p_html_preview == false) {
        $t_relationship_info_html = '<tr bgcolor="' . get_status_color($t_bug->status) . '">' . $t_relationship_info_html . '</tr>' . "\n";
    } else {
        $t_relationship_info_html = '<tr>' . $t_relationship_info_html . '</tr>';
    if ($p_html == true) {
        return $t_relationship_info_html;
    } else {
        return $t_relationship_info_text;
function GetRelationshipContent($p_bug_id, $p_html = false, $p_html_preview = false, $p_summary = false, $p_icons = false)
    $t_summary = '';
    $t_icons = '';
    $t_show_project = false;
    $t_summary_wrap_at = utf8_strlen(config_get('email_separator2')) - 10;
    $t_relationship_all = relationship_get_all($p_bug_id, $t_show_project);
    $t_relationship_all_count = count($t_relationship_all);
    if ($p_summary) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $t_relationship_all_count; $i++) {
            $p_relationship = $t_relationship_all[$i];
            if ($p_bug_id == $p_relationship->src_bug_id) {
                # root bug is in the src side, related bug in the dest side
                $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->dest_bug_id;
                $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_src_side($p_relationship->type);
            } else {
                # root bug is in the dest side, related bug in the src side
                $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->src_bug_id;
                $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_dest_side($p_relationship->type);
            # get the information from the related bug and prepare the link
            $t_bug = bug_get($t_related_bug_id, false);
            $t_text = trim(utf8_str_pad($t_relationship_descr, 20)) . ' ';
            if ($p_html_preview == true) {
                $t_text .= '<a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_related_bug_id) . '"';
                $t_text .= ' class="rcv_tooltip"';
                //$t_text .= ' title="' . utf8_str_pad (bug_format_id ($t_related_bug_id), 8) . "\n" . string_attribute ($t_bug->summary) . '"';
                $t_text .= '>';
            $t_text .= string_display_line(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id));
            if ($p_html_preview == true) {
                $t_text .= '<span class="rcv_tooltip_box">';
                $t_text .= '<span class="rcv_tooltip_title">' . bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id) . '</span>';
                $t_text .= '<span class="rcv_tooltip_content">' . utf8_substr(string_email_links($t_bug->summary), 0, MAX_TOOLTIP_CONTENT_LENGTH);
                $t_text .= MAX_TOOLTIP_CONTENT_LENGTH < strlen($t_bug->summary) ? '...' : '';
                $t_text .= '</span>';
                $t_text .= '</span>';
                $t_text .= '</a>';
            if (plugin_config_get('ShowRelationshipsControl') && !bug_is_readonly($p_bug_id) && !current_user_is_anonymous() && true == $p_html_preview) {
                // bug not read only
                if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('update_bug_threshold'), $p_bug_id)) {
                    // user has access level
                    // add a delete link
                    $t_text .= ' [';
                    $t_text .= '<a class="small" href="bug_relationship_delete.php?bug_id=' . $p_bug_id;
                    $t_text .= '&amp;rel_id=' . $p_relationship->id;
                    $t_text .= '&amp;redirect_url=view_all_bug_page.php';
                    $t_text .= htmlspecialchars(form_security_param('bug_relationship_delete'));
                    $t_text .= '">' . lang_get('delete_link') . '</a>';
                    $t_text .= ']';
            // $t_text = relationship_get_details ($p_bug_id, $t_relationship_all[$i], true, false, $t_show_project);
            if (false == $p_html) {
                // p_html == No
                if ($i != 0) {
                    if ($p_html_preview == true) {
                        $t_summary .= ",<br/>";
                    } else {
                        $t_summary .= ", ";
                $t_summary .= $t_text;
            } else {
                // p_html == Yes
                if ($p_html_preview == true) {
                    $t_summary .= '<tr bgcolor="' . get_status_color($t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id) . '">';
                    $t_summary .= '<td>' . $t_text . '</td>';
                    $t_summary .= '</tr>' . "\n";
                } else {
                    if ($i != 0) {
                        $t_summary .= ", ";
                    $t_summary .= $t_text;
    if (plugin_config_get('ShowRelationshipIcons') && !current_user_is_anonymous() && true == $p_html_preview) {
        $t_text = RelationshipsUtils::GetBugSmybols($p_bug_id, !is_blank($t_summary));
        if (!is_blank($t_text)) {
            if (false == $p_html) {
                // p_html == No
                $t_icons .= $t_text;
            } else {
                // p_html == Yes
                if ($p_html_preview == true) {
                    $t_icons .= '<tr><td>' . $t_text . '</td></tr>' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $t_icons .= $t_text;
    if ($p_html_preview == true) {
        $t_icons_table = '';
        $t_summary_table = '';
        if (!is_blank($t_icons)) {
            $t_icons_table = '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">' . $t_icons . '</table>';
        if (!is_blank($t_summary)) {
            $t_summary_table = '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">' . $t_summary . '</table>';
        if (!is_blank($t_icons_table) && !is_blank($t_summary_table)) {
            return '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr><td valign="top" style="padding:0px;">' . $t_summary_table . '</td><td valign="top" style="padding:0px;">' . $t_icons_table . '</td></tr>' . '</table>';
        } else {
            return $t_summary_table . $t_icons_table;
    } else {
        $t_result = $t_icons;
        if (!is_blank($t_icons) && !is_blank($t_summary)) {
            $t_result .= '<br/>';
        $t_result .= $t_summary;
        return $t_result;
  * checks relationships for a bug and assign relevant symbols
  * @author Rainer Dierck
  * @param $bugId
 public static function GetBugSmybols($bugId, $p_newline = false)
     $t_text = '';
     $bugStatus = bug_get_field($bugId, 'status');
     $allRelationships = relationship_get_all($bugId, $t_show_project);
     $allRelationshipsCount = count($allRelationships);
     $stopFlag = false;
     $forbiddenFlag = false;
     $warningFlag = false;
     $bugEta = bug_get_field($bugId, 'eta');
     $useEta = $bugEta != ETA_NONE && config_get('enable_eta');
     $stopAltText = "";
     $forbiddenAltText = "";
     $warningAltText = "";
     $href = string_get_bug_view_url($bugId) . '#relationships_open';
     for ($index = 0; $index < $allRelationshipsCount; $index++) {
         $relationShip = $allRelationships[$index];
         if ($bugId == $relationShip->src_bug_id) {
             # root bug is in the src side, related bug in the dest side
             $destinationBugId = $relationShip->dest_bug_id;
             $relationshipDescription = relationship_get_description_src_side($relationShip->type);
         } else {
             # root bug is in the dest side, related bug in the src side
             $destinationBugId = $relationShip->src_bug_id;
             $relationshipDescription = relationship_get_description_dest_side($relationShip->type);
         # get the information from the related bug and prepare the link
         $destinationBugStatus = bug_get_field($destinationBugId, 'status');
         if ($bugStatus < CLOSED && $destinationBugStatus < CLOSED && $relationShip->type != BUG_REL_NONE) {
             if ($relationShip->type == BUG_DEPENDANT) {
                 if ($bugId == $relationShip->src_bug_id) {
                     // Stop or Forbidden
                     if ($bugStatus == $destinationBugStatus) {
                         // Stop
                         if ($stopAltText != "") {
                             $stopAltText .= ", ";
                         if (!$stopFlag) {
                             $stopAltText .= trim(utf8_str_pad($relationshipDescription, 20)) . ' ';
                         $stopAltText .= string_display_line(bug_format_id($destinationBugId));
                         $stopFlag = true;
                     if ($bugStatus > $destinationBugStatus) {
                         // Forbidden
                         if ($forbiddenAltText != "") {
                             $forbiddenAltText .= ", ";
                         if (!$forbiddenFlag) {
                             $forbiddenAltText .= trim(utf8_str_pad($relationshipDescription, 20)) . ' ';
                         $forbiddenAltText .= string_display_line(bug_format_id($destinationBugId));
                         $forbiddenFlag = true;
                 } else {
                     // Warning
                     if ($bugStatus < $destinationBugStatus) {
                         // Warning
                         if ($warningAltText != "") {
                             $warningAltText .= ", ";
                         if (!$warningFlag) {
                             $warningAltText .= trim(utf8_str_pad($relationshipDescription, 20)) . ' ';
                         $warningAltText .= string_display_line(bug_format_id($destinationBugId));
                         $warningFlag = true;
     //if ( $useEta )
     //   $t_text .= '<img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' . RELATIONSHIPS_UTILS_PLUGIN_URL . 'clock.png' . '" alt="clock" />';
     if ($forbiddenFlag) {
         if ($p_newline && !is_blank($t_text)) {
             $t_text .= '<br/>' . "\n";
         $t_text .= '<a href="' . $href . '"><img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' . RELATIONSHIPS_UTILS_PLUGIN_URL . 'sign_forbidden.png" alt="' . $forbiddenAltText . '" title="' . $forbiddenAltText . '" /></a>';
     if ($stopFlag) {
         if ($p_newline && !is_blank($t_text)) {
             $t_text .= '<br/>' . "\n";
         $t_text .= '<a href="' . $href . '"><img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' . RELATIONSHIPS_UTILS_PLUGIN_URL . 'sign_stop.png" alt="' . $stopAltText . '" title="' . $stopAltText . '" /></a>';
     if ($warningFlag) {
         if ($p_newline && !is_blank($t_text)) {
             $t_text .= '<br/>' . "\n";
         $t_text .= '<a href="' . $href . '"><img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' . RELATIONSHIPS_UTILS_PLUGIN_URL . 'sign_warning.png" alt="' . $warningAltText . '" title="' . $warningAltText . '" /></a>';
     return $t_text;