Example #1
function register_content(&$a)
    $registration_is = '';
    $other_sites = '';
    if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_CLOSED) {
        require_once 'mod/pubsites.php';
        return pubsites_content($a);
    if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_APPROVE) {
        $registration_is = t('Registration on this site/hub is by approval only.');
        $other_sites = t('<a href="pubsites">Register at another affiliated site/hub</a>');
    $max_dailies = intval(get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations'));
    if ($max_dailies) {
        $r = q("select count(account_id) as total from account where account_created > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 day");
        if ($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) {
            logger('max daily registrations exceeded.');
            notice(t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL);
    // Configurable terms of service link
    $tosurl = get_config('system', 'tos_url');
    if (!$tosurl) {
        $tosurl = $a->get_baseurl() . '/help/TermsOfService';
    $toslink = '<a href="' . $tosurl . '" >' . t('Terms of Service') . '</a>';
    // Configurable whether to restrict age or not - default is based on international legal requirements
    // This can be relaxed if you are on a restricted server that does not share with public servers
    if (get_config('system', 'no_age_restriction')) {
        $label_tos = sprintf(t('I accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
    } else {
        $label_tos = sprintf(t('I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
    $enable_tos = 1 - intval(get_config('system', 'no_termsofservice'));
    $email = x($_REQUEST, 'email') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['email'])) : "";
    $password = x($_REQUEST, 'password') ? trim($_REQUEST['password']) : "";
    $password2 = x($_REQUEST, 'password2') ? trim($_REQUEST['password2']) : "";
    $invite_code = x($_REQUEST, 'invite_code') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['invite_code'])) : "";
    $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('register.tpl'), array('$title' => t('Registration'), '$reg_is' => $registration_is, '$registertext' => get_config('system', 'register_text'), '$other_sites' => $other_sites, '$invitations' => get_config('system', 'invitation_only'), '$invite_desc' => t('Membership on this site is by invitation only.'), '$label_invite' => t('Please enter your invitation code'), '$invite_code' => $invite_code, '$label_email' => t('Your email address'), '$label_pass1' => t('Choose a password'), '$label_pass2' => t('Please re-enter your password'), '$label_tos' => $label_tos, '$enable_tos' => $enable_tos, '$email' => $email, '$pass1' => $password, '$pass2' => $password2, '$submit' => t('Register')));
    return $o;
Example #2
function register_content(&$a)
    $registration_is = '';
    $other_sites = '';
    if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_CLOSED) {
        if (get_config('system', 'directory_mode') == DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE) {
            notice(t('Registration on this site is disabled.') . EOL);
        require_once 'mod/pubsites.php';
        return pubsites_content($a);
    if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_APPROVE) {
        $registration_is = t('Registration on this site/hub is by approval only.');
        $other_sites = t('<a href="pubsites">Register at another affiliated site/hub</a>');
    $max_dailies = intval(get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations'));
    if ($max_dailies) {
        $r = q("select count(account_id) as total from account where account_created > %s - INTERVAL %s", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('1 day'));
        if ($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) {
            logger('max daily registrations exceeded.');
            notice(t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL);
    // Configurable terms of service link
    $tosurl = get_config('system', 'tos_url');
    if (!$tosurl) {
        $tosurl = $a->get_baseurl() . '/help/TermsOfService';
    $toslink = '<a href="' . $tosurl . '" >' . t('Terms of Service') . '</a>';
    // Configurable whether to restrict age or not - default is based on international legal requirements
    // This can be relaxed if you are on a restricted server that does not share with public servers
    if (get_config('system', 'no_age_restriction')) {
        $label_tos = sprintf(t('I accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
    } else {
        $label_tos = sprintf(t('I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
    $enable_tos = 1 - intval(get_config('system', 'no_termsofservice'));
    $email = x($_REQUEST, 'email') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['email'])) : "";
    $password = x($_REQUEST, 'password') ? trim($_REQUEST['password']) : "";
    $password2 = x($_REQUEST, 'password2') ? trim($_REQUEST['password2']) : "";
    $invite_code = x($_REQUEST, 'invite_code') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['invite_code'])) : "";
    $name = x($_REQUEST, 'name') ? escape_tags(trim($_REQUEST['name'])) : "";
    $nickname = x($_REQUEST, 'nickname') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['nickname'])) : "";
    $privacy_role = x($_REQUEST, 'permissions_role') ? $_REQUEST['permissions_role'] : "";
    $auto_create = get_config('system', 'auto_channel_create');
    $default_role = get_config('system', 'default_permissions_role');
    require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
    $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('register.tpl'), array('$title' => t('Registration'), '$reg_is' => $registration_is, '$registertext' => bbcode(get_config('system', 'register_text')), '$other_sites' => $other_sites, '$invitations' => get_config('system', 'invitation_only'), '$invite_desc' => t('Membership on this site is by invitation only.'), '$label_invite' => t('Please enter your invitation code'), '$invite_code' => $invite_code, '$auto_create' => $auto_create, '$label_name' => t('Channel Name'), '$help_name' => t('Enter your name'), '$label_nick' => t('Choose a short nickname'), '$nick_desc' => t('Your nickname will be used to create an easily remembered channel address (like an email address) which you can share with others.'), '$name' => $name, '$help_role' => t('Please choose a channel type (such as social networking or community forum) and privacy requirements so we can select the best permissions for you'), '$role' => array('permissions_role', t('Channel Type'), $privacy_role ? $privacy_role : 'social', '<a href="help/roles" target="_blank">' . t('Read more about roles') . '</a>', get_roles()), '$default_role' => $default_role, '$nickname' => $nickname, '$submit' => t('Create'), '$label_email' => t('Your email address'), '$label_pass1' => t('Choose a password'), '$label_pass2' => t('Please re-enter your password'), '$label_tos' => $label_tos, '$enable_tos' => $enable_tos, '$email' => $email, '$pass1' => $password, '$pass2' => $password2, '$submit' => t('Register')));
    return $o;
Example #3
function register_content(&$a)
    $registration_is = '';
    $other_sites = '';
    if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_CLOSED) {
        if (get_config('system', 'directory_mode') == DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE) {
            notice(t('Registration on this hub is disabled.') . EOL);
        require_once 'mod/pubsites.php';
        return pubsites_content($a);
    if (get_config('system', 'register_policy') == REGISTER_APPROVE) {
        $registration_is = t('Registration on this hub is by approval only.');
        $other_sites = t('<a href="pubsites">Register at another affiliated hub.</a>');
    $max_dailies = intval(get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations'));
    if ($max_dailies) {
        $r = q("select count(account_id) as total from account where account_created > %s - INTERVAL %s", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('1 day'));
        if ($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) {
            logger('max daily registrations exceeded.');
            notice(t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL);
    // Configurable terms of service link
    $tosurl = get_config('system', 'tos_url');
    if (!$tosurl) {
        $tosurl = z_root() . '/help/TermsOfService';
    $toslink = '<a href="' . $tosurl . '" target="_blank">' . t('Terms of Service') . '</a>';
    // Configurable whether to restrict age or not - default is based on international legal requirements
    // This can be relaxed if you are on a restricted server that does not share with public servers
    if (get_config('system', 'no_age_restriction')) {
        $label_tos = sprintf(t('I accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
    } else {
        $label_tos = sprintf(t('I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website'), $toslink);
    $enable_tos = 1 - intval(get_config('system', 'no_termsofservice'));
    $email = array('email', t('Your email address'), x($_REQUEST, 'email') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['email'])) : "");
    $password = array('password', t('Choose a password'), x($_REQUEST, 'password') ? trim($_REQUEST['password']) : "");
    $password2 = array('password2', t('Please re-enter your password'), x($_REQUEST, 'password2') ? trim($_REQUEST['password2']) : "");
    $invite_code = array('invite_code', t('Please enter your invitation code'), x($_REQUEST, 'invite_code') ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['invite_code'])) : "");
    $name = array('name', t('Name or caption'), x($_REQUEST, 'name') ? $_REQUEST['name'] : '', t('Examples: "Bob Jameson", "Lisa and her Horses", "Soccer", "Aviation Group"'));
    $nickhub = '@' . str_replace(array('http://', 'https://', '/'), '', get_config('system', 'baseurl'));
    $nickname = array('nickname', t('Choose a short nickname'), x($_REQUEST, 'nickname') ? $_REQUEST['nickname'] : '', sprintf(t('Your nickname will be used to create an easy to remember channel address e.g. nickname%s'), $nickhub));
    $privacy_role = x($_REQUEST, 'permissions_role') ? $_REQUEST['permissions_role'] : "";
    $role = array('permissions_role', t('Channel role and privacy'), $privacy_role ? $privacy_role : 'social', t('Select a channel role with your privacy requirements.') . ' <a href="help/roles" target="_blank">' . t('Read more about roles') . '</a>', get_roles());
    $tos = array('tos', $label_tos, '', '', array(t('no'), t('yes')));
    $auto_create = UNO || get_config('system', 'auto_channel_create') ? true : false;
    $default_role = UNO ? 'social' : get_config('system', 'default_permissions_role');
    require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
    $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('register.tpl'), array('$title' => t('Registration'), '$reg_is' => $registration_is, '$registertext' => bbcode(get_config('system', 'register_text')), '$other_sites' => $other_sites, '$invitations' => get_config('system', 'invitation_only'), '$invite_desc' => t('Membership on this site is by invitation only.'), '$invite_code' => $invite_code, '$auto_create' => $auto_create, '$name' => $name, '$role' => $role, '$default_role' => $default_role, '$nickname' => $nickname, '$enable_tos' => $enable_tos, '$tos' => $tos, '$email' => $email, '$pass1' => $password, '$pass2' => $password2, '$submit' => UNO || $auto_create || $registration_is ? t('Register') : t('Proceed to create your first channel')));
    return $o;