Example #1
  * Registers tag within a library handled
  * by this naive if template node.
  * @static
  * @param Library $lib
  * @param string $tag_name
  * @param Closure $condition
 public static function registerAsTag($lib, $tag_name, $condition)
     $class = get_called_class();
     $lib->tag($tag_name, function ($parser, $token) use($tag_name, $condition, $class) {
          * @var Parser $parser
          * @var Token $token
         $bits = py_str_split($token->contents);
         $nodelist_true = $parser->parse(array('else', 'end' . $tag_name));
         $token = $parser->nextToken();
         if ($token->contents == 'else') {
             $nodelist_false = $parser->parse(array('end' . $tag_name));
         } else {
             $nodelist_false = new NodeList();
         $values = array();
         foreach (py_slice($bits, 1) as $bit) {
             $values[] = $parser->compileFilter($bit);
         return new $class($nodelist_true, $nodelist_false, $values, $condition);
Example #2
            return $this->renderTemplate($template, $context);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            if (Dja::getSetting('TEMPLATE_DEBUG')) {
                throw $e;
            return '';
$lib = new Library();
$lib->tag('block', function ($parser, $token) {
     * @var Parser $parser
     * @var Token $token
    $bits = py_str_split($token->contents);
    if (count($bits) != 2) {
        throw new TemplateSyntaxError('\'block\' tag takes only one argument');
    $block_name = $bits[1];
    // Keep track of the names of BlockNodes found in this template, so we can check for duplication.
    if (property_exists($parser, '__loaded_blocks')) {
        if (isset($parser->__loaded_blocks[$block_name])) {
            throw new TemplateSyntaxError('\'block\' tag with name \'' . $block_name . '\' appears more than once');
        $parser->__loaded_blocks[] = $block_name;
    } else {
        // parser.__loaded_blocks isn't a list yet
        $parser->__loaded_blocks = array($block_name);
    $nodelist = $parser->parse(array('endblock'));
Example #3
  * Truncates a string after a certain number of words.
  * Newlines in the string will be stripped.
  * @param $length
  * @param $truncate
  * @return string
 private function _text_words($length, $truncate)
     $words = py_str_split($this->_wrapped);
     if (count($words) > $length) {
         $words = py_slice($words, null, $length);
         return self::add_truncation_text(join(' ', $words), $truncate);
     return join(' ', $words);
Example #4
  * @param null|array $parse_until
  * @return NodeList
  * @throws TemplateSyntaxError
 public function parse($parse_until = null)
     if ($parse_until === null) {
         $parse_until = array();
     $nodelist = $this->createNodelist();
     while ($this->tokens) {
         $token = $this->nextToken();
         // Use the raw values here for TOKEN_* for a tiny performance boost.
         if ($token->token_type == 0) {
             // TOKEN_TEXT
             $this->extendNodelist($nodelist, new TextNode($token->contents), $token);
         } elseif ($token->token_type == 1) {
             // TOKEN_VAR
             if (!$token->contents) {
             $filter_expression = $this->compileFilter($token->contents);
             $var_node = $this->createVariableNode($filter_expression);
             $this->extendNodelist($nodelist, $var_node, $token);
         } elseif ($token->token_type == 2) {
             // TOKEN_BLOCK
             $command = null;
             $command_ = py_str_split($token->contents);
             if (isset($command_[0])) {
                 $command = $command_[0];
             } else {
             if (in_array($command, $parse_until)) {
                 // Put token back on token list so calling code knows why it terminated.
                 return $nodelist;
             // Execute callback function for this tag and append resulting node.
             $this->enterCommand($command, $token);
             if (isset($this->tags[$command])) {
                 /** @var $compile_func Closure */
                 $compile_func = $this->tags[$command];
             } else {
                 $this->invalidBlockTag($token, $command, $parse_until);
             try {
                 /** @var $compiled_result Node */
                 $compiled_result = $compile_func($this, $token);
             } catch (TemplateSyntaxError $e) {
                 if (!$this->compileFunctionError($token, $e)) {
                     throw $e;
             $this->extendNodelist($nodelist, $compiled_result, $token);
     if ($parse_until) {
     return $nodelist;
Example #5
    return mark_safe(str_replace("\n", '<br />', $value));
}, array('is_safe' => True, 'needs_autoescape' => True));
$lib->filter('safe', function ($value) {
    return mark_safe($value);
}, array('is_safe' => True));
$lib->filter('safeseq', function ($value) {
    $s_ = array();
    foreach ($value as $i_) {
        $s_[] = mark_safe($i_);
    return $s_;
}, array('is_safe' => True));
$lib->filter('removetags', function ($value, $tags) {
    $tags_ = py_str_split($tags);
    $tags = array();
    foreach ($tags_ as $tag) {
        $tags[] = preg_quote($tag);
    $tags = $tags_;
    $tags_re = '(' . join('|', $tags) . ')';
    $starttag_re = '~<' . $tags_re . '(/?>|(\\s+[^>]*>))~u';
    $endtag_re = '~</' . $tags_re . '>~';
    $value = preg_replace($starttag_re, '', $value);
    $value = preg_replace($endtag_re, '', $value);
    return $value;
}, array('is_safe' => True));
$lib->filter('striptags', function ($value) {