function ShowChannel($url) { global $cc, $format, $password, $PremiumUser, $quality, $username, $vlc, $windows, $cli; $query = $_GET["id"]; if ($query) { $queryArr = explode(',', $query); $url = $queryArr[0]; $disk = $queryArr[1]; } $html = $cc->get($url); preg_match('/(flashvars.*?=.*?"&cid=.*?)(\\d+)(.*?")/i', $html, $cid); if (!isset($cid[2])) { Close("No channel id found"); } // Retrieve rtmp stream info $cc->headers[] = "Referer:"; $response = $cc->post("", "cid={$cid['2']}&watchTime=0&firstConnect=1&ip=NaN"); $result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2); $flashVars = explode("&", trim($result[1])); foreach ($flashVars as $flashVar) { $temp = explode("=", $flashVar); $name = strtolower($temp[0]); $Params[$name] = $temp[1]; } //$rtmp = str_replace("r8.", "r" . rand(1, 7) . ".", urldecode($Params["10"])); $rtmp = urldecode($Params["10"]); $playpath = urldecode($Params["11"]); $MultiBitrate = urldecode($Params["20"]); $PremiumUser = urldecode($Params["5"]); if ($MultiBitrate) { $playpath .= $quality; } $BlockType = urldecode($Params["13"]); print_r($Params); if ($BlockType != 0) { switch ($BlockType) { case 1: $BlockTime = urldecode($Params["14"]); $ReconnectionTime = urldecode($Params["16"]); echo ' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8" ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dc=""> <channel> <item> <title>You have crossed free viewing limit. you have been blocked for $BlockTime minutes. try again in $ReconnectionTime minutes.</title> <link>' . $disk . 'xLiveCZ/category/rss/in.php</link> <media:thumbnail url="' . $disk . 'image/stop.gif" /> <mediaDisplay name=photoView rowCount=5 columnCount=6 drawItemText="no" showHeader="no" menuBorderColor="0:0:0" sideColorBottom="0:0:0" sideColorTop="0:0:0" itemImageXPC="10" itemOffsetXPC="7" backgroundColor="0:0:0" sliding="no" idleImageXPC="45" idleImageYPC="45" idleImageWidthPC="8,6" idleImageHeightPC="6" itemGapYPC="2" itemGapXPC="1.5" > <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy0.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy1.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy2.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy3.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy4.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy5.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy6.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy7.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy8.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy9.png</idleImage> <image redraw="no" offsetXPC="0" offsetYPC="0" widthPC="100" heightPC="18">' . $disk . 'backgrounds/top.png</image> <image redraw="no" offsetXPC="3" offsetYPC="3" widthPC="10" heightPC="14">' . $disk . 'image/international.png</image> <text align="center" offsetXPC="0" offsetYPC="-2" widthPC="100" heightPC="20" fontSize="30" backgroundColor=-1:-1:-1 foregroundColor=250:250:250> Sport a zahraniční</text> </mediaDisplay> </item> </channel> </rss> '; break; case 11: echo ' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8" ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dc=""> <channel> <item> <title>Vycerpany pocet volnych slotu</title> <link>' . $disk . 'xLiveCZ/category/rss/in.php</link> <media:thumbnail url="' . $disk . 'image/stop.gif" /> <mediaDisplay name=photoView rowCount=5 columnCount=6 drawItemText="no" showHeader="no" menuBorderColor="0:0:0" sideColorBottom="0:0:0" sideColorTop="0:0:0" itemImageXPC="10" itemOffsetXPC="7" backgroundColor="0:0:0" sliding="no" idleImageXPC="45" idleImageYPC="45" idleImageWidthPC="8,6" idleImageHeightPC="6" itemGapYPC="2" itemGapXPC="1.5" > <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy0.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy1.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy2.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy3.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy4.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy5.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy6.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy7.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy8.png</idleImage> <idleImage>' . $disk . 'image/busy9.png</idleImage> <image redraw="no" offsetXPC="0" offsetYPC="0" widthPC="100" heightPC="18">' . $disk . 'backgrounds/top.png</image> <image redraw="no" offsetXPC="3" offsetYPC="3" widthPC="10" heightPC="14">' . $disk . 'image/international.png</image> <text align="center" offsetXPC="0" offsetYPC="-2" widthPC="100" heightPC="20" fontSize="30" backgroundColor=-1:-1:-1 foregroundColor=250:250:250> Sport a zahraniční</text> </mediaDisplay> </item> </channel> </rss> '; break; default: break; } } if (!isset($Params["73"])) { // Retrieve authentication token $response = $cc->post("", "cid={$cid['2']}&watchTime=0&firstConnect=0&ip=NaN"); $result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2); $flashVars = explode("&", trim($result[1])); foreach ($flashVars as $flashVar) { $temp = explode("=", $flashVar); $name = strtolower($temp[0]); $Params[$name] = $temp[1]; } } if (isset($Params["73"])) { $token = $Params["73"]; } else { Close("Server seems busy. please try after some time."); } qprintf($format, "RTMP Url", $rtmp); qprintf($format, "Playpath", $playpath); qprintf($format, "Token", $token); qprintf($format, "Premium", $PremiumUser ? "Yes" : "No"); if ($username != "" && $password != "") { $token = "{$token};{$username};{$password}"; } else { $token = "{$token};;"; } $lnk = "" . $disk . "xLiveCZ/" . $rtmp . "/" . $playpath . "&w=" . $playpath . "&j=" . $token . ""; echo ' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8" ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dc=""> <channel> <item> <title>Přehrát</title> <link>' . $lnk . '</link> <enclosure type="video/mp4" url="' . $lnk . '"/> </item> </channel> </rss> '; //$basecmd = 'rtmpdump -r "' . $rtmp . "/" . $playpath . '" -W "" --weeb "' . $token . "\" --live"; // $command = $basecmd . " | \"$vlc\" -"; if ($cli->getParam('print')) { echo $basecmd; exit(0); } /*qprintf($format, "Command", $command); if ($rtmp && $token) if ($windows) runAsyncBatch($command, $filename); else exec($command);*/ }
function ShowChannel($url, $filename) { global $cc, $cli, $format, $vlc, $windows, $xxtea; qecho("Retrieving html . . .\n"); $cc->headers = $cc->headers(); // Retrieve channel id and primary key $timestamp = time(); $player_id = $url; $init = $cc->get("{$player_id}.js?_={$timestamp}"); preg_match("/b:[^{]*?({[^}]+})/i", $init, $init); $init = json_decode(trim($init[1])); if (!$init) { Close("Unable to retrieve initialization parameters"); } $a = pack("H*", $init->{'a'}); $b = pack("H*", $init->{'b'}); $xxtea->setKey("object"); $params = json_decode(trim($xxtea->decrypt($b))); if (!$params) { Close("Unable to decode initialization parameters"); } $key = $xxtea->decrypt(pack("H*", $params->{'k'})); $xxtea->setKey($key); $params = json_decode(trim($xxtea->decrypt($a))); $channel_id = $params->{'i'}; $api_url = $params->{'u'}; // Generate parameter request $request = json_encode(array('i' => $channel_id, 't' => $timestamp, 'h' => '', 'a' => 5)); $request = unpack("H*", $xxtea->encrypt($request)); $request = $request[1]; $cc->headers[] = "Referer:"; $cc->headers[] = "x-flash-version: 11,4,402,265"; $response = $cc->get($api_url . $request); // Decode server response $response = pack("H*", $response); $params = json_decode(trim($xxtea->decrypt($response))); if (!$params) { Close("Unable to decode server response"); } if (isset($params->{'s'}[1])) { $streams = $params->{'s'}[0]->{'bitrate'} > $params->{'s'}[1]->{'bitrate'} ? $params->{'s'}[0] : $params->{'s'}[1]; } else { $streams = $params->{'s'}[0]; } $scheme = $streams->{'scheme'}; $host = $streams->{'host'}; $port = $streams->{'port'}; $app = $streams->{'application'}; $playpath = $streams->{'stream'}; $token = $streams->{'token'}; $title = $streams->{'title'}; // Generate authentication token for rtmp server $t = $params->{'j'}->{'t'}; $k = $params->{'j'}->{'k'}; $xxtea->setKey("object"); $key = $xxtea->decrypt(pack("H*", $k)); $xxtea->setKey($key); $auth = unpack("H*", $xxtea->encrypt($t)); $auth = $auth[1]; if ($scheme == "http") { qprintf($format, "HTTP Url", "{$scheme}://{$host}" . (isset($port) ? ":{$port}" : "") . "/{$playpath}"); } else { qprintf($format, "RTMP Url", "{$scheme}://{$host}" . (isset($port) ? ":{$port}" : "") . "/{$app}"); } qprintf($format, "Playpath", $playpath); qprintf($format, "Auth", $auth); $filename = SafeFileName($filename); if (file_exists($filename . ".flv")) { unlink($filename . ".flv"); } if ($scheme == "http") { $basecmd = "{$scheme}://{$host}" . (isset($port) ? ":{$port}" : "") . "/{$playpath}"; $command = "\"{$vlc}\" --meta-title \"{$title}\" \"{$basecmd}\""; } else { $basecmd = "rtmpdump -r \"{$scheme}://{$host}" . (isset($port) ? ":{$port}" : "") . "/{$app}\" -a \"{$app}\" -s \"\" -p \"\" -C S:{$auth} " . (isset($token) ? "-T \"{$token}\" " : "") . "--live -y \"{$playpath}\""; $command = $basecmd . " | \"{$vlc}\" --meta-title \"{$title}\" -"; } if ($cli->getParam('print')) { echo $basecmd; exit(0); } qprintf($format, "Command", $command); if ($host && $playpath && $auth) { if ($windows) { runAsyncBatch($command, $filename); } else { exec($command); } } }