function scan_directory_recursively($directory, $filter = FALSE)
    global $global_list, $global_ignore_dir, $global_ignore_file;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($global_ignore_dir); $i++) {
        if (stripos($directory, $global_ignore_dir[$i]) !== false) {
    // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here
    if (substr($directory, -1) == '/') {
        $directory = substr($directory, 0, -1);
    // if the path is not valid or is not a directory ...
    if (!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) {
        // ... we return false and exit the function
        return FALSE;
        // ... else if the path is readable
    } elseif (is_readable($directory)) {
        // initialize directory tree variable
        $directory_tree = array();
        // we open the directory
        $directory_list = opendir($directory);
        // and scan through the items inside
        while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($directory_list))) {
            $ignore_file = false;
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($global_ignore_file); $i++) {
                if (stripos($file, $global_ignore_file[$i]) !== false) {
                    $ignore_file = true;
            if ($ignore_file) {
            // if the filepointer is not the current directory
            // or the parent directory
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                // we build the new path to scan
                $path = $directory . '/' . $file;
                print $path . ' // mem=' . memory_get_usage() . "\n";
                // if the path is readable
                if (is_readable($path)) {
                    // we split the new path by directories
                    $subdirectories = explode('/', $path);
                    $inf = null;
                    $stat = stat($path);
                    // if the new path is a directory
                    if (is_dir($path)) {
                        // add the directory details to the file list
                        $inf = array('knd' => 0, 'c' => $stat[10], 'm' => $stat[9], 'ino' => $stat['ino'], 'uid' => $stat['uid'], 'gid' => $stat['gid'], 'perm' => fileperms($path), 'sub' => scan_directory_recursively($path, $filter));
                        //$directory_tree[] = $inf;
                        // if the new path is a file
                    } else {
                        // get the file extension by taking everything after the last dot
                        $path_info = pathinfo($path);
                        $extension = $path_info['extension'];
                        // if there is no filter set or the filter is set and matches
                        if ($filter === FALSE || $filter == $extension) {
                            // add the file details to the file list
                            $crc = 0;
                            if ($stat[7] < 5 * 1024 * 1024) {
                                $content = implode('', file($path));
                                $crc = realCRC($content);
                            $adv_crc = $crc + realCRC(basename($path));
                            $inf = array('crc' => $crc, 'acrc' => $adv_crc, 'ext' => $extension, 'sze' => $stat[7], 'c' => $stat[10], 'm' => $stat[9], 'ino' => $stat['ino'], 'uid' => $stat['uid'], 'gid' => $stat['gid'], 'perm' => fileperms($path), 'knd' => 1);
                            //$directory_tree[] = $inf;
                    if ($inf != null) {
                        $sum_crc = '';
                        foreach ($inf as $field) {
                            $sum_crc .= $field;
                        $inf['chk'] = realCRC($sum_crc);
                        if (isset($inf['sub'])) {
                            $inf['chd'] = count($inf['sub']);
                        $global_list[$path] = $inf;
        // close the directory
        // return file list
        return $directory_tree;
        // if the path is not readable ...
    } else {
        // ... we return false
        return FALSE;
Example #2
 * Print file
function printFile()
    $l_FileName = $_GET['fn'];
    $l_CRC = isset($_GET['c']) ? (int) $_GET['c'] : 0;
    $l_Content = file_get_contents($l_FileName);
    $l_FileCRC = realCRC($l_Content);
    if ($l_FileCRC != $l_CRC) {
        echo 'Доступ запрещен.';
    echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($l_Content) . '</pre>';
Example #3
function QCR_ScanFile($l_Filename, $i = 0)
    global $g_IframerFragment, $g_Iframer, $g_Redirect, $g_Doorway, $g_EmptyLink, $g_Structure, $g_Counter, $g_HeuristicType, $g_HeuristicDetected, $g_TotalFolder, $g_TotalFiles, $g_WarningPHP, $g_AdwareList, $g_CriticalPHP, $g_Phishing, $g_CriticalJS, $g_UrlIgnoreList, $g_CriticalJSFragment, $g_PHPCodeInside, $g_PHPCodeInsideFragment, $g_NotRead, $g_WarningPHPFragment, $g_WarningPHPSig, $g_BigFiles, $g_RedirectPHPFragment, $g_EmptyLinkSrc, $g_CriticalPHPSig, $g_CriticalPHPFragment, $g_Base64Fragment, $g_UnixExec, $g_PhishingSigFragment, $g_PhishingFragment, $g_PhishingSig, $g_CriticalJSSig, $g_IframerFragment, $g_CMS, $defaults, $g_AdwareListFragment, $g_KnownList, $g_Vulnerable;
    global $g_CRC;
    static $_files_and_ignored = 0;
    $l_CriticalDetected = false;
    $l_Stat = stat($l_Filename);
    if (substr($l_Filename, -1) == DIR_SEPARATOR) {
        // FOLDER
        $g_Structure['n'][$i] = $l_Filename;
        printProgress($_files_and_ignored, $l_Filename);
    QCR_Debug('Scan file ' . $l_Filename);
    printProgress(++$_files_and_ignored, $l_Filename);
    // FILE
    if ((MAX_SIZE_TO_SCAN > 0 and $l_Stat['size'] > MAX_SIZE_TO_SCAN) || $l_Stat['size'] < 0) {
        $g_BigFiles[] = $i;
        AddResult($l_Filename, $i);
    } else {
        $l_TSStartScan = microtime(true);
        if (filetype($l_Filename) == 'file') {
            $l_Content = @file_get_contents($l_Filename);
            $l_Unwrapped = @php_strip_whitespace($l_Filename);
        if ($l_Content == '' && $l_Stat['size'] > 0) {
            $g_NotRead[] = $i;
            AddResult($l_Filename, $i);
        // ignore itself
        if (strpos($l_Content, 'H24LKHLKJHKLHJGJG4567869869GGHJ') !== false) {
        // unix executables
        if (strpos($l_Content, chr(127) . 'ELF') !== false) {
            $g_UnixExec[] = $l_Filename;
        $g_CRC = realCRC($l_Content);
        $l_KnownCRC = $g_CRC + realCRC(basename($l_Filename));
        if (isset($g_KnownList[$l_KnownCRC])) {
            //printProgress(++$_files_and_ignored, $l_Filename);
        $l_UnicodeContent = detect_utf_encoding($l_Content);
        //$l_Unwrapped = $l_Content;
        if ($l_UnicodeContent !== false) {
            if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                $l_Unwrapped = mb_convert_encoding($l_Unwrapped, "CP1251");
            } else {
                $g_NotRead[] = $i;
                AddResult($l_Filename, $i);
        $l_Unwrapped = UnwrapObfu($l_Unwrapped);
        // check vulnerability in files
        $l_CriticalDetected = CheckVulnerability($l_Filename, $i, $l_Content);
        // critical
        $g_SkipNextCheck = false;
        if (CriticalPHP($l_Filename, $i, $l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos, $l_SigId)) {
            $g_CriticalPHP[] = $i;
            $g_CriticalPHPFragment[] = getFragment($l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos);
            $g_CriticalPHPSig[] = $l_SigId;
            $g_SkipNextCheck = true;
        } else {
            if (CriticalPHP($l_Filename, $i, $l_Content, $l_Pos, $l_SigId)) {
                $g_CriticalPHP[] = $i;
                $g_CriticalPHPFragment[] = getFragment($l_Content, $l_Pos);
                $g_CriticalPHPSig[] = $l_SigId;
                $g_SkipNextCheck = true;
        $l_TypeDe = 0;
        if (!$g_SkipNextCheck && HeuristicChecker($l_Content, $l_TypeDe, $l_Filename)) {
            $g_HeuristicDetected[] = $i;
            $g_HeuristicType[] = $l_TypeDe;
            $l_CriticalDetected = true;
        // critical JS
        if (!$g_SkipNextCheck) {
            $l_Pos = CriticalJS($l_Filename, $i, $l_Unwrapped, $l_SigId);
            if ($l_Pos !== false) {
                $g_CriticalJS[] = $i;
                $g_CriticalJSFragment[] = getFragment($l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos);
                $g_CriticalJSSig[] = $l_SigId;
                $g_SkipNextCheck = true;
        // phishing
        if (!$g_SkipNextCheck) {
            $l_Pos = Phishing($l_Filename, $i, $l_Unwrapped, $l_SigId);
            if ($l_Pos !== false) {
                $g_Phishing[] = $i;
                $g_PhishingFragment[] = getFragment($l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos);
                $g_PhishingSigFragment[] = $l_SigId;
                $g_SkipNextCheck = true;
        if (!$g_SkipNextCheck) {
            if (SCAN_ALL_FILES || stripos($l_Filename, 'index.')) {
                // check iframes
                if (preg_match_all('|<iframe[^>]+src.+?>|smi', $l_Unwrapped, $l_Found, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                    for ($kk = 0; $kk < count($l_Found); $kk++) {
                        $l_Pos = stripos($l_Found[$kk][0], 'http://');
                        $l_Pos = $l_Pos || stripos($l_Found[$kk][0], 'https://');
                        $l_Pos = $l_Pos || stripos($l_Found[$kk][0], 'ftp://');
                        if ($l_Pos !== false && !knowUrl($l_Found[$kk][0])) {
                            $g_Iframer[] = $i;
                            $g_IframerFragment[] = getFragment($l_Found[$kk][0], $l_Pos);
                            $l_CriticalDetected = true;
                // check empty links
                if (($defaults['report_mask'] & REPORT_MASK_SPAMLINKS) == REPORT_MASK_SPAMLINKS && preg_match_all('|<a[^>]+href([^>]+?)>(.*?)</a>|smi', $l_Unwrapped, $l_Found, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                    for ($kk = 0; $kk < count($l_Found); $kk++) {
                        if (stripos($l_Found[$kk][1], 'http://') !== false && trim(strip_tags($l_Found[$kk][2])) == '') {
                            $l_NeedToAdd = true;
                            if (stripos($l_Found[$kk][1], $default['site_url']) !== false || knowUrl($l_Found[$kk][1])) {
                                $l_NeedToAdd = false;
                            if ($l_NeedToAdd && count($g_EmptyLink) < MAX_EXT_LINKS) {
                                $g_EmptyLink[] = $i;
                                $g_EmptyLinkSrc[$i][] = substr($l_Found[$kk][0], 0, MAX_PREVIEW_LEN);
                                $l_CriticalDetected = true;
            // check for PHP code inside any type of file
            if (stripos($l_Filename, '.ph') === false) {
                $l_Pos = QCR_SearchPHP($l_Content);
                if ($l_Pos !== false) {
                    $g_PHPCodeInside[] = $i;
                    $g_PHPCodeInsideFragment[] = getFragment($l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos);
                    $l_CriticalDetected = true;
            // htaccess
            if (stripos($l_Filename, '.htaccess')) {
                if (stripos($l_Content, 'index.php?name=$1') !== false || stripos($l_Content, 'index.php?m=1') !== false) {
                    $g_SuspDir[] = $i;
                $l_HTAContent = preg_replace('|^\\s*#.+$|m', '', $l_Content);
                $l_Pos = stripos($l_Content, 'auto_prepend_file');
                if ($l_Pos !== false) {
                    $g_Redirect[] = $i;
                    $g_RedirectPHPFragment[] = getFragment($l_Content, $l_Pos);
                    $l_CriticalDetected = true;
                $l_Pos = stripos($l_Content, 'auto_append_file');
                if ($l_Pos !== false) {
                    $g_Redirect[] = $i;
                    $g_RedirectPHPFragment[] = getFragment($l_Content, $l_Pos);
                    $l_CriticalDetected = true;
                $l_Pos = stripos($l_Content, '^(%2d|-)[^=]+$');
                if ($l_Pos !== false) {
                    $g_Redirect[] = $i;
                    $g_RedirectPHPFragment[] = getFragment($l_Content, $l_Pos);
                    $l_CriticalDetected = true;
                if (!$l_CriticalDetected) {
                    $l_Pos = stripos($l_Content, '%{HTTP_USER_AGENT}');
                    if ($l_Pos !== false) {
                        $g_Redirect[] = $i;
                        $g_RedirectPHPFragment[] = getFragment($l_Content, $l_Pos);
                        $l_CriticalDetected = true;
                if (!$l_CriticalDetected) {
                    if (preg_match_all('|(RewriteCond\\s+%\\{HTTP_HOST\\}/%1 \\!\\^\\[w\\.\\]\\*\\(\\[\\^/\\]\\+\\)/\\\\1\\$\\s+\\[NC\\])|smi', $l_Content, $l_Found, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
                        $g_Redirect[] = $i;
                        $g_RedirectPHPFragment[] = getFragment($l_Content, $l_Found[0][1]);
                        $l_CriticalDetected = true;
                if (!$l_CriticalDetected) {
                    if (preg_match_all("|RewriteRule\\s+.+?\\s+http://(.+?)/.+\\s+\\[.*R=\\d+.*\\]|smi", $l_HTAContent, $l_Found, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                        $l_Host = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
                        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($l_Found); $j++) {
                            $l_Found[$j][1] = str_replace('www.', '', $l_Found[$j][1]);
                            if ($l_Found[$j][1] != $l_Host) {
                                $g_Redirect[] = $i;
                                $l_CriticalDetected = true;
            // warnings
            $l_Pos = '';
            if (WarningPHP($l_Filename, $l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos, $l_SigId)) {
                $l_Prio = 1;
                if (strpos($l_Filename, '.ph') !== false) {
                    $l_Prio = 0;
                $g_WarningPHP[$l_Prio][] = $i;
                $g_WarningPHPFragment[$l_Prio][] = getFragment($l_Content, $l_Pos);
                $g_WarningPHPSig[] = $l_SigId;
                $l_CriticalDetected = true;
            // adware
            if (Adware($l_Filename, $l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos)) {
                $g_AdwareList[] = $i;
                $g_AdwareListFragment[] = getFragment($l_Unwrapped, $l_Pos);
                $l_CriticalDetected = true;
            // articles
            if (stripos($l_Filename, 'article_index')) {
                $g_AdwareSig[] = $i;
                $l_CriticalDetected = true;
    // end of if (!$g_SkipNextCheck) {
    //printProgress(++$_files_and_ignored, $l_Filename);
    $l_TSEndScan = microtime(true);
    $l_Elapsed = $l_TSEndScan - $l_TSStartScan;
    if ($l_TSEndScan - $l_TSStartScan >= 0.5) {
        usleep(SCAN_DELAY * 1000);
    if ($g_SkipNextCheck || $l_CriticalDetected) {
        AddResult($l_Filename, $i);