} $bbrulestxt = nl2br("\n{$bbrulestxt}\n\n"); if ($_G['gp_action'] == 'activation') { $auth = dhtmlspecialchars($auth); } if ($seccodecheck) { $seccode = random(6, 1); } if ($_G['setting']['secqaa']['status'][1]) { $seccode = random(1, 1) * 1000000 + substr($seccode, -6); } $username = dhtmlspecialchars($username); $htmls = $settings = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { $fieldid = $field['fieldid']; $html = profile_setting($fieldid); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } $navtitle = $_G['setting']['reglinkname']; include template('member/register'); } else { if ($_G['setting']['regstatus'] == 2 && empty($invite)) { showmessage('not_open_registration_invite'); } if ($bbrules && $bbrulehash != $_POST['agreebbrule']) { showmessage('register_rules_agree'); } $activation = array();
} } } if ($vid) { $query = DB::query('SELECT field FROM ' . DB::table('common_member_verify_info') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND verifytype='{$vid}'"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $field = unserialize($value['field']); foreach ($field as $key => $fvalue) { $space[$key] = $fvalue; } } } $htmls = $settings = array(); foreach ($allowitems as $fieldid) { if (!in_array($fieldid, array('sightml', 'customstatus', 'timeoffset'))) { $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $space, $vid ? false : true); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } } } include template("home/spacecp_profile"); function profile_showerror($key, $extrainfo) { echo '<script>'; echo 'parent.show_error("' . $key . '", "' . $extrainfo . '");'; echo '</script>'; exit; }
$_G['qc']['dreferer'] = dreferer(); if (!$_G['qc']['connect_auth_hash']) { $_G['qc']['connect_auth_hash'] = $_G['cookie']['con_auth_hash']; } $conopenid = authcode($_G['qc']['connect_auth_hash']); if (empty($conopenid)) { showmessage('qqconnect:connect_login_first', $referer); } $_G['qc']['connect_is_feed'] = true; $_G['qc']['connect_app_id'] = $_G['setting']['connectappid']; $_G['qc']['connect_openid'] = $conopenid; unset($auth_code, $conopenid); $_G['qc']['connect_is_notify'] = true; foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { $fieldid = $field['fieldid']; $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $connectdefault); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } } else { if (!empty($_G['setting']['checkuinlimit']) && !empty($_GET['uin'])) { if ($_G['qc']['uinlimit']) { showmessage('qqconnect:connect_register_uinlimit', '', array('limit' => $this->setting['connect']['register_uinlimit'])); } if (!$_G['setting']['regconnect']) { showmessage('qqconnect:connect_register_closed'); } } $conuin = $this->connect_guest['conuin'];
showsetting('members_edit_regip', 'regipnew', $member['regip'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_regdate', 'regdatenew', $member['regdate'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_lastvisit', 'lastvisitnew', $member['lastvisit'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_lastip', 'lastipnew', $member['lastip'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_addsize', 'addsizenew', $member['addsize'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_addfriend', 'addfriendnew', $member['addfriend'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_timeoffset', 'timeoffsetnew', $member['timeoffset'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_invisible', 'invisiblenew', $member['invisible'], 'radio'); showtitle('members_edit_option'); showsetting('members_edit_cstatus', 'cstatusnew', $member['customstatus'], 'text'); showsetting('members_edit_signature', 'signaturenew', $member['signature'], 'textarea'); if ($fields) { showtitle('members_profile'); include_once libfile('function/profile'); foreach ($fields as $fieldid => $fieldtitle) { $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $member); if ($html) { showsetting($fieldtitle, '', '', $html); } } } showsubmit('editsubmit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { loaducenter(); require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $questionid = $_GET['clearquestion'] ? 0 : ''; $ucresult = uc_user_edit(addslashes($member['username']), $_GET['passwordnew'], $_GET['passwordnew'], addslashes(strtolower(trim($_GET['emailnew']))), 1, $questionid); if ($ucresult < 0) { if ($ucresult == -4) {
$activity['expiration'] = $activity['expiration'] ? dgmdate($activity['expiration']) : 0; $activity['attachurl'] = $activity['thumb'] = ''; if ($activity['ufield']) { $activity['ufield'] = dunserialize($activity['ufield']); if ($activity['ufield']['userfield']) { $htmls = $settings = array(); require_once libfile('function/profile'); foreach ($activity['ufield']['userfield'] as $fieldid) { if (empty($ufielddata['userfield'])) { $memberprofile = C::t('common_member_profile')->fetch($_G['uid']); foreach ($activity['ufield']['userfield'] as $val) { $ufielddata['userfield'][$val] = $memberprofile[$val]; } unset($memberprofile); } $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $ufielddata['userfield'], false, true); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } } } else { $activity['ufield'] = ''; } if ($activity['aid']) { $attach = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch('tid:' . $_G['tid'], $activity['aid']); if ($attach['isimage']) { $activity['attachurl'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . 'forum/' . $attach['attachment']; $activity['thumb'] = $attach['thumb'] ? getimgthumbname($activity['attachurl']) : $activity['attachurl']; $activity['width'] = $attach['thumb'] && $_G['setting']['thumbwidth'] < $attach['width'] ? $_G['setting']['thumbwidth'] : $attach['width'];
function on_register() { global $_G; $_GET['username'] = $_GET['' . $this->setting['reginput']['username']]; $_GET['password'] = $_GET['' . $this->setting['reginput']['password']]; $_GET['password2'] = $_GET['' . $this->setting['reginput']['password2']]; $_GET['email'] = $_GET['' . $this->setting['reginput']['email']]; if ($_G['uid']) { $ucsynlogin = $this->setting['allowsynlogin'] ? uc_user_synlogin($_G['uid']) : ''; $url_forward = dreferer(); if (strpos($url_forward, $this->setting['regname']) !== false) { $url_forward = 'forum.php'; } showmessage('login_succeed', $url_forward ? $url_forward : './', array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'usergroup' => $_G['group']['grouptitle'], 'uid' => $_G['uid']), array('extrajs' => $ucsynlogin)); } elseif (!$this->setting['regclosed'] && (!$this->setting['regstatus'] || !$this->setting['ucactivation'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'activation' || $_GET['activationauth']) { if (!$this->setting['ucactivation'] && !$this->setting['closedallowactivation']) { showmessage('register_disable_activation'); } } elseif (!$this->setting['regstatus']) { if ($this->setting['regconnect']) { dheader('location:connect.php?mod=login&op=init&referer=forum.php&statfrom=login_simple'); } showmessage(!$this->setting['regclosemessage'] ? 'register_disable' : str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $this->setting['regclosemessage'])); } } $bbrules =& $this->setting['bbrules']; $bbrulesforce =& $this->setting['bbrulesforce']; $bbrulestxt =& $this->setting['bbrulestxt']; $welcomemsg =& $this->setting['welcomemsg']; $welcomemsgtitle =& $this->setting['welcomemsgtitle']; $welcomemsgtxt =& $this->setting['welcomemsgtxt']; $regname = $this->setting['regname']; if ($this->setting['regverify']) { if ($this->setting['areaverifywhite']) { $location = $whitearea = ''; $location = trim(convertip($_G['clientip'], "./")); if ($location) { $whitearea = preg_quote(trim($this->setting['areaverifywhite']), '/'); $whitearea = str_replace(array("\\*"), array('.*'), $whitearea); $whitearea = '.*' . $whitearea . '.*'; $whitearea = '/^(' . str_replace(array("\r\n", ' '), array('.*|.*', ''), $whitearea) . ')$/i'; if (@preg_match($whitearea, $location)) { $this->setting['regverify'] = 0; } } } if ($_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipverifywhite']) { foreach (explode("\n", $_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipverifywhite']) as $ctrlip) { if (preg_match("/^(" . preg_quote($ctrlip = trim($ctrlip), '/') . ")/", $_G['clientip'])) { $this->setting['regverify'] = 0; break; } } } } $invitestatus = false; if ($this->setting['regstatus'] == 2) { if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteareawhite']) { $location = $whitearea = ''; $location = trim(convertip($_G['clientip'], "./")); if ($location) { $whitearea = preg_quote(trim($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteareawhite']), '/'); $whitearea = str_replace(array("\\*"), array('.*'), $whitearea); $whitearea = '.*' . $whitearea . '.*'; $whitearea = '/^(' . str_replace(array("\r\n", ' '), array('.*|.*', ''), $whitearea) . ')$/i'; if (@preg_match($whitearea, $location)) { $invitestatus = true; } } } if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteipwhite']) { foreach (explode("\n", $this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteipwhite']) as $ctrlip) { if (preg_match("/^(" . preg_quote($ctrlip = trim($ctrlip), '/') . ")/", $_G['clientip'])) { $invitestatus = true; break; } } } } $groupinfo = array(); if ($this->setting['regverify']) { $groupinfo['groupid'] = 8; } else { $groupinfo['groupid'] = $this->setting['newusergroupid']; } $seccodecheck = $this->setting['seccodestatus'] & 1; $secqaacheck = $this->setting['secqaa']['status'] & 1; $fromuid = !empty($_G['cookie']['promotion']) && $this->setting['creditspolicy']['promotion_register'] ? intval($_G['cookie']['promotion']) : 0; $username = isset($_GET['username']) ? $_GET['username'] : ''; $bbrulehash = $bbrules ? substr(md5(FORMHASH), 0, 8) : ''; $auth = $_GET['auth']; if (!$invitestatus) { $invite = getinvite(); } $sendurl = $this->setting['sendregisterurl'] ? true : false; if ($sendurl) { if (!empty($_GET['hash'])) { $_GET['hash'] = preg_replace("/[^\\[A-Za-z0-9_\\]%]/", '', $_GET['hash']); $hash = explode("\t", authcode($_GET['hash'], 'DECODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey'])); if (is_array($hash) && isemail($hash[0]) && TIMESTAMP - $hash[1] < 259200) { $sendurl = false; } } } if (!submitcheck('regsubmit', 0, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck)) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'activation') { $auth = explode("\t", authcode($auth, 'DECODE')); if (FORMHASH != $auth[1]) { showmessage('register_activation_invalid', 'member.php?mod=logging&action=login'); } $username = $auth[0]; $activationauth = authcode("{$auth['0']}\t" . FORMHASH, 'ENCODE'); $sendurl = false; } if (!$sendurl) { if ($fromuid) { $member = getuserbyuid($fromuid); if (!empty($member)) { $fromuser = dhtmlspecialchars($member['username']); } else { dsetcookie('promotion'); } } if ($_GET['action'] == 'activation') { $auth = dhtmlspecialchars($auth); } if ($seccodecheck) { $seccode = random(6, 1); } $username = dhtmlspecialchars($username); $htmls = $settings = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { $fieldid = $field['fieldid']; $html = profile_setting($fieldid, array(), false, false, true); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } $navtitle = $this->setting['reglinkname']; if ($this->extrafile && file_exists($this->extrafile)) { require_once $this->extrafile; } } $bbrulestxt = nl2br("\n{$bbrulestxt}\n\n"); $dreferer = dreferer(); include template($this->template); } else { $activationauth = array(); if (isset($_GET['activationauth']) && $_GET['activationauth']) { $activationauth = explode("\t", authcode($_GET['activationauth'], 'DECODE')); if ($activationauth[1] != FORMHASH) { showmessage('register_activation_invalid', 'member.php?mod=logging&action=login'); } $sendurl = false; } if (!$activationauth && ($sendurl || !$_G['setting']['forgeemail'])) { checkemail($_GET['email']); } if ($sendurl) { $hashstr = urlencode(authcode("{$_GET['email']}\t{$_G['timestamp']}", 'ENCODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey'])); $registerurl = "{$_G[siteurl]}member.php?mod=" . $this->setting['regname'] . "&hash={$hashstr}&email={$_GET[email]}"; $email_register_message = lang('email', 'email_register_message', array('bbname' => $this->setting['bbname'], 'siteurl' => $_G['siteurl'], 'url' => $registerurl)); if (!sendmail("{$_GET['email']} <{$_GET['email']}>", lang('email', 'email_register_subject'), $email_register_message)) { runlog('sendmail', "{$_GET['email']} sendmail failed."); } showmessage('register_email_send_succeed', dreferer(), array('bbname' => $this->setting['bbname']), array('showdialog' => false, 'msgtype' => 3, 'closetime' => 10)); } $emailstatus = 0; if ($this->setting['sendregisterurl'] && !$sendurl) { $_GET['email'] = strtolower($hash[0]); $this->setting['regverify'] = $this->setting['regverify'] == 1 ? 0 : $this->setting['regverify']; if (!$this->setting['regverify']) { $groupinfo['groupid'] = $this->setting['newusergroupid']; } $emailstatus = 1; } if ($this->setting['regstatus'] == 2 && empty($invite) && !$invitestatus) { showmessage('not_open_registration_invite'); } if ($bbrules && $bbrulehash != $_POST['agreebbrule']) { showmessage('register_rules_agree'); } $activation = array(); if (isset($_GET['activationauth']) && $activationauth && is_array($activationauth)) { if ($activationauth[1] == FORMHASH && !($activation = uc_get_user($activationauth[0]))) { showmessage('register_activation_invalid', 'member.php?mod=logging&action=login'); } } if (!$activation) { $usernamelen = dstrlen($username); if ($usernamelen < 3) { showmessage('profile_username_tooshort'); } elseif ($usernamelen > 15) { showmessage('profile_username_toolong'); } if (uc_get_user(addslashes($username)) && !C::t('common_member')->fetch_uid_by_username($username) && !C::t('common_member_archive')->fetch_uid_by_username($username)) { if ($_G['inajax']) { showmessage('profile_username_duplicate'); } else { showmessage('register_activation_message', 'member.php?mod=logging&action=login', array('username' => $username)); } } if ($this->setting['pwlength']) { if (strlen($_GET['password']) < $this->setting['pwlength']) { showmessage('profile_password_tooshort', '', array('pwlength' => $this->setting['pwlength'])); } } if ($this->setting['strongpw']) { $strongpw_str = array(); if (in_array(1, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/\\d+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('member/template', 'strongpw_1'); } if (in_array(2, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/[a-z]+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('member/template', 'strongpw_2'); } if (in_array(3, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/[A-Z]+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('member/template', 'strongpw_3'); } if (in_array(4, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/[^a-zA-z0-9]+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('member/template', 'strongpw_4'); } if ($strongpw_str) { showmessage(lang('member/template', 'password_weak') . implode(',', $strongpw_str)); } } $email = strtolower(trim($_GET['email'])); if (empty($email) && $_G['setting']['forgeemail']) { $_GET['email'] = $email = strtolower(random(6)) . '@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if (empty($this->setting['ignorepassword'])) { if ($_GET['password'] !== $_GET['password2']) { showmessage('profile_passwd_notmatch'); } if (!$_GET['password'] || $_GET['password'] != addslashes($_GET['password'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal'); } $password = $_GET['password']; } else { $password = md5(random(10)); } } $censorexp = '/^(' . str_replace(array('\\*', "\r\n", ' '), array('.*', '|', ''), preg_quote($this->setting['censoruser'] = trim($this->setting['censoruser']), '/')) . ')$/i'; if ($this->setting['censoruser'] && @preg_match($censorexp, $username)) { showmessage('profile_username_protect'); } if ($this->setting['regverify'] == 2 && !trim($_GET['regmessage'])) { showmessage('profile_required_info_invalid'); } if ($_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipregctrl']) { foreach (explode("\n", $_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipregctrl']) as $ctrlip) { if (preg_match("/^(" . preg_quote($ctrlip = trim($ctrlip), '/') . ")/", $_G['clientip'])) { $ctrlip = $ctrlip . '%'; $this->setting['regctrl'] = $this->setting['ipregctrltime']; break; } else { $ctrlip = $_G['clientip']; } } } else { $ctrlip = $_G['clientip']; } if ($this->setting['regctrl']) { if (C::t('common_regip')->count_by_ip_dateline($ctrlip, $_G['timestamp'] - $this->setting['regctrl'] * 3600)) { showmessage('register_ctrl', NULL, array('regctrl' => $this->setting['regctrl'])); } } $setregip = null; if ($this->setting['regfloodctrl']) { $regip = C::t('common_regip')->fetch_by_ip_dateline($_G['clientip'], $_G['timestamp'] - 86400); if ($regip) { if ($regip['count'] >= $this->setting['regfloodctrl']) { showmessage('register_flood_ctrl', NULL, array('regfloodctrl' => $this->setting['regfloodctrl'])); } else { $setregip = 1; } } else { $setregip = 2; } } $profile = $verifyarr = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { if (defined('IN_MOBILE')) { break; } $field_key = $field['fieldid']; $field_val = $_GET['' . $field_key]; if ($field['formtype'] == 'file' && !empty($_FILES[$field_key]) && $_FILES[$field_key]['error'] == 0) { $field_val = true; } if (!profile_check($field_key, $field_val)) { $showid = !in_array($field['fieldid'], array('birthyear', 'birthmonth')) ? $field['fieldid'] : 'birthday'; showmessage($field['title'] . lang('message', 'profile_illegal'), '', array(), array('showid' => 'chk_' . $showid, 'extrajs' => $field['title'] . lang('message', 'profile_illegal') . ($field['formtype'] == 'text' ? '<script type="text/javascript">' . '$(\'registerform\').' . $field['fieldid'] . '.className = \'px er\';' . '$(\'registerform\').' . $field['fieldid'] . '.onblur = function () { if(this.value != \'\') {this.className = \'px\';$(\'chk_' . $showid . '\').innerHTML = \'\';}}' . '</script>' : ''))); } if ($field['needverify']) { $verifyarr[$field_key] = $field_val; } else { $profile[$field_key] = $field_val; } } if (!$activation) { $uid = uc_user_register(addslashes($username), $password, $email, $questionid, $answer, $_G['clientip']); if ($uid <= 0) { if ($uid == -1) { showmessage('profile_username_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -2) { showmessage('profile_username_protect'); } elseif ($uid == -3) { showmessage('profile_username_duplicate'); } elseif ($uid == -4) { showmessage('profile_email_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -5) { showmessage('profile_email_domain_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -6) { showmessage('profile_email_duplicate'); } else { showmessage('undefined_action'); } } } else { list($uid, $username, $email) = $activation; } $_G['username'] = $username; if (getuserbyuid($uid, 1)) { if (!$activation) { uc_user_delete($uid); } showmessage('profile_uid_duplicate', '', array('uid' => $uid)); } $password = md5(random(10)); $secques = $questionid > 0 ? random(8) : ''; if (isset($_POST['birthmonth']) && isset($_POST['birthday'])) { $profile['constellation'] = get_constellation($_POST['birthmonth'], $_POST['birthday']); } if (isset($_POST['birthyear'])) { $profile['zodiac'] = get_zodiac($_POST['birthyear']); } if ($_FILES) { $upload = new discuz_upload(); foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) { $field_key = 'field_' . $key; if (!empty($_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]) && $_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]['formtype'] == 'file') { $upload->init($file, 'profile'); $attach = $upload->attach; if (!$upload->error()) { $upload->save(); if (!$upload->get_image_info($attach['target'])) { @unlink($attach['target']); continue; } $attach['attachment'] = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($attach['attachment'])); if ($_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]['needverify']) { $verifyarr[$key] = $attach['attachment']; } else { $profile[$key] = $attach['attachment']; } } } } } if ($setregip !== null) { if ($setregip == 1) { C::t('common_regip')->update_count_by_ip($_G['clientip']); } else { C::t('common_regip')->insert(array('ip' => $_G['clientip'], 'count' => 1, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'])); } } if ($invite && $this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitegroupid']) { $groupinfo['groupid'] = $this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitegroupid']; } $init_arr = array('credits' => explode(',', $this->setting['initcredits']), 'profile' => $profile, 'emailstatus' => $emailstatus); C::t('common_member')->insert($uid, $username, $password, $email, $_G['clientip'], $groupinfo['groupid'], $init_arr); if ($emailstatus) { updatecreditbyaction('realemail', $uid); } if ($verifyarr) { $setverify = array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'verifytype' => '0', 'field' => serialize($verifyarr), 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); C::t('common_member_verify_info')->insert($setverify); C::t('common_member_verify')->insert(array('uid' => $uid)); } require_once libfile('cache/userstats', 'function'); build_cache_userstats(); if ($this->extrafile && file_exists($this->extrafile)) { require_once $this->extrafile; } if ($this->setting['regctrl'] || $this->setting['regfloodctrl']) { C::t('common_regip')->delete_by_dateline($_G['timestamp'] - ($this->setting['regctrl'] > 72 ? $this->setting['regctrl'] : 72) * 3600); if ($this->setting['regctrl']) { C::t('common_regip')->insert(array('ip' => $_G['clientip'], 'count' => -1, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'])); } } $regmessage = dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['regmessage']); if ($this->setting['regverify'] == 2) { C::t('common_member_validate')->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'submitdate' => $_G['timestamp'], 'moddate' => 0, 'admin' => '', 'submittimes' => 1, 'status' => 0, 'message' => $regmessage, 'remark' => ''), false, true); manage_addnotify('verifyuser'); } setloginstatus(array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $_G['username'], 'password' => $password, 'groupid' => $groupinfo['groupid']), 0); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('register'); if ($invite['id']) { $result = C::t('common_invite')->count_by_uid_fuid($invite['uid'], $uid); if (!$result) { C::t('common_invite')->update($invite['id'], array('fuid' => $uid, 'fusername' => $_G['username'], 'regdateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'status' => 2)); updatestat('invite'); } else { $invite = array(); } } if ($invite['uid']) { if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit']) { updatemembercount($uid, array($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviterewardcredit'] => $this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit'])); } if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitedaddcredit']) { updatemembercount($invite['uid'], array($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviterewardcredit'] => $this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitedaddcredit'])); } require_once libfile('function/friend'); friend_make($invite['uid'], $invite['username'], false); notification_add($invite['uid'], 'friend', 'invite_friend', array('actor' => '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $invite['uid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $invite['username'] . '</a>'), 1); space_merge($invite, 'field_home'); if (!empty($invite['privacy']['feed']['invite'])) { require_once libfile('function/feed'); $tite_data = array('username' => '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $_G['uid'] . '">' . $_G['username'] . '</a>'); feed_add('friend', 'feed_invite', $tite_data, '', array(), '', array(), array(), '', '', '', 0, 0, '', $invite['uid'], $invite['username']); } if ($invite['appid']) { updatestat('appinvite'); } } if ($welcomemsg && !empty($welcomemsgtxt)) { $welcomemsgtitle = replacesitevar($welcomemsgtitle); $welcomemsgtxt = replacesitevar($welcomemsgtxt); if ($welcomemsg == 1) { $welcomemsgtxt = nl2br(str_replace(':', ':', $welcomemsgtxt)); notification_add($uid, 'system', $welcomemsgtxt, array('from_id' => 0, 'from_idtype' => 'welcomemsg'), 1); } elseif ($welcomemsg == 2) { sendmail_cron($email, $welcomemsgtitle, $welcomemsgtxt); } elseif ($welcomemsg == 3) { sendmail_cron($email, $welcomemsgtitle, $welcomemsgtxt); $welcomemsgtxt = nl2br(str_replace(':', ':', $welcomemsgtxt)); notification_add($uid, 'system', $welcomemsgtxt, array('from_id' => 0, 'from_idtype' => 'welcomemsg'), 1); } } if ($fromuid) { updatecreditbyaction('promotion_register', $fromuid); dsetcookie('promotion', ''); } dsetcookie('loginuser', ''); dsetcookie('activationauth', ''); dsetcookie('invite_auth', ''); $url_forward = dreferer(); $refreshtime = 3000; switch ($this->setting['regverify']) { case 1: $idstring = random(6); $authstr = $this->setting['regverify'] == 1 ? "{$_G['timestamp']}\t2\t{$idstring}" : ''; C::t('common_member_field_forum')->update($_G['uid'], array('authstr' => $authstr)); $verifyurl = "{$_G[siteurl]}member.php?mod=activate&uid={$_G[uid]}&id={$idstring}"; $email_verify_message = lang('email', 'email_verify_message', array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'bbname' => $this->setting['bbname'], 'siteurl' => $_G['siteurl'], 'url' => $verifyurl)); if (!sendmail("{$username} <{$email}>", lang('email', 'email_verify_subject'), $email_verify_message)) { runlog('sendmail', "{$email} sendmail failed."); } $message = 'register_email_verify'; $locationmessage = 'register_email_verify_location'; $refreshtime = 10000; break; case 2: $message = 'register_manual_verify'; $locationmessage = 'register_manual_verify_location'; break; default: $message = 'register_succeed'; $locationmessage = 'register_succeed_location'; break; } $param = array('bbname' => $this->setting['bbname'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'usergroup' => $_G['group']['grouptitle'], 'uid' => $_G['uid']); if (strpos($url_forward, $this->setting['regname']) !== false || strpos($url_forward, 'buyinvitecode') !== false) { $url_forward = 'forum.php'; } $href = str_replace("'", "\\'", $url_forward); $extra = array('showid' => 'succeedmessage', 'extrajs' => '<script type="text/javascript">' . 'setTimeout("window.location.href =\'' . $href . '\';", ' . $refreshtime . ');' . '$(\'succeedmessage_href\').href = \'' . $href . '\';' . '$(\'main_message\').style.display = \'none\';' . '$(\'main_succeed\').style.display = \'\';' . '$(\'succeedlocation\').innerHTML = \'' . lang('message', $locationmessage) . '\';' . '</script>', 'striptags' => false); showmessage($message, $url_forward, $param, $extra); } }
} if (isset($_POST['birthyear']) && $space['birthyear'] != $_POST['birthyear']) { $setarr['zodiac'] = get_zodiac($_POST['birthyear']); } if ($setarr) { $setarr['uid'] = $uid; C::t('user_profile1')->insert($setarr); } showmessage('用户资料修改成功', ADMINSCRIPT . '?mod=orguser#user_' . $uid . '_profile', array()); } else { $allowitems = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['profilesetting'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['available'] > 0) { $allowitems[] = $key; } } $htmls = $settings = array(); foreach ($allowitems as $fieldid) { if (!in_array($fieldid, array('department', 'timeoffset'))) { $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $space, false, true); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } } $active = array('profile' => 'class="active"'); include template('profile'); } } exit;
function on_register() { global $_G; $_G['gp_username'] = $_G['gp_' . $this->setting['reginput']['username']]; $_G['gp_password'] = $_G['gp_' . $this->setting['reginput']['password']]; $_G['gp_password2'] = $_G['gp_' . $this->setting['reginput']['password2']]; $_G['gp_email'] = $_G['gp_' . $this->setting['reginput']['email']]; if ($_G['uid']) { $ucsynlogin = $this->setting['allowsynlogin'] ? uc_user_synlogin($_G['uid']) : ''; $url_forward = dreferer(); if (strpos($url_forward, $this->setting['regname']) !== false) { $url_forward = 'forum.php'; } showmessage('login_succeed', $url_forward ? $url_forward : './', array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'usergroup' => $_G['group']['grouptitle'], 'uid' => $_G['uid']), array('extrajs' => $ucsynlogin)); } elseif (!$this->setting['regclosed'] && (!$this->setting['regstatus'] || !$this->setting['ucactivation'])) { if ($_G['gp_action'] == 'activation' || $this->setting['gp_activationauth']) { if (!$this->setting['ucactivation'] && !$this->setting['closedallowactivation']) { showmessage('register_disable_activation'); } } elseif (!$this->setting['regstatus']) { showmessage(!$this->setting['regclosemessage'] ? 'register_disable' : str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $this->setting['regclosemessage'])); } } $bbrules =& $this->setting['bbrules']; $bbrulesforce =& $this->setting['bbrulesforce']; $bbrulestxt =& $this->setting['bbrulestxt']; $welcomemsg =& $this->setting['welcomemsg']; $welcomemsgtitle =& $this->setting['welcomemsgtitle']; $welcomemsgtxt =& $this->setting['welcomemsgtxt']; $regname = $this->setting['regname']; if ($this->setting['regverify']) { if ($this->setting['areaverifywhite']) { $location = $whitearea = ''; $location = trim(convertip($_G['clientip'], "./")); if ($location) { $whitearea = preg_quote(trim($this->setting['areaverifywhite']), '/'); $whitearea = str_replace(array("\\*"), array('.*'), $whitearea); $whitearea = '.*' . $whitearea . '.*'; $whitearea = '/^(' . str_replace(array("\r\n", ' '), array('.*|.*', ''), $whitearea) . ')$/i'; if (@preg_match($whitearea, $location)) { $this->setting['regverify'] = 0; } } } if ($_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipverifywhite']) { foreach (explode("\n", $_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipverifywhite']) as $ctrlip) { if (preg_match("/^(" . preg_quote($ctrlip = trim($ctrlip), '/') . ")/", $_G['clientip'])) { $this->setting['regverify'] = 0; break; } } } } $invitestatus = false; if ($this->setting['regstatus'] == 2) { if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteareawhite']) { $location = $whitearea = ''; $location = trim(convertip($_G['clientip'], "./")); if ($location) { $whitearea = preg_quote(trim($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteareawhite']), '/'); $whitearea = str_replace(array("\\*"), array('.*'), $whitearea); $whitearea = '.*' . $whitearea . '.*'; $whitearea = '/^(' . str_replace(array("\r\n", ' '), array('.*|.*', ''), $whitearea) . ')$/i'; if (@preg_match($whitearea, $location)) { $invitestatus = true; } } } if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteipwhite']) { foreach (explode("\n", $this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteipwhite']) as $ctrlip) { if (preg_match("/^(" . preg_quote($ctrlip = trim($ctrlip), '/') . ")/", $_G['clientip'])) { $invitestatus = true; break; } } } } $groupinfo = array(); if ($this->setting['regverify']) { $groupinfo['groupid'] = 8; } else { $groupinfo['groupid'] = $this->setting['newusergroupid']; } $seccodecheck = $this->setting['seccodestatus'] & 1; $secqaacheck = $this->setting['secqaa']['status'] & 1; $fromuid = !empty($_G['cookie']['promotion']) && $this->setting['creditspolicy']['promotion_register'] ? intval($_G['cookie']['promotion']) : 0; $username = isset($_G['gp_username']) ? $_G['gp_username'] : ''; $bbrulehash = $bbrules ? substr(md5(FORMHASH), 0, 8) : ''; $auth = $_G['gp_auth']; if (!$invitestatus) { $invite = getinvite(); } if (!submitcheck('regsubmit', 0, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck)) { if ($_G['gp_action'] == 'activation') { $auth = explode("\t", authcode($auth, 'DECODE')); if (FORMHASH != $auth[1]) { showmessage('register_activation_invalid', 'member.php?mod=logging&action=login'); } $username = $auth[0]; $activationauth = authcode("{$auth['0']}\t" . FORMHASH, 'ENCODE'); } if ($fromuid) { $query = DB::query("SELECT username FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='{$fromuid}'"); if (DB::num_rows($query)) { $fromuser = dhtmlspecialchars(DB::result($query, 0)); } else { dsetcookie('promotion'); } } $bbrulestxt = nl2br("\n{$bbrulestxt}\n\n"); if ($_G['gp_action'] == 'activation') { $auth = dhtmlspecialchars($auth); } if ($seccodecheck) { $seccode = random(6, 1); } $username = dhtmlspecialchars($username); $htmls = $settings = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { $fieldid = $field['fieldid']; $html = profile_setting($fieldid, array(), false, false, true); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } $navtitle = $this->setting['reglinkname']; if ($this->extrafile && file_exists(libfile('member/' . $this->extrafile, 'module'))) { require_once libfile('member/' . $this->extrafile, 'module'); } $dreferer = dreferer(); include template($this->template); } else { if ($this->setting['regstatus'] == 2 && empty($invite) && !$invitestatus) { showmessage('not_open_registration_invite'); } if ($bbrules && $bbrulehash != $_POST['agreebbrule']) { showmessage('register_rules_agree'); } $activation = array(); if (isset($_G['gp_activationauth'])) { $activationauth = explode("\t", authcode($_G['gp_activationauth'], 'DECODE')); if ($activationauth[1] == FORMHASH && !($activation = daddslashes(uc_get_user($activationauth[0]), 1))) { showmessage('register_activation_invalid', 'member.php?mod=logging&action=login'); } } if (!$activation) { $usernamelen = dstrlen($username); if ($usernamelen < 3) { showmessage('profile_username_tooshort'); } elseif ($usernamelen > 15) { showmessage('profile_username_toolong'); } $username = addslashes(trim(dstripslashes($username))); if (uc_get_user($username) && !DB::result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE username='******'")) { if ($_G['inajax']) { showmessage('profile_username_duplicate'); } else { showmessage('register_activation_message', 'member.php?mod=logging&action=login', array('username' => stripslashes($username))); } } $email = trim($_G['gp_email']); if (empty($this->setting['ignorepassword'])) { if ($_G['gp_password'] !== $_G['gp_password2']) { showmessage('profile_passwd_notmatch'); } if (!$_G['gp_password'] || $_G['gp_password'] != addslashes($_G['gp_password'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal'); } $password = $_G['gp_password']; } else { $password = md5(random(10)); } } $censorexp = '/^(' . str_replace(array('\\*', "\r\n", ' '), array('.*', '|', ''), preg_quote($this->setting['censoruser'] = trim($this->setting['censoruser']), '/')) . ')$/i'; if ($this->setting['censoruser'] && @preg_match($censorexp, $username)) { showmessage('profile_username_protect'); } if ($this->setting['regverify'] == 2 && !trim($_G['gp_regmessage'])) { showmessage('profile_required_info_invalid'); } if ($_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipregctrl']) { foreach (explode("\n", $_G['cache']['ipctrl']['ipregctrl']) as $ctrlip) { if (preg_match("/^(" . preg_quote($ctrlip = trim($ctrlip), '/') . ")/", $_G['clientip'])) { $ctrlip = $ctrlip . '%'; $this->setting['regctrl'] = $this->setting['ipregctrltime']; break; } else { $ctrlip = $_G['clientip']; } } } else { $ctrlip = $_G['clientip']; } if ($this->setting['regctrl']) { $query = DB::query("SELECT ip FROM " . DB::table('common_regip') . " WHERE ip LIKE '{$ctrlip}' AND count='-1' AND dateline>{$_G['timestamp']}-'" . $this->setting['regctrl'] . "'*3600 LIMIT 1"); if (DB::num_rows($query)) { showmessage('register_ctrl', NULL, array('regctrl' => $this->setting['regctrl'])); } } $regipsql = ''; if ($this->setting['regfloodctrl']) { if ($regattempts = DB::result_first("SELECT count FROM " . DB::table('common_regip') . " WHERE ip='{$_G['clientip']}' AND count>'0' AND dateline>'{$_G['timestamp']}'-86400")) { if ($regattempts >= $this->setting['regfloodctrl']) { showmessage('register_flood_ctrl', NULL, array('regfloodctrl' => $this->setting['regfloodctrl'])); } else { $regipsql = "UPDATE " . DB::table('common_regip') . " SET count=count+1 WHERE ip='{$_G['clientip']}' AND count>'0'"; } } else { $regipsql = "INSERT INTO " . DB::table('common_regip') . " (ip, count, dateline)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$_G['clientip']}', '1', '{$_G['timestamp']}')"; } } $profile = $verifyarr = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { if (defined('IN_MOBILE')) { break; } $field_key = $field['fieldid']; $field_val = $_G['gp_' . $field_key]; if ($field['formtype'] == 'file' && !empty($_FILES[$field_key]) && $_FILES[$field_key]['error'] == 0) { $field_val = true; } if (!profile_check($field_key, $field_val)) { $showid = !in_array($field['fieldid'], array('birthyear', 'birthmonth')) ? $field['fieldid'] : 'birthday'; showmessage($field['title'] . lang('message', 'profile_illegal'), '', array(), array('showid' => 'chk_' . $showid, 'extrajs' => $field['title'] . lang('message', 'profile_illegal') . ($field['formtype'] == 'text' ? '<script type="text/javascript">' . '$(\'registerform\').' . $field['fieldid'] . '.className = \'px er\';' . '$(\'registerform\').' . $field['fieldid'] . '.onblur = function () { if(this.value != \'\') {this.className = \'px\';$(\'chk_' . $showid . '\').innerHTML = \'\';}}' . '</script>' : ''))); } if ($field['needverify']) { $verifyarr[$field_key] = $field_val; } else { $profile[$field_key] = $field_val; } } if (!$activation) { $uid = uc_user_register($username, $password, $email, $questionid, $answer, $_G['clientip']); if ($uid <= 0) { if ($uid == -1) { showmessage('profile_username_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -2) { showmessage('profile_username_protect'); } elseif ($uid == -3) { showmessage('profile_username_duplicate'); } elseif ($uid == -4) { showmessage('profile_email_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -5) { showmessage('profile_email_domain_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -6) { showmessage('profile_email_duplicate'); } else { showmessage('undefined_action'); } } } else { list($uid, $username, $email) = $activation; } $_G['username'] = $username; if (DB::result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}'")) { if (!$activation) { uc_user_delete($uid); } showmessage('profile_uid_duplicate', '', array('uid' => $uid)); } $password = md5(random(10)); $secques = $questionid > 0 ? random(8) : ''; if (isset($_POST['birthmonth']) && isset($_POST['birthday'])) { $profile['constellation'] = get_constellation($_POST['birthmonth'], $_POST['birthday']); } if (isset($_POST['birthyear'])) { $profile['zodiac'] = get_zodiac($_POST['birthyear']); } if ($_FILES) { require_once libfile('class/upload'); $upload = new discuz_upload(); foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) { $field_key = 'field_' . $key; if (!empty($_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]) && $_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]['formtype'] == 'file') { $upload->init($file, 'profile'); $attach = $upload->attach; if (!$upload->error()) { $upload->save(); if (!$upload->get_image_info($attach['target'])) { @unlink($attach['target']); continue; } $attach['attachment'] = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($attach['attachment'])); if ($_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]['needverify']) { $verifyarr[$key] = $attach['attachment']; } else { $profile[$key] = $attach['attachment']; } } } } } if ($regipsql) { DB::query($regipsql); } if ($invite && $this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitegroupid']) { $groupinfo['groupid'] = $this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitegroupid']; } $init_arr = explode(',', $this->setting['initcredits']); $userdata = array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'adminid' => 0, 'groupid' => $groupinfo['groupid'], 'regdate' => TIMESTAMP, 'credits' => $init_arr[0], 'timeoffset' => 9999); $status_data = array('uid' => $uid, 'regip' => $_G['clientip'], 'lastip' => $_G['clientip'], 'lastvisit' => TIMESTAMP, 'lastactivity' => TIMESTAMP, 'lastpost' => 0, 'lastsendmail' => 0); $profile['uid'] = $uid; $field_forum['uid'] = $uid; $field_home['uid'] = $uid; if ($this->extrafile && file_exists(libfile('member/' . $this->extrafile, 'module'))) { require_once libfile('member/' . $this->extrafile, 'module'); } DB::insert('common_member', $userdata); DB::insert('common_member_status', $status_data); DB::insert('common_member_profile', $profile); DB::insert('common_member_field_forum', $field_forum); DB::insert('common_member_field_home', $field_home); if ($verifyarr) { $setverify = array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'verifytype' => '0', 'field' => daddslashes(serialize($verifyarr)), 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); DB::insert('common_member_verify_info', $setverify); DB::insert('common_member_verify', array('uid' => $uid)); } $count_data = array('uid' => $uid, 'extcredits1' => $init_arr[1], 'extcredits2' => $init_arr[2], 'extcredits3' => $init_arr[3], 'extcredits4' => $init_arr[4], 'extcredits5' => $init_arr[5], 'extcredits6' => $init_arr[6], 'extcredits7' => $init_arr[7], 'extcredits8' => $init_arr[8]); DB::insert('common_member_count', $count_data); DB::insert('common_setting', array('skey' => 'lastmember', 'svalue' => $username), false, true); manyoulog('user', $uid, 'add'); $totalmembers = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_member')); $userstats = array('totalmembers' => $totalmembers, 'newsetuser' => stripslashes($username)); save_syscache('userstats', $userstats); if ($this->setting['regctrl'] || $this->setting['regfloodctrl']) { DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('common_regip') . " WHERE dateline<='{$_G['timestamp']}'-" . ($this->setting['regctrl'] > 72 ? $this->setting['regctrl'] : 72) . "*3600", 'UNBUFFERED'); if ($this->setting['regctrl']) { DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('common_regip') . " (ip, count, dateline)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$_G['clientip']}', '-1', '{$_G['timestamp']}')"); } } $regmessage = dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_regmessage']); if ($this->setting['regverify'] == 2) { DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_validate') . " (uid, submitdate, moddate, admin, submittimes, status, message, remark)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}', '{$_G['timestamp']}', '0', '', '1', '0', '{$regmessage}', '')"); manage_addnotify('verifyuser'); } setloginstatus(array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => dstripslashes($_G['username']), 'password' => $password, 'groupid' => $groupinfo['groupid']), 0); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('register'); if ($invite['id']) { $result = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_invite') . " WHERE uid='{$invite['uid']}' AND fuid='{$uid}'"); if (!$result) { DB::update("common_invite", array('fuid' => $uid, 'fusername' => $_G['username'], 'regdateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'status' => 2), array('id' => $invite['id'])); updatestat('invite'); } else { $invite = array(); } } if ($invite['uid']) { if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit']) { updatemembercount($uid, array($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviterewardcredit'] => $this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit'])); } if ($this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitedaddcredit']) { updatemembercount($invite['uid'], array($this->setting['inviteconfig']['inviterewardcredit'] => $this->setting['inviteconfig']['invitedaddcredit'])); } require_once libfile('function/friend'); friend_make($invite['uid'], $invite['username'], false); notification_add($invite['uid'], 'friend', 'invite_friend', array('actor' => '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $invite['uid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $invite['username'] . '</a>'), 1); space_merge($invite, 'field_home'); if (!empty($invite['privacy']['feed']['invite'])) { require_once libfile('function/feed'); $tite_data = array('username' => '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $_G['uid'] . '">' . $_G['username'] . '</a>'); feed_add('friend', 'feed_invite', $tite_data, '', array(), '', array(), array(), '', '', '', 0, 0, '', $invite['uid'], $invite['username']); } if ($invite['appid']) { updatestat('appinvite'); } } if ($welcomemsg && !empty($welcomemsgtxt)) { $welcomemsgtitle = addslashes(replacesitevar($welcomemsgtitle)); $welcomemsgtxt = addslashes(replacesitevar($welcomemsgtxt)); if ($welcomemsg == 1) { $welcomemsgtxt = nl2br(str_replace(':', ':', $welcomemsgtxt)); notification_add($uid, 'system', $welcomemsgtxt, array(), 1); } elseif ($welcomemsg == 2) { sendmail_cron($email, $welcomemsgtitle, $welcomemsgtxt); } elseif ($welcomemsg == 3) { sendmail_cron($email, $welcomemsgtitle, $welcomemsgtxt); $welcomemsgtxt = nl2br(str_replace(':', ':', $welcomemsgtxt)); notification_add($uid, 'system', $welcomemsgtxt, array(), 1); } } if ($fromuid) { updatecreditbyaction('promotion_register', $fromuid); dsetcookie('promotion', ''); } dsetcookie('loginuser', ''); dsetcookie('activationauth', ''); dsetcookie('invite_auth', ''); loadcache('setting', true); $_G['setting']['lastmember'] = stripslashes($username); $settingnew = $_G['setting']; $settingnew['pluginhooks'] = array(); save_syscache('setting', $settingnew); switch ($this->setting['regverify']) { case 1: $idstring = random(6); $authstr = $this->setting['regverify'] == 1 ? "{$_G['timestamp']}\t2\t{$idstring}" : ''; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member_field_forum') . " SET authstr='{$authstr}' WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'"); $verifyurl = "{$_G[siteurl]}member.php?mod=activate&uid={$_G[uid]}&id={$idstring}"; $email_verify_message = lang('email', 'email_verify_message', array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'bbname' => $this->setting['bbname'], 'siteurl' => $_G['siteurl'], 'url' => $verifyurl)); sendmail("{$username} <{$email}>", lang('email', 'email_verify_subject'), $email_verify_message); $message = 'register_email_verify'; $locationmessage = 'register_email_verify_location'; $url_forward = dreferer(); break; case 2: $message = 'register_manual_verify'; $locationmessage = 'register_manual_verify_location'; $url_forward = $_G['setting']['homestatus'] ? 'home.php?mod=space&do=home' : 'home.php?mod=spacecp'; break; default: $message = 'register_succeed'; $locationmessage = 'register_succeed_location'; $url_forward = dreferer(); break; } $param = array('bbname' => $this->setting['bbname'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'usergroup' => $_G['group']['grouptitle'], 'uid' => $_G['uid']); if (strpos($url_forward, $this->setting['regname']) !== false || strpos($url_forward, 'buyinvitecode') !== false) { $url_forward = 'forum.php'; } $href = str_replace("'", "\\'", $url_forward); $extra = array('showid' => 'succeedmessage', 'extrajs' => '<script type="text/javascript">' . 'setTimeout("window.location.href =\'' . $href . '\';", 3000);' . '$(\'succeedmessage_href\').href = \'' . $href . '\';' . '$(\'main_message\').style.display = \'none\';' . '$(\'main_succeed\').style.display = \'\';' . '$(\'succeedlocation\').innerHTML = \'' . lang('message', $locationmessage) . '\';' . '</script>', 'striptags' => false); showmessage($message, $url_forward, $param, $extra); } }
} $result['weburl'] = str_replace("http://", '', $result['weburl']); showformheader($thisurl . "&do=" . $do . "&bid=" . $bid . "&page=" . $page, 'enctype'); showtableheader($menustr, 'nobottom'); showsetting($langs['catename'], '', '', '<select name="cateid">' . $cateselect . '</select>', '', '', $langs['bitian']); showsetting($langs['group'], '', '', '<select name="groupid">' . $groupselect . '</select>'); showsetting($langs['discount'], '', '', brand_discountsetting($result['discount'])); if ($isselfdistrict == 1) { echo '<script language="javascript" src="source/plugin/sanree_brand/tpl/good/js/district.js"></script>'; $html = brand_setting('birthcity', $result); if ($html) { showsetting($langs['region'], '', '', $html); } } else { include_once libfile('function/profile'); $html = profile_setting('birthcity', $result); if ($html) { showsetting($langs['region'], '', '', $html); } } $mflist = array(); foreach (C::t('#sanree_brand#sanree_brand_mf')->fetch_all_mf() as $data) { $mflist[] = array($data['mfid'], $data['mfname']); } showsetting($langs['brandmf'], array('brandmf', $mflist), explode(',', $result['brandmf']), 'mcheckbox'); ?> <div id="domfx"></div> <script language="javascript"> disallowfloat = 'newthread'; var arrayObj = new Array(<?php echo $result['brandtaglist'];
</title> <meta name="generator" content="WordPress.com" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> " type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php if (profile_setting('background_image')) { ?> <style type="text/css"> body { background: url('<?php echo profile_setting('background_image'); ?> ') fixed <?php if (!profile_setting('background_tile')) { echo 'no-'; } ?> repeat top left; } </style> <?php } ?> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> RSS Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>
function on_register() { global $_G; $_GET['username'] = $_GET['username']; $_GET['nickname'] = $_GET['nickname']; $_GET['password'] = $_GET['password']; $_GET['password2'] = $_GET['password2']; $_GET['email'] = $_GET['email']; if ($_G['uid']) { $url_forward = dreferer(); if (strpos($url_forward, 'reg') !== false) { $url_forward = 'index.php'; } showmessage('login_succeed', $url_forward ? $url_forward : './', array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'usergroup' => $_G['group']['grouptitle'], 'uid' => $_G['uid']), array()); } elseif (!$this->setting['regclosed']) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'activation' || $_GET['activationauth']) { if (!$this->setting['ucactivation'] && !$this->setting['closedallowactivation']) { showmessage('register_disable_activation'); } } elseif (!$this->setting['regstatus']) { showmessage(!$this->setting['regclosemessage'] ? 'register_disable' : str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $this->setting['regclosemessage'])); } } $bbrules =& $this->setting['bbrules']; $bbrulesforce =& $this->setting['bbrulesforce']; $bbrulestxt =& $this->setting['bbrulestxt']; $welcomemsg =& $this->setting['welcomemsg']; $welcomemsgtitle =& $this->setting['welcomemsgtitle']; $welcomemsgtxt =& $this->setting['welcomemsgtxt']; $regname = $this->setting['regname']; $username = isset($_GET['username']) ? $_GET['username'] : ''; $invitestatus = false; $seccodecheck = $this->setting['seccodestatus'] & 1; $secqaacheck = 0; $bbrulehash = $bbrules ? substr(md5(FORMHASH), 0, 8) : ''; $auth = $_GET['auth']; if (!$invitestatus) { $invite = getinvite(); } if (!submitcheck('regsubmit', 0, $seccodecheck)) { if ($seccodecheck) { $seccode = random(6, 1); } $username = dhtmlspecialchars($username); $htmls = $settings = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { $fieldid = $field['fieldid']; $html = profile_setting($fieldid, array(), false, false, true); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } $navtitle = $this->setting['reglinkname']; if ($this->extrafile && file_exists($this->extrafile)) { require_once $this->extrafile; } $bbrulestxt = nl2br("\n{$bbrulestxt}\n\n"); $dreferer = dreferer(); include template($this->template); } else { $emailstatus = 0; if ($this->setting['regstatus'] == 2 && empty($invite) && !$invitestatus) { showmessage('not_open_registration_invite'); } //验证同意协议 if ($bbrules && $bbrulehash != $_POST['agreebbrule']) { showmessage('register_rules_agree'); } //验证用户姓名 $usernamelen = dstrlen($username); if ($usernamelen < 3) { showmessage('profile_username_tooshort'); } if ($usernamelen > 30) { showmessage('profile_username_toolong'); } //验证用户名 if ($nickname = trim($_GET['nickname'])) { $nicknamelen = dstrlen($nickname); if ($nicknamelen < 3) { showmessage('profile_nickname_tooshort'); } if ($nicknamelen > 30) { showmessage('profile_nickname_toolong'); } } else { $nickname = ''; } //验证邮箱 $email = strtolower(trim($_GET['email'])); checkemail($email); //验证密码长度 if ($this->setting['pwlength']) { if (strlen($_GET['password']) < $this->setting['pwlength']) { showmessage('profile_password_tooshort', '', array('pwlength' => $this->setting['pwlength'])); } } //验证密码强度 if ($this->setting['strongpw']) { $strongpw_str = array(); if (in_array(1, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/\\d+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('user/template', 'strongpw_1'); } if (in_array(2, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/[a-z]+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('user/template', 'strongpw_2'); } if (in_array(3, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/[A-Z]+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('user/template', 'strongpw_3'); } if (in_array(4, $this->setting['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/[^a-zA-z0-9]+/", $_GET['password'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('user/template', 'strongpw_4'); } if ($strongpw_str) { showmessage(lang('user/template', 'password_weak') . implode(',', $strongpw_str)); } } //验证两次密码一致性 if ($_GET['password'] !== $_GET['password2']) { showmessage('两次密码不匹配'); } if (!$_GET['password'] || $_GET['password'] != addslashes($_GET['password'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal'); } $password = $_GET['password']; $ctrlip = $_G['clientip']; $setregip = null; $profile = $verifyarr = array(); foreach ($_G['cache']['fields_register'] as $field) { /*if(defined('IN_MOBILE')) { break; }*/ $field_key = $field['fieldid']; $field_val = $_GET['' . $field_key]; if ($field['formtype'] == 'file' && !empty($_FILES[$field_key]) && $_FILES[$field_key]['error'] == 0) { $field_val = true; } if (!profile_check($field_key, $field_val)) { $showid = !in_array($field['fieldid'], array('birthyear', 'birthmonth')) ? $field['fieldid'] : 'birthday'; showmessage($field['title'] . lang('message', 'profile_illegal'), '', array(), array('showid' => 'chk_' . $showid, 'extrajs' => $field['title'] . lang('message', 'profile_illegal') . ($field['formtype'] == 'text' ? '<script type="text/javascript">' . '$(\'registerform\').' . $field['fieldid'] . '.parentNode.parentNode.className = \'form-group warning\';' . '$(\'registerform\').' . $field['fieldid'] . '.onblur = function () { if(this.value != \'\') {this.parentNode.parentNode.className = \'form-group\';$(\'chk_' . $showid . '\').innerHTML = \'\';}}' . '</script>' : ''))); } if ($field['needverify']) { $verifyarr[$field_key] = $field_val; } else { $profile[$field_key] = $field_val; } } $groupinfo = array(); $addorg = 0; if ($this->setting['regverify']) { $groupinfo['groupid'] = 8; } else { $groupinfo['groupid'] = $this->setting['newusergroupid']; $addorg = 1; } $result = uc_user_register(addslashes($username), $password, $email, addslashes($nickname), $questionid, $answer, $_G['clientip'], $addorg); if (is_array($result)) { $uid = $result['uid']; $password = $result['password']; } else { $uid = $result; } if ($uid <= 0) { if ($uid == -1) { showmessage('profile_nickname_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -2) { showmessage('profile_nickname_protect'); } elseif ($uid == -3) { showmessage('profile_nickname_duplicate'); } elseif ($uid == -4) { showmessage('profile_email_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -5) { showmessage('profile_email_domain_illegal'); } elseif ($uid == -6) { showmessage('profile_email_duplicate'); } elseif ($uid == -7) { showmessage('profile_username_illegal'); } else { showmessage('undefined_action'); } } $_G['username'] = $username; if (isset($_POST['birthmonth']) && isset($_POST['birthday'])) { $profile['constellation'] = get_constellation($_POST['birthmonth'], $_POST['birthday']); } if (isset($_POST['birthyear'])) { $profile['zodiac'] = get_zodiac($_POST['birthyear']); } if ($_FILES) { foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) { $field_key = 'field_' . $key; if (!empty($_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]) && $_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]['formtype'] == 'file') { if ($attachment = uploadtolocal($file, 'profile', '')) { if (@getimagesize($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . $attachment)) { //判断是否为图片文件 @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . $attachment); continue; } if ($_G['cache']['fields_register'][$field_key]['needverify']) { $verifyarr[$key] = $attachment; } else { $profile[$key] = $attachment; } } } } } $init_arr = array('profile' => $profile, 'emailstatus' => $emailstatus); C::t('user')->insert($uid, $_G['clientip'], $groupinfo['groupid'], $init_arr); if ($verifyarr) { $setverify = array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'verifytype' => '0', 'field' => serialize($verifyarr), 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); C::t('user_verify_info')->insert($setverify); C::t('user_verify')->insert(array('uid' => $uid)); } require_once libfile('cache/userstats', 'function'); build_cache_userstats(); if ($this->extrafile && file_exists($this->extrafile)) { require_once $this->extrafile; } setloginstatus(array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $_G['username'], 'password' => $password, 'groupid' => $groupinfo['groupid']), 0); include_once libfile('function/stat'); if ($welcomemsg && !empty($welcomemsgtxt)) { $welcomemsgtitle = replacesitevar($welcomemsgtitle); $welcomemsgtxt = replacesitevar($welcomemsgtxt); if ($welcomemsg == 1) { $welcomemsgtxt = nl2br(str_replace(':', ':', $welcomemsgtxt)); } elseif ($welcomemsg == 2) { sendmail_cron($email, $welcomemsgtitle, $welcomemsgtxt); } elseif ($welcomemsg == 3) { sendmail_cron($email, $welcomemsgtitle, $welcomemsgtxt); $welcomemsgtxt = nl2br(str_replace(':', ':', $welcomemsgtxt)); } } dsetcookie('loginuser', ''); dsetcookie('invite_auth', ''); $url_forward = dreferer(); $refreshtime = 3000; switch ($this->setting['regverify']) { case 1: $idstring = random(6); $authstr = $this->setting['regverify'] == 1 ? "{$_G['timestamp']}\t2\t{$idstring}" : ''; C::t('user')->update($_G['uid'], array('authstr' => $authstr)); $verifyurl = "{$_G[siteurl]}user.php?mod=activate&uid={$_G[uid]}&id={$idstring}"; $email_verify_message = lang('email', 'email_verify_message', array('username' => $_G['member']['username'], 'sitename' => $this->setting['sitename'], 'siteurl' => $_G['siteurl'], 'url' => $verifyurl)); if (!sendmail("{$username} <{$email}>", lang('email', 'email_verify_subject'), $email_verify_message)) { runlog('sendmail', "{$email} sendmail failed."); } $message = 'register_email_verify'; $locationmessage = 'register_email_verify_location'; $refreshtime = 10000; break; case 2: $message = 'register_manual_verify'; $locationmessage = 'register_manual_verify_location'; break; default: $message = 'register_succeed'; $locationmessage = 'register_succeed_location'; break; } $param = daddslashes(array('sitename' => $this->setting['sitename'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'usergroup' => $_G['group']['grouptitle'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'])); if (strpos($url_forward, $this->setting['regname']) !== false || strpos($url_forward, 'buyinvitecode') !== false) { $url_forward = 'index.php'; } $extra = array('showdialog' => true, 'locationtime' => false, 'extrajs' => ''); showmessage('', $url_forward, array(), array('showid' => 'succeedmessage', 'extrajs' => '<script type="text/javascript">' . 'setTimeout("window.location.href =\'' . $url_forward . '\';", 3000);' . '$(\'succeedmessage_href\').href = \'' . $url_forward . '\';' . '$(\'register_form\').style.display = \'none\';' . '$(\'main_succeed\').style.display = \'\';' . '$(\'succeedlocation\').innerHTML = \'' . lang('message', $message, $param) . '\';</script>', 'striptags' => false, 'showdialog' => false)); //showmessage($message, $url_forward, $param, $extra); } }
private function _adminUserInfo($act) { global $_G; $defaultop = ''; $profilegroup = C::t('common_setting')->fetch('profilegroup', true); foreach ($profilegroup as $key => $value) { if ($value['available']) { $defaultop = $key; break; } } $errorMsg = ''; $operation = $act; require_once libfile('function/editor'); include_once libfile('function/profile'); $space = getuserbyuid($_G['uid']); space_merge($space, 'profile'); space_merge($space, 'field_home'); space_merge($space, 'field_forum'); $space['sightml'] = html2bbcode($space['sightml']); $vid = $_GET['vid'] ? intval($_GET['vid']) : 0; $privacy = $space['privacy']['profile'] ? $space['privacy']['profile'] : array(); $_G['setting']['privacy'] = $_G['setting']['privacy'] ? $_G['setting']['privacy'] : array(); $_G['setting']['privacy'] = is_array($_G['setting']['privacy']) ? $_G['setting']['privacy'] : dunserialize($_G['setting']['privacy']); $_G['setting']['privacy']['profile'] = !empty($_G['setting']['privacy']['profile']) ? $_G['setting']['privacy']['profile'] : array(); $privacy = array_merge($_G['setting']['privacy']['profile'], $privacy); $actives = array('profile' => ' class="a"'); $opactives = array($operation => ' class="a"'); $allowitems = array(); $allowitems = $profilegroup[$operation]['field']; $showbtn = $vid && $verify['verify' . $vid] != 1 || empty($vid); if (!empty($verify) && is_array($verify)) { foreach ($verify as $key => $flag) { if (in_array($key, array('verify1', 'verify2', 'verify3', 'verify4', 'verify5', 'verify6', 'verify7')) && $flag == 1) { $verifyid = intval(substr($key, -1, 1)); if ($_G['setting']['verify'][$verifyid]['available']) { foreach ($_G['setting']['verify'][$verifyid]['field'] as $field) { $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$field]['unchangeable'] = 1; } } } } } if ($vid) { if ($value = C::t('common_member_verify_info')->fetch_by_uid_verifytype($_G['uid'], $vid)) { $field = dunserialize($value['field']); foreach ($field as $key => $fvalue) { $space[$key] = $fvalue; } } } $htmls = $settings = array(); foreach ($allowitems as $fieldid) { if (!in_array($fieldid, array('sightml', 'customstatus', 'timeoffset'))) { $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $space, $vid ? false : true); if ($html) { $settings[$fieldid] = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$fieldid]; $htmls[$fieldid] = $html; } } } if (!empty($_POST)) { require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $forum = $setarr = $verifyarr = $errorarr = array(); $forumfield = array('customstatus', 'sightml'); $censor = discuz_censor::instance(); if ($_GET['vid']) { $vid = intval($_GET['vid']); $verifyconfig = $_G['setting']['verify'][$vid]; if ($verifyconfig['available'] && (empty($verifyconfig['groupid']) || in_array($_G['groupid'], $verifyconfig['groupid']))) { $verifyinfo = C::t('common_member_verify_info')->fetch_by_uid_verifytype($_G['uid'], $vid); if (!empty($verifyinfo)) { $verifyinfo['field'] = dunserialize($verifyinfo['field']); } foreach ($verifyconfig['field'] as $key => $field) { if (!isset($verifyinfo['field'][$key])) { $verifyinfo['field'][$key] = $key; } } } else { $_GET['vid'] = $vid = 0; $verifyconfig = array(); } } if (isset($_POST['birthprovince'])) { $initcity = array('birthprovince', 'birthcity', 'birthdist', 'birthcommunity'); foreach ($initcity as $key) { $_GET['' . $key] = $_POST[$key] = !empty($_POST[$key]) ? $_POST[$key] : ''; } } if (isset($_POST['resideprovince'])) { $initcity = array('resideprovince', 'residecity', 'residedist', 'residecommunity'); foreach ($initcity as $key) { $_GET['' . $key] = $_POST[$key] = !empty($_POST[$key]) ? $_POST[$key] : ''; } } foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $field = $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$key]; if (in_array($field['formtype'], array('text', 'textarea')) || in_array($key, $forumfield)) { $censor->check($value); if ($censor->modbanned() || $censor->modmoderated()) { $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'profile_censor'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert($list['errcode']); // profile_showerror($key, lang('spacecp', 'profile_censor')); } } if (in_array($key, $forumfield)) { if ($key == 'sightml') { loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes')); $value = cutstr($value, $_G['group']['maxsigsize'], ''); foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $skey => $smiley) { $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$skey] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$skey]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]'; } $value = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], trim($value)); $forum[$key] = discuzcode($value, 1, 0, 0, 0, $_G['group']['allowsigbbcode'], $_G['group']['allowsigimgcode'], 0, 0, 1); } elseif ($key == 'customstatus' && $allowcstatus) { $forum[$key] = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($value)); } continue; } elseif ($field && !$field['available']) { continue; } elseif ($key == 'timeoffset') { if ($value >= -12 && $value <= 12 || $value == 9999) { C::t('common_member')->update($_G['uid'], array('timeoffset' => intval($value))); } } elseif ($key == 'site') { if (!in_array(strtolower(substr($value, 0, 6)), array('http:/', 'https:', 'ftp://', 'rtsp:/', 'mms://')) && !preg_match('/^static\\//', $value) && !preg_match('/^data\\//', $value)) { $value = 'http://' . $value; } } if ($field['formtype'] == 'file') { if (!empty($_FILES[$key]) && $_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0 || !empty($space[$key]) && empty($_GET['deletefile'][$key])) { $value = '1'; } else { $value = ''; } } if (empty($field)) { continue; } elseif (profile_check($key, $value, $space)) { $setarr[$key] = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($value)); } else { if ($key == 'birthprovince') { $key = 'birthcity'; } elseif ($key == 'resideprovince' || $key == 'residecommunity' || $key == 'residedist') { $key = 'residecity'; } elseif ($key == 'birthyear' || $key == 'birthmonth') { $key = 'birthday'; } // profile_showerror($key); $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'check_date_item'); $errcode = $list['errcode'] . $settings[$key]['title']; $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert($errcode); } if ($field['formtype'] == 'file') { unset($setarr[$key]); } if ($vid && $verifyconfig['available'] && isset($verifyconfig['field'][$key])) { if (isset($verifyinfo['field'][$key]) && $setarr[$key] !== $space[$key]) { $verifyarr[$key] = $setarr[$key]; } unset($setarr[$key]); } if (isset($setarr[$key]) && $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$key]['needverify']) { if ($setarr[$key] !== $space[$key]) { $verifyarr[$key] = $setarr[$key]; } unset($setarr[$key]); } } if ($vid && !empty($verifyinfo['field']) && is_array($verifyinfo['field'])) { foreach ($verifyinfo['field'] as $key => $fvalue) { if (!isset($verifyconfig['field'][$key])) { unset($verifyinfo['field'][$key]); continue; } if (empty($verifyarr[$key]) && !isset($verifyarr[$key]) && isset($verifyinfo['field'][$key])) { $verifyarr[$key] = !empty($fvalue) && $key != $fvalue ? $fvalue : $space[$key]; } } } if ($forum) { if (!$_G['group']['maxsigsize']) { $forum['sightml'] = ''; } C::t('common_member_field_forum')->update($_G['uid'], $forum); } if (isset($_POST['birthmonth']) && ($space['birthmonth'] != $_POST['birthmonth'] || $space['birthday'] != $_POST['birthday'])) { $setarr['constellation'] = get_constellation($_POST['birthmonth'], $_POST['birthday']); } if (isset($_POST['birthyear']) && $space['birthyear'] != $_POST['birthyear']) { $setarr['zodiac'] = get_zodiac($_POST['birthyear']); } if ($setarr) { C::t('common_member_profile')->update($_G['uid'], $setarr); } if ($verifyarr) { C::t('common_member_verify_info')->delete_by_uid($_G['uid'], $vid); $setverify = array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'verifytype' => $vid, 'field' => serialize($verifyarr), 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp']); C::t('common_member_verify_info')->insert($setverify); if (!C::t('common_member_verify')->count_by_uid($_G['uid'])) { C::t('common_member_verify')->insert(array('uid' => $_G['uid'])); } if ($_G['setting']['verify'][$vid]['available']) { manage_addnotify('verify_' . $vid, 0, array('langkey' => 'manage_verify_field', 'verifyname' => $_G['setting']['verify'][$vid]['title'], 'doid' => $vid)); } } if (isset($_POST['privacy'])) { foreach ($_POST['privacy'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$key])) { $space['privacy']['profile'][$key] = intval($value); } } C::t('common_member_field_home')->update($space['uid'], array('privacy' => serialize($space['privacy']))); } manyoulog('user', $_G['uid'], 'update'); include_once libfile('function/feed'); feed_add('profile', 'feed_profile_update_' . $operation, array('hash_data' => 'profile')); countprofileprogress(); // $message = $vid ? lang('spacecp', 'profile_verify_verifying', array('verify' => $verifyconfig['title'])) : ''; $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'update_date_success'); $this->_exitWithHtmlAlert($list['errcode']); } $this->getController()->renderPartial('userInfoAdmin', array('formUrl' => WebUtils::createUrl_oldVersion('user/userinfoadminview', array('act' => $act)), 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg, 'action' => $act, '_G' => $_G, 'htmls' => $htmls, 'settings' => $settings)); }
} } } } $result = C::t('#sanree_brand#common_district')->fetch_first_by_id($upid); if ($result['level'] > 0 && $result['level'] < 4) { importone($result[id], 0, 1); } cpmsg($langs['succeed'], "action=" . $thisurl, 'succeed'); } else { cpmsg_error($langs['error_emptydis']); } } else { include template('common/header'); include_once libfile('function/profile'); $districthtml = profile_setting('birthcity'); showformheader($thisurl . '&do=ajax&page=' . $page . '&upid=' . $upid); showtableheader('', 'nobottom'); echo '<div style="height:170px;width:530px;"><h3 class="flb mn"><span><a href="javascript:;" class="flbc" onclick="hideWindow(\'showarea\',1,0);" title="{lang close}">{lang close}</a></span>' . $langs['pleaseinputdis'] . '</h3><div style="margin-left:10px;">' . $districthtml . '<p style="padding:10px; color:#3333CC; line-height:20px;">' . $langs['pleaseinputdistip'] . '</p></div></div>'; showsubmit('submit', 'import'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); include template('common/footer'); } } elseif ($do == 'list') { $id = intval($_G['sr_id']); if (submitcheck('submit')) { if (is_array($_G['sr_groupnamenewadd'])) { foreach ($_G['sr_groupnamenewadd'] as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $setarr = array('name' => $v, 'displayorder' => $_G['sr_groupordernewadd'][$k], 'enabled' => 1, 'upid' => $upid, 'level' => $level + 1, 'usetype' => 3);