function BOUCLE_documenthtml_b8a8020987dd01f8087ad24f961857eb(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP)
    static $command = array();
    static $connect;
    $command['connect'] = $connect = '';
    $in = array();
    if (!is_array($a = @$Pile[0]['mode'])) {
        $in[] = $a;
    } else {
        $in = array_merge($in, $a);
    if (!isset($command['table'])) {
        $command['table'] = 'documents';
        $command['id'] = '_document';
        $command['from'] = array('documents' => 'spip_documents', 'L1' => 'spip_types_documents');
        $command['type'] = array();
        $command['groupby'] = array();
        $command['select'] = array("documents.id_document", "L1.titre AS type_document", "documents.taille", "documents.mode", "documents.largeur", "documents.hauteur", "documents.titre", "L1.mime_type");
        $command['orderby'] = array();
        $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('documents', 'extension'));
        $command['limit'] = '';
        $command['having'] = array();
    $command['where'] = array(array('(documents.taille > 0 OR documents.distant=\'oui\')'), array('=', 'documents.id_document', sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['id_document'], '', 'bigint(21) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT')), !(is_array(@$Pile[0]['mode']) ? count(@$Pile[0]['mode']) : strlen(@$Pile[0]['mode'])) ? '' : (is_array(@$Pile[0]['mode']) ? sql_in('documents.mode', sql_quote($in)) : array('=', 'documents.mode', sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['mode'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'document\''))));
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) {
        $timer = time() + microtime();
    $t0 = "";
    // REQUETE
    $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('plugins-dist/medias/modeles/img.html', 'html_b8a8020987dd01f8087ad24f961857eb', '_document', 1, $GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
    if (!$iter->err()) {
        // RESULTATS
        while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) {
            $t0 .= '

' . vide($Pile['vars'][$_zzz = (string) 'image'] = interdire_scripts(($a = match(entites_html(sinon(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'mode_force', null), interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['mode'])), true), 'image|vignette') or is_string($a) and strlen($a)) ? $a : interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'embed', null), true)) ? ' ' : '')) . (($t1 = strval(table_valeur($Pile["vars"], (string) 'image', null))) !== '' ? $t1 . ('
<span class=\'spip_document_' . $Pile[$SP]['id_document'] . ' spip_documents' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'align', null), true)))) !== '' ? ' spip_documents_' . $t2 : '') . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'class', null), true)))) !== '' ? ' ' . $t2 : '') . ' spip_lien_ok\'' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(match(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'align', null), true), 'left|right')))) !== '' ? '
 style=\'float:' . $t2 . ';\'' : '') . '>
' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'lien', null), true)))) !== '' ? '<a href="' . $t2 . ('"' . (($t3 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'lien_class', null), true)))) !== '' ? ' class="' . $t3 . '"' : '') . '>') : '') . '<img src=\'' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], 'document', '', '', true))) . '\'' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['largeur']))) !== '' ? ' width="' . $t2 . '"' : '') . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['hauteur']))) !== '' ? ' height="' . $t2 . '"' : '') . ' alt="' . interdire_scripts(texte_backend(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '"' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(texte_backend(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))))) !== '' ? ' title="' . $t2 . '"' : '') . ' />' . interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'lien', null), true) ? '</a>' : '') . '</span>
') : '') . (!table_valeur($Pile["vars"], (string) 'image', null) ? ' ' . ('
	' . vide($Pile['vars'][$_zzz = (string) 'fichier'] = extraire_attribut(quete_logo_document(quete_document($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], ''), '', '', '', 0, 0, ''), 'src')) . '
	' . vide($Pile['vars'][$_zzz = (string) 'width'] = extraire_attribut(quete_logo_document(quete_document($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], ''), '', '', '', 0, 0, ''), 'width')) . '
	' . vide($Pile['vars'][$_zzz = (string) 'height'] = extraire_attribut(quete_logo_document(quete_document($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], ''), '', '', '', 0, 0, ''), 'height')) . '
<span class=\'spip_document_' . $Pile[$SP]['id_document'] . ' spip_documents' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'align', null), true)))) !== '' ? ' spip_documents_' . $t2 : '') . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'class', null), true)))) !== '' ? ' ' . $t2 : '') . ' spip_lien_ok\'' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(match(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'align', null), true), 'left|right')))) !== '' ? '
 style=\'float:' . $t2 . (';' . (($t3 = strval(table_valeur($Pile["vars"], (string) 'width', null))) !== '' ? ' width:' . $t3 . 'px;' : '') . '\'') : '') . '><a href="' . interdire_scripts(($a = entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'lien', null), true) or is_string($a) and strlen($a)) ? $a : vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], 'document', '', '', true)))) . '"' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'lien', null), true) ? '' : 'type="' . interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['mime_type']) . '"'))) !== '' ? '
 ' . $t2 : '') . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(texte_backend(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))))) !== '' ? ' title="' . $t2 . '"' : '') . '><img src=\'' . table_valeur($Pile["vars"], (string) 'fichier', null) . '\' width=\'' . table_valeur($Pile["vars"], (string) 'width', null) . '\' height=\'' . table_valeur($Pile["vars"], (string) 'height', null) . '\' alt=\'' . interdire_scripts(attribut_html(strlen(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])) ? interdire_scripts(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])) . ' {' . interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['type_document']) . '}' : interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['type_document']))) . '\' /></a></span>
') : '');
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) {
        spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_document @ plugins-dist/medias/modeles/img.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT);
    return $t0;
function BOUCLE_documents_jointshtml_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP)
    static $command = array();
    static $connect;
    $command['connect'] = $connect = '';
    $in = array();
    $in[] = 'gif';
    $in[] = 'jpg';
    $in[] = 'png';
    if (!isset($command['table'])) {
        $command['table'] = 'documents';
        $command['id'] = '_documents_joints';
        $command['from'] = array('documents' => 'spip_documents', 'L1' => 'spip_documents_liens', 'L2' => 'spip_types_documents');
        $command['type'] = array();
        $command['groupby'] = array();
        $command['select'] = array("0+documents.titre AS num", "", "documents.titre", "documents.id_document", "L2.titre AS type_document", "documents.taille", "documents.descriptif");
        $command['orderby'] = array('num', ' DESC');
        $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('documents', 'id_document'), 'L2' => array('documents', 'extension'));
        $command['limit'] = '';
        $command['having'] = array();
    $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('documents.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa', 'publie', ''), array('IN', 'documents.mode', '(\'image\',\'document\')'), array('(documents.taille > 0 OR documents.distant=\'oui\')'), array('=', 'L1.id_objet', sql_quote(@$Pile[0]['id_rubrique'], '', 'bigint(21) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\'')), array('=', 'L1.objet', sql_quote('rubrique')), sql_in('documents.extension', sql_quote($in), 'NOT'), array('=', '', "'non'"));
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) {
        $timer = time() + microtime();
    $t0 = "";
    // REQUETE
    $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-rub-documents.html', 'html_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835', '_documents_joints', 39, $GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
    if (!$iter->err()) {
        $l1 = _T('spip:info_document');
        // RESULTATS
        while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) {
            $t1 = '
				' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(traiter_doublons_documents($doublons, typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))))) !== '' ? '<h3 class="" style="margin-bottom: .6em;"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], 'document', '', '', true))) . '">' . $t1 . '</a></h3>' : '') . '
				' . (($t1 = strval(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', ($doublons["documents"] .= "," . $Pile[$SP]['id_document']) ? quete_logo_document(quete_document($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], ''), vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_document'], 'document', '', '', true))), '', '', 0, 0, '') : '', '60', '0')))) !== '' ? '<div style="float:left;padding-right: .5em;  width:36%;">
					<div style="float:left; margin-right: .5em;">' . $t1 . ('</div>
						' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date']))))) !== '' ? $t2 . '<br />' : '') . '
						' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts($Pile[$SP]['type_document']))) !== '' ? $l1 . ' : ' . $t2 . '<br />' : '') . '
						' . interdire_scripts(taille_en_octets($Pile[$SP]['taille'])) . '
				</div>') : '') . '
				' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(traiter_doublons_documents($doublons, propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]))))) !== '' ? '<div class="" style="margin: 0 0 0 40%; border-left: 1px gray dotted;padding-left: 1em">' . $t1 . '</div>' : '') . '
            $t0 .= (strlen($t1) && strlen($t0) ? '<hr style=\'clear:both\' />' : '') . $t1;
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) {
        spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_documents_joints @ squelettes/inc/inc-rub-documents.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT);
    return $t0;