function print_all_reports() { global $arrsum; $arrsum = array(); $file_contents = ''; for ($grup = 1; $grup <= $_POST['grup']; $grup++) { $file_contents = $file_contents . print_report($grup); } if (file_exists("../batch/" . $_POST['pavadzime'] . ".xml")) { echo "<font color=red>Nevar izveidot failu ../batch/" . $_POST['pavadzime'] . ".xml jo fails jau eksistē.</font><BR>"; } else { file_put_contents("../batch/" . $_POST['pavadzime'] . ".xml", $file_contents); echo "Izveidots fails ../batch/" . $_POST['pavadzime'] . ".xml<BR>"; } }
case "customize": $OUTPUT = customize($_POST); break; case "add": case "remove selected": case "update": $OUTPUT = update($_POST); break; case "display": $OUTPUT = financialStatements::trialbal($_POST); $ql = true; break; case ct("Print"): case ct("Save"): case ct("Export to Spreadsheet"): $OUTPUT = print_report(); break; case "note_view": $OUTPUT = note_view($_POST); break; case "note_save": $OUTPUT = note_save($_POST); break; } } else { $OUTPUT = customize($_POST); //$OUTPUT = financialStatements::trialbal($_GET); $ql = true; } require "../template.php"; function customize($_POST)
case "cust_display": $OUTPUT = financialStatements::incomestmnt($_POST); break; case "customize": $OUTPUT = customize($_POST); break; case "add": case "remove selected": case "update": $OUTPUT = update($_POST); break; case ct("Print"): case ct("Save"): case ct("Export to Spreadsheet"): case "print_report": $OUTPUT = print_report($_POST); break; case "note_view": $OUTPUT = note_view($_POST); break; case "note_save": $OUTPUT = note_save($_POST); break; } } else { //$OUTPUT = financialStatements::incomestmnt($_POST); $OUTPUT = customize($_POST); } require "../template.php"; function print_report() {
$_POST['auto_head'] = $mpav['auto']; $_POST['soferis_head'] = $mpav['soferis']; $_POST['iecirknis_head'] = $mpav['iecirknis_pieg'] . ' ' . $mpav['iecirknis']; echo print_report(); if ($i < count($pv_array) - 1) { echo "<p style=\"page-break-after:always;\">"; } $akts++; $aktsp++; } // LVM // SALDUS MR // citi // 5/2/VMF/1,2,3/PARD } else { echo print_report(); } function print_report() { $output = ''; $DB_CON = new C_DB('localhost', DATABASE, LOGIN, PWD); $C_REP = new C_REPORT($_POST, $DB_CON, false); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $_POST['pavadzime_head'] = $_POST['pavadzime']; set_param('akts_nr', $_POST['akts_nr_head']); set_param('pircejs_head', $_POST['pircejs_head']); set_param('pircejs_regnum', $_POST['pircejs_regnum']); set_param('pardevejs_head', $_POST['pardevejs_head']); set_param('pardevejs_regnum', $_POST['pardevejs_regnum']); set_param('pieg_lig_num', $_POST['pieg_lig_num']); set_param('datums', $_POST['datums_head']);