function parseFeed()
     // read the upload_id.redirect file
     if ($this->xml_post_data = readUbrFile($this->xml_file)) {
         // store the raw xml file
         $this->raw_xml_data = $this->xml_post_data;
         // format the xml data into 1 long string
         $this->xml_post_data = preg_replace('/\\>(\\n|\\r|\\r\\n| |\\t)*\\</', '><', $this->xml_post_data);
         // create the xml parser
         $this->XML_Parser = xml_parser_create('');
         // set xml parser options
         xml_set_object($this->XML_Parser, $this);
         xml_parser_set_option($this->XML_Parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
         xml_set_element_handler($this->XML_Parser, "startHandler", "endHandler");
         xml_set_character_data_handler($this->XML_Parser, "dataHandler");
         // parse upload_id.redirect file
         if (!xml_parse($this->XML_Parser, $this->xml_post_data)) {
             $this->in_error = true;
             $this->error_msg = sprintf("<span class='ubrError'>XML ERROR</span>: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->XML_Parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->XML_Parser));
         // delete upload_id.redirect file
         if ($this->delete_xml_file) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
                 if (@unlink($this->xml_file)) {
                 } else {
     } else {
         $this->in_error = true;
         $this->error_msg = "<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: Failed to open redirect file " . $this->upload_id . ".redirect";
        if ($_INI['debug_ajax']) {
            showDebugMessage("Failed to delete " . $TEMP_DIR . $UPLOAD_ID . ".dir");
    if ($error_num == 1) {
        $formatted_error_msg = "<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: Failed to open link file " . $UPLOAD_ID . ".link";
    } elseif ($error_num == 2 || $error_num == 3) {
        $formatted_error_msg = "<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: " . $error_msg;
    showAlertMessage($formatted_error_msg, 1);
} else {
    // Keep trying to read the hook file until timeout
    if ($_INI['cgi_upload_hook']) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $_INI['hook_timeout_limit']; $i++) {
            if ($hook_data = readUbrFile($hook_file, $_INI['debug_ajax'])) {
                $found_hook_file = true;
    // Failed to find the hook file in the alloted time
    if ($_INI['cgi_upload_hook'] && !$found_hook_file) {
        if ($_INI['debug_ajax']) {
            showDebugMessage("Failed to find hook file {$hook_file}");
        showAlertMessage("<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: Failed to find hook file", 1);
    if ($_INI['debug_ajax']) {
$total_bytes_read = 0;
$files_uploaded = 0;
$current_filename = '';
$bytes_read = 0;
$upload_active = 0;
$flength_file = $UPLOAD_ID . '.flength';
$path_to_flength_file = $TEMP_DIR . $UPLOAD_ID . '.dir/' . $flength_file;
$temp_upload_dir = $TEMP_DIR . $UPLOAD_ID . '.dir';
// If the "/temp_dir/upload_id.dir/upload_id.flength" file exist, the upload is active
if (is_readable($path_to_flength_file)) {
    $upload_active = 1;
    if ($_INI['cgi_upload_hook']) {
        // Get upload status by reading the "/temp_dir/upload_id.dir/upload_id.hook" file
        $hook_file = $TEMP_DIR . $UPLOAD_ID . '.dir/' . $UPLOAD_ID . '.hook';
        if ($upload_status = readUbrFile($hook_file, $_INI['debug_ajax'])) {
            list($total_bytes_read, $files_uploaded, $current_filename, $bytes_read) = explode($DATA_DELIMITER, $upload_status);
        } else {
            $upload_active = 0;
    } else {
        // Get upload status by reading the "/temp_dir/upload_id.dir" directory
        if ($handle = @opendir($temp_upload_dir)) {
            while (($file_name = @readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                if ($file_name !== '.' && $file_name !== '..' && $file_name !== $flength_file) {
                    $total_bytes_read += sprintf("%u", @filesize($temp_upload_dir . '/' . $file_name));
            if ($files_uploaded > 0) {