public function __construct($course_id, $section_i)
     parent::__construct($course_id, $section_i);
     // 初期値設定
     // true|false ではなく 1|0 で指定
     // マジックナンバーはコメント参照 (無いものは未調査)
     $this->prefs->course_id = $this->course->id;
     $this->prefs->section = $this->section->id;
     $this->prefs->restoreto = 1;
     //既存コース (2: コースを新規作成)
     $this->prefs->metacourse = 0;
     $this->prefs->users = 2;
     $this->prefs->logs = 0;
     $this->prefs->user_files = 0;
     $this->prefs->course_files = 1;
     $this->prefs->site_files = 1;
     $this->prefs->gradebook_history = 0;
     $this->prefs->messages = 0;
     $this->prefs->newdirectoryname = NULL;
     if ($this->course->format == 'project') {
         // project フォーマットの場合はリストア先のセクションディレクトリ名を取得
         require_once $GLOBALS['CFG']->dirroot . '/course/format/project/lib.php';
         $project_title = project_format_get_title($this->course, $this->section->id, $this->section->section);
         if (!$project_title) {
             throw new SharingCart_SectionException('Project format section title not found');
         $this->prefs->newdirectoryname = $project_title->directoryname;
     $this->prefs->course_startdateoffset = 0;
     $this->prefs->course_shortname = NULL;
 * コースファイルのコピー
 * @param object $restore
 * @return
function project_restore_course_files(&$restore)
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    $counter = 0;
    // 対象のコース情報の取得
    if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", $restore->course_id))) {
        error("Course ID was incorrect (can't find it)");
    // 対象のセクション情報の取得
    if (!($section = get_course_section($restore->section, $restore->course_id))) {
        error("Section data was incorrect (can't find it)");
    // 現在のセクションのディレクトリ名を取得
    if (!($sectiontitle = project_format_get_title($course, $section->id))) {
        error("Section directory was incorrect");
    //First, we check to "course_id" exists and create is as necessary
    //in CFG->dataroot
    $dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot . "/" . $restore->course_id . '/' . $restore->newdirectoryname;
    $status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir, true);
    //Now, we iterate over "course_files" records to check if that file/dir must be
    //copied to the "dest_dir" dir.
    $rootdir = $CFG->dataroot . "/temp/backup/" . $restore->backup_unique_code . "/course_files/" . $restore->olddirectoryname;
    // ディレクトリをまるごとコピーする
    if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
        $status = backup_copy_file($rootdir, $dest_dir);
    return $status;
     if ($currenttopic) {
         $sectionstyle = ' current';
         $currenttext = get_accesshide(get_string('currenttopic', 'access'));
     } else {
         $sectionstyle = '';
 echo '<tr id="section-' . $section . '" class="section main' . $sectionstyle . '">';
 echo '<td class="left side">' . $currenttext . $section . '</td>';
 echo '<td class="content">';
 if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddensections', $context) and !$thissection->visible) {
     // Hidden for students
     echo get_string('notavailable');
 } else {
     // セクション��タイトルを取得
     $sectiontitle = project_format_get_title($course, $thissection->id, $section, $mods);
     if (!empty($displaysection) and $displaysection != $section) {
         if ($showsection) {
             $strtitle = strip_tags(format_string($sectiontitle->directoryname, true));
             $sectionmenu['topic=' . $section] = s($section . ' - ' . $strtitle);
     echo '<div class="summary">';
     $summaryformatoptions->noclean = true;
     echo format_text($thissection->summary, FORMAT_HTML, $summaryformatoptions);
     if (isediting($course->id)) {
         echo ' <a title="' . $streditsummary . '" href="format/project/editsection.php?id=' . $thissection->id . '">' . '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" alt="' . $streditsummary . '" /></a>';
     // プロジェクトフォーマットコントローラー
 * 対象のセクションのコースファイルのみをコピーする
 * @param object $preferences
 * @return bool
function project_backup_copy_course_files($preferences)
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    // 対象のコース情報の取得
    if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", $preferences->backup_course))) {
        error("Course ID was incorrect (can't find it)");
    // セクション情報の取得
    if (!($section = get_course_section($preferences->backup_section, $course->id))) {
        error("Section data was incorrect (can't find it)");
    // セクションタイトルの取得
    if (!($sectiontitle = project_format_get_title($course, $section->id))) {
        error("Section title data was incorrect (can't find it)");
    //First we check to "course_files" exists and create it as necessary
    //in temp/backup/$backup_code  dir
    $status = check_and_create_course_files_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
    //Now iterate over files and directories except $CFG->moddata and backupdata to be
    //copied to backup
    // 対象のセクションのディレクトリ名を取得
    $rootdir = $CFG->dataroot . "/" . $preferences->backup_course . '/' . $sectiontitle->directoryname;
    // ディレクトリをまるごとコピーする
    if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
        $status = backup_copy_file($rootdir, $CFG->dataroot . "/temp/backup/" . $preferences->backup_unique_code . "/course_files/" . $sectiontitle->directoryname);
    return $status;