/** * Work-around the redirection limit of Firefox (http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.http.redirection-limit) */ function meta_redirect() { global $SESSION, $LEAP2AFILES, $ADDEDUSERS, $FAILEDUSERS; $SESSION->set('bulkimport_leap2afiles', $LEAP2AFILES); $SESSION->set('bulkimport_addedusers', $ADDEDUSERS); $SESSION->set('bulkimport_failedusers', $FAILEDUSERS); $url = get_config('wwwroot') . '/admin/users/bulkimport.php'; $failed = sizeof($FAILEDUSERS) ? ' (' . sizeof($FAILEDUSERS) . ' failed)' : ''; $done = sizeof($FAILEDUSERS) + sizeof($ADDEDUSERS); $total = $done + sizeof($LEAP2AFILES); $title = "Completed {$done}/{$total}{$failed}"; print_meta_redirect($url, $title); exit; }
} else { $result = note_update($f_note_id, $f_email, $f_note); email_note_updated($f_note_id); } $t_page_info = page_get_info(page_where_id_equals($f_page_id)); if (false === $t_page_info) { echo "page not found"; exit; } $t_url = $t_page_info['url']; print_html_top(); print_head_top(); print_title($g_window_title); print_css($g_css_inc_file); if ($result) { print_meta_redirect($t_url, $g_time_wait); } print_head_bottom(); print_body_top(); print_header($g_page_title); echo '<div align="center">'; if ($result) { if (0 == $f_note_id) { echo "<p>{$s_created_note_msg}</p>"; } else { echo "<p>Note modified successfully</p>"; } } else { echo "{$s_sql_error_msg} <a href=\"{$g_administrator_email}\">{$s_administrator}</a><br />"; } echo "<p><a href=\"{$t_url}\">{$s_click_to_proceed_msg}</a></p>";
/* */ /* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ /* as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ /************************************************************************/ if (!defined('TR_INCLUDE_PATH')) { exit; } error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); if ($step < 5) { error_reporting(0); include '../include/config.inc.php'; error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); if (defined('TR_INSTALL')) { include_once TR_INCLUDE_PATH . 'common.inc.php'; echo print_meta_redirect(); exit; } } $new_version = $new_version ? $new_version : $_POST['step1']['new_version']; $install_steps[0] = array('name' => 'Introduction'); $install_steps[1] = array('name' => 'Locate Old Version'); $install_steps[2] = array('name' => 'Database'); $install_steps[3] = array('name' => 'New ' . $new_version . ' Configuration Options'); $install_steps[4] = array('name' => 'Content Directory'); $install_steps[5] = array('name' => 'Content Files'); $install_steps[6] = array('name' => 'Save Configuration'); $install_steps[7] = array('name' => 'Anonymous Usage Collection'); $install_steps[8] = array('name' => 'Done!'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
/** * Work-around the redirection limit of Firefox (http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.http.redirection-limit) */ function meta_redirect() { $url = get_config('wwwroot') . '/admin/users/bulkimport.php'; print_meta_redirect($url); exit; }