 * @author Lennard Bredenkamp, BFE
 * displays test tracker relations box in bug view page
 * code taken from Mantis relationship_api.php and customized
 * depends on TTSintegr.API.php (included in TTSintegr.php)
 * @param array $relation - array of objects (instances of TTSrelation class) - this is the Data of all the TTS relation to be displayed
 * @param int $p_bug_id - Mantis Bug ID
function tts_relation_list_box($relations, $p_bug_id)
<a name="monitors" id="monitors" /><br />
	<div id="tts_relations_open">
		<table class="width100" cellspacing="1">
			<tr class="row-2" valign="top">
				<td width="15%" class="form-title" colspan="2">
					<a href="" onclick="ToggleDiv( 'tts_relations' ); return false;">
						<img border="0" src="images/minus.png" alt="-" /></a>
			<tr class="row-1">
				<td class="category" width="25%">Testausfuehrung hinzuf&uuml;gen</td> 
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo plugin_page('tts_relationship_add');
    //function found in TTSintegr.API.php
					<b>Ausf&uuml;hrungs-ID</b> <input type="text" size="8" name="exec_id" id="exec_id" value="" maxlength="8">
					<b>Testprojekt-ID</b> <input type="text" size="8" name="tproject_id" id="tproject_id" value="" maxlength="8">
					<input type="hidden" name="bug_id" id="bug_id" value="<?php 
    echo $p_bug_id;
					<input type="submit" name="abschicken3" value="Verknuepfen">
    if (isset($relations)) {
				<td colspan="2">
					<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
							<th width="25%"><span class="nowrap">Link zum TTS</span>&#160;</th>
							<th width="15%">Ausf&uuml;hrungs-ID</th>
							<th width="15%">Testprojekt-ID</th>
        foreach ($relations as $i => $relation) {
							<tr <?php 
            echo helper_alternate_class();
            //alternate row colour (grey/light grey)
								<td width="25%"><?php 
            create_link_to_tc_execution($relation->tts_tproject_id, $relation->tts_exec_id);
            echo $relation->tts_exec_id;
								<td width="15%"><?php 
            echo $relation->tts_tproject_id;
            /* echo '[<a class="small" href="'.plugin_page('tts_relationship_delete').'?bug_id=' . $p_bug_id . '&amp;tproject_id=' . $relation->tts_tproject_id . '&amp;tproject_id=' . $relation->tts_tproject_id .  htmlspecialchars( form_security_param( 'tts_relationship_delete' ) ) . '">' . lang_get( 'delete_link' ) . '</a>]'; */
								<td width="15%"><?php 
            echo $relation->tts_tplan_id;
            print_delete_from_testlink($relation->tts_tproject_id, $relation->tts_exec_id, $p_bug_id);
            echo $relation->tts_build_id;
            echo $relation->tts_tproject_name;
            echo $relation->tts_tplan_name;
            echo $relation->tts_build_name;

	<div id="tts_relations_closed" class="hidden">
		<table class="width100" cellspacing="1">
				<td class="form-title">
					<a href="" onclick="ToggleDiv( 'tts_relations' ); return false;">
						<img border="0" src="images/plus.png" alt="+" /></a>
 * @author Lennard Bredenkamp, BFE
 * displays test tracker relations box in bug view page
 * code taken from Mantis relationship_api.php and customized
 * depends on TTSintegr.API.php (included in TTSintegr.php)
 * @param array $relation - array of objects (instances of TTSrelation class) - this is the Data of all the TTS relation to be displayed
 * @param int $p_bug_id - Mantis Bug ID
function tts_relation_list_box($relations, $p_bug_id)
<a name="monitors" id="monitors" /><br />
	<div id="tts_relations_open">
		<table class="width100" cellspacing="1">
			<tr class="row-2" valign="top">
				<td width="15%" class="form-title" colspan="2">
					<a href="" onclick="ToggleDiv( 'tts_relations' ); return false;">
						<img border="0" src="images/minus.png" alt="-" /></a>
    if (access_has_project_level(25)) {
					<tr class="row-1">
						<td class="category" width="25%">Testausf&uuml;hrung hinzuf&uuml;gen</td> 
							<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo plugin_page('tts_relationship_add');
        echo form_security_field('tts_relationship_add');
								<b>Ausf&uuml;hrungs-ID</b> <input type="text" size="8" name="exec_id" id="exec_id" value="" maxlength="8">
								<b>Testprojekt-ID</b> <input type="text" size="8" name="tproject_id" id="tproject_id" value="" maxlength="8">
								<input type="hidden" name="bug_id" id="bug_id" value="<?php 
        echo $p_bug_id;
								<input type="submit" name="abschicken3" value="Verkn&uuml;pfen">
    if (isset($relations)) {
        /* removed unsed columns (v.1.1) */
				<td colspan="2">
					<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
							<!-- <th><span class="nowrap">Link zum TTS</span>&#160;</th> -->
							<th width="12%">Ausf&uuml;hrungs-ID</th>
							<th  width="13%">Testprojekt-ID</th>
        <!-- Testcase-Name, Testplan-Name, Build-Name. Raus: Build-ID, Testplan-ID -->
							<th width="195px">zur Ausf&uuml;hrung</th>
        if (access_has_project_level(50)) {
            echo "<th>L&ouml;schen</th>";
        //deleting only for "entwickler vor ort" and higher
        foreach ($relations as $i => $relation) {
							<tr <?php 
            echo helper_alternate_class();
            //alternate row colour (grey/light grey)
								<!-- <td width="25%"></td> -->
								<td width="12%"><?php 
            echo $relation->tts_exec_id;
								<td width="13%"><?php 
            echo $relation->tts_tproject_id;
            /* echo '[<a class="small" href="'.plugin_page('tts_relationship_delete').'?bug_id=' . $p_bug_id . '&amp;tproject_id=' . $relation->tts_tproject_id . '&amp;tproject_id=' . $relation->tts_tproject_id .  htmlspecialchars( form_security_param( 'tts_relationship_delete' ) ) . '">' . lang_get( 'delete_link' ) . '</a>]'; */
								<td width="195px"><?php 
            /*Testfall-Name echo $relation->tts_tcase_name; */
            create_link_to_tc_execution($relation->tts_tproject_id, $relation->tts_exec_id);
            <td>Testprojekt-Name<?php echo $relation->tts_tproject_name;  ?></td>
            <td>Testplan-Name<?php echo $relation->tts_tplan_name;  ?></td>
            echo $relation->tts_build_name;
            if (access_has_project_level(50)) {
                print_delete_from_testlink($relation->tts_tproject_id, $relation->tts_exec_id, $p_bug_id);

	<div id="tts_relations_closed" class="hidden">
		<table class="width100" cellspacing="1">
				<td class="form-title">
					<a href="" onclick="ToggleDiv( 'tts_relations' ); return false;">
						<img border="0" src="images/plus.png" alt="+" /></a>