Example #1
 public function DoReg()
     $fname = Database::prepData($_POST['first_name']);
     $lname = Database::prepData($_POST['last_name']);
     $email = Database::prepData($_POST['email']);
     $pass1 = Database::prepData($_POST['password']);
     $pass2 = Database::prepData($_POST['password2']);
     $phone = Database::prepData($_POST['phone']);
     $gender = Database::prepData($_POST['gender']);
     //Validation for email and password
     if ($pass1 != $pass2) {
         $_SESSION['err'][] = "<li>Passwords do not match! </li>";
     if ($this->emailExits($email)) {
         $_SESSION['err'][] = "<li>Email already exists! </li>";
     //Add new user if there are no errors
     if (count($_SESSION['err']) == 0) {
         $pass = md5($pass1);
         $code = randomkey();
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `user`(`first_name`, `last_name`, `email`, `password`, `phone`, `is_activated`, `user_category_id`, `gender`,activation_code)  VALUES('{$fname}','{$lname}','{$email}','{$pass}',{$phone}',0,2,'{$gender}','{$code}')";
         $_SESSION['name'] = $fname . ' ' . $lname;
         $_SESSION['email'] = $email1;
         $_SESSION['user_id'] = self::SetUserId($email);
         $_SESSION['live'] = 1;
         redirect_to(BASE_URL . '/?go=regPhoto');
     } else {
         redirect_to(BASE_URL . '/?go=reg');
Example #2
  * The new one...
  * * Function to insert Participant data while auto creating token if non is supported...
  * @param $sUser
  * @param $sPass
  * @param $iVid
  * @param $sParticipantData (FIRSTNAME;LASTNAME;EMAIL;LANG;TOKEN;VALIDFROM;VALIDTO;attrib1,attrib2,attrib3,attrib4,attrib5::)
  * @return unknown_type
 function insertParticipants($iVid, $sParticipantData)
     global $connect;
     global $dbprefix;
     include "lsrc.config.php";
     //$this = new lsrcHelper();
     // check for appropriate rights
     //		if(!$this->checkUser($sUser, $sPass))
     //		{
     //			throw new SoapFault("Authentication: ", "User or password wrong");
     //			exit;
     //		}
     $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", {$iVid}, {$sParticipantData} ");
     // check if there is a $iVid, else abort
     if (!isset($iVid) || $iVid == '' || $iVid == 0) {
         return 0;
     // check if the Survey we want to populate with data and tokens already exists, else -> Fault
     if (!$this->surveyExists($iVid)) {
         $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", survey does not exist ");
         return 0;
     //set the Seperators to default if nothing is set in the lsrc.config.php
     if (!isset($sDatasetSeperator) || $sDatasetSeperator == '') {
         $sDatasetSeperator = "::";
     if (!isset($sDatafieldSeperator) || $sDatafieldSeperator == '') {
         $sDatafieldSeperator = ";";
     // prepare to fill the table lime_tokens_*
     // this is sensitiv, if the Seperator is not the defined one, almost everything could happen, BE AWARE OF YOUR SEPERATOR!...
     $asDataset = explode($sDatasetSeperator, $sParticipantData);
     // write the tokens to the token_table
     $iCountParticipants = count($asDataset);
     $iInsertedParticipants = 0;
     foreach ($asDataset as $sData) {
         //some extra sql statement comes in here later
         $attributes = '';
         $attributesData = '';
         $validity = '';
         $validityData = '';
         if ($sData != '') {
             $asDatafield = explode($sDatafieldSeperator, $sData);
             $checkCnt = 1;
             $iDataLength = count($asDatafield);
             for ($n = 0; $n >= $iDataLength; ++$n) {
                 if ($asDatafield[$n] == '') {
                     $asDatafield[$n] = null;
             // token generieren
             while ($checkCnt > 0) {
                 $value = randomkey(10);
                 //change randomkey value for different tokenlength (up to 36 chars max.)
                 $cQuery = "select token from " . $dbprefix . "tokens_" . $iVid . " where token = '" . $value . "'; ";
                 $result = db_execute_assoc($cQuery);
                 $checkCnt = $result->RecordCount();
             if (!isset($asDatafield[4]) || $asDatafield[4] == '') {
                 $asDatafield[4] = $value;
             //set session language if no language is set
             if (!isset($asDatafield[3]) || $asDatafield[3] == '') {
                 $asDatafield[3] = $_SESSION['lang'];
             //Begin to prepare our statement here. One array for the columns to insert and a parallel array with the values.
             $insertColumns = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'language', 'token');
             $insertValues = array($asDatafield[0], $asDatafield[1], $asDatafield[2], $asDatafield[3], $asDatafield[4]);
             if (isset($asDatafield[5]) && $asDatafield[5] != null) {
                 //$validity .= ',validfrom';
                 //$validityData .=",'$asDatafield[5]'";
                 $insertColumns[] = 'validfrom';
                 $insertValues[] = $asDatafield[5];
             if (isset($asDatafield[6]) && $asDatafield[5] != null) {
                 //$validity .= ',validuntil';
                 //$validityData .=",'$asDatafield[6]'";
                 $insertColumns[] = 'validuntil';
                 $insertValues[] = $asDatafield[6];
             if (isset($asDatafield[7]) && $asDatafield[7] != '') {
                 $asAttributes = explode(",", $asDatafield[7]);
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($asAttributes as $attribute) {
                     //$check = "SELECT attribute_$n FROM {$dbprefix}_tokens_$iVid ";
                     $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$dbprefix}tokens_{$iVid} ADD COLUMN attribute_{$n} VARCHAR(255); ";
                     //$attributesData.= ",'$attribute'";
                     $insertColumns[] = "attribute_{$n}";
                     $insertValues[] = $attribute;
                     $this->debugLsrc("wir sind in " . __FUNCTION__ . " Line " . __LINE__ . ", Attribute_{$n} mit {$attribute} anlegen ,sql: {$sql}");
             /*$sInsertParti = "INSERT INTO ".$dbprefix."tokens_".$iVid
               ."language $validity $attributes) "
               ."VALUES ('{$asDatafield[0]}', '{$asDatafield[1]}' , '{$asDatafield[2]}', '{$asDatafield[4]}' , "
               ."'{$asDatafield[3]}' $validityData $attributesData) ";*/
             $sInsertParti = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}tokens_{$iVid} (" . implode(',', $insertColumns) . ") VALUES (" . trim(str_repeat('?,', count($insertColumns)), ',') . ");";
             //			$sInsertParti = "INSERT INTO ".$dbprefix."tokens_".$iVid
             //					."(firstname,lastname,email,emailstatus,token,"
             //					."language,sent,completed,attribute_1,attribute_2,mpid)"
             //					."VALUES ('".$asDatafield[0]."' ,
             //					'".$asDatafield[1]."' , '".$asDatafield[2]."' , 'OK' , '".$asDatafield[5]."',
             //					'".$_SESSION['lang']."', 'N', 'N', '".$asDatafield[3]."' , '".$asDatafield[4]."' , NULL); ";
             if ($connect->Execute($sInsertParti, $insertValues)) {
                 // check participants eMail status and set it
                 // see http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt
                 $maxrootdomainlength = 32;
                 if (1 == preg_match("/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*\\.(([0-9]{1,3})|([a-zA-Z]{2," . $maxrootdomainlength . "}))\$/ix", $asDatafield[2])) {
                     $this->changeTable("tokens_" . $iVid, "emailstatus", "OK", "email='{$asDatafield[2]}'");
                 //					if(isset($asDatafield[7]) && $asDatafield[7]!='')
                 //					{
                 //						$asAttributes = explode(",", $asDatafield[7]);
                 //						$n=0;
                 //						foreach($asAttributes as $attribute)
                 //						{
                 //							++$n;
                 //							//$check = "SELECT attribute_$n FROM {$dbprefix}_tokens_$iVid ";
                 //							$sql = "ALTER TABLE {$dbprefix}tokens_$iVid ADD COLUMN attribute_$n VARCHAR(255); ";
                 //							$attributes.=",attribute_$n";
                 //							$attributesData.= ",'$attribute'";
                 //							$this->debugLsrc("wir sind in ".__FUNCTION__." Line ".__LINE__.", Attribute_$n mit $attribute anlegen ,sql: $sql");
                 //							//modify_database("","$sql");
                 //							$connect->Execute($sql);
                 //							$insert = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}tokens_$iVid "
                 //							. " SET attribute_$n='$attribute' WHERE token='$asDatafield[4]' ";
                 //							$this->debugLsrc("$insert");
                 //							$connect->Execute($insert);
                 //						}
                 //					}
     return "" . $iCountParticipants . "Datasets given, " . $iInsertedParticipants . " rows inserted. ";
Example #3
if ($register_errormsg != "") {
    include "index.php";
//Check if this email already exists in token database
$query = "SELECT email FROM {$dbprefix}tokens_{$surveyid}\n" . "WHERE email = " . db_quoteall(sanitize_email(returnglobal('register_email')));
$result = $connect->Execute($query) or safe_die($query . "<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) {
    $register_errormsg = $clang->gT("The email you used has already been registered.");
    include "index.php";
$mayinsert = false;
while ($mayinsert != true) {
    $newtoken = randomkey(15);
    $ntquery = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}tokens_{$surveyid} WHERE token='{$newtoken}'";
    $ntresult = $connect->Execute($ntquery);
    if (!$ntresult->RecordCount()) {
        $mayinsert = true;
$postfirstname = sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('register_firstname')));
$postlastname = sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('register_lastname')));
 $postattribute2=sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('register_attribute2')));   */
//Insert new entry into tokens db
$query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}tokens_{$surveyid}\n" . "(firstname, lastname, email, emailstatus, token)\n" . "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$result = $connect->Execute($query, array($postfirstname, $postlastname, returnglobal('register_email'), 'OK', $newtoken)) or safe_die($query . "<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
//Checked - According to adodb docs the bound variables are quoted automatically
Example #4
function setUserRightsCas($user, $role = "")
    include_once "../config-defaults.php";
    //include("../config.php"); //Not needed since config-defaults includes config.php
    $_SESSION['user'] = $user;
    $_SESSION['loginID'] = 1;
    $_SESSION['dateformat'] = 1;
    $_SESSION['adminlang'] = $defaultlang;
    $_SESSION['htmleditormode'] = 'default';
    $_SESSION['checksessionpost'] = randomkey(10);
    $_SESSION['pw_notify'] = false;
    switch ($role) {
        case "admin":
            //echo "hallo";
            $_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_CREATE_USER'] = 1;
            $_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_DELETE_USER'] = 1;
            //echo "default";
            $_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_CREATE_USER'] = 0;
            $_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_DELETE_USER'] = 0;
Example #5
        if (!isset($tokenlength) || $tokenlength == '') {
            $tokenlength = 15;
        // select all existing tokens
        $ntquery = "SELECT token FROM " . db_table_name("tokens_{$surveyid}") . " group by token";
        $ntresult = db_execute_assoc($ntquery);
        while ($tkrow = $ntresult->FetchRow()) {
            $existingtokens[$tkrow['token']] = null;
        $newtokencount = 0;
        $tkquery = "SELECT tid FROM " . db_table_name("tokens_{$surveyid}") . " WHERE token IS NULL OR token=''";
        $tkresult = db_execute_assoc($tkquery) or safe_die("Mucked up!<br />{$tkquery}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
        while ($tkrow = $tkresult->FetchRow()) {
            $isvalidtoken = false;
            while ($isvalidtoken == false) {
                $newtoken = randomkey($tokenlength);
                if (!isset($existingtokens[$newtoken])) {
                    $isvalidtoken = true;
                    $existingtokens[$newtoken] = null;
            $itquery = "UPDATE " . db_table_name("tokens_{$surveyid}") . " SET token='{$newtoken}' WHERE tid={$tkrow['tid']}";
            $itresult = $connect->Execute($itquery);
        $message = str_replace("{TOKENCOUNT}", $newtokencount, $clang->gT("{TOKENCOUNT} tokens have been created"));
        $tokenoutput .= "<div class='successheader'>{$message}</div>\n";
    $tokenoutput .= "</div>\n";
if ($subaction == "delete" && (bHasRight($surveyid, 'edit_survey_property') || bHasRight($surveyid, 'activate_survey'))) {
Example #6
 } else {
     //get one time pw from db
     $srow = $result->FetchRow();
     $otpw = $srow['one_time_pw'];
     //check if passed password and one time password from database DON'T match
     if ($pw != $otpw) {
         //no match -> warning
         $loginsummary = "<p>" . $clang->gT("Passed single-use password was wrong or user doesn't exist") . "<br />";
         $loginsummary .= "<br /><br /><a href='{$scriptname}'>" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "</a><br />&nbsp;\n";
     } else {
         //delete one time password in database
         $uquery = "UPDATE " . db_table_name('users') . "\n\t\t\t\t\tSET one_time_pw=''\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE users_name='" . db_quote($user) . "'";
         $uresult = $connect->Execute($uquery);
         //data necessary for following functions
         $_SESSION['user'] = $srow['users_name'];
         $_SESSION['checksessionpost'] = randomkey(10);
         $_SESSION['loginID'] = $srow['uid'];
         $_SESSION['dateformat'] = $srow['dateformat'];
         $_SESSION['htmleditormode'] = $srow['htmleditormode'];
         $_SESSION['full_name'] = $srow['full_name'];
         // Check if the user has changed his default password
         if (strtolower($srow['password']) == 'password') {
             $_SESSION['pw_notify'] = true;
         } else {
             $_SESSION['pw_notify'] = false;
         //delete passed information
Example #7
     } else {
         $utquery .= "SET completed='Y'\n";
     $utquery .= "WHERE token='{$_POST['token']}'";
     $utresult = $connect->Execute($utquery) or safe_die("Couldn't update tokens table!<br />\n{$utquery}<br />\n" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
 if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['save'] == "on") {
     $srid = $connect->Insert_ID();
     //CREATE ENTRY INTO "saved_control"
     $scdata = array("sid" => $surveyid, "srid" => $srid, "identifier" => $saver['identifier'], "access_code" => $password, "email" => $saver['email'], "ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "refurl" => getenv("HTTP_REFERER"), 'saved_thisstep' => 0, "status" => "S", "saved_date" => date_shift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust));
     if ($connect->AutoExecute("{$dbprefix}saved_control", $scdata, 'INSERT')) {
         $scid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}saved_control", "scid");
         $dataentryoutput .= "<font class='successtitle'>" . $clang->gT("Your survey responses have been saved successfully.  You will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you.") . "</font><br />\n";
         $tkquery = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name("tokens_{$surveyid}");
         if ($tkresult = $connect->Execute($tkquery)) {
             $tokendata = array("firstname" => $saver['identifier'], "lastname" => $saver['identifier'], "email" => $saver['email'], "token" => randomkey(15), "language" => $saver['language'], "sent" => date_shift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i", $timeadjust), "completed" => "N");
             $connect->AutoExecute(db_table_name("tokens_" . $surveyid), $tokendata, 'INSERT');
             $dataentryoutput .= "<font class='successtitle'>" . $clang->gT("A token entry for the saved survey has been created too.") . "</font><br />\n";
         if ($saver['email']) {
             //Send email
             if (validate_email($saver['email']) && !returnglobal('redo')) {
                 $subject = $clang->gT("Saved Survey Details");
                 $message = $clang->gT("Thank you for saving your survey in progress.  The following details can be used to return to this survey and continue where you left off.  Please keep this e-mail for your reference - we cannot retrieve the password for you.");
                 $message .= "\n\n" . $thissurvey['name'] . "\n\n";
                 $message .= $clang->gT("Name") . ": " . $saver['identifier'] . "\n";
                 $message .= $clang->gT("Password") . ": " . $saver['password'] . "\n\n";
                 $message .= $clang->gT("Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser):") . ":\n";
                 $message .= $publicurl . "/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&loadall=reload&scid=" . $scid . "&lang=" . urlencode($saver['language']) . "&loadname=" . urlencode($saver['identifier']) . "&loadpass="******"&token=" . $tokendata['token'];