function qa_question_set_selchildid($userid, $handle, $cookieid, $oldquestion, $selchildid, $answers) { $oldselchildid = $oldquestion['selchildid']; qa_db_post_set_selchildid($oldquestion['postid'], isset($selchildid) ? $selchildid : null); qa_db_points_update_ifuser($oldquestion['userid'], 'aselects'); if (isset($oldselchildid)) { if (isset($answers[$oldselchildid])) { qa_db_points_update_ifuser($answers[$oldselchildid]['userid'], 'aselecteds'); qa_report_event('a_unselect', $userid, $handle, $cookieid, array('parentid' => $oldquestion['postid'], 'postid' => $oldselchildid)); } } if (isset($selchildid)) { $answer = $answers[$selchildid]; qa_db_points_update_ifuser($answer['userid'], 'aselecteds'); if (isset($answer['notify']) && !qa_post_is_by_user($answer, $userid, $cookieid)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-emails.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-options.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-string.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php'; $blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg(); $sendtitle = qa_block_words_replace($oldquestion['title'], $blockwordspreg); $sendcontent = qa_viewer_text($answer['content'], $answer['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)); qa_send_notification($answer['userid'], $answer['notify'], @$answer['handle'], qa_lang('emails/a_selected_subject'), qa_lang('emails/a_selected_body'), array('^s_handle' => isset($handle) ? $handle : qa_lang('main/anonymous'), '^q_title' => $sendtitle, '^a_content' => $sendcontent, '^url' => qa_path(qa_q_request($oldquestion['postid'], $sendtitle), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, qa_anchor('A', $selchildid)))); } qa_report_event('a_select', $userid, $handle, $cookieid, array('parentid' => $oldquestion['postid'], 'postid' => $selchildid)); } }
function qa_priv_notification($uid, $oid, $badge_slug) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-emails.php'; if (QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { $publictohandle = qa_get_public_from_userids(array($uid)); $handle = @$publictohandle[$uid]; } else { $user = qa_db_single_select(qa_db_user_account_selectspec($uid, true)); $handle = @$user['handle']; } $subject = qa_opt('badge_email_subject'); $body = qa_opt('badge_email_body'); $body = preg_replace('/\\^if_post_text="([^"]*)"/', $oid ? '$1' : '', $body); // if post text $site_url = qa_opt('site_url'); $profile_url = qa_path_html('user/' . $handle, null, $site_url); if ($oid) { $post = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $oid), true); if ($post['parentid']) { $parent = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $post['parentid']), true); } if (isset($parent)) { $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $oid)); $post_title = $parent['title']; $post_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parent['postid'], $parent['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); } else { $post_title = $post['title']; $post_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($post['postid'], $post['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url')); } } $subs = array('^badge_name' => qa_opt('badge_' . $badge_slug . '_name'), '^post_title' => @$post_title, '^post_url' => @$post_url, '^profile_url' => $profile_url, '^site_url' => $site_url); qa_send_notification($uid, '@', $handle, $subject, $body, $subs); }
public function process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params) { switch ($event) { case 'q_post': $this->send_hipchat_notification($this->build_new_question_message(isset($handle) ? $handle : qa_lang('main/anonymous'), $params['title'], qa_q_path($params['postid'], $params['title'], true))); break; case 'a_post': $parentpost = qa_post_get_full($params['parentid']); $this->send_hipchat_notification($this->build_new_answer_message(isset($handle) ? $handle : qa_lang('main/anonymous'), $parentpost['title'], qa_path(qa_q_request($params['parentid'], $parentpost['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, qa_anchor('A', $params['postid'])))); break; } }
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'pages/question-view.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'pages/question-submit.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/sort.php'; // Try to create the new comment $usecaptcha = qa_user_use_captcha(qa_user_level_for_post($question)); $commentid = qa_page_q_add_c_submit($question, $parent, $children, $usecaptcha, $in, $errors); // If successful, page content will be updated via Ajax if (isset($commentid)) { $children = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_child_posts_selectspec($userid, $parentid)); $parent = $parent + qa_page_q_post_rules($parent, $questionid == $parentid ? null : $question, null, $children); // in theory we should retrieve the parent's siblings for the above, but they're not going to be relevant foreach ($children as $key => $child) { $children[$key] = $child + qa_page_q_post_rules($child, $parent, $children, null); } $usershtml = qa_userids_handles_html($children, true); qa_sort_by($children, 'created'); $c_list = qa_page_q_comment_follow_list($question, $parent, $children, true, $usershtml, false, null); $themeclass = qa_load_theme_class(qa_get_site_theme(), 'ajax-comments', null, null); echo "QA_AJAX_RESPONSE\n1\n"; // Send back the ID of the new comment echo qa_anchor('C', $commentid) . "\n"; // Send back the HTML $themeclass->c_list_items($c_list['cs']); return; } } echo "QA_AJAX_RESPONSE\n0\n"; // fall back to non-Ajax submission if there were any problems /* Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output */
function process_request($request) { // we received post data, it is the ajax call! $transferString = qa_post_text('ajax'); if ($transferString !== null) { // prevent empty userid $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); if (empty($userid)) { echo 'Userid is empty!'; return; } // this is echoed via ajax success data $notifyBoxEvents = ''; // ajax return all user events if (isset($userid) && $transferString == 'receiveNotify') { $last_visit = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(meta_value) FROM ^usermeta WHERE user_id=# AND meta_key="visited_profile"', $userid), true); $maxEvents = qa_opt('q2apro_onsitenotifications_maxevshow'); // maximal events to show // query all new events of user $event_query = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT e.event, e.userid, BINARY e.params as params, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.datetime) AS datetime FROM ^eventlog AS e WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(#) <= datetime AND (e.userid=# AND e.event LIKE "in_%") OR ((e.event LIKE "u_message" OR e.event LIKE "u_wall_post") AND e.params LIKE "userid=#\\t%") ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT #', qa_opt('q2apro_onsitenotifications_maxage'), $userid, $userid, $maxEvents); $events = array(); $postids = array(); $count = 0; while (($event = qa_db_read_one_assoc($event_query, true)) !== null) { if (preg_match('/postid=([0-9]+)/', $event['params'], $m) === 1) { $event['postid'] = (int) $m[1]; $postids[] = (int) $m[1]; $events[$m[1] . '_' . $count++] = $event; } // private message if ($event['event'] == 'u_message') { // example of $event['params']: userid=1 handle=admin messageid=4 message=hi admin, how are you? $ustring = $event['params']; // get messageid if (preg_match('/messageid=([0-9]+)/', $ustring, $m) === 1) { $event['messageid'] = (int) $m[1]; } // needed for function qa_post_userid_to_handle() require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-posts.php'; // get handle from userid, memo: userid from receiver is saved in params (the acting userid is the sender) $event['handle'] = qa_post_userid_to_handle($event['userid']); // get message preview by cutting out the string $event['message'] = substr($ustring, strpos($ustring, 'message=') + 8, strlen($ustring) - strpos($ustring, 'message=') + 8); $events[$m[1] . '_' . $count++] = $event; } else { if ($event['event'] == 'u_wall_post') { // example of $event['params']: userid=1 handle=admin messageid=8 content=hi admin! format= text=hi admin! $ustring = $event['params']; // get messageid if (preg_match('/messageid=([0-9]+)/', $ustring, $m) === 1) { $event['messageid'] = (int) $m[1]; } // needed for function qa_post_userid_to_handle() require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-posts.php'; // get handle from userid, memo: userid from receiver is saved in params (the acting userid is the sender) $event['handle'] = qa_post_userid_to_handle($event['userid']); // get message preview by cutting out the string $event['message'] = substr($ustring, strpos($ustring, 'text=') + 5, strlen($ustring) - strpos($ustring, 'text=') + 5); $events[$m[1] . '_' . $count++] = $event; } } } // get post info, also make sure that post exists $posts = null; if (!empty($postids)) { $post_query = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, type, parentid, BINARY title as title FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (' . implode(',', $postids) . ')')); foreach ($post_query as $post) { // save postids as index in array $posts with the $post content $posts[(string) $post['postid']] = $post; } } // List all events $notifyBoxEvents = '<div id="nfyWrap" class="nfyWrap"> <div class="nfyTop">' . qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/my_notifications') . ' <a id="nfyReadClose">' . qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/close') . ' | × |</a> </div> <div class="nfyContainer"> <div id="nfyContainerInbox"> '; // BIG FOREACH foreach ($events as $postid_string => $event) { // $postid_string, e.g. 32_1 (32 is postid, 1 is global event count) $type = $event['event']; if ($type == 'u_message') { $eventName = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/you_received') . ' '; $itemIcon = '<div class="nicon nmessage"></div>'; $activity_url = qa_path_absolute('message') . '/' . $event['handle']; $linkTitle = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/message_from') . ' ' . $event['handle']; } else { if ($type == 'u_wall_post') { $eventName = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/you_received') . ' '; $itemIcon = '<div class="nicon nwallpost"></div>'; // create link to own wall, needs handle require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-posts.php'; $userhandle = qa_post_userid_to_handle($userid); // from v1.7 require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-users.php'; and qa_userid_to_handle($userid); $activity_url = qa_path_absolute('user') . '/' . $userhandle . '/wall'; $linkTitle = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/wallpost_from') . ' ' . $event['handle']; } else { // a_post, c_post, q_vote_up, a_vote_up, q_vote_down, a_vote_down $postid = preg_replace('/_.*/', '', $postid_string); $post = null; // assign post content (postid,type,parentid,title) if available $post = @$posts[$postid]; $params = array(); // explode string to array with values (memo: leave "\t", '\t' will cause errors) $paramsa = explode("\t", $event['params']); foreach ($paramsa as $param) { $parama = explode('=', $param); if (isset($parama[1])) { $params[$parama[0]] = $parama[1]; } else { $params[$param] = $param; } } $link = ''; $linkTitle = ''; $activity_url = ''; // comment or answer if (isset($post) && strpos($event['event'], 'q_') !== 0 && strpos($event['event'], 'in_q_') !== 0) { if (!isset($params['parentid'])) { $params['parentid'] = $post['parentid']; } $parent = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec($userid, $params['parentid'])); if ($parent['type'] == 'A') { $parent = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec($userid, $parent['parentid'])); } $anchor = qa_anchor(strpos($event['event'], 'a_') === 0 || strpos($event['event'], 'in_a_') === 0 ? 'A' : 'C', $params['postid']); $activity_url = qa_path_absolute(qa_q_request($parent['postid'], $parent['title']), null, $anchor); $linkTitle = $parent['title']; $link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $parent['title'] . '</a>'; } else { if (isset($post)) { // question if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = $posts[$params['postid']]['title']; } if ($params['title'] !== null) { $qTitle = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT title FROM `^posts` WHERE `postid` = " . $params['postid'] . " LIMIT 1"), true); if (!isset($qTitle)) { $qTitle = ''; } $activity_url = qa_path_absolute(qa_q_request($params['postid'], $qTitle), null, null); $linkTitle = $qTitle; $link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $qTitle . '</a>'; } } } // event name $eventName = ''; $itemIcon = ''; if ($type == 'in_c_question' || $type == 'in_c_answer' || $type == 'in_c_comment') { // added in_c_comment $eventName = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/in_comment'); $itemIcon = '<div class="nicon ncomment"></div>'; } else { if ($type == 'in_q_vote_up' || $type == 'in_a_vote_up') { $eventName = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/in_upvote'); $itemIcon = '<div class="nicon nvoteup"></div>'; } else { if ($type == 'in_q_vote_down' || $type == 'in_a_vote_down') { $eventName = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/in_downvote'); $itemIcon = '<div class="nicon nvotedown"></div>'; } else { if ($type == 'in_a_question') { $eventName = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/in_answer'); $itemIcon = '<div class="nicon nanswer"></div>'; } else { if ($type == 'in_a_select') { $eventName = qa_lang('q2apro_onsitenotifications_lang/in_bestanswer'); $itemIcon = '<div class="nicon nbestanswer"></div>'; } else { // ignore other events such as in_c_flag continue; } } } } } } } // end a_post, c_post, q_vote_up, a_vote_up, q_vote_down, a_vote_down $eventtime = $event['datetime']; $whenhtml = qa_html(qa_time_to_string(qa_opt('db_time') - $eventtime)); $when = qa_lang_html_sub('main/x_ago', $whenhtml); // extra CSS for highlighting new events $cssNewEv = ''; if ($eventtime > $last_visit) { $cssNewEv = '-new'; } // if post has been deleted there is no link, dont output if ($activity_url == '') { continue; } else { $notifyBoxEvents .= '<div class="itemBox' . $cssNewEv . '"> ' . $itemIcon . ' <div class="nfyItemLine"> <p class="nfyWhat">' . $eventName . ' <a ' . ($type == 'u_message' || $type == 'u_wall_post' ? 'title="' . $event['message'] . '" ' : '') . 'href="' . $activity_url . '"' . (qa_opt('q2apro_onsitenotifications_newwindow') ? ' target="_blank"' : '') . '>' . $linkTitle . '</a> </p> <p class="nfyTime">' . $when . '</p> </div> </div>'; } } // END FOREACH $notifyBoxEvents .= '</div> </div> <div class="nfyFooter"> <a href="">by</a> </div> </div> '; header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ' . qa_path(null)); echo $notifyBoxEvents; // update database entry so that all user notifications are seen as read qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^usermeta (user_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES(#,$,NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE meta_value=NOW()', $userid, 'visited_profile'); exit; } else { echo 'Unexpected problem detected! No userid, no transfer string.'; exit; } } /* start */ $qa_content = qa_content_prepare(); $qa_content['title'] = ''; // page title // return if not admin! if (qa_get_logged_in_level() < QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) { $qa_content['error'] = '<p>Access denied</p>'; return $qa_content; } else { $qa_content['custom'] = '<p>Hi Admin, it actually makes no sense to call the Ajax URL directly.</p>'; } return $qa_content; }
function qa_flag_set_tohide($post, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $question) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-votes.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; qa_db_userflag_set($post['postid'], $userid, true); qa_db_post_recount_flags($post['postid']); switch ($post['basetype']) { case 'Q': $action = 'q_flag'; break; case 'A': $action = 'a_flag'; break; case 'C': $action = 'c_flag'; break; } qa_report_write_action($userid, null, $action, $post['basetype'] == 'Q' ? $post['postid'] : null, $post['basetype'] == 'A' ? $post['postid'] : null, $post['basetype'] == 'C' ? $post['postid'] : null); qa_report_event($action, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, array('postid' => $post['postid'])); $post = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec(null, $post['postid'])); $flagcount = $post['flagcount']; $notifycount = $flagcount - qa_opt('flagging_notify_first'); if ($notifycount >= 0 && $notifycount % qa_opt('flagging_notify_every') == 0) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-emails.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php'; $anchor = $post['basetype'] == 'Q' ? null : qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $post['postid']); qa_send_notification(null, qa_opt('feedback_email'), null, qa_lang('emails/flagged_subject'), qa_lang('emails/flagged_body'), array('^p_handle' => isset($post['handle']) ? $post['handle'] : qa_lang('main/anonymous'), '^flags' => $flagcount == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub('main/1_flag', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub('main/x_flags', $flagcount), '^p_context' => trim(@$post['title'] . "\n\n" . qa_viewer_text($post['content'], $post['format'])), '^url' => qa_path(qa_q_request($question['postid'], $question['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor))); } if ($flagcount >= qa_opt('flagging_hide_after') && !$post['hidden']) { return true; } return false; }
function qa_q_path($questionid, $title, $absolute = false, $showtype = null, $showid = null) { if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args = func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); } if (($showtype == 'Q' || $showtype == 'A' || $showtype == 'C') && isset($showid)) { $params = array('show' => $showid); // due to pagination $anchor = qa_anchor($showtype, $showid); } else { $params = null; $anchor = null; } return qa_path(qa_q_request($questionid, $title), $params, $absolute ? qa_opt('site_url') : null, null, $anchor); }
function qa_post_html_fields($post, $userid, $cookieid, $usershtml, $dummy, $options = array()) { if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args = func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); } require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/updates.php'; if (isset($options['blockwordspreg'])) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/string.php'; } $fields = array('raw' => $post); // Useful stuff used throughout function $postid = $post['postid']; $isquestion = $post['basetype'] == 'Q'; $isanswer = $post['basetype'] == 'A'; $isbyuser = qa_post_is_by_user($post, $userid, $cookieid); $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $postid)); $elementid = isset($options['elementid']) ? $options['elementid'] : $anchor; $microformats = @$options['microformats']; $isselected = @$options['isselected']; $favoritedview = @$options['favoritedview']; $favoritemap = $favoritedview ? qa_get_favorite_non_qs_map() : array(); // High level information $fields['hidden'] = @$post['hidden']; $fields['tags'] = 'id="' . qa_html($elementid) . '"'; $fields['classes'] = $isquestion && $favoritedview && @$post['userfavoriteq'] ? 'qa-q-favorited' : ''; if ($isquestion && isset($post['closedbyid'])) { $fields['classes'] = ltrim($fields['classes'] . ' qa-q-closed'); } if ($microformats) { $fields['classes'] .= ' hentry ' . ($isquestion ? 'question' : ($isanswer ? $isselected ? 'answer answer-selected' : 'answer' : 'comment')); } // Question-specific stuff (title, URL, tags, answer count, category) if ($isquestion) { if (isset($post['title'])) { $fields['url'] = qa_q_path_html($postid, $post['title']); if (isset($options['blockwordspreg'])) { $post['title'] = qa_block_words_replace($post['title'], $options['blockwordspreg']); } $fields['title'] = qa_html($post['title']); if ($microformats) { $fields['title'] = '<span class="entry-title">' . $fields['title'] . '</span>'; } /*if (isset($post['score'])) // useful for setting match thresholds $fields['title'].=' <small>('.$post['score'].')</small>';*/ } if (@$options['tagsview'] && isset($post['tags'])) { $fields['q_tags'] = array(); $tags = qa_tagstring_to_tags($post['tags']); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (isset($options['blockwordspreg']) && count(qa_block_words_match_all($tag, $options['blockwordspreg']))) { // skip censored tags continue; } $fields['q_tags'][] = qa_tag_html($tag, $microformats, @$favoritemap['tag'][qa_strtolower($tag)]); } } if (@$options['answersview'] && isset($post['acount'])) { $fields['answers_raw'] = $post['acount']; $fields['answers'] = $post['acount'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_answer', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_answers', number_format($post['acount'])); $fields['answer_selected'] = isset($post['selchildid']); } if (@$options['viewsview'] && isset($post['views'])) { $fields['views_raw'] = $post['views']; $fields['views'] = $post['views'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_view', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_views', number_format($post['views'])); } if (@$options['categoryview'] && isset($post['categoryname']) && isset($post['categorybackpath'])) { $favoriteclass = ''; if (count(@$favoritemap['category'])) { if (@$favoritemap['category'][$post['categorybackpath']]) { $favoriteclass = ' qa-cat-favorited'; } else { foreach ($favoritemap['category'] as $categorybackpath => $dummy) { if (substr('/' . $post['categorybackpath'], -strlen($categorybackpath)) == $categorybackpath) { $favoriteclass = ' qa-cat-parent-favorited'; } } } } $fields['where'] = qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/in_category_x', '<a href="' . qa_path_html(@$options['categorypathprefix'] . implode('/', array_reverse(explode('/', $post['categorybackpath'])))) . '" class="qa-category-link' . $favoriteclass . '">' . qa_html($post['categoryname']) . '</a>'); } } // Answer-specific stuff (selection) if ($isanswer) { $fields['selected'] = $isselected; if ($isselected) { $fields['select_text'] = qa_lang_html('question/select_text'); } } // Post content if (@$options['contentview'] && isset($post['content'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['content'], $post['format']); $fields['content'] = $viewer->get_html($post['content'], $post['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => @$options['blockwordspreg'], 'showurllinks' => @$options['showurllinks'], 'linksnewwindow' => @$options['linksnewwindow'])); if ($microformats) { $fields['content'] = '<div class="entry-content">' . $fields['content'] . '</div>'; } $fields['content'] = '<a name="' . qa_html($postid) . '"></a>' . $fields['content']; // this is for backwards compatibility with any existing links using the old style of anchor // that contained the post id only (changed to be valid under W3C specifications) } // Voting stuff if (@$options['voteview']) { $voteview = $options['voteview']; // Calculate raw values and pass through if (@$options['ovoteview'] && isset($post['opostid'])) { $upvotes = (int) @$post['oupvotes']; $downvotes = (int) @$post['odownvotes']; $fields['vote_opostid'] = true; // for voters/flaggers layer } else { $upvotes = (int) @$post['upvotes']; $downvotes = (int) @$post['downvotes']; } $netvotes = (int) ($upvotes - $downvotes); $fields['upvotes_raw'] = $upvotes; $fields['downvotes_raw'] = $downvotes; $fields['netvotes_raw'] = $netvotes; // Create HTML versions... $upvoteshtml = qa_html($upvotes); $downvoteshtml = qa_html($downvotes); if ($netvotes >= 1) { $netvoteshtml = '+' . qa_html($netvotes); } elseif ($netvotes <= -1) { $netvoteshtml = '–' . qa_html(-$netvotes); } else { $netvoteshtml = '0'; } // ...with microformats if appropriate if ($microformats) { $netvoteshtml .= '<span class="votes-up"><span class="value-title" title="' . $upvoteshtml . '"></span></span>' . '<span class="votes-down"><span class="value-title" title="' . $downvoteshtml . '"></span></span>'; $upvoteshtml = '<span class="votes-up">' . $upvoteshtml . '</span>'; $downvoteshtml = '<span class="votes-down">' . $downvoteshtml . '</span>'; } // Pass information on vote viewing // $voteview will be one of: // updown, updown-disabled-page, updown-disabled-level, updown-uponly-level, updown-disabled-approve, updown-uponly-approve // net, net-disabled-page, net-disabled-level, net-uponly-level, net-disabled-approve, net-uponly-approve $fields['vote_view'] = substr($voteview, 0, 6) == 'updown' ? 'updown' : 'net'; $fields['vote_on_page'] = strpos($voteview, '-disabled-page') ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'; $fields['upvotes_view'] = $upvotes == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_liked', $upvoteshtml, '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_liked', $upvoteshtml); $fields['downvotes_view'] = $downvotes == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_disliked', $downvoteshtml, '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_disliked', $downvoteshtml); $fields['netvotes_view'] = abs($netvotes) == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_vote', $netvoteshtml, '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_votes', $netvoteshtml); // Voting buttons $fields['vote_tags'] = 'id="voting_' . qa_html($postid) . '"'; $onclick = 'onclick="return qa_vote_click(this);"'; if ($fields['hidden']) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'disabled'; $fields['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html($isanswer ? 'main/vote_disabled_hidden_a' : 'main/vote_disabled_hidden_q') . '"'; $fields['vote_down_tags'] = $fields['vote_up_tags']; } elseif ($isbyuser) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'disabled'; $fields['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html($isanswer ? 'main/vote_disabled_my_a' : 'main/vote_disabled_my_q') . '"'; $fields['vote_down_tags'] = $fields['vote_up_tags']; } elseif (strpos($voteview, '-disabled-')) { $fields['vote_state'] = @$post['uservote'] > 0 ? 'voted_up_disabled' : (@$post['uservote'] < 0 ? 'voted_down_disabled' : 'disabled'); if (strpos($voteview, '-disabled-page')) { $fields['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/vote_disabled_q_page_only') . '"'; } elseif (strpos($voteview, '-disabled-approve')) { $fields['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/vote_disabled_approve') . '"'; } else { $fields['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/vote_disabled_level') . '"'; } $fields['vote_down_tags'] = $fields['vote_up_tags']; } elseif (@$post['uservote'] > 0) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'voted_up'; $fields['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/voted_up_popup') . '" name="' . qa_html('vote_' . $postid . '_0_' . $elementid) . '" ' . $onclick; $fields['vote_down_tags'] = ' '; } elseif (@$post['uservote'] < 0) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'voted_down'; $fields['vote_up_tags'] = ' '; $fields['vote_down_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/voted_down_popup') . '" name="' . qa_html('vote_' . $postid . '_0_' . $elementid) . '" ' . $onclick; } else { $fields['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/vote_up_popup') . '" name="' . qa_html('vote_' . $postid . '_1_' . $elementid) . '" ' . $onclick; if (strpos($voteview, '-uponly-level')) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'up_only'; $fields['vote_down_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/vote_disabled_down') . '"'; } elseif (strpos($voteview, '-uponly-approve')) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'up_only'; $fields['vote_down_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/vote_disabled_down_approve') . '"'; } else { $fields['vote_state'] = 'enabled'; $fields['vote_down_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/vote_down_popup') . '" name="' . qa_html('vote_' . $postid . '_-1_' . $elementid) . '" ' . $onclick; } } } // Flag count if (@$options['flagsview'] && @$post['flagcount']) { $fields['flags'] = $post['flagcount'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_flag', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_flags', $post['flagcount']); } // Created when and by whom $fields['meta_order'] = qa_lang_html('main/meta_order'); // sets ordering of meta elements which can be language-specific if (@$options['whatview']) { $fields['what'] = qa_lang_html($isquestion ? 'main/asked' : ($isanswer ? 'main/answered' : 'main/commented')); if (@$options['whatlink'] && strlen(@$options['q_request'])) { $fields['what_url'] = $post['basetype'] == 'Q' ? qa_path_html($options['q_request']) : qa_path_html($options['q_request'], array('show' => $postid), null, null, qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $postid)); } } if (isset($post['created']) && @$options['whenview']) { $fields['when'] = qa_when_to_html($post['created'], @$options['fulldatedays']); if ($microformats) { $fields['when']['data'] = '<span class="published"><span class="value-title" title="' . gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $post['created']) . '">' . $fields['when']['data'] . '</span></span>'; } } if (@$options['whoview']) { $fields['who'] = qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, @$post['userid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? @$post['createip'] : null, $microformats, $post['name']); if (isset($post['points'])) { if (@$options['pointsview']) { $fields['who']['points'] = $post['points'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_point', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_points', qa_html(number_format($post['points']))); } if (isset($options['pointstitle'])) { $fields['who']['title'] = qa_get_points_title_html($post['points'], $options['pointstitle']); } } if (isset($post['level'])) { $fields['who']['level'] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($post['level'])); } } if (@$options['avatarsize'] > 0) { if (QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { $fields['avatar'] = qa_get_external_avatar_html($post['userid'], $options['avatarsize'], false); } else { $fields['avatar'] = qa_get_user_avatar_html(@$post['flags'], @$post['email'], @$post['handle'], @$post['avatarblobid'], @$post['avatarwidth'], @$post['avatarheight'], $options['avatarsize']); } } // Updated when and by whom if (@$options['updateview'] && isset($post['updated']) && ($post['updatetype'] != QA_UPDATE_SELECTED || $isselected) && (!isset($post['created']) || $post['hidden'] && $post['updatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE || isset($post['closedbyid']) && $post['updatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_CLOSED || abs($post['updated'] - $post['created']) > 300 || $post['lastuserid'] != $post['userid'])) { switch ($post['updatetype']) { case QA_UPDATE_TYPE: case QA_UPDATE_PARENT: $langstring = 'main/moved'; break; case QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY: $langstring = 'main/recategorized'; break; case QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['hidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/reshown'; break; case QA_UPDATE_CLOSED: $langstring = isset($post['closedbyid']) ? 'main/closed' : 'main/reopened'; break; case QA_UPDATE_TAGS: $langstring = 'main/retagged'; break; case QA_UPDATE_SELECTED: $langstring = 'main/selected'; break; default: $langstring = 'main/edited'; break; } $fields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html($langstring); if (@$options['whenview']) { $fields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($post['updated'], @$options['fulldatedays']); if ($microformats) { $fields['when_2']['data'] = '<span class="updated"><span class="value-title" title="' . gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $post['updated']) . '">' . $fields['when_2']['data'] . '</span></span>'; } } if (isset($post['lastuserid']) && @$options['whoview']) { $fields['who_2'] = qa_who_to_html(isset($userid) && $post['lastuserid'] == $userid, $post['lastuserid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? $post['lastip'] : null, false); } } elseif ($microformats && @$options['whenview']) { // quick fix for incorrect microformats (missing 'updated' class) $fields['when']['data'] = str_replace('<span class="published">', '<span class="published updated">', $fields['when']['data']); } // That's it! return $fields; }
function qa_badge_plugin_user_form($userid) { $handles = qa_userids_to_handles(array($userid)); $handle = $handles[$userid]; // displays badge list in user profile $result = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT badge_slug as slug, object_id AS oid FROM ^userbadges WHERE user_id=#', $userid)); $fields = array(); if (count($result) > 0) { // count badges $bin = qa_get_badge_list(); $badges = array(); foreach ($result as $info) { $slug = $info['slug']; $type = $bin[$slug]['type']; if (isset($badges[$type][$slug])) { $badges[$type][$slug]['count']++; } else { $badges[$type][$slug]['count'] = 1; } if ($info['oid']) { $badges[$type][$slug]['oid'][] = $info['oid']; } } foreach ($badges as $type => $badge) { $typea = qa_get_badge_type($type); $types = $typea['slug']; $typed = $typea['name']; $output = ' <table> <tr> <td class="qa-form-wide-label"> <h3 class="badge-title" title="' . qa_lang('badges/' . $types . '_desc') . '">' . $typed . '</h3> </td> </tr>'; foreach ($badge as $slug => $info) { $badge_name = qa_lang('badges/' . $slug); if (!qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name')) { qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name', $badge_name); } $name = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name'); $count = $info['count']; if (qa_opt('badge_show_source_posts')) { $oids = @$info['oid']; } else { $oids = null; } $var = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_var'); $desc = qa_badge_desc_replace($slug, $var, $name); // badge row $output .= ' <tr> <td class="badge-container"> <div class="badge-container-badge"> <span class="badge-' . $types . '" title="' . $desc . ' (' . $typed . ')">' . qa_html($name) . '</span> <span onclick="jQuery(\'.badge-container-sources-' . $slug . '\').slideToggle()" class="badge-count' . (is_array($oids) ? ' badge-count-link" title="' . qa_lang('badges/badge_count_click') : '') . '">x ' . $count . '</span> </div>'; // source row(s) if any if (is_array($oids)) { $output .= ' <div class="badge-container-sources-' . $slug . '" style="display:none">'; foreach ($oids as $oid) { $post = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec(null, $oid)); $title = $post['title']; $anchor = ''; if ($post['parentid']) { $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['type'], $oid)); $oid = $post['parentid']; $title = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT BINARY title as title FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $oid), true); } $length = 30; $text = qa_strlen($title) > $length ? qa_substr($title, 0, $length) . '...' : $title; $output .= ' <div class="badge-source"><a href="' . qa_path_html(qa_q_request($oid, $title), NULL, qa_opt('site_url')) . ($anchor ? '#' . $anchor : '') . '">' . qa_html($text) . '</a></div>'; } } $output .= ' </td> </tr>'; } $output .= ' </table>'; $outa[] = $output; } $fields[] = array('value' => '<table class="badge-user-tables"><tr><td class="badge-user-table">' . implode('</td><td class="badge-user-table">', $outa) . '</td></tr></table>', 'type' => 'static'); } $ok = null; $tags = null; $buttons = array(); if ((bool) qa_opt('badge_email_notify') && qa_get_logged_in_handle() == $handle) { // add badge notify checkbox if (qa_clicked('badge_email_notify_save')) { qa_opt('badge_email_notify_id_' . $userid, (bool) qa_post_text('badge_notify_email_me')); $ok = qa_lang('badges/badge_notified_email_me'); } $select = (bool) qa_opt('badge_email_notify_id_' . $userid); $tags = 'id="badge-form" action="' . qa_self_html() . '#signature_text" method="POST"'; $fields[] = array('type' => 'blank'); $fields[] = array('label' => qa_lang('badges/badge_notify_email_me'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'tags' => 'NAME="badge_notify_email_me"', 'value' => $select); $buttons[] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('main/save_button'), 'tags' => 'NAME="badge_email_notify_save"'); } return array('ok' => $ok && !isset($error) ? $ok : null, 'style' => 'tall', 'tags' => $tags, 'title' => qa_lang('badges/badges'), 'fields' => $fields, 'buttons' => $buttons); }
function list_vote_buttons($post) { $onclick = 'onclick="return qa_vote_click(this);"'; $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['raw']['type'], $post['raw']['postid'])); //v($post['vote_up_tags']); //v($post['vote_down_tags']); if ($post['vote_up_tags'] == ' ') { $post['vote_up_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/voted_up_popup') . '" name="' . qa_html('vote_' . $post['raw']['postid'] . '_0_' . $anchor) . '" ' . $onclick; } if ($post['vote_down_tags'] == ' ') { $post['vote_down_tags'] = 'title="' . qa_lang_html('main/voted_down_popup') . '" name="' . qa_html('vote_' . $post['raw']['postid'] . '_0_' . $anchor) . '" ' . $onclick; } switch (@$post['vote_state']) { case 'voted_up': $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-success qa-item-vote-one-button qa-voted-up'); $this->output('<div class="qa-list-vote-count">' . $post['netvotes_view']['data'] . '</div>'); $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-danger qa-item-vote-one-button qa-vote-down'); break; case 'voted_up_disabled': $this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-success qa-item-vote-one-button qa-vote-up'); $this->output('<div class="qa-list-vote-count">' . $post['netvotes_view']['data'] . '</div>'); $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-danger qa-item-vote-one-button qa-voted-down'); break; case 'voted_down': $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-success qa-item-vote-one-button qa-vote-up'); $this->output('<div class="qa-list-vote-count">' . $post['netvotes_view']['data'] . '</div>'); $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-danger qa-item-vote-one-button qa-voted-down'); break; case 'voted_down_disabled': $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-success qa-item-vote-one-button qa-voted-up'); $this->output('<div class="qa-list-vote-count">' . $post['netvotes_view']['data'] . '</div>'); $this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-danger qa-item-vote-one-button qa-vote-down'); break; case 'up_only': $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-success qa-item-vote-first-button qa-vote-up'); $this->output('<div class="qa-list-vote-count">' . $post['netvotes_view']['data'] . '</div>'); $this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-danger qa-item-vote-second-button qa-vote-down'); break; case 'enabled': $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-success qa-item-vote-first-button qa-vote-up'); $this->output('<div class="qa-list-vote-count">' . $post['netvotes_view']['data'] . '</div>'); $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-danger qa-item-vote-second-button qa-vote-down'); break; default: $this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-success qa-item-vote-first-button qa-vote-up'); $this->output('<div class="qa-list-vote-count">' . $post['netvotes_view']['data'] . '</div>'); $this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'fa btn btn-danger qa-item-vote-second-button qa-vote-down'); break; } }
function activitylist() { // get points for each activity require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-points.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-users.php'; $optionnames = qa_db_points_option_names(); $options = qa_get_options($optionnames); $multi = (int) $options['points_multiple']; $upvote = ''; $downvote = ''; if (@$options['points_per_q_voted_up']) { $upvote = '_up'; $downvote = '_down'; } $event_point['in_q_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $upvote] * $multi; $event_point['in_q_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $downvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_q_unvote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $upvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_q_unvote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $downvote] * $multi; $event_point['in_a_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $upvote] * $multi; $event_point['in_a_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $downvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_a_unvote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $upvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_a_unvote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $downvote] * $multi; $event_point['in_a_select'] = (int) $options['points_a_selected'] * $multi; $event_point['in_a_unselect'] = (int) $options['points_a_selected'] * $multi * -1; $event_point['q_post'] = (int) $options['points_post_q'] * $multi; $event_point['a_post'] = (int) $options['points_post_a'] * $multi; $event_point['a_select'] = (int) $options['points_select_a'] * $multi; $event_point['q_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_vote_up_q'] * $multi; $event_point['q_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_vote_down_q'] * $multi; $event_point['a_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_vote_up_a'] * $multi; $event_point['a_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_vote_down_a'] * $multi; /* // Exclude Activities $exclude = array( 'u_login', 'u_logout', 'u_password', 'u_reset', 'u_save', 'u_edit', 'u_block', 'u_unblock', 'feedback', 'search', 'badge_awarded', ); $excludes = "'".implode("','",$exclude)."'"; $eventslist = qa_db_read_all_assoc( qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datetime) AS datetime, userid, postid, effecteduserid, event, params FROM ^userlog WHERE userid=# AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL # DAY) <= datetime AND event NOT IN (' . $excludes .') ORDER BY datetime DESC'.(qa_opt('qat_activity_number')?' LIMIT '.(int)qa_opt('qat_activity_number'):''), $userid, qa_opt('qat_activity_age') ) ); */ // Get Events $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $eventslist = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datetime) AS datetime, userid, postid, effecteduserid, event, params FROM ^userlog WHERE effecteduserid=# AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL # DAY) <= datetime ORDER BY datetime DESC' . (qa_opt('qat_activity_number') ? ' LIMIT ' . (int) qa_opt('qat_activity_number') : ''), $userid, qa_opt('qat_activity_age'))); $event = array(); $output = ''; $i = 0; // $userids = array(); foreach ($eventslist as $event) { $userids[$event['userid']] = $event['userid']; $userids[$event['effecteduserid']] = $event['effecteduserid']; } $handles = qa_db_user_get_userid_handles($userids); // get event's: time, type, parameters // get post id of questions foreach ($eventslist as $event) { $title = ''; $link = ''; $vote_status = ''; $handle = $handles[$event['userid']]; $user_link = qa_path('user/' . $handle); $datetime = $event['datetime']; $event['date'] = qa_html(qa_time_to_string(qa_opt('db_time') - $datetime)); $event['params'] = json_decode($event['params'], true); $output .= '<li>'; switch ($event['event']) { case 'related': // related question to an answer $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['postid'], $event['params']['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"><strong class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . $handle . '</a></strong> <span class="what">Asked a question related to your answer</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['title'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'a_post': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"><strong class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . $handle . '</a></strong> <span class="what">Answered</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'c_post': // user's question had been commented $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"><strong class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . $handle . '</a></strong> <span class="what">Commented</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'q_reshow': // user's question had been answered $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your question had been accepted</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'a_reshow': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your answer had been made visible</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'c_reshow': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your comment had been accepted</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'a_select': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"><strong class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . $handle . '</a></strong> <span class="what">selected your answer</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'in_q_vote': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('Q', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); if ($event['params']['q_vote_up']) { $vote_status .= '<span>' . $event['params']['q_vote_up'] . ' upvotes</span>'; } if ($event['params']['q_vote_down']) { if (isset($vote_status)) { $vote_status .= ' - '; } $vote_status .= '<span>' . $event['params']['q_vote_down'] . ' downvotes</span>'; } if ($event['params']['favorite'] && $event['params']['favorite'] >= 1) { if (isset($vote_status)) { $vote_status .= ' - '; } $vote_status .= '<span>' . $event['params']['favorite'] . ' favourites</span>'; } $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your question received new votes: ' . $vote_status . '</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'in_a_vote': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); if ($event['params']['a_vote_up']) { $vote_status = '<span>' . $event['params']['a_vote_up'] . ' upvotes</span>'; } if ($event['params']['a_vote_down']) { if (isset($vote_status)) { $vote_status .= ' - '; } $vote_status .= '<span>' . $event['params']['a_vote_down'] . ' downvotes</span>'; } $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your answer received new votes: ' . $vote_status . '</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'q_approve': $anchor = qa_anchor('Q', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your question was approved</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'a_approve': $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your answer was approved</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'c_approve': $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your comment was approved</span> </p> <a class="title" href="' . $url . '">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</a> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'q_reject': $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">your question was rejected</span> </p> <span class="title">' . $event['params']['qtitle'] . '</span> <span class="date"> ' . $event['date'] . '</span> </div>'; break; case 'a_reject': case 'c_reject': break; case 'u_level': $output .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left icon-chat"></div> <div class="event-content"> <p class="title"> <span class="what">You level had been changed from' . qa_html(qa_user_level_string($event['params']['oldlevel'])) . ' to ' . qa_html(qa_user_level_string($event['params']['level'])) . '</span> </p> </div>'; break; case 'a_post': break; } } $output .= '</li>'; return $output; }
function qa_news_plugin_createNewsletter($send) { $news = qa_opt('news_plugin_template'); // static replacements $news = str_replace('[css]', qa_opt('news_plugin_css'), $news); $lastdate = time() - qa_opt('news_plugin_send_days') * 24 * 60 * 60; if (qa_opt('news_plugin_max_q') > 0) { $selectspec = "SELECT postid, BINARY title AS title, BINARY content AS content, format, netvotes, userid FROM ^posts WHERE type='Q' AND FROM_UNIXTIME(#) <= created AND netvotes > 0 ORDER BY netvotes DESC, created ASC LIMIT " . (int) qa_opt('news_plugin_max_q'); $sub = qa_db_query_sub($selectspec, $lastdate); while (($post = qa_db_read_one_assoc($sub, true)) !== null) { $qcontent = ''; if (!empty($post['content'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['content'], $post['format']); $content = $viewer->get_html($post['content'], $post['format'], array()); } $one = str_replace('[question-title]', $post['title'], qa_opt('news_plugin_template_question')); $one = str_replace('[anchor]', 'question' . $post['postid'], $one); $one = str_replace('[url]', qa_html(qa_q_request($post['postid'], $post['title'])), $one); $one = str_replace('[question]', $content, $one); $votes = str_replace('[number]', ($post['netvotes'] > 0 ? '+' : ($post['netvotes'] < 0 ? '-' : '')) . $post['netvotes'], qa_opt('news_plugin_template_votes')); $one = str_replace('[voting]', $votes, $one); $uid = $post['userid']; $handles = qa_userids_to_handles(array($uid)); $handle = $handles[$uid]; $one = str_replace('[meta]', qa_lang_sub('newsletter/meta', '<a href="' . qa_opt('site_url') . 'user/' . $handle . '">' . $handle . '</a>'), $one); $qhtml[] = $one; } } if (qa_opt('news_plugin_max_a') > 0) { $selectspec = "SELECT a.postid AS postid, a.parentid AS parentid, BINARY a.content AS content, a.format AS format, a.netvotes AS netvotes, a.userid as userid, q.title AS qtitle FROM ^posts AS q, ^posts AS a WHERE a.type='A' AND q.postid=a.parentid AND FROM_UNIXTIME(#) <= a.created AND a.netvotes > 0 ORDER BY a.netvotes DESC, a.created ASC LIMIT " . (int) qa_opt('news_plugin_max_a'); $sub = qa_db_query_sub($selectspec, $lastdate); while (($post = qa_db_read_one_assoc($sub, true)) !== null) { $content = ''; if (!empty($post['content'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['content'], $post['format']); $content = $viewer->get_html($post['content'], $post['format'], array()); } $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $post['postid']); $purl = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($post['parentid'], $post['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url')); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($post['parentid'], $post['qtitle']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $response = qa_lang_sub('newsletter/response_to_question', '<a href="' . $purl . '">' . $post['qtitle'] . '</a>'); $response = str_replace('[url]', $url, $response); $one = str_replace('[parent-ref]', $response, qa_opt('news_plugin_template_answer')); $one = str_replace('[anchor]', 'answer' . $post['postid'], $one); $one = str_replace('[answer]', $content, $one); $votes = str_replace('[number]', ($post['netvotes'] > 0 ? '+' : ($post['netvotes'] < 0 ? '-' : '')) . $post['netvotes'], qa_opt('news_plugin_template_votes')); $one = str_replace('[voting]', $votes, $one); $uid = $post['userid']; $handles = qa_userids_to_handles(array($uid)); $handle = $handles[$uid]; $one = str_replace('[meta]', qa_lang_sub('newsletter/meta', '<a href="' . qa_opt('site_url') . 'user/' . $handle . '">' . $handle . '</a>'), $one); $ahtml[] = $one; } } if (qa_opt('news_plugin_max_c') > 0) { $selectspec = "SELECT c.postid AS postid, c.parentid AS parentid, BINARY c.content AS content, c.format AS format, c.netvotes AS netvotes, c.userid as userid, p.title AS ptitle, p.parentid AS gpostid, g.title AS gtitle FROM ^posts AS c INNER JOIN ^posts AS p ON c.type='C' AND p.postid=c.parentid AND FROM_UNIXTIME(#) <= c.created LEFT JOIN ^posts AS g ON g.postid=p.parentid AND g.type='Q' AND c.netvotes > 0 ORDER BY c.netvotes DESC, c.created ASC LIMIT " . (int) qa_opt('news_plugin_max_a'); $sub = qa_db_query_sub($selectspec, $lastdate); while (($post = qa_db_read_one_assoc($sub, true)) !== null) { $content = ''; if (!empty($post['content'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['content'], $post['format']); $content = $viewer->get_html($post['content'], $post['format'], array()); } if (isset($post['gtitle'])) { $parent = 'answer'; $title = $post['gtitle']; $parentid = $post['gpostid']; $aurl = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($post['parentid'], $title), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, qa_anchor('A', $post['parentid'])); } else { $parent = 'question'; $title = $post['ptitle']; $parentid = $post['parentid']; } $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $post['postid']); $purl = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parentid, $title), null, qa_opt('site_url')); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parentid, $title), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $response = qa_lang_sub('newsletter/response_to_' . $parent, '<a href="' . $purl . '">' . $title . '</a>'); $response = str_replace('[url]', $url, $response); if (isset($aurl)) { $response = str_replace('[aurl]', $aurl, $response); } $one = str_replace('[parent-ref]', $response, qa_opt('news_plugin_template_comment')); $one = str_replace('[anchor]', 'comment' . $post['postid'], $one); $one = str_replace('[comment]', $content, $one); $votes = str_replace('[number]', ($post['netvotes'] > 0 ? '+' : ($post['netvotes'] < 0 ? '-' : '')) . $post['netvotes'], qa_opt('news_plugin_template_votes')); $one = str_replace('[voting]', $votes, $one); $uid = $post['userid']; $handles = qa_userids_to_handles(array($uid)); $handle = $handles[$uid]; $one = str_replace('[meta]', qa_lang_sub('newsletter/meta', '<a href="' . qa_opt('site_url') . 'user/' . $handle . '">' . $handle . '</a>'), $one); $chtml[] = $one; } } $news = str_replace('[questions]', implode('<hr class="inner">', $qhtml), $news); $news = str_replace('[answers]', implode('<hr class="inner">', $ahtml), $news); $news = str_replace('[comments]', implode('<hr class="inner">', $chtml), $news); // misc subs $news = str_replace('[intro]', qa_lang('newsletter/intro'), $news); $news = str_replace('[footer]', qa_lang('newsletter/footer'), $news); $news = str_replace('[site-title]', qa_opt('site_title'), $news); $news = str_replace('[site-url]', qa_opt('site_url'), $news); $news = str_replace('[last-date]', date('M j, Y', $lastdate), $news); $news = str_replace('[date]', date('M j, Y'), $news); $news = str_replace('[days]', qa_opt('news_plugin_send_days'), $news); $news = str_replace('[profile-url]', qa_path('my-profile'), $news); error_log('Q2A Newsletter Created on ' . date('M j, Y \\a\\t H\\:i\\:s')); file_put_contents(qa_opt('news_plugin_loc'), $news); if (qa_opt('news_plugin_pdf')) { qa_news_plugin_create_pdf(); } if ($send) { qa_news_plugin_send_newsletter($news); qa_opt('news_plugin_send_last', time()); return 'Newsletter Sent'; } return 'Newsletter Created'; //return 'Error creating '.qa_opt('news_plugin_loc').'; check the error log.'; }
function qa_search_max_match_anchor($question) { $anchorscore = array(); $matchparts = explode(',', $question['matchparts']); foreach ($matchparts as $matchpart) { if (sscanf($matchpart, '%1s:%f:%f', $matchposttype, $matchpostid, $matchscore) == 3) { @($anchorscore[qa_anchor($matchposttype, $matchpostid)] += $matchscore); } } if (count($anchorscore)) { $anchor = array_search(max($anchorscore), $anchorscore); if ($anchor != qa_anchor('Q', $question['postid'])) { return $anchor; } } return null; }
qa_base_db_disconnect(); // Prepare the XML output $lines = array(); $lines[] = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; $lines[] = '<rss version="2.0">'; $lines[] = '<channel>'; $lines[] = '<title>' . qa_html($sitetitle . ' - ' . $title) . '</title>'; $lines[] = '<link>' . qa_path_html($linkrequest, $linkparams, $siteurl) . '</link>'; $lines[] = '<description>Powered by Question2Answer</description>'; foreach ($questions as $question) { // Determine whether this is a question, answer or comment, and act accordingly $options = array('blockwordspreg' => @$blockwordspreg, 'showurllinks' => $showurllinks); $anchor = null; if (isset($question['opostid'])) { if ($question['obasetype'] != 'Q') { $anchor = qa_anchor($question['obasetype'], $question['opostid']); } $time = $question['otime']; if ($full) { $htmlcontent = qa_viewer_html($question['ocontent'], $question['oformat'], $options); } } else { $time = $question['created']; if ($full) { $htmlcontent = qa_viewer_html($question['content'], $question['format'], $options); } } switch (@$question['obasetype']) { case 'A': $titleprefix = @$question['oedited'] ? qa_lang('misc/feed_a_edited_prefix') : qa_lang('misc/feed_a_prefix'); break;
function user_activity_form() { $handle = $this->_user_handle(); if (!$handle) { return; } $userid = $this->getuserfromhandle($handle); if (!$userid) { return; } // update last visit if ($userid == qa_get_logged_in_userid() && qa_opt('user_act_list_new')) { qa_db_query_sub('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ^usermeta ( meta_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, meta_key varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, meta_value longtext, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), UNIQUE (user_id,meta_key) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8'); $last_visit = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(meta_value) FROM ^usermeta WHERE user_id=# AND meta_key=$', qa_get_logged_in_userid(), 'visited_profile'), true); qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^usermeta (user_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES(#,$,NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE meta_value=NOW()', $userid, 'visited_profile'); } else { $last_visit = time(); } $event_query = qa_db_query_sub("SELECT \n\t\t\t\te.event, \n\t\t\t\tBINARY e.params as params, \n\t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.datetime) AS datetime\n\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t^eventlog AS e\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\te.userid=#\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\tDATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL # DAY) <= datetime\n\t\t\tORDER BY datetime DESC" . (qa_opt('user_act_list_max') ? " LIMIT " . (int) qa_opt('user_act_list_max') : ""), $userid, qa_opt('user_act_list_age')); // no post $nopost = array('u_password', 'u_reset', 'u_save', 'u_confirmed', 'u_edit', 'u_level', 'u_block', 'u_unblock', 'u_register', 'in_u_edit', 'in_u_level', 'in_u_block', 'in_u_unblock', 'feedback', 'search'); // points require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-points.php'; $optionnames = qa_db_points_option_names(); $options = qa_get_options($optionnames); $multi = (int) $options['points_multiple']; // compat fudge $upvote = ''; $downvote = ''; if (@$options['points_per_q_voted_up']) { $upvote = '_up'; $downvote = '_down'; } $option_events['in_q_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $upvote] * $multi; $option_events['in_q_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $downvote] * $multi * -1; $option_events['in_q_unvote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $upvote] * $multi * -1; $option_events['in_q_unvote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $downvote] * $multi; $option_events['in_a_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $upvote] * $multi; $option_events['in_a_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $downvote] * $multi * -1; $option_events['in_a_unvote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $upvote] * $multi * -1; $option_events['in_a_unvote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $downvote] * $multi; $option_events['in_a_select'] = (int) $options['points_a_selected'] * $multi; $option_events['in_a_unselect'] = (int) $options['points_a_selected'] * $multi * -1; $option_events['q_post'] = (int) $options['points_post_q'] * $multi; $option_events['a_post'] = (int) $options['points_post_a'] * $multi; $option_events['a_select'] = (int) $options['points_select_a'] * $multi; $option_events['q_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_vote_up_q'] * $multi; $option_events['q_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_vote_down_q'] * $multi; $option_events['a_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_vote_up_a'] * $multi; $option_events['a_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_vote_down_a'] * $multi; $fields = array(); $events = array(); $postids = array(); $count = 0; while (($event = qa_db_read_one_assoc($event_query, true)) !== null) { if (preg_match('/postid=([0-9]+)/', $event['params'], $m) === 1) { $event['postid'] = (int) $m[1]; $postids[] = (int) $m[1]; $events[$m[1] . '_' . $count++] = $event; } else { $events['nopost_' . $count++] = $event; } } // get post info, also makes sure post exists $posts = null; if (!empty($postids)) { $post_query = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid, type, parentid, BINARY title as title FROM ^posts WHERE postid IN (' . implode(',', $postids) . ')')); foreach ($post_query as $post) { $posts[(string) $post['postid']] = $post; } } foreach ($events as $postid_string => $event) { $type = $event['event']; $postid = preg_replace('/_.*/', '', $postid_string); $post = null; $post = @$posts[$postid]; // these calls allow you to deal with deleted events; // uncomment the first one to skip them // uncomment the second one to build your own routine based on whether they are deleted. if (!in_array($type, $nopost) && $post == null) { continue; } // $deleted = (!in_array($type, $nopost) && $post == null); // hide / show exceptions if (qa_get_logged_in_level() < QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) { if ($userid != qa_get_logged_in_userid()) { // show public $types = explode("\n", qa_opt('user_act_list_show')); if (!in_array($type, $types)) { continue; } } else { // hide from owner $types = explode("\n", qa_opt('user_act_list_hide')); if (in_array($type, $types)) { continue; } } } if (!qa_opt('user_act_list_' . $type)) { continue; } $params = array(); $paramsa = explode("\t", $event['params']); foreach ($paramsa as $param) { $parama = explode('=', $param); if (isset($parama[1])) { $params[$parama[0]] = $parama[1]; } else { $params[$param] = $param; } } $link = ''; if (in_array($type, $nopost)) { if ($type == 'search') { if ((int) $params['start'] != 0) { continue; } $link = '<a href="' . qa_path_html('search', array('q' => $params['query'])) . '">' . qa_html($params['query']) . '</a>'; } else { if (in_array($type, array('u_edit', 'u_level', 'u_block', 'u_unblock'))) { $ohandle = $this->getHandleFromID($params['userid']); $link = '<a href="' . qa_path_html('user/' . $ohandle, null, qa_opt('site_url')) . '">' . $ohandle . '</a>'; } else { $link = ''; } } } else { if ($type == 'badge_awarded') { if (!qa_opt('badge_active') || !function_exists('qa_get_badge_type')) { continue; } if ($post != null) { if (strpos($post['type'], 'Q') !== 0) { $anchor = qa_anchor(strpos($post['type'], 'A') === 0 ? 'A' : 'C', $params['postid']); $parent = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT parentid,type,BINARY title as title,postid FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $post['parentid']), true); if ($parent['type'] == 'A') { $parent = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT BINARY title as title,postid FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $parent['parentid']), true); } $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parent['postid'], $parent['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $link = '<a href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $parent['title'] . '</a>'; } else { $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($params['postid'], $post['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $link = '<a href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $post['title'] . '</a>'; } } } else { if ($post != null && strpos($event['event'], 'q_') !== 0 && strpos($event['event'], 'in_q_') !== 0) { // comment or answer if (!isset($params['parentid'])) { $params['parentid'] = $post['parentid']; } $parent = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec($userid, $params['parentid'])); if ($parent['type'] == 'A') { $parent = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec($userid, $parent['parentid'])); } $anchor = qa_anchor(strpos($event['event'], 'a_') === 0 || strpos($event['event'], 'in_a_') === 0 ? 'A' : 'C', $params['postid']); $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parent['postid'], $parent['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor); $link = '<a href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $parent['title'] . '</a>'; } else { if ($post != null) { // question if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = $posts[$params['postid']]['title']; } if ($params['title'] !== null) { $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($params['postid'], $params['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url')); $link = '<a href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $params['title'] . '</a>'; } } } } } $time = $event['datetime']; if (qa_opt('user_act_list_shading')) { $days = (qa_opt('db_time') - $time) / 60 / 60 / 24; $col = round($days / qa_opt('user_act_list_age') * 255 / 2); $bkg = 255 - round($days / qa_opt('user_act_list_age') * 255 / 8); $bkg = dechex($bkg); $col = dechex($col); if (strlen($col) == 1) { $col = '0' . $col; } if (strlen($bkg) == 1) { $bkg = '0' . $bkg; } $col = '#' . $col . $col . $col; $bkg = '#' . $bkg . $bkg . $bkg; } $whenhtml = qa_html(qa_time_to_string(qa_opt('db_time') - $time)); $when = qa_lang_html_sub('main/x_ago', $whenhtml); $when = str_replace(' ', '<br/>', $when); $when = preg_replace('/([0-9]+)/', '<span class="qa-history-item-date-no">$1</span>', $when); if (strpos($type, '_vote_nil') == 4) { if ($params['oldvote'] == '1') { // unvoting an upvote $points = @$option_events[str_replace('_vote_nil', '_unvote_up', $type)]; } else { // unvoting a downvote $points = @$option_events[str_replace('_vote_nil', '_unvote_down', $type)]; } } else { $points = @$option_events[$type]; } $string = qa_opt('user_act_list_' . $type); if ($type == 'badge_awarded') { $slug = $params['badge_slug']; $typea = qa_get_badge_type_by_slug($slug); if (!$typea) { continue; } $types = $typea['slug']; $typed = $typea['name']; $badge_name = qa_badge_name($slug); if (!qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name')) { qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name', $badge_name); } $var = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_var'); $name = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name'); $desc = qa_badge_desc_replace($slug, $var, false); $string = str_replace('^badge', '<span class="badge-' . $types . '" title="' . $desc . ' (' . $typed . ')">' . qa_html($name) . '</span>', $string); } $fields[] = array('type' => 'static', 'label' => '<div class="qa-history-item-date' . ($time >= $last_visit && strpos($type, 'in_') === 0 ? ' qa-history-item-date-new' : '') . '"' . (qa_opt('user_act_list_shading') ? ' style="color:' . $col . ';background-color:' . $bkg . '"' : '') . '>' . $when . '</div>', 'value' => '<table class="qa-history-item-table"><tr><td class="qa-history-item-type-cell"><div class="qa-history-item-type qa-history-item-' . $type . '">' . $string . '</div></td><td class="qa-history-item-title-cell"><div class="qa-history-item-title">' . $link . '</div></td class="qa-history-item-points-cell"><td align="right">' . ($points ? '<div class="qa-history-item-points qa-history-item-points-' . ($points < 0 ? 'neg">' : 'pos">+') . $points . '</div>' : ' ') . '</td></tr></table>'); } if (empty($fields)) { return; } return array('style' => 'wide', 'title' => qa_opt('user_act_list_title'), 'fields' => $fields); }
function get_full_post($post, $options, $usershtml) { $fields['raw'] = $post; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $cookieid = qa_cookie_get(); $fields['netvotes_raw'] = (int) $post['netvotes']; $postid = $post['postid']; $isquestion = $post['basetype'] == 'Q'; $isanswer = $post['basetype'] == 'A'; $isbyuser = @$post['userid'] == $userid; $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $postid)); $elementid = isset($options['elementid']) ? $options['elementid'] : $anchor; $microformats = false; $isselected = @$options['isselected']; // content if (@$options['contentview'] && !empty($post['content'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['content'], $post['format']); $fields['content'] = $viewer->get_html($post['content'], $post['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => @$options['blockwordspreg'], 'showurllinks' => @$options['showurllinks'], 'linksnewwindow' => @$options['linksnewwindow'])); } if ($post['hidden']) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'disabled'; } elseif ($isbyuser) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'disabled'; } elseif (@$post['uservote'] > 0) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'voted_up'; } elseif (@$post['uservote'] < 0) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'voted_down'; } else { if (strpos($options['voteview'], '-uponly-level')) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'up_only'; } else { $fields['vote_state'] = 'enabled'; } } // Created when and by whom $fields['meta_order'] = qa_lang_html('main/meta_order'); // sets ordering of meta elements which can be language-specific if (@$options['whatview']) { $fields['what'] = qa_lang_html($isquestion ? 'main/asked' : ($isanswer ? 'main/answered' : 'main/commented')); if (@$options['whatlink'] && !$isquestion) { $fields['what_url'] = qa_path_html(qa_request(), array('show' => $postid), null, null, qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $postid)); } } if (isset($post['created']) && @$options['whenview']) { $fields['when'] = qa_when_to_html($post['created'], @$options['fulldatedays']); } if (@$options['whoview']) { $fields['who'] = qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, @$post['userid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? @$post['createip'] : null, $microformats); if (isset($post['points'])) { if (@$options['pointsview']) { $fields['who']['points'] = $post['points'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_point', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_points', qa_html(number_format($post['points']))); } if (isset($options['pointstitle'])) { $fields['who']['title'] = qa_get_points_title_html($post['points'], $options['pointstitle']); } } if (isset($post['level'])) { $fields['who']['level'] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($post['level'])); } } $isselected = @$options['isselected']; // Updated when and by whom if (isset($post['opostid'])) { // updated meta switch ($post['obasetype'] . '-' . @$post['oupdatetype']) { case 'Q-': $langstring = 'main/asked'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['hidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/reshown'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CLOSED: $langstring = isset($post['closedbyid']) ? 'main/closed' : 'main/reopened'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_TAGS: $langstring = 'main/retagged'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY: $langstring = 'main/recategorized'; break; case 'A-': $langstring = 'main/answered'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_SELECTED: $langstring = 'main/answer_selected'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['ohidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/answer_reshown'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: $langstring = 'main/answer_edited'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS: $langstring = 'main/asked_related_q'; break; case 'C-': $langstring = 'main/commented'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_TYPE: $langstring = 'main/comment_moved'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['ohidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/comment_reshown'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: $langstring = 'main/comment_edited'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: default: $langstring = 'main/edited'; break; } $fields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html($langstring); if ($post['obasetype'] != 'Q' || @$post['oupdatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS) { $fields['what_2_url'] = qa_q_path_html($post['postid'], $post['title'], false, $post['obasetype'], $post['opostid']); } if (@$options['contentview'] && !empty($post['ocontent'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['ocontent'], $post['oformat']); $fields['content_2'] = $viewer->get_html($post['ocontent'], $post['oformat'], array('blockwordspreg' => @$options['blockwordspreg'], 'showurllinks' => @$options['showurllinks'], 'linksnewwindow' => @$options['linksnewwindow'])); } if (@$options['whenview']) { $fields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($post['otime'], @$options['fulldatedays']); } if (@$options['whoview']) { $isbyuser = qa_post_is_by_user(array('userid' => $post['ouserid'], 'cookieid' => @$post['ocookieid']), $userid, $cookieid); $fields['who_2'] = qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, $post['ouserid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? @$post['oip'] : null, false); if (isset($post['opoints'])) { if (@$options['pointsview']) { $fields['who_2']['points'] = $post['opoints'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_point', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_points', qa_html(number_format($post['opoints']))); } if (isset($options['pointstitle'])) { $fields['who_2']['title'] = qa_get_points_title_html($post['opoints'], $options['pointstitle']); } } if (isset($post['olevel'])) { $fields['who_2']['level'] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($post['olevel'])); } } } else { if (@$options['updateview'] && isset($post['updated']) && ($post['updatetype'] != QA_UPDATE_SELECTED || $isselected) && (!isset($post['created']) || $post['hidden'] && $post['updatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE || isset($post['closedbyid']) && $post['updatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_CLOSED || abs($post['updated'] - $post['created']) > 300 || $post['lastuserid'] != $post['userid'])) { switch ($post['updatetype']) { case QA_UPDATE_TYPE: case QA_UPDATE_PARENT: $langstring = 'main/moved'; break; case QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY: $langstring = 'main/recategorized'; break; case QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['hidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/reshown'; break; case QA_UPDATE_CLOSED: $langstring = isset($post['closedbyid']) ? 'main/closed' : 'main/reopened'; break; case QA_UPDATE_TAGS: $langstring = 'main/retagged'; break; case QA_UPDATE_SELECTED: $langstring = 'main/selected'; break; default: $langstring = 'main/edited'; break; } $fields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html($langstring); if (@$options['whenview']) { $fields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($post['updated'], @$options['fulldatedays']); } if (isset($post['lastuserid']) && @$options['whoview']) { $fields['who_2'] = qa_who_to_html(isset($userid) && $post['lastuserid'] == $userid, $post['lastuserid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? $post['lastip'] : null, false); } } } $fields['avatar'] = $this->get_post_avatar($post); return $fields; }
function qa_other_to_q_html_fields($question, $userid, $cookieid, $usershtml, $dummy, $options) { $fields = qa_post_html_fields($question, $userid, $cookieid, $usershtml, null, $options); switch ($question['obasetype']) { case 'Q': $fields['what'] = @$question['oedited'] ? qa_lang_html('main/edited') : null; break; case 'A': $fields['what'] = @$question['oedited'] ? qa_lang_html('main/answer_edited') : qa_lang_html('main/answered'); break; case 'C': $fields['what'] = @$question['oedited'] ? qa_lang_html('main/comment_edited') : qa_lang_html('main/commented'); break; } if ($question['obasetype'] != 'Q') { $fields['what_url'] = $fields['url'] . '#' . qa_html(urlencode(qa_anchor($question['obasetype'], $question['opostid']))); } if (@$options['whenview']) { $fields['when'] = qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_ago', qa_html(qa_time_to_string(qa_opt('db_time') - $question['otime']))); } if (@$options['whoview']) { $isbyuser = qa_post_is_by_user(array('userid' => $question['ouserid'], 'cookieid' => $question['ocookieid']), $userid, $cookieid); $fields['who'] = qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, $question['ouserid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? $question['oip'] : null, false); if (isset($question['opoints'])) { if (@$options['pointsview']) { $fields['who']['points'] = $question['opoints'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_point', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_points', qa_html(number_format($question['opoints']))); } if (isset($options['pointstitle'])) { $fields['who']['title'] = qa_get_points_title_html($question['opoints'], $options['pointstitle']); } } if (isset($question['olevel'])) { $fields['who']['level'] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($question['olevel'])); } } unset($fields['flags']); if (@$options['flagsview'] && @$post['oflagcount']) { $fields['flags'] = $post['oflagcount'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_flag', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_flags', $post['oflagcount']); } unset($fields['avatar']); if (!QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS && @$options['avatarsize'] > 0) { $fields['avatar'] = qa_get_user_avatar_html($question['oflags'], $question['oemail'], $question['ohandle'], $question['oavatarblobid'], $question['oavatarwidth'], $question['oavatarheight'], $options['avatarsize']); } return $fields; }
} if ($question['claimable']) { $qa_content['q_view']['form']['buttons']['claim'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="doclaimq"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/claim_button')); } if ($question['answerbutton'] && $formtype != 'a_add') { // don't show if shown by default $qa_content['q_view']['form']['buttons']['answer'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="doanswerq"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/answer_button'), 'popup' => qa_lang_html('question/answer_q_popup')); } if ($question['commentbutton']) { $qa_content['q_view']['form']['buttons']['comment'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="docommentq"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/comment_button'), 'popup' => qa_lang_html('question/comment_q_popup')); } } // Information about the question of the answer that this question follows on from (or a question directly) if (isset($parentquestion)) { $parentquestion['title'] = qa_block_words_replace($parentquestion['title'], qa_get_block_words_preg()); $qa_content['q_view']['follows'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html($question['parentid'] == $parentquestion['postid'] ? 'question/follows_q' : 'question/follows_a'), 'title' => qa_html($parentquestion['title']), 'url' => qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parentquestion['postid'], $parentquestion['title']), null, null, null, $question['parentid'] == $parentquestion['postid'] ? null : qa_anchor('A', $question['parentid']))); } } // Prepare content for an answer being edited (if any) if ($formtype == 'a_edit') { $qa_content['q_view']['a_form'] = qa_page_q_edit_a_form($formpostid); } // Prepare content for comments on the question, plus add or edit comment forms $qa_content['q_view']['c_list'] = qa_page_q_comment_follow_list($question); // ...for viewing if ($formtype == 'c_add' && $formpostid == $questionid) { // be added $qa_content['q_view']['c_form'] = qa_page_q_add_c_form(null); } elseif ($formtype == 'c_edit' && @$commentsfollows[$formpostid]['parentid'] == $questionid) { // ...being edited $qa_content['q_view']['c_form'] = qa_page_q_edit_c_form($formpostid, null);
function doctype() { //qa_error_log($this->content); if ($this->request == 'admin/permissions' && function_exists('qa_register_plugin_phrases') && qa_get_logged_in_level() >= QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) { $permits[] = 'expert_question_ask'; $permits[] = 'expert_question_roles'; foreach ($permits as $optionname) { $value = qa_opt($optionname); $optionfield = array('id' => $optionname, 'label' => qa_lang_html('expert_question/' . $optionname) . ':', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '" ID="option_' . $optionname . '"', 'error' => qa_html(@$errors[$optionname])); $widest = QA_PERMIT_USERS; $narrowest = QA_PERMIT_ADMINS; $permitoptions = qa_admin_permit_options($widest, $narrowest, !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS && qa_opt('confirm_user_emails')); if (count($permitoptions) > 1) { qa_optionfield_make_select($optionfield, $permitoptions, $value, $value == QA_PERMIT_CONFIRMED ? QA_PERMIT_USERS : min(array_keys($permitoptions))); } $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname] = $optionfield; $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname . '_points'] = array('id' => $optionname . '_points', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '_points" ID="option_' . $optionname . '_points"', 'type' => 'number', 'value' => qa_opt($optionname . '_points'), 'prefix' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_must_have') . ' ', 'note' => qa_lang_html('admin/points')); $checkboxtodisplay[$optionname . '_points'] = '(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS) . ') ||(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS_CONFIRMED) . ')'; } qa_set_display_rules($this->content, $checkboxtodisplay); } $this->expert_user = $this->is_expert_user(); if (!$this->expert_user) { foreach ($this->content['navigation']['main'] as $key => $nav) { if ($nav['url'] == qa_path_html(qa_opt('expert_question_page_url'))) { unset($this->content['navigation']['main'][$key]); } } } if (qa_clicked('do_expert_answeradd') && ($this->expert_user || $this->content['q_view']['raw']['userid'] === qa_get_logged_in_userid())) { global $qa_login_userid, $questionid, $question, $answers, $question, $qa_request; $innotify = qa_post_text('notify') ? true : false; $inemail = qa_post_text('email'); qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $ineditor, $incontent, $informat, $intext); $isduplicate = false; foreach ($answers as $answer) { if (!$answer['hidden']) { if (implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($answer['content'])) == implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($incontent))) { $isduplicate = true; } } } if (!$isduplicate) { if (!isset($qa_login_userid)) { $qa_cookieid = qa_cookie_get_create(); } // create a new cookie if necessary $answerid = qa_answer_create($qa_login_userid, qa_get_logged_in_handle(), $qa_cookieid, $incontent, $informat, $intext, $innotify, $inemail, $question); qa_report_write_action($qa_login_userid, $qa_cookieid, 'a_post', $questionid, $answerid, null); qa_redirect($qa_request, null, null, null, qa_anchor('A', $answerid)); } else { $pageerror = qa_lang_html('question/duplicate_content'); } qa_page_q_load_q(); // reload since we may have changed something } if (qa_opt('expert_question_enable')) { if ($this->expert_user && qa_opt('expert_question_show_count')) { $this->expertcount = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT COUNT(postid) FROM ^postmeta, ^posts WHERE ^postmeta.meta_key='is_expert_question' AND ^postmeta.post_id=^posts.postid AND ^posts.acount=0" . (is_array($this->expert_user) ? " AND ^posts.categoryid IN (#)" : " AND \$"), $this->expert_user), true); if ($this->expertcount) { foreach ($this->content['navigation']['main'] as $key => $nav) { if ($nav['url'] == qa_path_html(qa_opt('expert_question_page_url'))) { $this->content['navigation']['main'][$key]['label'] .= ' (' . $this->expertcount . ')'; } } } } global $qa_request; if ($qa_request == qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')) { $this->content['navigation']['sub'] = array('special' => 1); } if ($this->template == 'ask' && in_array(qa_opt('expert_question_type'), array(0, 2)) && !qa_user_permit_error('permit_post_q') && !qa_permit_value_error(qa_opt('expert_question_ask'), qa_get_logged_in_userid(), qa_get_logged_in_level(), qa_get_logged_in_flags()) && !qa_opt('site_maintenance')) { $this->content['form']['fields'][] = array('tags' => 'NAME="is_expert_question" ID="is_expert_question"', 'value' => qa_get(qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')) == 'true' ? qa_opt('expert_question_yes') : qa_opt('expert_question_no'), 'type' => 'select-radio', 'options' => array('no' => qa_opt('expert_question_no'), 'yes' => qa_opt('expert_question_yes'))); } if ($this->template == 'user' && qa_get_logged_in_handle() === $this->_user_handle()) { if (!isset($this->content['navigation']['sub'])) { $this->content['navigation']['sub'] = array('profile' => array('url' => qa_path_html('user/' . $this->_user_handle(), null, qa_opt('site_url')), 'label' => $this->_user_handle(), 'selected' => !qa_get('tab') ? true : false), qa_opt('expert_question_page_url') => array('url' => qa_path_html('user/' . $this->_user_handle(), array('tab' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')), qa_opt('site_url')), 'label' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_title'), 'selected' => qa_get('tab') == qa_opt('expert_question_page_url') ? true : false)); } else { $this->content['navigation']['sub'][qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')] = array('url' => qa_path_html('user/' . $this->_user_handle(), array('tab' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')), qa_opt('site_url')), 'label' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_title'), 'selected' => qa_get('tab') == qa_opt('expert_question_page_url') ? true : false); } } if ($this->template == 'question') { $qid = $this->content['q_view']['raw']['postid']; $expert = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT meta_value FROM ^postmeta WHERE meta_key='is_expert_question' AND post_id=#", $qid), true); if ($expert) { // is expert question $this->expert_question = 1; // modify post elements // title $this->content['title'] .= ' ' . qa_opt('expert_question_title'); // css class $this->content['q_view']['tags'] .= ' class="qa-expert-question"'; // remove hidden stuff unset($this->content['q_view']['hidden']); unset($this->content['hidden']); } } } qa_html_theme_base::doctype(); }
function post($event, $userid, $handle, $params, $type) { // remove mentions if (!qa_opt('buddypress_mentions')) { remove_filter('bp_activity_after_save', 'bp_activity_at_name_filter_updates'); } switch ($type) { case 'Q': $suffix = ' question '; break; case 'A': $suffix = 'n %answer% to the question '; break; case 'C': $suffix = ' %comment% on the question '; break; } // poll integration if (qa_post_text('is_poll')) { if ($type == 'A') { return; } if ($type == 'Q') { $suffix = str_replace('question', 'poll', $suffix); } else { $suffix = str_replace('question', 'poll', $suffix); } } $content = $params['content']; // activity post if ($event != 'q_post') { $parent = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $params['parentid']), true); if ($parent['type'] == 'A') { $parent = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $parent['parentid']), true); } $anchor = qa_anchor($event == 'a_post' ? 'A' : 'C', $params['postid']); $suffix = preg_replace('/%([^%]+)%/', '<a href="' . qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parent['postid'], $parent['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor) . '">$1</a>', $suffix); $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($parent['postid'], $parent['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url')); $context = $suffix . '"<a href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $parent['title'] . '</a>"'; } else { $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($params['postid'], $params['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url')); $context = $suffix . '"<a href="' . $activity_url . '">' . $params['title'] . '</a>"'; } if (qa_opt('buddypress_display_names')) { $name = bp_core_get_user_displayname($handle) ? bp_core_get_user_displayname($handle) : $handle; } else { $name = $handle; } $action = '<a href="' . bp_core_get_user_domain($userid) . '" rel="nofollow">' . $name . '</a> posted a' . $context . ' at <a href="' . qa_opt('site_url') . '">' . qa_opt('site_title') . '</a>'; if (qa_opt('buddypress_integration_include_content')) { $informat = $params['format']; $viewer = qa_load_viewer($content, $informat); if (qa_opt('buddypress_integration_max_post_length') && strlen($content) > (int) qa_opt('buddypress_integration_max_post_length')) { $content = substr($content, 0, (int) qa_opt('buddypress_integration_max_post_length')); $content = $content . ' ...'; } $content = $viewer->get_html($content, $informat, array()); } else { $content = null; } global $phpmailer; if (class_exists('PHPMailer') && !is_object($phpmailer)) { $phpmailer = new PHPMailer(true); } $act_id = qa_buddypress_activity_post(array('action' => $action, 'content' => $content, 'primary_link' => $activity_url, 'component' => 'bp-qa', 'type' => 'activity_qa_' . $type, 'user_id' => $userid, 'item_id' => null)); }
function ra_user_badges_list($userid) { if (!qa_opt('badge_active')) { return; } $handles = qa_userids_to_handles(array($userid)); $handle = $handles[$userid]; // displays badge list in user profile $result = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT badge_slug as slug, object_id AS oid FROM ^userbadges WHERE user_id=#', $userid)); if (count($result) > 0) { // count badges $bin = qa_get_badge_list(); $badges = array(); foreach ($result as $info) { $slug = $info['slug']; $type = $bin[$slug]['type']; if (isset($badges[$type][$slug])) { $badges[$type][$slug]['count']++; } else { $badges[$type][$slug]['count'] = 1; } if ($info['oid']) { $badges[$type][$slug]['oid'][] = $info['oid']; } } foreach ($badges as $type => $badge) { $typea = qa_get_badge_type($type); $types = $typea['slug']; $typed = $typea['name']; $output = ''; //$output = '<h3 class="badge-title" title="'.qa_lang('badges/'.$types.'_desc').'">'.$typed.'</h3>'; foreach ($badge as $slug => $info) { $badge_name = qa_badge_name($slug); if (!qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name')) { qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name', $badge_name); } $name = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_name'); $count = $info['count']; if (qa_opt('badge_show_source_posts')) { $oids = @$info['oid']; } else { $oids = null; } $var = qa_opt('badge_' . $slug . '_var'); $desc = qa_badge_desc_replace($slug, $var, false); // badge row $output .= '<div class="badge-container-badge"> <span class="user-badge ' . $types . ' icon-badge" title="' . $desc . ' (' . $typed . ')">' . qa_html($name) . '</span> <span class="badge-count">x ' . $count . '</span>' . (is_array($oids) ? '<i class="icon-chevron-down"></i>' : ''); // source row(s) if any if (is_array($oids)) { $output .= ' <div class="badge-sources ' . $slug . '"><ul>'; foreach ($oids as $oid) { $post = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_full_post_selectspec(null, $oid)); $title = $post['title']; $anchor = ''; if ($post['parentid']) { $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['type'], $oid)); $oid = $post['parentid']; $title = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT BINARY title as title FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $oid), true); } //$length = 30; $text = $title; $output .= '<li><a href="' . qa_path_html(qa_q_request($oid, $title), NULL, qa_opt('site_url')) . ($anchor ? '#' . $anchor : '') . '">' . qa_html($text) . '</a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul></div>'; } $output .= '</div>'; } $outa[] = $output; } $fields = '<div class="badge-user-block widget"><h3 class="widget-title">' . _ra_lang('Badges') . '</h3><div class="widget-inner">' . implode('', $outa) . '</div></div>'; } return $fields; }
function qa_page_q_comment_follow_list($parent, $commentsfollows, $alwaysfull, $usershtml, $formrequested, $formpostid) { $parentid = $parent['postid']; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $cookieid = qa_cookie_get(); $commentlist = array('tags' => 'ID="c' . qa_html($parentid) . '_list"', 'cs' => array()); $showcomments = array(); foreach ($commentsfollows as $commentfollowid => $commentfollow) { if ($commentfollow['parentid'] == $parentid && $commentfollow['viewable'] && $commentfollowid != $formpostid) { $showcomments[$commentfollowid] = $commentfollow; } } $countshowcomments = count($showcomments); if (!$alwaysfull && $countshowcomments > qa_opt('show_fewer_cs_from')) { $skipfirst = $countshowcomments - qa_opt('show_fewer_cs_count'); } else { $skipfirst = 0; } if ($skipfirst == $countshowcomments) { // showing none if ($skipfirst == 1) { $expandtitle = qa_lang_html('question/show_1_comment'); } else { $expandtitle = qa_lang_html_sub('question/show_x_comments', $skipfirst); } } else { if ($skipfirst == 1) { $expandtitle = qa_lang_html('question/show_1_previous_comment'); } else { $expandtitle = qa_lang_html_sub('question/show_x_previous_comments', $skipfirst); } } if ($skipfirst > 0) { $commentlist['cs'][$parentid] = array('url' => qa_html('?state=showcomments-' . $parentid . '&show=' . $parentid . '#' . urlencode(qa_anchor($parent['basetype'], $parentid))), 'expand_tags' => 'onClick="return qa_show_comments(' . qa_js($parentid) . ', this);"', 'title' => $expandtitle); } foreach ($showcomments as $commentfollowid => $commentfollow) { if ($skipfirst > 0) { $skipfirst--; } elseif ($commentfollow['basetype'] == 'C') { $commentlist['cs'][$commentfollowid] = qa_page_q_comment_view($parent, $commentfollow, $usershtml, $formrequested); } elseif ($commentfollow['basetype'] == 'Q') { $htmloptions = qa_post_html_defaults('Q'); $htmloptions['avatarsize'] = qa_opt('avatar_q_page_c_size'); $commentlist['cs'][$commentfollowid] = qa_post_html_fields($commentfollow, $userid, $cookieid, $usershtml, null, $htmloptions); } } if (!count($commentlist['cs'])) { $commentlist['hidden'] = true; } return $commentlist; }
function qa_ajax_comment_form() { global $qa_content, $incomment, $informat, $errors, $questionid, $ineditor, $innotify, $inemail, $jumptoanchor, $focusonid, $usecaptcha, $qa_login_userid; $jumptoanchor = isset($answerid) ? qa_anchor('A', $answerid) : qa_anchor('Q', $questionid); $focusonid = 'comment'; $editorname = isset($ineditor) ? $ineditor : qa_opt('editor_for_cs'); $editor = qa_load_editor(@$incomment, @$informat, $editorname); $form = array('title' => qa_lang_html(isset($answerid) ? 'question/your_comment_a' : 'question/your_comment_q'), 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('content' => array_merge($editor->get_field($qa_content, @$incomment, @$informat, 'comment', 4, true), array('error' => qa_html(@$errors['content']), 'rows' => 8))), 'buttons' => array('comment' => array('tags' => 'onclick="ajaxPostComment()"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/add_comment_button'), 'ajax_comment' => $this->idx2), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'NAME="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('main/cancel_button'), 'ajax_comment' => $this->idx2)), 'hidden' => array('editor' => qa_html($editorname))); $form['fields']['content']['tags'] = @$form['fields']['tags'] . ' id="comment" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode == 27) toggleComment(false);"'; // add reminder text if commenting on answer to own question $ourid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); if (qa_opt('ajax_comment_answer_reminder') && !$this->content['q_view']['raw']['selchildid'] && isset($answerid) && $this->content['q_view']['raw']['userid'] == $ourid && @$this->content['a_list']['as'][$this->idx - 1]['raw']['userid'] != $ourid) { $form['fields']['custom_message'] = array('note' => '<div class="ajax-comment-reminder">' . qa_opt('ajax_comment_answer_reminder_text') . '</div>', 'type' => 'static'); } qa_set_up_notify_fields($qa_content, $form['fields'], 'C', qa_get_logged_in_email(), isset($innotify) ? $innotify : qa_opt('notify_users_default'), @$inemail, @$errors['email']); if ($usecaptcha) { qa_set_up_captcha_field($qa_content, $form['fields'], @$errors, qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html(isset($qa_login_userid) ? 'misc/captcha_confirm_fix' : 'misc/captcha_login_fix'))); } $form['ajax_comment'] = 0; $this->idx2++; return $form; }
public function activitylist() { $offset = (int) qa_get('offset'); $offset = isset($offset) ? $offset * 15 : 0; // get points for each activity require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-points.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-users.php'; $optionnames = qa_db_points_option_names(); $options = qa_get_options($optionnames); $multi = (int) $options['points_multiple']; $upvote = ''; $downvote = ''; if (@$options['points_per_q_voted_up']) { $upvote = '_up'; $downvote = '_down'; } $event_point['in_q_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $upvote] * $multi; $event_point['in_q_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $downvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_q_unvote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $upvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_q_unvote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_q_voted' . $downvote] * $multi; $event_point['a_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $upvote] * $multi; $event_point['in_a_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $downvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_a_unvote_up'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $upvote] * $multi * -1; $event_point['in_a_unvote_down'] = (int) $options['points_per_a_voted' . $downvote] * $multi; $event_point['in_a_select'] = (int) $options['points_a_selected'] * $multi; $event_point['in_a_unselect'] = (int) $options['points_a_selected'] * $multi * -1; $event_point['q_post'] = (int) $options['points_post_q'] * $multi; $event_point['a_post'] = (int) $options['points_post_a'] * $multi; $event_point['a_select'] = (int) $options['points_select_a'] * $multi; $event_point['q_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_vote_up_q'] * $multi; $event_point['q_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_vote_down_q'] * $multi; $event_point['a_vote_up'] = (int) $options['points_vote_up_a'] * $multi; $event_point['a_vote_down'] = (int) $options['points_vote_down_a'] * $multi; // Get Events $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $eventslist = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datetime) AS datetime, userid, postid, effecteduserid, event, params, `read` FROM ^ra_userevent WHERE effecteduserid=# AND `read`=0 AND event NOT IN ("u_wall_post", "u_message") ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET #', $userid, $offset)); if (count($eventslist) > 0) { $event = array(); $output = ''; $i = 0; // $userids = array(); foreach ($eventslist as $event) { $userids[$event['userid']] = $event['userid']; $userids[$event['effecteduserid']] = $event['effecteduserid']; } if (QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { $handles = qa_get_public_from_userids($userids); } else { $handles = qa_db_user_get_userid_handles($userids); } // get event's: time, type, parameters // get post id of questions foreach ($eventslist as $event) { $title = ''; $link = ''; $vote_status = ''; $handle = isset($handles[$event['userid']]) ? $handles[$event['userid']] : qa_lang('main/anonymous'); $datetime = $event['datetime']; $event['date'] = qa_html(qa_time_to_string(qa_opt('db_time') - $datetime)); $event['params'] = json_decode($event['params'], true); $id = ' data-id="' . $event['id'] . '"'; $read = $event['read'] ? ' read' : ' unread'; $url_param = array('ra_notification' => $event['id']); $user_link = qa_path_html('user/' . $handle, $url_param, QW_BASE_URL); switch ($event['event']) { case 'related': // related question to an answer $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['postid'], $event['params']['title']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, null); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/asked_question_related_to_your') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/answer') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-link"></span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'a_post': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); $title = qw_truncate($event['params']['qtitle'], 60); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/answered_your') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/question') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-answer"></span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'c_post': // user's question had been commented $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); if ($event['params']['parenttype'] == 'Q') { $type = qa_lang_html('dude/question'); } elseif ($event['params']['parenttype'] == 'A') { $type = qa_lang_html('dude/answer'); } else { $type = qa_lang_html('dude/comment'); } if (isset($event['params']['parent_uid']) && $event['params']['parent_uid'] != $userid) { $what = qa_lang_html('dude/followup_comment'); $type = qa_lang_html('dude/comment'); } else { $what = qa_lang_html('dude/replied_to_your'); } echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . $what . '</span> <strong class="where">' . $type . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-arrow-back"></span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'q_reshow': $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, null); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-eye" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <span>' . qa_lang_html('dude/your') . '</span> <strong>' . qa_lang_html('dude/question') . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/is_visible') . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'a_reshow': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-eye" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <span>' . qa_lang_html('dude/your') . '</span> <strong>' . qa_lang_html('dude/answer') . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/is_visible') . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'c_reshow': // user's question had been answered $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-eye" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <span>' . qa_lang_html('dude/your') . '</span> <strong>' . qa_lang_html('dude/comment') . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/is_visible') . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'a_select': $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/selected_as_best') . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-award"></span> <span class="points">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/you_have_earned_x_points', $event_point['a_post']) . '</span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'q_vote_up': $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null); $title = qw_truncate($event['params']['qtitle'], 60); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/upvoted_on_your') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/question') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-thumb-up"></span> <span class="points">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/you_have_earned_x_points', $event_point['a_vote_up']) . '</span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'a_vote_up': $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/upvoted_on_your') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/answer') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-thumb-up"></span> <span class="points">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/you_have_earned_x_points', $event_point['a_vote_up']) . '</span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'q_approve': $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-input-checked" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/approved_your') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/question') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'a_approve': $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-input-checked" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/approved_your') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/answer') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'u_favorite': echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $user_link . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/added_you_to') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/favourite') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-heart"></span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'q_favorite': echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $user_link . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/added_your_question_to') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/favourite') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="event-icon icon-heart"></span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'q_vote_down': $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-thumb-down" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/you_have_received_down_vote') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/question') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="points">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/you_have_lost_x_points', $event_point['q_vote_down']) . '</span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'c_approve': $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-input-checked" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/approved_your') . '</span> <strong class="where">' . qa_lang_html('dude/comment') . '</strong> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'q_reject': $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-times" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/your_question_is_rejected') . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'a_reject': $anchor = qa_anchor('A', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-times" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/your_answer_is_rejected') . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'c_reject': $anchor = qa_anchor('C', $event['postid']); $url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($event['params']['qid'], $event['params']['qtitle']), $url_param, QW_BASE_URL, null, $anchor); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-times" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/your_comment_is_rejected') . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; case 'u_level': $url = qa_path_absolute('user/' . $event['params']['handle']); $old_level = $event['params']['oldlevel']; $new_level = $event['params']['level']; if ($new_level < $old_level) { break; } $approved_only = ""; if ($new_level == QA_USER_LEVEL_APPROVED && $old_level < QA_USER_LEVEL_APPROVED) { $approved_only = true; } else { $approved_only = false; } if ($approved_only === false) { $new_designation = qw_get_user_desg($new_level); } $content = strtr(qa_lang($approved_only ? 'notification/u_level_approved_notf' : 'notification/u_level_improved_notf'), array('^new_designation' => @$new_designation)); echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '> <div class="avatar"><a class="icon icon-user" href="' . $url . '"></a></div> <div class="event-right"> <a href="' . $url . '"> <div class="head"> <strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong> <span class="what">' . $content . '</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <span class="points">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/you_have_earned_x_points', $event_point['a_vote_up']) . '</span> <span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>'; break; } } } else { echo '<div class="no-more-activity">' . qa_lang_html('dude/no_more_activity') . '</div>'; } die; }
function qa_comment_create($userid, $handle, $cookieid, $content, $format, $text, $notify, $email, $question, $answer, $commentsfollows) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-emails.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-options.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-string.php'; $parent = isset($answer) ? $answer : $question; $postid = qa_db_post_create('C', $parent['postid'], $userid, isset($userid) ? null : $cookieid, qa_remote_ip_address(), null, $content, $format, null, qa_combine_notify_email($userid, $notify, $email), $question['categoryid']); qa_db_posts_calc_category_path($postid); if (!($question['hidden'] || @$answer['hidden'])) { // don't index comment if parent or parent of parent is hidden qa_post_index($postid, 'C', $question['postid'], null, $text, null); } qa_db_points_update_ifuser($userid, 'cposts'); qa_db_ccount_update(); // $senttoemail and $senttouserid ensure each user or email gets only one notification about an added comment, // even if they have several previous comments in the same thread and asked for notifications for the parent. // Still, if a person posted some comments as a registered user and some others anonymously, // they could get two emails about a subsequent comment. Shouldn't be much of a problem in practice. $senttoemail = array(); $senttouserid = array(); switch ($parent['basetype']) { case 'Q': $subject = qa_lang('emails/q_commented_subject'); $body = qa_lang('emails/q_commented_body'); $context = $parent['title']; break; case 'A': $subject = qa_lang('emails/a_commented_subject'); $body = qa_lang('emails/a_commented_body'); $context = qa_viewer_text($parent['content'], $parent['format']); break; } $blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg(); $sendhandle = isset($handle) ? $handle : qa_lang('main/anonymous'); $sendcontext = qa_block_words_replace($context, $blockwordspreg); $sendtext = qa_block_words_replace($text, $blockwordspreg); $sendtitle = qa_block_words_replace($question['title'], $blockwordspreg); $sendurl = qa_path(qa_q_request($question['postid'], $sendtitle), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, qa_anchor($parent['basetype'], $parent['postid'])); if (isset($parent['notify']) && !qa_post_is_by_user($parent, $userid, $cookieid)) { $senduserid = $parent['userid']; $sendemail = @$parent['notify']; if (qa_email_validate($sendemail)) { $senttoemail[$sendemail] = true; } elseif (isset($senduserid)) { $senttouserid[$senduserid] = true; } qa_send_notification($senduserid, $sendemail, @$parent['handle'], $subject, $body, array('^c_handle' => $sendhandle, '^c_context' => $sendcontext, '^c_content' => $sendtext, '^url' => $sendurl)); } foreach ($commentsfollows as $comment) { if ($comment['basetype'] == 'C' && $comment['parentid'] == $parent['postid'] && !$comment['hidden']) { // find just those for this parent if (isset($comment['notify']) && !qa_post_is_by_user($comment, $userid, $cookieid)) { $senduserid = $comment['userid']; $sendemail = @$comment['notify']; if (qa_email_validate($sendemail)) { if (@$senttoemail[$sendemail]) { continue; } $senttoemail[$sendemail] = true; } elseif (isset($senduserid)) { if (@$senttouserid[$senduserid]) { continue; } $senttouserid[$senduserid] = true; } qa_send_notification($senduserid, $sendemail, @$comment['handle'], qa_lang('emails/c_commented_subject'), qa_lang('emails/c_commented_body'), array('^c_handle' => $sendhandle, '^c_context' => $sendcontext, '^c_content' => $sendtext, '^url' => $sendurl)); } } } qa_report_event('c_post', $userid, $handle, $cookieid, array('postid' => $postid, 'parentid' => $parent['postid'], 'parenttype' => $parent['basetype'], 'questionid' => $question['postid'], 'content' => $content, 'format' => $format, 'text' => $text, 'categoryid' => $question['categoryid'], 'notify' => $notify, 'email' => $email)); return $postid; }
function qa_page_q_refresh($start = 0, $state = null, $showtype = null, $showid = null) { $params = array(); if ($start > 0) { $params['start'] = $start; } if (isset($state)) { $params['state'] = $state; } if (isset($showtype) && isset($showid)) { $anchor = qa_anchor($showtype, $showid); $params['show'] = $showid; } else { $anchor = null; } qa_redirect(qa_request(), $params, null, null, $anchor); }
function qa_page_q_edit_c_form($commentid, $answerid) { global $commentsfollows, $qa_content, $errors, $incomment, $informat, $ineditor, $questionid, $jumptoanchor, $focusonid, $innotify, $inemail; $comment = $commentsfollows[$commentid]; $content = isset($incomment) ? $incomment : $comment['content']; $format = isset($informat) ? $informat : $comment['format']; $editorname = isset($ineditor) ? $ineditor : qa_opt('editor_for_cs'); $editor = qa_load_editor($content, $format, $editorname); $jumptoanchor = isset($answerid) ? qa_anchor('A', $answerid) : qa_anchor('Q', $questionid); $form = array('title' => '<A NAME="edit">' . qa_lang_html('question/edit_c_title') . '</A>', 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('content' => array_merge($editor->get_field($qa_content, $content, $format, 'comment', 4, true), array('error' => qa_html($errors['content'])))), 'buttons' => array('save' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('main/save_button')), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'NAME="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('main/cancel_button'))), 'hidden' => array('editor' => qa_html($editorname), 'dosavec_' . qa_html($commentid) => '1')); if ($comment['isbyuser']) { qa_set_up_notify_fields($qa_content, $form['fields'], 'C', qa_get_logged_in_email(), isset($innotify) ? $innotify : !empty($comment['notify']), isset($inemail) ? $inemail : @$comment['notify'], @$errors['email']); } return $form; }