Example #1
  * insert or update course data
  * @return boolean success
 public function save()
     if (empty($this->courseId)) {
         // Insert
         $keys = define_course_keys($this->officialCode, '', get_conf('dbNamePrefix'));
         $courseSysCode = trim($keys['currentCourseId']);
         $courseDbName = trim($keys['currentCourseDbName']);
         $courseDirectory = trim($keys['currentCourseRepository']);
         if (empty($courseSysCode) || empty($courseDbName) || empty($courseDirectory)) {
             throw new Exception("Error missing data for course {$this->officialCode}");
         if (!$this->useExpirationDate) {
             $this->expirationDate = 'NULL';
         // Session courses are created without categories links:
         // so we duplicate the source course's categories links
         /*if ( !is_null($this->sourceCourseId) && !empty($this->sourceCourseId) )
               $sourceCourse = new claroCourse();
               $this->categories = $sourceCourse->categories;
         if (!is_null($this->sourceCourseId) && !empty($this->sourceCourseId)) {
             $sourceCourse = new claroCourse();
             if ($sourceCourse->sourceCourseId) {
                 throw new Exception('You cannot create a course session from another course session');
         if (prepare_course_repository($courseDirectory, $courseSysCode) && register_course($courseSysCode, $this->officialCode, $this->sourceCourseId, $courseDirectory, $courseDbName, $this->titular, $this->email, $this->categories, $this->title, $this->language, $GLOBALS['_uid'], $this->access, $this->registration, $this->registrationKey, $this->visibility, $this->departmentName, $this->extLinkUrl, $this->publicationDate, $this->expirationDate, $this->status, $this->userLimit) && install_course_database($courseDbName) && install_course_tools($courseDbName, $this->language, $courseDirectory)) {
             $courseObj = new Claro_Course($courseSysCode);
             $courseRegistration = new Claro_CourseUserRegistration(AuthProfileManager::getUserAuthProfile($GLOBALS['_uid']), $courseObj, null, null);
             if ($courseRegistration->addUser()) {
                 // Set course id
                 $this->courseId = $courseSysCode;
                 // Notify event manager
                 $args['courseSysCode'] = $courseSysCode;
                 $args['courseDbName'] = $courseDbName;
                 $args['courseDirectory'] = $courseDirectory;
                 $args['courseCategory'] = $this->categories;
                 $GLOBALS['eventNotifier']->notifyEvent("course_created", $args);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else {
             $lastFailure = claro_failure::get_last_failure();
             $this->backlog->failure('Error : ' . $lastFailure);
             return false;
     } else {
         // Update
         $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
         $tbl_course = $tbl_mdb_names['course'];
         $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl();
         $tbl_course_properties = $tbl_cdb_names['course_properties'];
         if (!$this->useExpirationDate) {
             $this->expirationDate = null;
         $sqlExpirationDate = is_null($this->expirationDate) ? 'NULL' : 'FROM_UNIXTIME(' . claro_sql_escape($this->expirationDate) . ')';
         $sqlCreationDate = is_null($this->publicationDate) ? 'NULL' : 'FROM_UNIXTIME(' . claro_sql_escape($this->publicationDate) . ')';
         $sql = "UPDATE `" . $tbl_course . "`\n                    SET `intitule`             = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->title) . "',\n                        `titulaires`           = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->titular) . "',\n                        `administrativeNumber` = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->officialCode) . "',\n                        `language`             = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->language) . "',\n                        `extLinkName`          = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->departmentName) . "',\n                        `extLinkUrl`           = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->extLinkUrl) . "',\n                        `email`                = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->email) . "',\n                        `visibility`           = '" . ($this->visibility ? 'visible' : 'invisible') . "',\n                        `access`               = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->access) . "',\n                        `registration`         = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->registration) . "',\n                        `registrationKey`      = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->registrationKey) . "',\n                        `lastEdit`             = NOW(),\n                        `creationDate`         = " . $sqlCreationDate . ",\n                        `expirationDate`       = " . $sqlExpirationDate . ",\n                        `status`               = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->status) . "',\n                        `userLimit`            = '" . (int) $this->userLimit . "'\n                    WHERE code='" . claro_sql_escape($this->courseId) . "'";
         // Handle categories
         // 1/ Remove all links in database
         // 2/ Link new categories selection
         // If it's a source course, do the same for all its session courses
         if ($this->isSourceCourse) {
             $sql2 = "SELECT cours_id FROM `" . $tbl_course . "`\n                        WHERE sourceCourseId = " . $this->id;
             $sessionCourses = claro_sql_query_fetch_all_rows($sql2);
             foreach ($sessionCourses as $sessionCourse) {
                 link_course_categories($sessionCourse['cours_id'], $this->categories);
         return claro_sql_query($sql);
Example #2
  * This function creates a virtual course.
  * It assumes all parameters have been checked and are not empty.
  * It checks wether a course with the $wanted_course_code already exists.
  * Users of this library should consider this function private,
  * please call attempt_create_virtual_course instead of this one.
  * note: The virtual course 'owner' id (the first course admin) is set to the CURRENT user id.
  * @param  string  Course code
  * @param  string  Course title
  * @param  string  Wanted course code
  * @param  string  Course language
  * @param  string  Course category
  * @return true if the course creation succeeded, false otherwise
  * @todo research: expiration date of a course
  * @deprecated virtual course feature is not supported
 public static function create_virtual_course($real_course_code, $course_title, $wanted_course_code, $course_language, $course_category)
     global $firstExpirationDelay;
     $user_id = api_get_user_id();
     $real_course_info = Database::get_course_info($real_course_code);
     $real_course_code = $real_course_info['system_code'];
     //check: virtual course creation fails if another course has the same
     //code, real or fake.
     if (self::course_code_exists($wanted_course_code)) {
         Display::display_error_message($wanted_course_code . ' - ' . get_lang('CourseCodeAlreadyExists'));
         return false;
     //add data to course table, course_rel_user
     $course_sys_code = $wanted_course_code;
     $course_screen_code = $wanted_course_code;
     $course_repository = $real_course_info['directory'];
     $course_db_name = $real_course_info['db_name'];
     $responsible_teacher = $real_course_info['tutor_name'];
     $faculty_shortname = $course_category;
     // $course_title = $course_title;
     // $course_language = $course_language;
     $teacher_id = $user_id;
     //HACK ----------------------------------------------------------------
     $expiration_date = time() + $firstExpirationDelay;
     //END HACK ------------------------------------------------------------
     register_course($course_sys_code, $course_screen_code, $course_repository, $course_db_name, $responsible_teacher, $faculty_shortname, $course_title, $course_language, $teacher_id, $expiration_date);
     //above was the normal course creation table update call,
     //now one more thing: fill in the target_course_code field
     Database::query("UPDATE " . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE) . " SET target_course_code = '{$real_course_code}'\n                WHERE code = '" . Database::escape_string($course_sys_code) . "' LIMIT 1 ");
     return true;