$query_ExtrinsicObject = "TRUNCATE TABLE ExtrinsicObject"; $query_Name = "TRUNCATE TABLE Name"; ##### ATTENZIONE NON DECOMMENTARE SE NON NECESSARIO!!! ### $query_Patient = "TRUNCATE TABLE Patient"; $query_RegistryPackage = "TRUNCATE TABLE RegistryPackage"; $query_Slot = "TRUNCATE TABLE Slot"; $query_AuditableEvent = "TRUNCATE TABLE AuditableEvent"; #### CREO L'ARRAY DEI COMANDI DA ESEGUIRE $svuota_array = array($query_Association, $query_Classification, $query_Counters, $query_Description, $query_ExternalIdentifier, $query_ExtrinsicObject, $query_Name, $query_RegistryPackage, $query_Slot, $query_AuditableEvent); ###### ESEGUO if ($action == "database") { $i = 0; while ($i < count($svuota_array)) { $comando = $svuota_array[$i]; //echo("<br><b>- ESEGUO: $comando </b>"); $ris = query_exec($comando); /*if($ris==1) { echo("<b> ===>> OK -</b><br>"); } echo("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");*/ $i = $i + 1; } //END OF while($i<count($svuota_array)) #### ATTENZIONE //echo("<br><br><br><b>- ATTENZIONE: SI SONO PERSE TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI SUI DOCUMENTI !!!! -</b><br>"); header('location: ../setup.php'); } //END OF if($truncDb=="A") if ($action == "tmp") { $system = PHP_OS;
$dir_card['faculty'][$DIR_counter] = ''; } } } $DIR_counter++; } // cards extracted ,now organize $DIR_c = 0; while ($DIR_c <= $DIR_counter) { $dir_op .= '<div class="row-fluid">' . $dir_card['student'][$DIR_c] . $dir_card['faculty'][$DIR_c] . '</div><br>'; $DIR_c++; } // DIR in $dir_op // 5 > $sql = "SELECT ppl.people_name,ppl.people_dp,ppl.people_sf,ppl.people_id FROM people ppl INNER JOIN position pos ON ppl.people_id = pos.position_people_id WHERE pos.position_code = 'MOD'"; $getMOD = query_exec($sql, $mysqli); $getMOD->bind_result($mod_name, $mod_dp, $mod_sf, $mod_id); $MOD_counter = 0; while ($getMOD->fetch()) { $mod_op .= '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $mod_id . '" title="' . $mod_name . '"><img src="' . $mod_dp . '" class="contrib-img" /></a><'; } // MOD in $mod_op ?> <br><br><br> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="col-xs-6 ">
$getUSR = query_exec($sql, $mysqli); $getUSR->bind_result($blog_usr_name, $blog_usr_id, $blog_title, $blog_content, $blog_date, $blog_id); while ($getUSR->fetch()) { $sc = get_votes_on_post($blog_id, $mysqli); if ($sc < $blog_approval_ceil) { include 'error/404.html'; exit; } // Score check $blog_usr_name = '<a href="profile.php?id=' . $blog_usr_id . '" title="View Profile" class="pull-right" >' . $blog_usr_name . '</a>'; $blog_title = $blog_title; $blog_content = $blog_content; $blog_date = $blog_date; } $sql = "SELECT contact_link FROM contact WHERE contact_people_id='" . $id . "'"; $getUSR = query_exec($sql, $mysqli); $getUSR->bind_result($con_link); $con_name = "ytest"; while ($getUSR->fetch()) { $con_o .= '<p><a href="' . $con_link . '">' . $con_name . '</a></p>'; } if ($blog_id == '') { include 'error/404.html'; exit; } // Availability Check ?> <br><br><br>
<?php # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MARIS XDS REGISTRY # Copyright (C) 2007 - 2010 MARiS Project # Dpt. Medical and Diagnostic Sciences, University of Padova - csaccavini@rad.unipd.it # This program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GPL # Contributor(s): # A-thon srl <*****@*****.**> # Alberto Castellini # See the LICENSE files for details # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include_once './config/config.php'; require_once './lib/functions_' . $database . '.php'; $REP_repository_action = $_POST['repository_action']; $REP_repository_ip = $_POST['repository_ip']; $REP_repository_uniqueid = $_POST['repository_uniqueid']; if ($REP_repository_action == "delete") { $deleteREP_repository = "DELETE FROM REPOSITORY WHERE REP_HOST='{$REP_repository_ip}'"; $REP_delete_repository = query_exec($deleteREP_repository); } if ($REP_repository_action == "add") { $insertREP_repository = "INSERT INTO REPOSITORY (REP_HOST,REP_UNIQUEID) VALUES ('{$REP_repository_ip}','{$REP_repository_uniqueid}')"; $REP_insert_repository = query_exec($insertREP_repository); } header('location: setup.php');