Example #1
$languages = getAvailableLanguages();
$template->assign("languages", $languages);
$project = array();
$project['ID'] = $id;
$template->assign("project", $project);
// set css classes for menue buttons
$classes = array("overview" => "overview", "msgs" => "msgs", "tasks" => "tasks", "miles" => "miles", "files" => "files", "users" => "users_active", "tracker" => "tracking");
$mainclasses = array("desktop" => "", "profil" => "active", "admin" => "");
$template->assign("mainclasses", $mainclasses);
$template->assign("classes", $classes);
if ($action == "loginerror") {
} elseif ($action == "resetpassword") {
    $newpass = $user->resetPassword($email);
    if ($newpass !== false) {
        $langFile = readLangfile($newpass['locale']);
        $subject = $langfile["projectpasswordsubject"];
        $mailcontent = $langfile["hello"] . ",<br /><br/>" . $langfile["projectpasswordtext"] . "<br /><br />" . $langfile["newpass"] . ": " . $newpass['newpass'] . "<br />" . $langfile["login"] . ": <a href = \"{$url}\">{$url}</a>";
        // Send e-mail with new password
        $themail = new emailer($settings);
        $themail->send_mail($email, $subject, $mailcontent);
        $template->assign("success", 1);
    } else {
        $template->assign("loginerror", 1);
} elseif ($action == "login") {
    $openid = getArrayVal($_POST, "openid");
    $username = getArrayVal($_POST, "username");
    $pass = getArrayVal($_POST, "pass");
Example #2
 //send mail notifications
 if ($settings["mailnotify"]) {
     $sendto = getArrayVal($_POST, "sendto");
     $usr = (object) new project();
     $pname = $usr->getProject($id);
     $users = $usr->getProjectMembers($id, 10000);
     if ($sendto[0] == "all") {
         $sendto = $users;
         $sendto = reduceArray($sendto);
     } elseif ($sendto[0] == "none") {
         $sendto = array();
     //loop through the users in the project
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (!empty($user["email"])) {
             $userlang = readLangfile($user['locale']);
             // check if subfolder exists, else root folder
             $whichfolder = !empty($thefolder) ? $thefolder : $userlang["rootdir"];
             // assemble content only once. no need to do this repeatedly
             $mailcontent = $userlang["hello"] . ",<br /><br/>" . $userlang["filecreatedtext"] . "<br /><br />" . $userlang["project"] . ": " . $pname["name"] . "<br />" . $userlang["folder"] . ": " . $whichfolder . "<br />" . $userlang["file"] . ":  <a href = \"" . $url . "managefile.php?action=downloadfile&file=" . $fileprops["ID"] . "\">" . $url . "managefile.php?action=downloadfile&file=" . $fileprops["ID"] . "</a>";
             //$userlang["file"] . ":  <a href = \"" . $url . $fileprops["datei"] . "\">" . $url . $fileprops["datei"] . "</a>";
             $subject = $userlang["filecreatedsubject"] . " (" . $userlang['by'] . ' ' . $username . ")";
             //if sendto is an array multiple users need to be notified
             if (is_array($sendto)) {
                 //check if the current user is in the notifications array
                 if (in_array($user["ID"], $sendto)) {
                     // send email
                     $themail = new emailer($settings);
                     $themail->send_mail($user["email"], $subject, $mailcontent);
             } else {
Example #3
    $_SESSION['userlocale'] = $locale;
// if detected locale doesnt have a corresponding langfile , use system default locale
// if, for whatever reason, no system default language is set, default to english as a last resort
if (!file_exists(CL_ROOT . "/language/{$locale}/lng.conf")) {
    $locale = $settings['locale'];
    $_SESSION['userlocale'] = $locale;
// Set locale directory
$template->config_dir = CL_ROOT . "/language/{$locale}/";
// Smarty 3 seems to have a problem with re-compiling the config if the user config is different than the system config.
// this forces a compile of the config.
// uncomment this if you have issues with language switching
// $template->compileAllConfig('.config',true);
// read language file into PHP array
$langfile = readLangfile($locale);
$template->assign("langfile", $langfile);
$template->assign("locale", $locale);
// css classes for headmenue
// this indicates which of the 3 main stages the user is on
$mainclasses = array("desktop" => "desktop", "profil" => "profil", "admin" => "admin");
$template->assign("mainclasses", $mainclasses);
// get current year and month
$they = date("Y");
$them = date("n");
$template->assign("theM", $them);
$template->assign("theY", $they);
// Get the user's projects for the quickfinder in the sidebar
if (isset($userid)) {
    $project = new project();
    $myOpenProjects = $project->getMyProjects($userid);