periodicity = "%s", estimated_cost = "%f", id_parent_task = %d, count_hours = %d, cc = "%s" WHERE id = %d', $name, $description, $priority, $completion, $start, $end, $hours, $periodicity, $estimated_cost, $parent, $count_hours, $cc, $id_task); if ($id_task != $parent) { $result = process_sql($sql); } else { $result = false; } //Update task links $links_0 = get_parameter("links_0"); $links_1 = get_parameter("links_1"); $links_2 = get_parameter("links_2"); projects_update_task_links($id_task, $links_0, 0); projects_update_task_links($id_task, $links_1, 1); projects_update_task_links($id_task, $links_2, 2); if ($result !== false) { $result_output = '<h3 class="suc">' . __('Successfully updated') . '</h3>'; audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "Task updated", "Task '{$name}' updated to project '{$id_project}'"); $operation = "view"; task_tracking($id_task, TASK_UPDATED); // ONLY recalculate the complete if count hours flag is activated if ($count_hours) { $hours = set_task_completion($id_task); } } else { $result_output = "<h3 class='error'>" . __('Could not be updated') . "</h3>"; } if ($gantt_editor) { echo $result_output; exit;
$ret = array("res" => $res, "msg" => $msg); echo json_encode($ret); exit; } if ($update_task_parent) { $target = get_parameter("target"); $source = get_parameter("source"); $type = get_parameter("type"); /** link types: 0: start to finish 1: start to start 2: finish to finish **/ $links = array($source); $res = projects_update_task_links($target, $links, $type, false); if ($res) { $msg = __("Task updated"); } else { $msg = __("Error updating task"); } $ret = array("res" => $res, "msg" => $msg); echo json_encode($ret); exit; } if ($get_task_links) { $type = (int) get_parameter("type"); $id_project = get_parameter("id_project"); $id_task = get_parameter("id_task"); $task_aux = projects_get_task_available_links($id_project, $id_task, $type); $table_link->class = 'databox';