function qtranxf_slug_config($request_uri)
    global $q_config;
<table class="form-table" id="qtranxf_slug_config">
		<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Translate Slugs', 'qtranslate');
		<td><input type="checkbox" name="slugs" id="qtranxs_slugs"<?php 
  value="1"><label for="qtranxs_slugs" class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
    printf(__('Enable multilingual URL slugs for posts, pages, categories, post types, tags, etc.', 'qtranslate'));
		<p class="qtranxs_notes"><?php 
    printf(__('Make sure to deactivate all other 3rd-party slug services. You may need to %simport slug data%s from other slug-plugins upon activation this service. Please, read %sMigration Guide%s for more information.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="' . $request_uri . '#import">', '</a>', '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>');
	<tr><td colspan="2" id="qtranxf_slug_lsb_top"></td></tr>
    if (!empty($q_config['slugs'])) {
        $objects = get_taxonomies(array('public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, '_builtin' => true), 'object');
        if (!empty($objects)) {
		<th scope="row" class="qtranxs_option_group"><?php 
            _e('Built-in Taxonomies', 'qtranslate');
		<td><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
            printf(__('Multilingual slug for WordPress built-in taxonomies. The default value is defined by %sWordPress%s.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>');
            //qtranxf_slug_admin_field('taxonomy', qtranxf_translate_wp('Category base'), 'taxonomy_category');
            //qtranxf_slug_admin_field('taxonomy', qtranxf_translate_wp('Tag base'), 'taxonomy_post_tag');
            qtranxf_slug_admin_fields($objects, 'taxonomy');
        $objects = get_taxonomies(array('public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, '_builtin' => false), 'object');
        if (!empty($objects)) {
		<th scope="row" class="qtranxs_option_group"><?php 
            _e('Custom Taxonomies', 'qtranslate');
		<td><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
            echo __('Multilingual slug for custom taxonomies.', 'qtranslate') . ' ';
            printf(__('The default is value of argument %s as provided in the call of function %s.', 'qtranslate'), '<code>$taxonomy</code>', '<a href="" target="_blank"><code>register_taxonomy</code></a>');
            qtranxf_slug_admin_fields($objects, 'taxonomy');
        //$objects = get_post_types( array('publicly_queryable' => true) );
        $objects = get_post_types(array('_builtin' => false, 'public' => true), 'objects');
        if (!empty($objects)) {
		<th scope="row" class="qtranxs_option_group"><?php 
            _e('Custom Post Types', 'qtranslate');
		<td><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
            echo __('Multilingual slug for post types.', 'qtranslate') . ' ';
            printf(__('The default is value of argument %s as provided in the call of function %s.', 'qtranslate'), '<code>$post_type</code>', '<a href="" target="_blank"><code>register_post_type</code></a>');
            qtranxf_slug_admin_fields($objects, 'post_type');
	<tr><td colspan="2" id="qtranxf_slug_lsb_bottom"></td></tr>
function qtranxf_slug_config($request_uri)
    global $q_config;
    $nopermalinks = qtranxf_is_permalink_structure_query();
<table class="form-table" id="qtranxf_slug_config">
    if ($nopermalinks) {
		<th scope="row" colspan="2"><?php 
        printf(__('You have to use pretty %spermalinks%s in order to take advantage of multilingual slugs.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="' . admin_url('options-permalink.php') . '">', '</a>');
    } else {
		<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Translate Slugs', 'qtranslate');
		<td><input type="checkbox" name="slugs" id="qtranxs_slugs"<?php 
  value="1"><label for="qtranxs_slugs" class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
        printf(__('Enable multilingual URL slugs for posts, pages, categories, post types, tags, etc.', 'qtranslate'));
		<p class="qtranxs_notes"><?php 
        printf(__('Make sure to deactivate all other 3rd-party slug services. You may need to %simport slug data%s from other slug-plugins upon activation this service.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="' . $request_uri . '#import">', '</a>') . ' ' . printf(__('It is important to read %sLocalized Slugs Guide%s to prevent other possible confusions.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>');
        if (!empty($q_config['slugs'])) {
		<td colspan="2"><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
            echo __('If you change the default language value in one of the fields below, you may need to go back to the appropriate 3rd-party configuration page and make the same change there. It may also not be possible to make the same change using their tool, since additional restrictions may apply. That is why, it is advisable to tune all the default language values first, using corresponding native tools, before entering their translations to other languages on this page.', 'qtranslate') . ' ' . __('Be aware that not all browsers support non-latin alphabets in the address field, and therefore such slugs may appear url-encoded, which is probably not what you would wish. Please, test the appearance of non-latin slugs before going too far with them, you might change your mind.', 'qtranslate') . ' ' . sprintf(__('It is important to read %sLocalized Slugs Guide%s to prevent other possible confusions.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>');
	<tr><td colspan="2" id="qtranxs_slug_lsb_top"></td></tr>
            $objects = get_taxonomies(array('public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, '_builtin' => true), 'object');
            $objects = qtranxf_slug_admin_filter_types($objects);
            if (!empty($objects)) {
		<th scope="row" class="qtranxs_option_group"><?php 
                _e('Built-in Taxonomies', 'qtranslate');
		<td><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
                printf(__('Multilingual slug base for WordPress built-in taxonomies. The default language value is defined by %sWordPress%s on admin page %s.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>', '<a href="' . admin_url('options-permalink.php') . '" target="_blank">' . qtranxf_translate_wp('Settings') . '/' . qtranxf_translate_wp('Permalinks') . '</a>');
                //qtranxf_slug_admin_field('taxonomy', qtranxf_translate_wp('Category base'), 'taxonomy_category');
                //qtranxf_slug_admin_field('taxonomy', qtranxf_translate_wp('Tag base'), 'taxonomy_post_tag');
                qtranxf_slug_admin_fields($objects, 'taxonomy_builtin');
            //global $wp_taxonomies; $objects = $wp_taxonomies;
            $objects = get_taxonomies(array('public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, '_builtin' => false), 'object');
            $objects = qtranxf_slug_admin_filter_types($objects);
            if (!empty($objects)) {
		<th scope="row" class="qtranxs_option_group"><?php 
                _e('Custom Taxonomies', 'qtranslate');
		<td><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
                echo __('Multilingual slug base for custom taxonomies.', 'qtranslate') . ' ';
                printf(__('The default language value is as provided in the argument %s of a call to function %s made by a 3rd-party, which created the term.', 'qtranslate'), '<code>$args[\'rewrite\'][\'slug\']</code>', '<a href="" target="_blank"><code>register_taxonomy</code></a>');
                qtranxf_slug_admin_fields($objects, 'taxonomy');
            //global $wp_post_types; $objects = $wp_post_types;
            $objects = get_post_types(array('_builtin' => true, 'public' => true), 'objects');
            $objects = qtranxf_slug_admin_filter_types($objects);
            if (!empty($objects)) {
		<th scope="row" class="qtranxs_option_group"><?php 
                _e('Built-in Post Types', 'qtranslate');
		<td><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
                printf(__('Multilingual slug base for WordPress built-in post types. The default value is defined by %sWordPress%s.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="" target="_blank">', '</a>');
                qtranxf_slug_admin_fields($objects, 'post_type_builtin');
            //$objects = get_post_types( array('publicly_queryable' => true) );
            $objects = get_post_types(array('_builtin' => false, 'public' => true), 'objects');
            $objects = qtranxf_slug_admin_filter_types($objects);
            if (!empty($objects)) {
		<th scope="row" class="qtranxs_option_group"><?php 
                _e('Custom Post Types', 'qtranslate');
		<td><p class="qtranxs_explanation"><?php 
                echo __('Multilingual slug base for custom post types.', 'qtranslate') . ' ';
                printf(__('The default language value is as provided in the argument %s of a call to function %s made by a 3rd-party, which created the term.', 'qtranslate'), '<code>$args[\'rewrite\'][\'slug\']</code>', '<a href="" target="_blank"><code>register_post_type</code></a>');
                qtranxf_slug_admin_fields($objects, 'post_type');
	<tr><td colspan="2" id="qtranxf_slug_lsb_bottom"></td></tr>
    //if(pretty permalinks)
    qtranxf_admin_section_end('slugs', $nopermalinks ? null : '');