function register_url_tag($url, $tag) { global $MYSQL_TABLE_REDIRECTIONS; //echo $newtag; $query = "SELECT url FROM " . $MYSQL_TABLE_REDIRECTIONS . " WHERE tag='" . mysql_real_escape_string($tag) . "';"; if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query))) { //echo "tag existed"; return register_url($url); } else { global $MYSQL_TABLE_REDIRECTIONS; global $logged_in; $tagger = ""; if ($logged_in) { $tagger = $_SESSION['OPENID_IDENTITY']; } else { $tagger = 'guest'; } $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date_now = $mysqldate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $query = "INSERT INTO " . $MYSQL_TABLE_REDIRECTIONS . " value('{$tag}','{$url}','{$tagger}','{$ipaddress}','{$date_now}',0);"; if (mysql_query($query)) { return $tag; } else { die("Cannot insert into Database for URL: {$url} and tag:{$tag}"); return false; } } }
<?php _e("You have to"); ?> <a href='<?php print login_url(); ?> ' class="comments-login-link"> <?php _e("log in"); ?> </a> <?php _e("or"); ?> <a class="comments-register-link" href='<?php print register_url(); ?> '> <?php _e("register"); ?> </a> <?php _e("to post a comment"); ?> . </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else {
//get him to the the respected link header("Location: " . $url); } } else { //tag not found $message = <<<MSG The tag you specified, <b><u>{$request_uri}</u></b> is not yet linked to any URL. That also mean that it is available and you can use it to link one of your URL.<br/> Enter a URL you want to link to the tag <b><u>{$request_uri}</u></b><br/><br/><form name='linkurl' action='#'> <input name='url' type='text' size='30' style="border: 1px #000000 solid; solid;text-align: center;font-family: 'Arial, Sans-Serif';font-size:16px;background-color: #B1B1B1;padding: 5px;" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode==13) {;}" /> <input type='button' value='Link it!' onclick="parent.location='{$FULLPATH}{$request_uri}|'+document.linkurl.url.value"/> </form> MSG; } } elseif (valid_url($request_uri)) { if ($tag = register_url($request_uri)) { //tag registration successful //store this info and take it to the tag page where he will be congratulated $_SESSION['newtag'] = $tag; header("Location: " . $FULLPATH . $tag); } else { //the URL was valid but some error occured. Contact the admin. die('<br/>An error occured, URL not registered'); } } elseif ($tag_url = get_tag_url($request_uri)) { if ($tag = register_url_tag($tag_url[1], $tag_url[0])) { //15min $_SESSION['newtag'] = $tag; header("Location: " . $FULLPATH . $tag); } else { //the URL and tag was valid but some error occured. Contact the admin.