/** * @param XoopsModule $module * @return bool */ function xoops_module_install_profile($module) { $xoops = Xoops::getInstance(); $xoops->registry()->set('profile_id', $module->getVar('mid')); // Create registration steps profile_install_addStep(_PROFILE_MI_STEP_BASIC, '', 1, 0); profile_install_addStep(_PROFILE_MI_STEP_COMPLEMENTARY, '', 2, 1); // Create categories profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_PERSONAL, 1); profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_MESSAGING, 2); profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_SETTINGS, 3); profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_COMMUNITY, 4); profile_install_addField('name', XoopsLocale::REAL_NAME, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 1, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_from', XoopsLocale::LOCATION, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 2, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('timezone', XoopsLocale::TIME_ZONE, '', 1, 'timezone', 1, 3, 1, array(), 2, 0); profile_install_addField('user_occ', XoopsLocale::OCCUPATION, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 4, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_intrest', XoopsLocale::INTEREST, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 5, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('bio', XoopsLocale::EXTRA_INFO, '', 1, 'textarea', 2, 6, 1, array(), 2, 0); profile_install_addField('user_regdate', XoopsLocale::MEMBER_SINCE, '', 1, 'datetime', 3, 7, 0, array(), 0, 10); profile_install_addField('user_icq', XoopsLocale::ICQ, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 1, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_aim', XoopsLocale::AIM, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 2, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_yim', XoopsLocale::YIM, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 3, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_msnm', XoopsLocale::MSNM, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 4, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_viewemail', XoopsLocale::ALLOW_OTHER_USERS_TO_VIEW_EMAIL, '', 3, 'yesno', 3, 1, 1, array(), 2, 1, false); profile_install_addField('attachsig', XoopsLocale::ALWAYS_ATTACH_MY_SIGNATURE, '', 3, 'yesno', 3, 2, 1, array(), 0, 1, false); profile_install_addField('user_mailok', XoopsLocale::Q_RECEIVE_OCCASIONAL_EMAIL_NOTICES_FROM_ADMINISTRATORS, '', 3, 'yesno', 3, 3, 1, array(), 2, 1, false); profile_install_addField('theme', _PROFILE_MA_THEME, '', 3, 'theme', 1, 4, 1, array(), 0, 0, false); profile_install_addField('url', _PROFILE_MI_URL_TITLE, '', 4, 'textbox', 1, 1, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('posts', XoopsLocale::POSTS, '', 4, 'textbox', 3, 2, 0, array(), 0, 255); profile_install_addField('rank', XoopsLocale::RANK, '', 4, 'rank', 3, 3, 2, array(), 0, 0); profile_install_addField('last_login', XoopsLocale::LAST_LOGIN, '', 4, 'datetime', 3, 4, 0, array(), 0, 10); profile_install_addField('user_sig', XoopsLocale::SIGNATURE, '', 4, 'textarea', 1, 5, 1, array(), 0, 0); profile_install_initializeProfiles(); return true; }
/** * Extended User Profile * * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * @copyright The XOOPS Project http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/ * @license http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU public license * @package profile * @since 2.3.0 * @author Jan Pedersen * @author Taiwen Jiang <*****@*****.**> * @version $Id: install.php 3749 2009-10-17 14:23:04Z trabis $ */ function xoops_module_install_profile($module) { global $module_id; $module_id = $module->getVar('mid'); xoops_loadLanguage('user'); // Create registration steps profile_install_addStep(_PROFILE_MI_STEP_BASIC, '', 1, 1); profile_install_addStep(_PROFILE_MI_STEP_COMPLEMENTARY, '', 2, 1); // Create categories profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_PERSONAL, 1); profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_MESSAGING, 2); profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_SETTINGS, 3); profile_install_addCategory(_PROFILE_MI_CATEGORY_COMMUNITY, 4); // Add user fields xoops_loadLanguage('notification'); xoops_loadLanguage('main', $module->getVar('dirname', 'n')); include_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('include/notification_constants.php'); $umode_options = array('nest' => _NESTED, 'flat' => _FLAT, 'thread' => _THREADED); $uorder_options = array(0 => _OLDESTFIRST, 1 => _NEWESTFIRST); $notify_mode_options = array(XOOPS_NOTIFICATION_MODE_SENDALWAYS => _NOT_MODE_SENDALWAYS, XOOPS_NOTIFICATION_MODE_SENDONCETHENDELETE => _NOT_MODE_SENDONCE, XOOPS_NOTIFICATION_MODE_SENDONCETHENWAIT => _NOT_MODE_SENDONCEPERLOGIN); $notify_method_options = array(XOOPS_NOTIFICATION_METHOD_DISABLE => _NOT_METHOD_DISABLE, XOOPS_NOTIFICATION_METHOD_PM => _NOT_METHOD_PM, XOOPS_NOTIFICATION_METHOD_EMAIL => _NOT_METHOD_EMAIL); profile_install_addField('name', _US_REALNAME, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 1, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_from', _US_LOCATION, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 2, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('timezone_offset', _US_TIMEZONE, '', 1, 'timezone', 1, 3, 1, array(), 2, 0); profile_install_addField('user_occ', _US_OCCUPATION, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 4, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_intrest', _US_INTEREST, '', 1, 'textbox', 1, 5, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('bio', _US_EXTRAINFO, '', 1, 'textarea', 2, 6, 1, array(), 2, 0); profile_install_addField('user_regdate', _US_MEMBERSINCE, '', 1, 'datetime', 3, 7, 0, array(), 0, 10); profile_install_addField('user_icq', _US_ICQ, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 1, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_aim', _US_AIM, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 2, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_yim', _US_YIM, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 3, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_msnm', _US_MSNM, '', 2, 'textbox', 1, 4, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('user_viewemail', _US_ALLOWVIEWEMAIL, '', 3, 'yesno', 3, 1, 1, array(), 2, 1, false); profile_install_addField('attachsig', _US_SHOWSIG, '', 3, 'yesno', 3, 2, 1, array(), 0, 1, false); profile_install_addField('user_mailok', _US_MAILOK, '', 3, 'yesno', 3, 3, 1, array(), 2, 1, false); profile_install_addField('theme', _PROFILE_MA_THEME, '', 3, 'theme', 1, 4, 1, array(), 0, 0, false); profile_install_addField('umode', _US_CDISPLAYMODE, '', 3, 'select', 3, 5, 1, $umode_options, 0, 0, false); profile_install_addField('uorder', _US_CSORTORDER, '', 3, 'select', 3, 6, 1, $uorder_options, 0, 0, false); profile_install_addField('notify_mode', _NOT_NOTIFYMODE, '', 3, 'select', 3, 7, 1, $notify_mode_options, 0, 0, false); profile_install_addField('notify_method', _NOT_NOTIFYMETHOD, '', 3, 'select', 3, 8, 1, $notify_method_options, 0, 0, false); profile_install_addField('url', _PROFILE_MI_URL_TITLE, '', 4, 'textbox', 1, 1, 1, array(), 2, 255); profile_install_addField('posts', _US_POSTS, '', 4, 'textbox', 3, 2, 0, array(), 0, 255); profile_install_addField('rank', _US_RANK, '', 4, 'rank', 3, 3, 2, array(), 0, 0); profile_install_addField('last_login', _US_LASTLOGIN, '', 4, 'datetime', 3, 4, 0, array(), 0, 10); profile_install_addField('user_sig', _US_SIGNATURE, '', 4, 'textarea', 1, 5, 1, array(), 0, 0); profile_install_initializeProfiles(); return true; }