// Print the report heading. echo $OUTPUT->heading($title); // Initialise the table. $table = new html_table(); $table->head = array(get_string('context', 'role'), get_string('totalquestions', 'report_questioninstances'), get_string('visiblequestions', 'report_questioninstances'), get_string('hiddenquestions', 'report_questioninstances')); $table->data = array(); $table->class = ''; $table->id = ''; // Add the data for each row. $totalquestions = 0; $totalvisible = 0; $totalhidden = 0; foreach ($counts as $count) { // Work out a link for editing questions in this context. $contextname = print_context_name($count); $url = question_edit_url($count); if ($url) { $contextname = '<a href="' . $url . '" title="' . get_string('editquestionshere', 'report_questioninstances') . '">' . $contextname . '</a>'; } // Put the scores in the table. $numvisible = $count->numquestions - $count->numhidden; $table->data[] = array($contextname, $count->numquestions, $numvisible, $count->numhidden); // Update the totals. $totalquestions += $count->numquestions; $totalvisible += $numvisible; $totalhidden += $count->numhidden; } // Add a totals row. $table->data[] = array('<b>' . get_string('total') . '</b>', $totalquestions, $totalvisible, $totalhidden); // Print it. echo $OUTPUT->table($table);
get_string('visiblequestions', 'report_questioninstances'), get_string('hiddenquestions', 'report_questioninstances')); $table->data = array(); $table->class = ''; $table->id = ''; // Add the data for each row. $totalquestions = 0; $totalvisible = 0; $totalhidden = 0; foreach ($counts as $count) { // Work out a link for editing questions in this context. context_helper::preload_from_record($count); $context = context::instance_by_id($count->contextid); $contextname = $context->get_context_name(); $url = question_edit_url($context); if ($url) { $contextname = '<a href="' . $url . '" title="' . get_string('editquestionshere', 'report_questioninstances') . '">' . $contextname . '</a>'; } // Put the scores in the table. $numvisible = $count->numquestions - $count->numhidden; $table->data[] = array( $contextname, $count->numquestions, $numvisible, $count->numhidden); // Update the totals.