  * Process registration
  * @since 2.1
 public function process_signup()
     global $rcp_options;
     $args = array('USER' => $this->username, 'PWD' => $this->password, 'SIGNATURE' => $this->signature, 'VERSION' => '121', 'METHOD' => 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile', 'AMT' => $this->amount, 'INITAMT' => 0, 'CURRENCYCODE' => strtoupper($this->currency), 'ITEMAMT' => round($this->amount + $this->signup_fee, 2), 'SHIPPINGAMT' => 0, 'TAXAMT' => 0, 'DESC' => $this->subscription_name, 'SOFTDESCRIPTOR' => get_bloginfo('name') . ': ' . $this->subscription_name, 'SOFTDESCRIPTORCITY' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'CUSTOM' => $this->user_id, 'NOTIFYURL' => add_query_arg('listener', 'EIPN', home_url('index.php')), 'EMAIL' => $this->email, 'CREDITCARDTYPE' => '', 'ACCT' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_number']), 'EXPDATE' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_exp_month'] . $_POST['rcp_card_exp_year']), 'CVV2' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_cvc']), 'ZIP' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_card_zip']), 'BUTTONSOURCE' => 'EasyDigitalDownloads_SP', 'PROFILESTARTDATE' => date('Y-m-d\\Tg:i:s', strtotime('+' . $this->length . ' ' . $this->length_unit, time())), 'BILLINGPERIOD' => ucwords($this->length_unit), 'BILLINGFREQUENCY' => $this->length, 'FAILEDINITAMTACTION' => 'CancelOnFailure', 'TOTALBILLINGCYCLES' => $this->auto_renew ? 0 : 1);
     $request = wp_remote_post($this->api_endpoint, array('timeout' => 45, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $args));
     if (is_wp_error($request)) {
         $error = '<p>' . __('An unidentified error occurred.', 'rcp') . '</p>';
         $error .= '<p>' . $request->get_error_message() . '</p>';
         wp_die($error, __('Error', 'rcp'), array('response' => '401'));
     } elseif (200 == $request['response']['code'] && 'OK' == $request['response']['message']) {
         parse_str($request['body'], $data);
         if ('failure' === strtolower($data['ACK'])) {
             $error = '<p>' . __('PayPal subscription creation failed.', 'rcp') . '</p>';
             $error .= '<p>' . __('Error message:', 'rcp') . ' ' . $data['L_LONGMESSAGE0'] . '</p>';
             $error .= '<p>' . __('Error code:', 'rcp') . ' ' . $data['L_ERRORCODE0'] . '</p>';
             wp_die($error, __('Error', 'rcp'), array('response' => '401'));
         } else {
             // Successful signup
             if ('ActiveProfile' === $data['PROFILESTATUS']) {
                 // Confirm a one-time payment
                 $member = new RCP_Member($this->user_id);
     } else {
         wp_die(__('Something has gone wrong, please try again', 'rcp'), __('Error', 'rcp'), array('back_link' => true, 'response' => '401'));
 * Register a new user
 * @access      public
 * @since       1.0
function rcp_process_registration() {

  	if ( isset( $_POST["rcp_register_nonce"] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['rcp_register_nonce'], 'rcp-register-nonce' ) ) {

		global $rcp_options, $user_ID;

		$subscription_id = isset( $_POST['rcp_level'] ) ? absint( $_POST['rcp_level'] ) : false;
		$discount        = isset( $_POST['rcp_discount'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['rcp_discount'] ) : '';
		$discount_valid  = false;
		$price           = number_format( (float) rcp_get_subscription_price( $subscription_id ), 2 );
		$price           = str_replace( ',', '', $price );
		$base_price      = $price; // Used for discount calculations later
		$expiration      = rcp_get_subscription_length( $subscription_id );
		$subscription    = rcp_get_subscription_details( $subscription_id );

		// get the selected payment method/gateway
		if( ! isset( $_POST['rcp_gateway'] ) ) {
			$gateway = 'paypal';
		} else {
			$gateway = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['rcp_gateway'] );

		* validate the form

		do_action( 'rcp_before_form_errors', $_POST );

		$is_ajax   = isset( $_POST['rcp_ajax'] );

		$user_data = rcp_validate_user_data();

		if( ! $subscription_id ) {
			// no subscription level was chosen
			rcp_errors()->add( 'no_level', __( 'Please choose a subscription level', 'rcp' ), 'register' );

		if( $subscription_id ) {

			if( $price == 0 && $expiration->duration > 0 && rcp_has_used_trial( $user_data['id'] ) ) {
				// this ensures that users only sign up for a free trial once
				rcp_errors()->add( 'free_trial_used', __( 'You may only sign up for a free trial once', 'rcp' ), 'register' );

		if( ! empty( $discount ) ) {

			if( rcp_validate_discount( $discount, $subscription_id ) ) {

				$discount_valid = true;

			} else {

				// the entered discount code is incorrect
				rcp_errors()->add( 'invalid_discount', __( 'The discount you entered is invalid', 'rcp' ), 'register' );


			if( $discount_valid && $price > 0 ) {

				if( ! $user_data['need_new'] && rcp_user_has_used_discount( $user_data['id'] , $discount ) && apply_filters( 'rcp_discounts_once_per_user', true ) ) {

					$discount_valid = false;
					rcp_errors()->add( 'discount_already_used', __( 'You can only use the discount code once', 'rcp' ), 'register' );

				if( $discount_valid ) {

					$discounts    = new RCP_Discounts();
					$discount_obj = $discounts->get_by( 'code', $discount );

					if( is_object( $discount_obj ) ) {
						// calculate the after-discount price
						$price = $discounts->calc_discounted_price( $base_price, $discount_obj->amount, $discount_obj->unit );



		if( $price == 0 && isset( $_POST['rcp_auto_renew'] ) ) {
			// since free subscriptions do not go through PayPal, they cannot be auto renewed
			rcp_errors()->add( 'invalid_auto_renew', __( 'Free subscriptions cannot be automatically renewed', 'rcp' ), 'register' );

		// Validate extra fields in gateways with the 2.1+ gateway API
		if( ! has_action( 'rcp_gateway_' . $gateway ) && $price > 0 ) {
			$gateways    = new RCP_Payment_Gateways;
			$gateway_var = $gateways->get_gateway( $gateway );
			$gateway_obj = new $gateway_var['class'];

		do_action( 'rcp_form_errors', $_POST );

		// retrieve all error messages, if any
		$errors = rcp_errors()->get_error_messages();

		if ( ! empty( $errors ) && $is_ajax ) {
			wp_send_json_error( array( 'success' => false, 'errors' => rcp_get_error_messages_html( 'register' ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'rcp-register-nonce' ) ) );
		} elseif( $is_ajax ) {
			wp_send_json_success( array( 'success' => true ) );

		// only create the user if there are no errors
		if( ! empty( $errors ) ) {

		// deterime the expiration date of the user's subscription
		if( $expiration->duration > 0 ) {

			$member_expires = rcp_calc_member_expiration( $expiration );

		} else {

			$member_expires = 'none';


		if( $user_data['need_new'] ) {

			$user_data['id'] = wp_insert_user( array(
					'user_login'		=> $user_data['login'],
					'user_pass'	 		=> $user_data['password'],
					'user_email'		=> $user_data['email'],
					'first_name'		=> $user_data['first_name'],
					'last_name'			=> $user_data['last_name'],
					'user_registered'	=> date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )

		if( $user_data['id'] ) {

			if( ! rcp_is_active( $user_data['id'] ) ) {

				rcp_set_status( $user_data['id'], 'pending' );

			// setup a unique key for this subscription
			$subscription_key = rcp_generate_subscription_key();
			update_user_meta( $user_data['id'], 'rcp_subscription_key', $subscription_key );
			update_user_meta( $user_data['id'], 'rcp_subscription_level', $subscription_id );

			rcp_set_expiration_date( $user_data['id'], $member_expires );

			// Set the user's role
			$role = ! empty( $subscription->role ) ? $subscription->role : 'subscriber';
			$user = new WP_User( $user_data['id'] );
			$user->add_role( apply_filters( 'rcp_default_user_level', $role, $subscription_id ) );

			do_action( 'rcp_form_processing', $_POST, $user_data['id'], $price );

			// process a paid subscription
			if( $price > '0' ) {

				if( ! empty( $discount ) ) {

					// record the usage of this discount code
					$discounts->add_to_user( $user_data['id'], $discount );

					// incrase the usage count for the code
					$discounts->increase_uses( $discount_obj->id );

					// if the discount is 100%, log the user in and redirect to success page
					if( $price == '0' ) {
						rcp_set_status( $user_data['id'], 'active' );
						rcp_email_subscription_status( $user_data['id'], 'active' );
						rcp_login_user_in( $user_data['id'], $user_data['login'] );
						wp_redirect( rcp_get_return_url( $user_data['id'] ) ); exit;


				// Determine auto renew behavior
				if( '3' == rcp_get_auto_renew_behavior() && isset( $_POST['rcp_auto_renew'] ) ) {

					$auto_renew = true;

				} elseif( '1' == rcp_get_auto_renew_behavior() ) {

					$auto_renew = true;

				} else {

					$auto_renew = false;


				// Remove trialing status, if it exists
				delete_user_meta( $user_data['id'], 'rcp_is_trialing' );

				// log the new user in
				rcp_login_user_in( $user_data['id'], $user_data['login'] );

				$redirect = rcp_get_return_url( $user_data['id'] );

				$subscription_data = array(
					'price'             => $price,
					'discount'          => $base_price - $price,
					'discount_code'     => $discount,
					'fee' 			    => ! empty( $subscription->fee ) ? number_format( $subscription->fee, 2 ) : 0,
					'length' 			=> $expiration->duration,
					'length_unit' 		=> strtolower( $expiration->duration_unit ),
					'subscription_id'   => $subscription->id,
					'subscription_name' => $subscription->name,
					'key' 				=> $subscription_key,
					'user_id' 			=> $user_data['id'],
					'user_name' 		=> $user_data['login'],
					'user_email' 		=> $user_data['email'],
					'currency' 			=> $rcp_options['currency'],
					'auto_renew' 		=> $auto_renew,
					'return_url' 		=> $redirect,
					'new_user' 			=> $user_data['need_new'],
					'post_data' 		=> $_POST

				// send all of the subscription data off for processing by the gateway
				rcp_send_to_gateway( $gateway, apply_filters( 'rcp_subscription_data', $subscription_data ) );

			// process a free or trial subscription
			} else {

				// This is a free user registration or trial

				// if the subscription is a free trial, we need to record it in the user meta
				if( $member_expires != 'none' ) {

					// this is so that users can only sign up for one trial
					update_user_meta( $user_data['id'], 'rcp_has_trialed', 'yes' );
					update_user_meta( $user_data['id'], 'rcp_is_trialing', 'yes' );

					// activate the user's trial subscription
					rcp_set_status( $user_data['id'], 'active' );
					rcp_email_subscription_status( $user_data['id'], 'trial' );

				} else {

					// set the user's status to free
					rcp_set_status( $user_data['id'], 'free' );
					rcp_email_subscription_status( $user_data['id'], 'free' );


				// date for trial / paid users, "none" for free users
				rcp_set_expiration_date( $user_data['id'], $member_expires );

				if( $user_data['need_new'] ) {

					if( ! isset( $rcp_options['disable_new_user_notices'] ) ) {

						// send an email to the admin alerting them of the registration
						wp_new_user_notification( $user_data['id']) ;


					// log the new user in
					rcp_login_user_in( $user_data['id'], $user_data['login'] );

				// send the newly created user to the redirect page after logging them in
				wp_redirect( rcp_get_return_url( $user_data['id'] ) ); exit;

			} // end price check

		} // end if new user id

	} // end nonce check
  * Process payment confirmation after returning from PayPal
  * @since 2.1
 public function process_confirmation()
     if (isset($_POST['rcp_ppe_confirm_nonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['rcp_ppe_confirm_nonce'], 'rcp-ppe-confirm-nonce')) {
         $details = $this->get_checkout_details($_POST['token']);
         if (!empty($_GET['rcp-recurring'])) {
             // Successful payment, now create the recurring profile
             $args = array('USER' => $this->username, 'PWD' => $this->password, 'SIGNATURE' => $this->signature, 'VERSION' => '121', 'TOKEN' => $_POST['token'], 'METHOD' => 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile', 'PROFILESTARTDATE' => date('Y-m-d\\Tg:i:s', strtotime('+' . $details['subscription']['duration'] . ' ' . $details['subscription']['duration_unit'], time())), 'BILLINGPERIOD' => ucwords($details['subscription']['duration_unit']), 'BILLINGFREQUENCY' => $details['subscription']['duration'], 'AMT' => $details['AMT'], 'INITAMT' => round($details['AMT'] + $details['subscription']['fee'], 2), 'CURRENCYCODE' => $details['CURRENCYCODE'], 'FAILEDINITAMTACTION' => 'CancelOnFailure', 'L_BILLINGTYPE0' => 'RecurringPayments', 'DESC' => $details['subscription']['name'], 'BUTTONSOURCE' => 'EasyDigitalDownloads_SP');
             $request = wp_remote_post($this->api_endpoint, array('timeout' => 45, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $args));
             if (is_wp_error($request)) {
                 $error = '<p>' . __('An unidentified error occurred.', 'rcp') . '</p>';
                 $error .= '<p>' . $request->get_error_message() . '</p>';
                 wp_die($error, __('Error', 'rcp'), array('response' => '401'));
             } elseif (200 == $request['response']['code'] && 'OK' == $request['response']['message']) {
                 parse_str($request['body'], $data);
                 if ('failure' === strtolower($data['ACK'])) {
                     $error = '<p>' . __('PayPal payment processing failed.', 'rcp') . '</p>';
                     $error .= '<p>' . __('Error message:', 'rcp') . ' ' . $data['L_LONGMESSAGE0'] . '</p>';
                     $error .= '<p>' . __('Error code:', 'rcp') . ' ' . $data['L_ERRORCODE0'] . '</p>';
                     wp_die($error, __('Error', 'rcp'), array('response' => '401'));
                 } else {
                     $member = new RCP_Member($details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CUSTOM']);
                     $payment_data = array('date' => date('Y-m-d g:i:s', current_time('timestamp')), 'subscription' => $member->get_subscription_name(), 'payment_type' => 'PayPal Express', 'subscription_key' => $member->get_subscription_key(), 'amount' => round($details['AMT'] + $details['subscription']['fee'], 2), 'user_id' => $member->ID, 'transaction_id' => $data['PROFILEID']);
                     $rcp_payments = new RCP_Payments();
             } else {
                 wp_die(__('Something has gone wrong, please try again', 'rcp'), __('Error', 'rcp'), array('back_link' => true, 'response' => '401'));
         } else {
             // One time payment
             $args = array('USER' => $this->username, 'PWD' => $this->password, 'SIGNATURE' => $this->signature, 'VERSION' => '121', 'METHOD' => 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment', 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION' => 'Sale', 'TOKEN' => $_POST['token'], 'PAYERID' => $_POST['payer_id'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => $details['AMT'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT' => $details['AMT'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT' => 0, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT' => 0, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE' => $details['CURRENCYCODE'], 'BUTTONSOURCE' => 'EasyDigitalDownloads_SP');
             $request = wp_remote_post($this->api_endpoint, array('timeout' => 45, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $args));
             if (is_wp_error($request)) {
                 $error = '<p>' . __('An unidentified error occurred.', 'rcp') . '</p>';
                 $error .= '<p>' . $request->get_error_message() . '</p>';
                 wp_die($error, __('Error', 'rcp'), array('response' => '401'));
             } elseif (200 == $request['response']['code'] && 'OK' == $request['response']['message']) {
                 parse_str($request['body'], $data);
                 if ('failure' === strtolower($data['ACK'])) {
                     $error = '<p>' . __('PayPal payment processing failed.', 'rcp') . '</p>';
                     $error .= '<p>' . __('Error message:', 'rcp') . ' ' . $data['L_LONGMESSAGE0'] . '</p>';
                     $error .= '<p>' . __('Error code:', 'rcp') . ' ' . $data['L_ERRORCODE0'] . '</p>';
                     wp_die($error, __('Error', 'rcp'), array('response' => '401'));
                 } else {
                     // Confirm a one-time payment
                     $member = new RCP_Member($details['CUSTOM']);
                     $payment_data = array('date' => date('Y-m-d g:i:s', strtotime($data['PAYMENTINFO_0_ORDERTIME'])), 'subscription' => $member->get_subscription_name(), 'payment_type' => 'PayPal Express One Time', 'subscription_key' => $member->get_subscription_key(), 'amount' => $data['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'], 'user_id' => $member->ID, 'transaction_id' => $data['PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID']);
                     $rcp_payments = new RCP_Payments();
             } else {
                 wp_die(__('Something has gone wrong, please try again', 'rcp'), __('Error', 'rcp'), array('back_link' => true, 'response' => '401'));
     } elseif (!empty($_GET['token']) && !empty($_GET['PayerID'])) {
         add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'confirmation_form'), 9999999);
 * Register a new user
 * @access      public
 * @since       1.0
function rcp_process_registration()
    // check nonce
    if (!(isset($_POST["rcp_register_nonce"]) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['rcp_register_nonce'], 'rcp-register-nonce'))) {
    global $rcp_options, $rcp_levels_db;
    $subscription_id = rcp_get_registration()->get_subscription();
    $discount = isset($_POST['rcp_discount']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_discount']) : '';
    $price = number_format((double) $rcp_levels_db->get_level_field($subscription_id, 'price'), 2);
    $price = str_replace(',', '', $price);
    $subscription = $rcp_levels_db->get_level($subscription_id);
    $auto_renew = rcp_registration_is_recurring();
    // if both today's total and the recurring total are 0, the there is a full discount
    // if this is not a recurring subscription only check today's total
    $full_discount = $auto_renew ? rcp_get_registration()->get_total() == 0 && rcp_get_registration()->get_recurring_total() == 0 : rcp_get_registration()->get_total() == 0;
    // get the selected payment method/gateway
    if (!isset($_POST['rcp_gateway'])) {
        $gateway = 'paypal';
    } else {
        $gateway = sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcp_gateway']);
     * validate the form
    do_action('rcp_before_form_errors', $_POST);
    $is_ajax = isset($_POST['rcp_ajax']);
    $user_data = rcp_validate_user_data();
    if (!rcp_is_registration()) {
        // no subscription level was chosen
        rcp_errors()->add('no_level', __('Please choose a subscription level', 'rcp'), 'register');
    if ($subscription_id && $price == 0 && $subscription->duration > 0 && rcp_has_used_trial($user_data['id'])) {
        // this ensures that users only sign up for a free trial once
        rcp_errors()->add('free_trial_used', __('You may only sign up for a free trial once', 'rcp'), 'register');
    if (!empty($discount)) {
        // make sure we have a valid discount
        if (rcp_validate_discount($discount, $subscription_id)) {
            // check if the user has already used this discount
            if ($price > 0 && !$user_data['need_new'] && rcp_user_has_used_discount($user_data['id'], $discount) && apply_filters('rcp_discounts_once_per_user', false)) {
                rcp_errors()->add('discount_already_used', __('You can only use the discount code once', 'rcp'), 'register');
        } else {
            // the entered discount code is incorrect
            rcp_errors()->add('invalid_discount', __('The discount you entered is invalid', 'rcp'), 'register');
    // Validate extra fields in gateways with the 2.1+ gateway API
    if (!has_action('rcp_gateway_' . $gateway) && $price > 0 && !$full_discount) {
        $gateways = new RCP_Payment_Gateways();
        $gateway_var = $gateways->get_gateway($gateway);
        $gateway_obj = new $gateway_var['class']();
    do_action('rcp_form_errors', $_POST);
    // retrieve all error messages, if any
    $errors = rcp_errors()->get_error_messages();
    if (!empty($errors) && $is_ajax) {
        wp_send_json_error(array('success' => false, 'errors' => rcp_get_error_messages_html('register'), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('rcp-register-nonce')));
    } elseif ($is_ajax) {
        wp_send_json_success(array('success' => true));
    // only create the user if there are no errors
    if (!empty($errors)) {
    if ($user_data['need_new']) {
        $user_data['id'] = wp_insert_user(array('user_login' => $user_data['login'], 'user_pass' => $user_data['password'], 'user_email' => $user_data['email'], 'first_name' => $user_data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $user_data['last_name'], 'display_name' => $user_data['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_data['last_name'], 'user_registered' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
    if (empty($user_data['id'])) {
    // Setup the member object
    $member = new RCP_Member($user_data['id']);
    update_user_meta($user_data['id'], '_rcp_new_subscription', '1');
    $subscription_key = rcp_generate_subscription_key();
    $old_subscription_id = $member->get_subscription_id();
    if ($old_subscription_id) {
        update_user_meta($user_data['id'], '_rcp_old_subscription_id', $old_subscription_id);
    if (!$member->is_active()) {
        update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_subscription_level', $subscription_id);
        update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_subscription_key', $subscription_key);
        // Ensure no pending level details are set
        delete_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_subscription_level');
        delete_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_subscription_key');
    } else {
        // If the member is already active, we need to set these as pending changes
        update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_subscription_level', $subscription_id);
        update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_subscription_key', $subscription_key);
        // Flag the member as having just upgraded
        update_user_meta($user_data['id'], '_rcp_just_upgraded', current_time('timestamp'));
    $member->set_joined_date('', $subscription_id);
    // Calculate the expiration date for the member
    $member_expires = $member->calculate_expiration($auto_renew);
    update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_expiration_date', $member_expires);
    // remove the user's old role, if this is a new user, we need to replace the default role
    $old_role = get_option('default_role', 'subscriber');
    if ($old_subscription_id) {
        $old_level = $rcp_levels_db->get_level($old_subscription_id);
        $old_role = !empty($old_level->role) ? $old_level->role : $old_role;
    // Set the user's role
    $role = !empty($subscription->role) ? $subscription->role : 'subscriber';
    $user = new WP_User($user_data['id']);
    $user->add_role(apply_filters('rcp_default_user_level', $role, $subscription_id));
    do_action('rcp_form_processing', $_POST, $user_data['id'], $price);
    // process a paid subscription
    if ($price > '0') {
        if (!empty($discount)) {
            $discounts = new RCP_Discounts();
            $discount_obj = $discounts->get_by('code', $discount);
            // record the usage of this discount code
            $discounts->add_to_user($user_data['id'], $discount);
            // increase the usage count for the code
            // if the discount is 100%, log the user in and redirect to success page
            if ($full_discount) {
                rcp_login_user_in($user_data['id'], $user_data['login']);
        // Remove trialing status, if it exists
        delete_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_is_trialing');
        // log the new user in
        rcp_login_user_in($user_data['id'], $user_data['login']);
        $redirect = rcp_get_return_url($user_data['id']);
        $subscription_data = array('price' => rcp_get_registration()->get_total(true, false), 'discount' => rcp_get_registration()->get_total_discounts(), 'discount_code' => $discount, 'fee' => rcp_get_registration()->get_total_fees(), 'length' => $subscription->duration, 'length_unit' => strtolower($subscription->duration_unit), 'subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'subscription_name' => $subscription->name, 'key' => $subscription_key, 'user_id' => $user_data['id'], 'user_name' => $user_data['login'], 'user_email' => $user_data['email'], 'currency' => $rcp_options['currency'], 'auto_renew' => $auto_renew, 'return_url' => $redirect, 'new_user' => $user_data['need_new'], 'post_data' => $_POST);
        // if giving the user a credit, make sure the credit does not exceed the first payment
        if ($subscription_data['fee'] < 0 && abs($subscription_data['fee']) > $subscription_data['price']) {
            $subscription_data['fee'] = -1 * $subscription_data['price'];
        update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_subscription_amount', $subscription_data['price'] + $subscription_data['fee']);
        // send all of the subscription data off for processing by the gateway
        rcp_send_to_gateway($gateway, apply_filters('rcp_subscription_data', $subscription_data));
        // process a free or trial subscription
    } else {
        // This is a free user registration or trial
        // if the subscription is a free trial, we need to record it in the user meta
        if ($member_expires != 'none') {
            // activate the user's trial subscription
            // this is so that users can only sign up for one trial
            update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_has_trialed', 'yes');
            update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_is_trialing', 'yes');
            rcp_email_subscription_status($user_data['id'], 'trial');
        } else {
            update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_subscription_level', $subscription_id);
            update_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_subscription_key', $subscription_key);
            // Ensure no pending level details are set
            delete_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_subscription_level');
            delete_user_meta($user_data['id'], 'rcp_pending_subscription_key');
            // set the user's status to free
            rcp_email_subscription_status($user_data['id'], 'free');
        if ($user_data['need_new']) {
            if (!isset($rcp_options['disable_new_user_notices'])) {
                // send an email to the admin alerting them of the registration
            // log the new user in
            rcp_login_user_in($user_data['id'], $user_data['login']);
        // send the newly created user to the redirect page after logging them in
    // end price check