/** * reCAPTCHA HTML - we actually return nothing because the new reCAPTCHA requires 'explicit rendering' * via JavaScript when we have multiple Captchas per page. It also auto-detects the user's language. */ public function form_html(&$qa_content, $error) { $pub = qa_opt('recaptcha_public_key'); // onload handler $qa_content['script_lines'][] = array('function recaptcha_load(elemId) {', ' if (grecaptcha) {', ' grecaptcha.render(elemId, {', ' "sitekey": ' . qa_js($pub), ' });', ' }', '}', 'function recaptcha_onload() {', ' recaptcha_load("qa_captcha_div_1");', '}'); $qa_content['script_src'][] = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=recaptcha_onload&render=explicit'; return ''; }
public function test__qa_js() { $this->assertSame("'test'", qa_js('test')); $this->assertSame("'test'", qa_js('test', true)); $this->assertSame(123, qa_js(123)); $this->assertSame("'123'", qa_js(123, true)); $this->assertSame('true', qa_js(true)); $this->assertSame("'true'", qa_js(true, true)); }
function form_html(&$qa_content, $error) { require_once $this->directory . 'recaptchalib.php'; $language = qa_opt('site_language'); if (strpos('|en|nl|fr|de|pt|ru|es|tr|', '|' . $language . '|') === false) { // supported as of 3/2010 $language = 'en'; } $qa_content['script_lines'][] = array("var RecaptchaOptions={", "\ttheme:'white',", "\tlang:" . qa_js($language), "};"); return recaptcha_get_html(qa_opt('recaptcha_public_key'), $error, qa_is_https_probably()); }
function qa_set_up_captcha_field(&$qa_content, &$fields, $errors, $note = null) { if (qa_captcha_possible()) { $fields['captcha'] = array('type' => 'custom', 'label' => qa_lang_html('misc/captcha_label'), 'html' => qa_captcha_html(@$errors['captcha']), 'error' => isset($errors['captcha']) ? qa_lang_html('misc/captcha_error') : null, 'note' => $note); $language = qa_opt('site_language'); if (strpos('|en|nl|fr|de|pt|ru|es|tr|', '|' . $language . '|') === false) { // supported as of 3/2010 $language = 'en'; } $qa_content['script_lines'][] = array("var RecaptchaOptions = {", "\ttheme:'white',", "\tlang:" . qa_js($language), "}"); } }
function get_field(&$qa_content, $content, $format, $fieldname, $rows, $autofocus) { $uploadimages = qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_images'); $uploadall = $uploadimages && qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_all'); $qa_content['script_src'][] = $this->urltoroot . 'ckeditor.js?' . QA_VERSION; $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = "CKEDITOR.replace(" . qa_js($fieldname) . ", {toolbar:[" . "['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike']," . "['Font','FontSize']," . "['TextColor','BGColor']," . "['Link','Unlink']," . "'/'," . "['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock']," . "['NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','Blockquote']," . "['Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar']," . "['RemoveFormat', 'Maximize']" . "]" . ", defaultLanguage:" . qa_js(qa_opt('site_language')) . ", skin:'v2'" . ", toolbarCanCollapse:false" . ", removePlugins:'elementspath'" . ", resize_enabled:false" . ", autogrow:false" . ", startupFocus:" . ($autofocus ? 'true' : 'false') . ", entities:false" . ($uploadimages ? ", filebrowserImageUploadUrl:" . qa_js(qa_path('wysiwyg-editor-upload', array('qa_only_image' => true))) : "") . ($uploadall ? ", filebrowserUploadUrl:" . qa_js(qa_path('wysiwyg-editor-upload')) : "") . "})"; if ($format == 'html') { $html = $content; } else { $html = qa_html($content, true); } return array('tags' => 'NAME="' . $fieldname . '"', 'value' => qa_html($html), 'rows' => $rows); }
public function output_widget($region, $place, $themeobject, $template, $request, $qa_content) { $divstyle = ''; switch ($region) { case 'full': // Leaderboard $divstyle = 'width:728px; margin:0 auto;'; // fall-through // fall-through case 'main': // Leaderboard $width = 728; $height = 90; $format = '728x90_as'; break; case 'side': // Wide skyscraper $width = 160; $height = 600; $format = '160x600_as'; break; } ?> <div style="<?php echo $divstyle; ?> "> <script type="text/javascript"> google_ad_client = <?php echo qa_js(qa_opt('adsense_publisher_id')); ?> ; google_ad_width = <?php echo qa_js($width); ?> ; google_ad_height = <?php echo qa_js($height); ?> ; google_ad_format = <?php echo qa_js($format); ?> ; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel = ""; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"></script> </div> <?php }
function facebook_html($tourl, $logout, $context) { if ($context == 'login' || $context == 'register') { $size = 'large'; } else { $size = 'medium'; } ?> <div id="fb-root" style="display:inline;"></div> <script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : <?php echo qa_js(qa_opt('facebook_app_id'), true); ?> , status : true, cookie : true, xfbml : true, oauth : true }); FB.Event.subscribe('<?php echo $logout ? 'auth.logout' : 'auth.login'; ?> ', function(response) { setTimeout("window.location=<?php echo qa_js($tourl); ?> ", 100); }); }; (function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document)); </script> <div class="fb-login-button" style="display:inline; vertical-align:middle;" size="<?php echo $size; ?> " <?php echo $logout ? 'autologoutlink="true"' : 'scope="email,user_about_me,user_location,user_website"'; ?> > </div> <?php }
public function test__qa_js() { $test = qa_js('test'); $this->assertSame("'test'", $test); $test = qa_js('test', true); $this->assertSame("'test'", $test); $test = qa_js(123); $this->assertSame(123, $test); $test = qa_js(123, true); $this->assertSame("'123'", $test); $test = qa_js(true); $this->assertSame('true', $test); $test = qa_js(true, true); $this->assertSame("'true'", $test); }
public function test__qa_js() { $test = qa_js('test'); $this->assertEquals($test, "'test'"); $test = qa_js('test', true); $this->assertEquals($test, "'test'"); $test = qa_js(123); $this->assertEquals($test, 123); $test = qa_js(123, true); $this->assertEquals($test, "'123'"); $test = qa_js(true); $this->assertEquals($test, 'true'); $test = qa_js(true, true); $this->assertEquals($test, "'true'"); }
function process_request($request) { $message = ''; $url = ''; if (is_array($_FILES) && count($_FILES)) { if (!qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_images')) { $message = qa_lang('users/no_permission'); } require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-upload.php'; $upload = qa_upload_file_one(qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_max_size'), qa_get('qa_only_image') || !qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_all'), qa_get('qa_only_image') ? 600 : null, null); $message = @$upload['error']; $url = @$upload['bloburl']; } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(" . qa_js(qa_get('CKEditorFuncNum')) . ", " . qa_js($url) . ", " . qa_js($message) . ");</script>"; return null; }
function doctype() { if ($this->request == 'admin/permissions' && qa_get_logged_in_level() >= QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) { $permits[] = 'signature_allow'; $permits[] = 'signature_edit_allow'; foreach ($permits as $optionname) { $value = qa_opt($optionname); $optionfield = array('id' => $optionname, 'label' => qa_lang_html('signature_plugin/' . $optionname) . ':', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '" ID="option_' . $optionname . '"', 'value' => $value, 'error' => qa_html(@$errors[$optionname])); $widest = QA_PERMIT_USERS; $narrowest = QA_PERMIT_ADMINS; $permitoptions = qa_admin_permit_options($widest, $narrowest, !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS && qa_opt('confirm_user_emails')); if (count($permitoptions) > 1) { qa_optionfield_make_select($optionfield, $permitoptions, $value, $value == QA_PERMIT_CONFIRMED ? QA_PERMIT_USERS : min(array_keys($permitoptions))); } $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname] = $optionfield; $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname . '_points'] = array('id' => $optionname . '_points', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '_points" ID="option_' . $optionname . '_points"', 'type' => 'number', 'value' => qa_opt($optionname . '_points'), 'prefix' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_must_have') . ' ', 'note' => qa_lang_html('admin/points')); $checkboxtodisplay[$optionname . '_points'] = '(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS) . ') ||(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS_CONFIRMED) . ')'; } qa_set_display_rules($this->content, $checkboxtodisplay); } if (qa_opt('signatures_enable')) { // add user signature if ($this->template == 'user' && isset($this->content['form_activity']) && !qa_get('tab')) { $sig_form = $this->content['user_signature_form']; // from overrides // insert our form if (isset($this->content['q_list'])) { // array splicing kungfu thanks to Stack Exchange // This adds form-signature before q_list $keys = array_keys($this->content); $vals = array_values($this->content); $insertBefore = array_search('q_list', $keys); $keys2 = array_splice($keys, $insertBefore); $vals2 = array_splice($vals, $insertBefore); $keys[] = 'form-signature'; $vals[] = $sig_form; $this->content = array_merge(array_combine($keys, $vals), array_combine($keys2, $vals2)); } else { $this->content['form-signature'] = $sig_form; } } } qa_html_theme_base::doctype(); }
function doctype() { if ($this->request == 'admin/permissions' && qa_get_logged_in_level() >= QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) { $permits[] = 'xmlrpc_access'; foreach ($permits as $optionname) { $value = qa_opt($optionname); $optionfield = array('id' => $optionname, 'label' => qa_lang_html('xmlrpc/' . $optionname) . ':', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '" ID="option_' . $optionname . '"', 'value' => $value, 'error' => qa_html(@$errors[$optionname])); $widest = QA_PERMIT_USERS; $narrowest = QA_PERMIT_ADMINS; $permitoptions = qa_admin_permit_options($widest, $narrowest, !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS && qa_opt('confirm_user_emails')); if (count($permitoptions) > 1) { qa_optionfield_make_select($optionfield, $permitoptions, $value, $value == QA_PERMIT_CONFIRMED ? QA_PERMIT_USERS : min(array_keys($permitoptions))); } $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname] = $optionfield; $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname . '_points'] = array('id' => $optionname . '_points', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '_points" ID="option_' . $optionname . '_points"', 'type' => 'number', 'value' => qa_opt($optionname . '_points'), 'prefix' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_must_have') . ' ', 'note' => qa_lang_html('admin/points')); $checkboxtodisplay[$optionname . '_points'] = '(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS) . ') ||(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS_CONFIRMED) . ')'; } qa_set_display_rules($this->content, $checkboxtodisplay); } qa_html_theme_base::doctype(); }
$qa_content['error'] = qa_admin_page_error(); $qa_content['form'] = array('style' => 'wide', 'fields' => array('q2a_version' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/q2a_version'), 'value' => qa_html(QA_VERSION)), 'q2a_date' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/q2a_build_date'), 'value' => qa_html(QA_BUILD_DATE)), 'q2a_latest' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/q2a_latest_version'), 'type' => 'custom', 'html' => '<iframe src="http://www.question2answer.org/question2answer-latest.php?version=' . urlencode(QA_VERSION) . '&language=' . urlencode(qa_opt('site_language')) . '" width="100" height="16" style="vertical-align:middle; border:0; background:transparent;" allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>'), 'break0' => array('type' => 'blank'), 'db_version' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/q2a_db_version'), 'value' => qa_html(qa_opt('db_version'))), 'db_size' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/q2a_db_size'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format(qa_db_table_size() / 1048576, 1) . ' MB')), 'break1' => array('type' => 'blank'), 'php_version' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/php_version'), 'value' => qa_html(phpversion())), 'mysql_version' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/mysql_version'), 'value' => qa_html(qa_db_mysql_version())), 'break2' => array('type' => 'blank'), 'qcount' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/total_qs'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($qcount))), 'qcount_users' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/from_users'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($qcount - $qcount_anon))), 'qcount_anon' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/from_anon'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($qcount_anon))), 'break3' => array('type' => 'blank'), 'acount' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/total_as'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($acount))), 'acount_users' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/from_users'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($acount - $acount_anon))), 'acount_anon' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/from_anon'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($acount_anon))), 'break4' => array('type' => 'blank'), 'ccount' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/total_cs'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($ccount))), 'ccount_users' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/from_users'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($ccount - $ccount_anon))), 'ccount_anon' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/from_anon'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format($ccount_anon))), 'break5' => array('type' => 'blank'), 'users' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_registered'), 'value' => QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS ? '' : qa_html(number_format(qa_db_count_users()))), 'users_active' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_active'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format((int) qa_opt('cache_userpointscount')))), 'users_posted' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_posted'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format(qa_db_count_active_users('posts')))), 'users_voted' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_voted'), 'value' => qa_html(number_format(qa_db_count_active_users('uservotes')))))); if (QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { unset($qa_content['form']['fields']['users']); } else { unset($qa_content['form']['fields']['users_active']); } foreach ($qa_content['form']['fields'] as $index => $field) { if (empty($field['type'])) { $qa_content['form']['fields'][$index]['type'] = 'static'; } } $qa_content['form_2'] = array('tags' => 'method="post" action="' . qa_path_html('admin/recalc') . '"', 'title' => qa_lang_html('admin/database_cleanup'), 'style' => 'basic', 'buttons' => array('recount_posts' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/recount_posts'), 'tags' => 'name="dorecountposts" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/recount_posts_stop')) . ', \'recount_posts_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="recount_posts_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/recount_posts_note') . '</span>'), 'reindex_content' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/reindex_content'), 'tags' => 'name="doreindexcontent" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/reindex_content_stop')) . ', \'reindex_content_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="reindex_content_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/reindex_content_note') . '</span>'), 'recalc_points' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_points'), 'tags' => 'name="dorecalcpoints" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_stop')) . ', \'recalc_points_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="recalc_points_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_points_note') . '</span>'), 'refill_events' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/refill_events'), 'tags' => 'name="dorefillevents" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_stop')) . ', \'refill_events_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="refill_events_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/refill_events_note') . '</span>'), 'recalc_categories' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_categories'), 'tags' => 'name="dorecalccategories" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_stop')) . ', \'recalc_categories_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="recalc_categories_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_categories_note') . '</span>'), 'delete_hidden' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/delete_hidden'), 'tags' => 'name="dodeletehidden" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/delete_stop')) . ', \'delete_hidden_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="delete_hidden_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/delete_hidden_note') . '</span>')), 'hidden' => array('code' => qa_get_form_security_code('admin/recalc'))); if (!qa_using_categories()) { unset($qa_content['form_2']['buttons']['recalc_categories']); } if (defined('QA_BLOBS_DIRECTORY')) { if (qa_db_has_blobs_in_db()) { $qa_content['form_2']['buttons']['blobs_to_disk'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/blobs_to_disk'), 'tags' => 'name="doblobstodisk" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/blobs_stop')) . ', \'blobs_to_disk_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="blobs_to_disk_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/blobs_to_disk_note') . '</span>'); } if (qa_db_has_blobs_on_disk()) { $qa_content['form_2']['buttons']['blobs_to_db'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/blobs_to_db'), 'tags' => 'name="doblobstodb" onclick="return qa_recalc_click(this.name, this, ' . qa_js(qa_lang_html('admin/blobs_stop')) . ', \'blobs_to_db_note\');"', 'note' => '<span id="blobs_to_db_note">' . qa_lang_html('admin/blobs_to_db_note') . '</span>'); } } $qa_content['script_rel'][] = 'qa-content/qa-admin.js?' . QA_VERSION; $qa_content['script_var']['qa_warning_recalc'] = qa_lang('admin/stop_recalc_warning'); $qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = qa_admin_sub_navigation(); return $qa_content; /* Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output */
} if (!qa_opt('allow_private_messages') || !qa_opt('show_message_history')) { return include QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-page-not-found.php'; } // Find the messages for this user $start = qa_get_start(); $pagesize = qa_opt('page_size_pms'); // get number of messages then actual messages for this page $func = $showOutbox ? 'qa_db_messages_outbox_selectspec' : 'qa_db_messages_inbox_selectspec'; $pmSpecCount = qa_db_selectspec_count($func('private', $loginUserId, true)); $pmSpec = $func('private', $loginUserId, true, $start, $pagesize); list($numMessages, $userMessages) = qa_db_select_with_pending($pmSpecCount, $pmSpec); $count = $numMessages['count']; // Prepare content for theme $qa_content = qa_content_prepare(); $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html($showOutbox ? 'misc/pm_outbox_title' : 'misc/pm_inbox_title'); $qa_content['script_rel'][] = 'qa-content/qa-user.js?' . QA_VERSION; $qa_content['message_list'] = array('tags' => 'id="privatemessages"', 'messages' => array(), 'form' => array('tags' => 'name="pmessage" method="post" action="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'hidden' => array('qa_click' => '', 'handle' => qa_html($loginUserHandle), 'start' => qa_html($start), 'code' => qa_get_form_security_code('pm-' . $loginUserHandle)))); $htmlDefaults = qa_message_html_defaults(); if ($showOutbox) { $htmlDefaults['towhomview'] = true; } foreach ($userMessages as $message) { $msgFormat = qa_message_html_fields($message, $htmlDefaults); $replyHandle = $showOutbox ? $message['tohandle'] : $message['fromhandle']; $msgFormat['form'] = array('style' => 'light', 'buttons' => array('reply' => array('tags' => 'onclick="window.location.href=\'' . qa_path_html('message/' . $replyHandle) . '\';return false"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/reply_button')), 'delete' => array('tags' => 'name="m' . qa_html($message['messageid']) . '_dodelete" onclick="return qa_pm_click(' . qa_js($message['messageid']) . ', this, ' . qa_js($showOutbox ? 'outbox' : 'inbox') . ');"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/delete_button'), 'popup' => qa_lang_html('profile/delete_pm_popup')))); $qa_content['message_list']['messages'][] = $msgFormat; } $qa_content['page_links'] = qa_html_page_links(qa_request(), $start, $pagesize, $count, qa_opt('pages_prev_next')); $qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = qa_messages_sub_navigation($showOutbox ? 'outbox' : 'inbox'); return $qa_content;
} // Combine various Javascript elements in $qa_content into single array for theme layer $script = array('<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"><!--'); if (isset($qa_content['script_var'])) { foreach ($qa_content['script_var'] as $var => $value) { $script[] = 'var ' . $var . '=' . qa_js($value) . ';'; } } if (isset($qa_content['script_lines'])) { foreach ($qa_content['script_lines'] as $scriptlines) { $script[] = ''; $script = array_merge($script, $scriptlines); } } if (isset($qa_content['focusid'])) { $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("var elem=document.getElementById(" . qa_js($qa_content['focusid']) . ");", "if (elem) {", "\telem.select();", "\telem.focus();", "}"); } if (isset($qa_content['script_onloads'])) { array_push($script, '', 'var qa_oldonload=window.onload;', 'window.onload=function() {', "\tif (typeof qa_oldonload=='function')", "\t\tqa_oldonload();"); foreach ($qa_content['script_onloads'] as $scriptonload) { $script[] = "\t"; foreach ((array) $scriptonload as $scriptline) { $script[] = "\t" . $scriptline; } } $script[] = '}'; } $script[] = '//--></SCRIPT>'; if (isset($qa_content['script_rel'])) { $uniquerel = array_unique($qa_content['script_rel']); // remove any duplicates
if (strlen(@$metadata['version'])) { $namehtml .= ' v' . qa_html($metadata['version']); } if (strlen(@$metadata['author'])) { $authorhtml = qa_html($metadata['author']); if (strlen(@$metadata['author_uri'])) { $authorhtml = '<a href="' . qa_html($metadata['author_uri']) . '">' . $authorhtml . '</a>'; } $authorhtml = qa_lang_html_sub('main/by_x', $authorhtml); } else { $authorhtml = ''; } if (strlen(@$metadata['version']) && strlen(@$metadata['update'])) { $elementid = 'version_check_' . md5($plugindirectory); $updatehtml = '(<span id="' . $elementid . '">...</span>)'; $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("qa_version_check(" . qa_js($metadata['update']) . ", 'Plugin Version', " . qa_js($metadata['version'], true) . ", 'Plugin URI', " . qa_js($elementid) . ");"); } else { $updatehtml = ''; } if (strlen(@$metadata['description'])) { $deschtml = qa_html($metadata['description']); } else { $deschtml = ''; } if (isset($pluginoptionmodules[$plugindirectory]) && !$showthisform) { $deschtml .= (strlen($deschtml) ? ' - ' : '') . '<a href="' . qa_admin_plugin_options_path($plugindirectory) . '">' . qa_lang_html('admin/options') . '</a>'; } $pluginhtml = $namehtml . ' ' . $authorhtml . ' ' . $updatehtml . '<br>' . $deschtml . (strlen($deschtml) ? '<br>' : '') . '<small style="color:#666">' . qa_html($plugindirectory) . '</small>'; if (qa_qa_version_below(@$metadata['min_q2a'])) { $pluginhtml = '<strike style="color:#999">' . $pluginhtml . '</strike><br><span style="color:#f00">' . qa_lang_html_sub('admin/requires_q2a_version', qa_html($metadata['min_q2a'])) . '</span>'; } elseif (qa_php_version_below(@$metadata['min_php'])) {
function qa_page_q_add_c_form(&$qa_content, $questionid, $parentid, $formid, $usecaptcha, $in, $errors, $loadfocusnow) { switch (qa_user_permit_error('permit_post_c')) { case 'login': $form = array('title' => qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html('question/comment_must_login'), qa_request())); break; case 'confirm': $form = array('title' => qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html('question/comment_must_confirm'), qa_request())); break; case 'limit': $form = array('title' => qa_lang_html('question/comment_limit')); break; default: $form = array('title' => qa_lang_html('users/no_permission')); break; case false: $prefix = 'c' . $parentid . '_'; $editorname = isset($in['editor']) ? $in['editor'] : qa_opt('editor_for_cs'); $editor = qa_load_editor(@$in['content'], @$in['format'], $editorname); if (method_exists($editor, 'update_script')) { $updatescript = $editor->update_script($prefix . 'content'); } else { $updatescript = ''; } $custom = qa_opt('show_custom_comment') ? trim(qa_opt('custom_comment')) : ''; $form = array('tags' => 'METHOD="POST" ACTION="' . qa_self_html() . '" NAME="c_form_' . qa_html($parentid) . '"', 'title' => qa_lang_html($questionid == $parentid ? 'question/your_comment_q' : 'question/your_comment_a'), 'fields' => array('custom' => array('type' => 'custom', 'note' => $custom), 'content' => array_merge(qa_editor_load_field($editor, $qa_content, @$in['content'], @$in['format'], $prefix . 'content', 4, $loadfocusnow, $loadfocusnow), array('error' => qa_html(@$errors['content'])))), 'buttons' => array('comment' => array('tags' => 'onClick="' . $updatescript . ' return qa_submit_comment(' . qa_js($questionid) . ', ' . qa_js($parentid) . ', this);"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/add_comment_button')), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'NAME="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('main/cancel_button'))), 'hidden' => array($prefix . 'editor' => qa_html($editorname), $prefix . 'doadd' => '1')); if (!strlen($custom)) { unset($form['fields']['custom']); } qa_set_up_notify_fields($qa_content, $form['fields'], 'C', qa_get_logged_in_email(), isset($in['notify']) ? $in['notify'] : qa_opt('notify_users_default'), $in['email'], @$errors['email'], $prefix); $onloads = array(); if ($usecaptcha) { $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $captchaloadscript = qa_set_up_captcha_field($qa_content, $form['fields'], $errors, qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html(isset($userid) ? 'misc/captcha_confirm_fix' : 'misc/captcha_login_fix'))); if (strlen($captchaloadscript)) { $onloads[] = 'document.getElementById(' . qa_js($formid) . ').qa_show=function() { ' . $captchaloadscript . ' }'; } } if (!$loadfocusnow) { if (method_exists($editor, 'load_script')) { $onloads[] = 'document.getElementById(' . qa_js($formid) . ').qa_load=function() { ' . $editor->load_script($prefix . 'content') . ' }'; } if (method_exists($editor, 'focus_script')) { $onloads[] = 'document.getElementById(' . qa_js($formid) . ').qa_focus=function() { ' . $editor->focus_script($prefix . 'content') . ' }'; } $form['buttons']['cancel']['tags'] .= ' onClick="return qa_toggle_element()"'; } if (count($onloads)) { $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = $onloads; } } $form['id'] = $formid; $form['collapse'] = !$loadfocusnow; $form['style'] = 'tall'; return $form; }
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function load_script($fieldname) { return "if (qa_ckeditor_" . $fieldname . "=CKEDITOR.replace(" . qa_js($fieldname) . ", window.qa_wysiwyg_editor_config)) { qa_ckeditor_" . $fieldname . ".setData(document.getElementById(" . qa_js($fieldname . '_ckeditor_data') . ").value); document.getElementById(" . qa_js($fieldname . '_ckeditor_ok') . ").value=1; }"; }
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function ra_installed_plugin() { $tables = qa_db_list_tables_lc(); $moduletypes = qa_list_module_types(); $pluginfiles = glob(QA_PLUGIN_DIR . '*/qa-plugin.php'); foreach ($moduletypes as $type) { $modules = qa_load_modules_with($type, 'init_queries'); foreach ($modules as $name => $module) { $queries = $module->init_queries($tables); if (!empty($queries)) { if (qa_is_http_post()) { qa_redirect('install'); } else { $qa_content['error'] = strtr(qa_lang_html('admin/module_x_database_init'), array('^1' => qa_html($name), '^2' => qa_html($type), '^3' => '<a href="' . qa_path_html('install') . '">', '^4' => '</a>')); } } } } if (qa_is_http_post() && !qa_check_form_security_code('admin/plugins', qa_post_text('qa_form_security_code'))) { $qa_content['error'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_reload'); $showpluginforms = false; } else { $showpluginforms = true; } $plugin = array(); if (count($pluginfiles)) { foreach ($pluginfiles as $pluginindex => $pluginfile) { $plugindirectory = dirname($pluginfile) . '/'; $hash = qa_admin_plugin_directory_hash($plugindirectory); $showthisform = $showpluginforms && qa_get('show') == $hash; $contents = file_get_contents($pluginfile); $metadata = qa_admin_addon_metadata($contents, array('name' => 'Plugin Name', 'uri' => 'Plugin URI', 'description' => 'Plugin Description', 'version' => 'Plugin Version', 'date' => 'Plugin Date', 'author' => 'Plugin Author', 'author_uri' => 'Plugin Author URI', 'license' => 'Plugin License', 'min_q2a' => 'Plugin Minimum Question2Answer Version', 'min_php' => 'Plugin Minimum PHP Version', 'update' => 'Plugin Update Check URI')); if (strlen(@$metadata['name'])) { $namehtml = qa_html($metadata['name']); } else { $namehtml = qa_lang_html('admin/unnamed_plugin'); } $plugin_name = $namehtml; if (strlen(@$metadata['uri'])) { $plugin_uri = qa_html($metadata['uri']); } if (strlen(@$metadata['version'])) { $plugin_version = qa_html($metadata['version']); } if (strlen(@$metadata['author'])) { $plugin_author = qa_html($metadata['author']); if (strlen(@$metadata['author_uri'])) { $plugin_author_url = qa_html($metadata['author_uri']); } } if (strlen(@$metadata['version']) && strlen(@$metadata['update'])) { $elementid = 'version_check_' . md5($plugindirectory); $plugin_update = '(<span id="' . $elementid . '"></span>)'; $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("qa_version_check(" . qa_js($metadata['update']) . ", 'Plugin Version', " . qa_js($metadata['version'], true) . ", 'Plugin URI', " . qa_js($elementid) . ");"); } if (strlen(@$metadata['description'])) { $plugin_description = qa_html($metadata['description']); } //if (isset($pluginoptionmodules[$plugindirectory])) $plugin_option = qa_admin_plugin_options_path($plugindirectory); if (qa_qa_version_below(@$metadata['min_q2a'])) { $plugin_error = qa_lang_html_sub('admin/requires_q2a_version', qa_html($metadata['min_q2a'])); } elseif (qa_php_version_below(@$metadata['min_php'])) { $plugin_error = qa_lang_html_sub('admin/requires_php_version', qa_html($metadata['min_php'])); } $plugin[] = array('tags' => 'id="' . qa_html($hash) . '"', 'name' => @$plugin_name, 'uri' => @$plugin_uri, 'version' => @$plugin_version, 'author' => @$plugin_author, 'author_url' => @$plugin_author_url, 'update' => @$plugin_update, 'description' => @$plugin_description, 'path' => @$plugindirectory, 'option' => @$plugin_option, 'error' => @$plugin_error, 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'custom'))); } } return $plugin; }
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foreach ($relatedquestions as $key => $related) { if ($related['postid'] == $questionid || $related['score'] < $minscore) { // related questions will include itself so remove that unset($relatedquestions[$key]); } } if (count($relatedquestions)) { $qa_content['q_list']['title'] = qa_lang('main/related_qs_title'); } else { $qa_content['q_list']['title'] = qa_lang('main/no_related_qs_title'); } $qa_content['q_list']['qs'] = array(); foreach ($relatedquestions as $related) { $qa_content['q_list']['qs'][] = qa_post_html_fields($related, $qa_login_userid, $qa_cookieid, $usershtml, null, qa_post_html_defaults('Q')); } } // Some generally useful stuff if (qa_using_categories() && count($categories)) { $qa_content['navigation']['cat'] = qa_category_navigation($categories, $question['categoryid']); } if (isset($jumptoanchor)) { $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("window.location.hash=" . qa_js($jumptoanchor) . ";"); } if (isset($focusonid)) { $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("document.getElementById(" . qa_js($focusonid) . ").focus();"); } // Determine whether the page view should be counted if (qa_opt('do_count_q_views') && !$formrequested && !qa_is_http_post() && qa_is_human_probably() && (!$question['views'] || ($question['lastviewip'] != qa_remote_ip_address() || !isset($question['lastviewip'])) && ($question['createip'] != qa_remote_ip_address() || !isset($question['createip'])) && ($question['userid'] != $qa_login_userid || !isset($question['userid'])) && ($question['cookieid'] != $qa_cookieid || !isset($question['cookieid'])))) { $qa_content['inc_views_postid'] = $questionid; } $this->content = $qa_content;
function process_request($request) { $message = ''; $url = ''; if (is_array($_FILES) && count($_FILES)) { // Check that we're allowed to upload images (if not, no other uploads are allowed either) if (!qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_images')) { $message = qa_lang('users/no_permission'); } // Check that we haven't reached the upload limit and are not blocked if (empty($message)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; switch (qa_user_permit_error(null, QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS)) { case 'limit': $message = qa_lang('main/upload_limit'); break; case false: qa_limits_increment(qa_get_logged_in_userid(), QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS); break; default: $message = qa_lang('users/no_permission'); break; } } // Find out some information about the uploaded file and check it's not too large if (empty($message)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-blobs.php'; $file = reset($_FILES); $pathinfo = pathinfo($file['name']); $extension = strtolower(@$pathinfo['extension']); $filesize = $file['size']; $maxsize = min(qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_max_size'), qa_get_max_upload_size()); if ($filesize <= 0 || $filesize > $maxsize) { // if file was too big for PHP, $filesize will be zero $message = qa_lang_sub('main/max_upload_size_x', number_format($maxsize / 1048576, 1) . 'MB'); } } // If it's only allowed to be an image, check it's an image if (empty($message)) { if (qa_get('qa_only_image') || !qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_all')) { // check if we need to confirm it's an image switch ($extension) { case 'png': // these are allowed image extensions // these are allowed image extensions case 'gif': case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': if (function_exists('getimagesize')) { // getimagesize() does not require GD library if (!is_array(@getimagesize($file['tmp_name']))) { $message = qa_lang_sub('main/image_not_read', 'GIF, JPG, PNG'); } } break; default: $message = qa_lang_sub('main/image_not_read', 'GIF, JPG, PNG'); break; } } } // If there have been no errors, looks like we're all set... if (empty($message)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-blobs.php'; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $cookieid = isset($userid) ? qa_cookie_get() : qa_cookie_get_create(); $blobid = qa_db_blob_create(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), $extension, @$file['name'], $userid, $cookieid, qa_remote_ip_address()); if (isset($blobid)) { $url = qa_get_blob_url($blobid, true); } else { $message = 'Failed to create object in database - please try again'; } } } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(" . qa_js(qa_get('CKEditorFuncNum')) . ", " . qa_js($url) . ", " . qa_js($message) . ");</script>"; return null; }
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